Top of the big era

Chapter 165 Talent is more important than money

The number of computers ordered in the group buying event successfully exceeded 10,000 units!

The amount of bargaining has also reached the capped price of 1,000 yuan!

That is to say, the Lenovo Jiayue desktop computer only costs 3,299 yuan, and the Lenovo Yangtian notebook computer only costs 5,299 yuan.

This price is at least five or six hundred cheaper than buying it in a big shopping mall like Zhongguancun.

It was the large order of 1,200 laptops from Zhongchuan girls that pushed the total to exceed 10,000 units.

After some verification and investigation, the results finally came out.

"I've made it clear. That girl bought it for his high school classmate. His high school classmate is studying in Tongji University. Her name is Zhang Xuhao. She is quite capable."

"Tongji? From Shanghai?"

After listening to Guan Ting's report, Zhou Buqi was surprised.

Due to payment and shipping issues, group buying activities are limited to the capital area.

Unexpectedly, the college students from Shanghai also participated?

It is interesting to order through the help of classmates in the capital.

Guan Ting lowered her head and didn't dare to look at him, and said softly: "Well, I got in touch with that Zhang Xuhao, and he told me the truth. He said that the computers we sell through group purchases are very affordable and the price is very fair, but due to geographical restrictions, there is no During this period of time, he organized a group of people in the school, and found that thousands of people were planning to buy, so he wanted to buy from Xiaonei, and then sell them to their classmates to make a difference.”

Zhou Buqi's eyes flickered.

This Zhang Xuhao has a lot of courage!

It is normal to resell goods in college. Many college students start their businesses in this way. However, this guy is a bit big, with more than 1,200 laptops, worth more than 6 million...Aren't you afraid of being smashed in your hand?

"What do you think?"

"Ah I?"

Guan Ting was taken aback for a moment, her face flushed suddenly.

She usually beats and dumps water, so how has she ever participated in this kind of decision-making?

"It's okay, let's talk about it."

"I... I think this idea is quite good, but the total amount is too high and the risk is too high. Not only his risk, but also ours. 1200 computers are paid in cash. Once rejected, it will be very troublesome .”

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Where's Guo Pengfei? Let him come over!"

After a while, Guo Pengfei came to his office and said the same thing as Guan Ting, to increase the transaction insurance factor and ask the other party to submit a 10% deposit first to prevent breach of contract.

However, the 10% deposit is more than 600,000 yuan. Can a sophomore student afford it?

Zhou Buqi looked serious, shook his head and said: "No! I think that not only can't set up obstacles, but also vigorously promote cooperation!"

"Ah?" Guo Pengfei was surprised, "You like that kid? Do you think he can do it?"

Zhou Buqi said: "If Xiaonei wants to develop, it can't live in a corner and stick to one place in the capital. The development of group buying activities requires online and offline linkages. It is unrealistic to expand nationwide like Taobao. However, you can choose first. Several major cities. The capital is one, and Shanghai can be the next.”

Guo Pengfei was shocked: "Boss Zhou, don't you want to hand over all the group buying activities in Shanghai to that kid? What's his name? Zhang...Xuhao?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said solemnly: "That's it, you call him personally to show our attitude on Xiaonei."

At the beginning, he was also a little hesitant.

Such a large order, can a sophomore handle it?

But gradually, he felt more and more familiar with the name Zhang Xuhao. Then, I suddenly remembered, isn't this the founder of "Eleme" in the future?

With this layer of information, everything suddenly becomes clear.

Such talents can definitely be given important tasks. If they can really be recruited, they can be regarded as the core generals of their subordinates.

Guo Pengfei looked at him inexplicably, "For such a big matter, you just... you just decided? You don't need to meet in person, get in touch? You don't even make a phone call?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "There's no need! A sophomore dares to play such a big trick, which shows that he has enough courage and courage, and he comes from a small family, so he can't play such tricks. Besides, we are still in the groping stage. Wrong, just return it, and there is not much loss. Attracting talents is more important than making money."

Guo Pengfei took a deep look at him and nodded slowly, "Okay! You have the final say! What about the order of 1,200 computers this time? Shall we show our sincerity?"

Zhou Buqi smiled with satisfaction: "Of course! Let's arrange a truck and send it to him! Uh, it's okay to ask Jingdong for help, they will definitely be willing."


The leader came to inspect again.

This time, it was the leadership of the Ministry of Education.

The school has already notified in advance, this time the leader came here to watch the group buying.

A computer, cut off 1,000 yuan, sold to college students.

Such behavior can be regarded as a model of excellent enterprises.

And this enterprise is the result of entrepreneurship by college students, so it is more meaningful.

The inspection scale this time is smaller than last time.

After all, the school is back to school, it is impossible to take actions such as road closures and special service personnel, which are relatively low-key.

Didn't even show up in front of the students.

But within the school, it was paid more attention than last time.

The last time it was inspected by the city leaders, it was at the same level as the school and had no affiliation relationship. The Ministry of Education is different. It is a department directly under the management of Beike, so it must be taken seriously.

All the heads of the school appeared and gathered in the student activity center.

First, he inspected the office space of Xiaonei. The leader of this inspection, surnamed Qiao, warmly shook hands with every part-time student.

Afterwards, he said with a smile: "The Xiaonei network has done a good job, and it has solved a lot of trouble for our college students. It's a bit crowded here. Do you need the school to coordinate and change to a bigger room?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Thank you for your concern. The school has given us the greatest support, which is enough. This is actually a group buying team, and there are three other project teams, two in BIT and Renmin University of China, and one I rented an office building in Zhongguancun, and it is a full-time team."

"Oh? You rented an office building?"

"Yes, the Xiaonei website is made by us part-time college students, and the product will inevitably have flaws. We need a mature and experienced team."

The leader nodded in satisfaction, "Your group buying activity is doing well, how many computers have you sold?"

"There are 12,000 units, and the event will end in two days. In the past few days, everyone's enthusiasm for ordering is very high. After all, the computers we sell are the lowest prices in the country." Zhou Buqi is not at all. Be relaxed, and speak in a tone of voice.

The leader looked approving, "Isn't it difficult to run such a big event?"

Zhou Buqi said sincerely: "That's true. We cooperated with a company outside the school to successfully organize this event. Even so, there are still many difficulties."

The leader said with concern: "Oh? If you have any difficulties, you can raise them. If the ministries and schools can coordinate, they will definitely support you."

Zhou Buqi said: "The main problem is the payment method. Although the computers sold in group buying activities are relatively cheap, they are still expensive electronic products. If it is an offline cash transaction, a lot of manpower and material costs will be wasted. "

The leader is not stupid, so he will not jump into the pit.

When it comes to the financial field, he will not express his position indiscriminately.

The country is vigorously developing the development of the Internet, but to a certain extent, it is also restraining and controlling it to prevent the Internet from deforming into an uncontrollable state.

Even TV commercials have to exclude Internet companies.

Finance is a sensitive area, and if it gets mixed up with the Internet... maybe it will get in.

Next, the leader made vague remarks and used a few official accents to resolve this small problem lightly.

The whole inspection process was extremely boring.

It also delayed everyone's work.

Fortunately, at the end of the inspection, the leader made a statement on behalf of the department, saying that the group buying activity organized by was very good and meaningful.

College students are the future of the country. To provide a good living and learning environment for college students is to create more effective value for the future of the motherland.

It is hoped that Xiaonei can sum up the experience in this group buying activity, promote the model to more places, and benefit more college students.

Basically, it is a semi-official endorsement.

I don't know if it will be promoted as vigorously as 5Q. After all, the coverage of Xiaonei is still relatively small.

After a tiring day, Zhou Buqi dragged his exhausted body home.

I saw Wen Zhixia wearing a white silk nightdress, her legs curled up on the sofa, her eyes staring at the computer screen.

"worn out!"

Zhou Buqi yelled.

"Ah! You're back?" Wen Zhixia hurriedly got up and walked over with a smile on his face, "Help him take off his windbreaker, what benefits did the leader promise?"

"No fart!"


"Who knows, I don't express my position vaguely."

Wen Zhixia said with a half-smile: "More than 10,000 computers and more than 50 million sales, how do you want people to express their views? In public, you have to be more reserved, right?"

"Huh? Your thinking is quite strange."

"Everyone has made a special trip to the school to inspect, which is an attitude in itself. In my opinion, after this wave of group buying activities is over, the Ministry will have policy guidance. Students in the capital can buy low-cost computers, and students in other regions will be able to buy computers. No, isn’t this forcing all high school students across the country to go to the capital to take the exam? The college entrance examination is only a few months away, and universities from other schools must have objections. The competition for student sources is fierce, and the ministry must coordinate.”

Zhou Buqi kissed her on the cheek, and praised: "Sure enough, she is a university teacher. If you are an expert, you know a lot."

"Virtue! What's for dinner?"

"What do you want to eat? Listen to my baby."


Wen Zhixia paused, blushing a little, "I want to eat roast duck."

"Eating roast duck again?"

"I didn't eat enough last time."

"Okay! I'll take a break first, and we'll go to Quanjude in a while."

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