Top of the big era

Chapter 1641 Choice

On June 24th, Eastern Time, this year’s NBA draft began at Madison Square Garden. Zhou Buqi was very curious and went to the scene in person, accompanied by Sun Wanran, who was said to be a basketball fan.

Sun Wanran was very interested. He looked at the long list of players to be selected and asked in a low voice: "Who should we choose?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and asked, "What do you think?"

After more than a month of preliminary inspections, the market has listed certain grades for the outstanding players in this year's draft, and a relatively general consensus can be reached on this point.

Among the best players are probably John Wall, Cousins, Evan Turner, Derrick Favors, Aldridge, Udu, Paul George, Gordon Hayward, etc. people.

Zhou Buqi is not a senior basketball fan, but he knows more or less about the NBA, at least some top fans know it.

Among these names, he didn't know much about the general players, but there was a very famous top star - Paul George.

This is the best candidate.

However, considering the lineup, the Warriors hope to supplement the inside line and select a swingman at the power forward and center positions. Paul George is a small forward who prefers the outside line.

It doesn't matter. Let's select outstanding candidates first.

The way the NBA is played is different from football.

The NBA has a salary cap, and with the protection of the labor system, NBA players can receive ultra-high benefits and benefits that far exceed those of European football players. This also means that the star-studying model of playing football in the NBA will not work.

After outstanding players grow up, they will pursue maximum salary.

What loyalty, what love, what rewards... these are all nonsense. The NBA is a business league, and all operations are business.

Subject to the salary cap, a team is enough to have 2-3 maximum-paid players, which means that even if the best players are selected, they will have to be traded out in the future.

At least you can trade for more and better assets, which is better than drafting a useless person.

For example, in the previous life, the Warriors chose an inside player named Aipai Udu. This player had a weak successor and never developed in the NBA. Later, he went to the CBA to make money, but in the end he could only be reduced to a marginal player in the CBA. .

Sun Wanran didn't know who to choose. They were all a bunch of gangsters. At a glance, they were all blinded.

When the draft was underway, the No. 1 pick was the Wizards, which attracted close attention from all sides.

The process was a bit cumbersome, so Zhou Buqi just chatted, "How did you solve the problem of borrowing money?"

Sun Wanran bit her lips and said, "If you borrow, you must repay. I told my parents. No one can take me for granted. You can borrow money, but you have to pay it back. If you don't pay it back, you won't borrow it."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, it's good to have a choice."

Sun Wanran sighed: "I will definitely offend someone."

"There is nothing you can do about it, unless you can raise your personal realm to another level. Money is something external to you, don't treat it as money."

"forget it."

Sun Wanran pouted.

She feels that she is a little woman, but she does not have such ambitions.

Zhou Buqi felt that the audition was not interesting, so he smiled and said to her: "Choice means giving up and giving up. Choice is the highest wisdom. Just like the workplace. Now is a peaceful era, in a society with abundant material, In fact, everyone has the right to choose, but many people have no idea that they have to squeeze into the subway for two hours a day, sit in the office for ten hours, work nine to five, day after day, without any private space."

Sun Wanran nodded lightly, "Among my college classmates, almost all those who stayed in the capital are like this. I talked to them, it's too hard."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, some people are lucky. They can find meaning in their work and are willing to devote their whole lives to it. This is a perfect fit between work and interests, but there are too few such people. Most of them For them, people's work means appearing in a fixed place at a fixed time and doing prescribed things. Repeat, repeat, repeat. Many people would rather accept suffering than use their own choices."

Sun Wanran took a deep breath, "I have made a choice. I want to be kind to myself. Even relatives can't bully me."

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "Yes, that's how it should be. If you can't be kind to yourself, how can you be kind to others? Taking care of yourself is the most important thing."

Sun Wanran tilted his head and asked, "Why do so many people prefer to endure suffering rather than choose?"

“Because suffering is so glorified, whether it’s religion, culture or media propaganda.”


"Just like India, the logic of the caste system. Why don't people of lower castes choose? Because in the logic of their beliefs, human life can be reincarnated. The purpose of suffering in this life is to enter a higher caste and live a better life in the next life. Even better. If you cheat in this life and avoid the sufferings given by fate, the next life will be even more miserable. There are many ascetics who deliberately suffer in pursuit of the next life."

Sun Wanran sighed: "The people are ignorant!"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "In fact, many people also realize that they can choose, maybe they suffer from difficulty in choosing. Just like this draft, there are so many people, how to choose? In the workplace, some people want to start a business , thrilling. But starting a business is too uncertain and too hard. Some people want to find a stable job with high salary and good benefits. But it is too restrictive, too monotonous and too boring. Choice means Give up, choose one and give up the others.”

Sun Wanran looked at him with beautiful eyes, "What do you want me to choose?"

Zhou Buqi pointed at her and said, "Choose yourself."

"Yeah." Sun Wanran curled up the corner of her mouth slightly, leaned over and whispered, "I thought you wanted me to choose you. You are my backbone."

Zhou Buqi said confidently: "This is not contradictory. You can do whatever you want without breaking the rules."

Sun Wanran pursed her lips and smiled, "I know!"

The meaning is obvious, it is nothing more than doing whatever you want within the rules of Boss Zhou. That's pretty good too. Compared with those former high school and college classmates, Sun Wanran felt that she was too lucky.

Her choice to work as a secretary with him determined the life gap between her and her former classmates.

Soon, the draft came to the sixth pick.

The No. 1 pick is John Wall, the No. 2 pick is Evan Turner, the No. 3 pick is Derrick Favors, the fourth pick is Wesley Johnson, and the fifth pick is Cousins.

Paul George has no choice!

It's the Warriors' turn. According to their plan, the management suggested the inside strongman Aipai Udu to supplement the team's inside height.

However, they only have the right to make suggestions, and the final decision rests with Zhou Buqi.

He doesn't have difficulty choosing.

He had already thought about it.

Zhou Buqi said resolutely: "Paul George, that kid from the University of California. Don't let him go to other places. Let him stay in California and take him home!"

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