Top of the big era

Chapter 1634 Flying Router

Ziweixing follows Zhou Buqi's philosophy and has embarked on a strategic transformation from PC Internet to mobile Internet.

Currently, Ziweixing has 21 Apps, including Weibo,, WeChat, Weizhi,, Encyclopedia of Embarrassing Things, Weidian Music Box, Weidian Antivirus, Weidian Security Guard, Weidian Browser, WeiDian input method, Toutiao, WeiDian search, WeiDian mobile assistant, 91 mobile assistant, WeiDian notes, WeiDian ledger, WeiDian dictionary, WeiDian photo album, Meitu XiuXiu, etc.

Other companies have also launched mobile apps, including the three giants BAT.

However, there is a strategic difference here.

For example, Baidu, when it comes to mobile products, has set up a mobile terminal division. All Baidu apps are developed by this division.

This is a business disagreement.

In such a large company, coordination is not as easy as in a small company. Everyone is working hard for the performance of their own departments and pursuing high profits for their own business units.

For example, Baidu Tieba’s App is part of the Mobile Terminal Division. However, the website of Baidu Tieba belongs to the Interactive Community Division.

This will cause friction.

If all users use Baidu Tieba App, doesn’t this mean that there are fewer web users on Baidu Tieba? Doesn’t this mean that the revenue of the Interactive Community Division has decreased?

The resulting situation will inevitably be infighting between business divisions, and the interactive community division will curb the development of the mobile terminal division.

A more typical example is the search business.

The search business on the web is the big brother. They don’t provide technical guidance to the mobile Baidu App at all. This is an internal competition, so that the mobile Baidu can only develop it from scratch and go it alone.

Why is Baidu lagging behind in the mobile Internet era?

This is a very important reason.

Ali and Penguin are actually similar, both have similar models. The difference is that Ali and Penguin were very lucky, and each had a great person.

The penguin is Zhang Xiaolong. He created WeChat. The success of this product really made domestic Internet people realize that the mobile Internet era is unstoppable. Only then have they transformed and poured into new fields like a tide.

Alibaba’s is Zhang Yong, who originally founded Tmall and the “Double Eleven Shopping Festival” and is a major contributor. Lao Ma's management philosophy believes that talents should suffer more hardships and temper, so he assigned this great hero.

Later, WeChat became popular, and Alibaba found to its horror that its development on the mobile terminal was lagging behind. Boss Ma quickly called Zhang Yong back, asked him to take over Tmall and Taobao, and ordered him to start up the mobile phone business. At the same time, the other side launched a social product called "Laihuang". Later, "Laiguang" failed, but Zhang Yong developed the mobile phone business of Taobao and Tmall, which established the tone that he was Alibaba's successor.

The reason behind this mainly comes from the design of the organizational structure.

In fact, from a cost perspective, it is beneficial to set up a separate mobile terminal division. This is equivalent to a middle platform that centralizes the development of all mobile apps in the company, saving time and effort and maximizing cost savings.

However, once the distribution of power and duties is unclear and the distribution of interests is inconsistent, internal workplace struggles will occur.

In this matter, Zhou Buqi adopted the stupidest method - three generations living under the same roof regardless of family separation.

Whether it is PC, iOS, or Android, they are all under one business unit and led by the president of the same business group. All interests are the internal interests of the department.

For example,, whether it is web or mobile products, are all classified under the same business group and Liang Rubo is in charge.

This resolves the infighting among senior executives.

Even if there is infighting, it is at the middle and lower levels, so the cost of expulsion is relatively low and it is much easier to deal with.

However, this organizational structure design also has flaws.

It just requires a lot of manpower.

Within each major business unit, a large amount of recruitment is needed to recruit a variety of mobile development engineers, architects and UI designers.

However, in Zhou Buqi's opinion, it was worth it. Even if we hire more people and spend more money, Ziweixing can gain a foothold faster in the era of mobile Internet.

Skyscrapers often collapse from within.

Although external forces are powerful, external factors are always objective reasons, internal factors are the fundamental reasons, and internal struggles are the basis for success or failure. Zhou Buqi has said this idea many times in senior management meetings. Internal conflicts must be reduced as much as possible from the organizational structure and system design.

Now, the new fresh graduates have graduated one after another.

Zhou Buqi has received a report from the personnel department, saying that this summer, Ziweixing is likely to have more than 2,600 fresh college students joining the workforce, distributed in 14 cities including Capital, Magic City, Pengcheng, Yangcheng, Hangcheng, Chuncheng, and Chongqing. area.

By then, Ziweixing’s total domestic employees will exceed 8,000.

On this day, Ma Pingshan, the veteran of the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance, suddenly came.

Zhou Buqi hooked up with him and returned to his office together. He smiled and said, "I heard that drones have opened up sales in the United States?"

Ma Pingshan said: "Yes, there are distributors to help. This kind of new thing is still more popular among young people in the United States."

"There is no way. Young people in China are busy looking for jobs, getting married, and paying off mortgages." Zhou Buqi is very happy that Bajixing's consumer drones have opened up overseas markets. "Isn't it time to go to Europe next?"

Ma Pingshan nodded, "Do it little by little, don't rush. Drones are not daily necessities, and you need enough time to educate the market."

“What is the marketing strategy?”

"Collaborate with big V."


“There are many big Vs on Twitter and Facebook who like new technologies. They can try them out and then recommend them to their fans. Especially YouTube broadcasters, they can use drones to shoot some videos and upload them to the Internet to make unlimited videos. By showing the human-machine gameplay, we can attract more players.”

Zhou Buqi praised: "A very good idea."

"Guo Pengfei said that. This kid is very smart and knows the Internet better than me." Ma Pingshan smiled, "But what I want to tell you is another thing."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What's the matter?"

Ma Pingshan said: "This time I went to the United States, and someone came looking for me."



"Him?" Zhou Buqi was surprised, "What does he want from you? Cloud storage of drone videos?"

Ma Pingshan said with a smile: "That's not true. He asked me about the technological level of Bajixing and the level of domestic technological development in the field of communications."

Zhou Buqi was confused, "What does this mean?"

Ma Pingshan said: "It seems to be laying a broadband network."

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi had a black line on his forehead.

This Kurian!

What a toss up!

Ma Pingshan said: "I think Kurian's idea is very good. In many remote places, not only small towns and rural areas, but also in the suburbs of many big cities, the laying of network infrastructure is also unsatisfactory. There are no network signals in many places. Without network signals, there is no way to expand Internet business. He seems to want to make efforts in the field of broadband operations to solve some problems that broadband operators cannot solve."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Then you want to build a drone network in those places? Use drones as wireless routers?"

Ma Pingshan smiled and said, "Yes, that's the idea. I think it's pretty good. It's not difficult at the technical level. UAVs are easy to talk about. In the field of communications... it's not so sophisticated. There are ZTE and Huawei in China. That’s enough to support us.”

This idea is indeed very novel and advanced.

The traditional idea of ​​​​broadband operators is to lay optical fibers and cables, transmit network signals through these infrastructure lines, and pull the lines all the way to users' homes.

If users install relevant equipment at home, they can receive signals and surf the Internet.

But those lines are too expensive.

Especially in big cities, these lines cannot be displayed in the open. They have to be hidden underground, which makes the cost even higher. In many places, roads have to be dug up, installed with lines and then repaired.

How much will this cost?

Fortunately, in China, construction can start with a single order, and it is useless for anyone to object. It is very difficult abroad. Many places are private lands. If the lord does not agree, it is impossible to go around and the infrastructure cannot be advanced.

The most typical example is California. Schwarzenegger has repeatedly proposed building more advanced highways in California in recent years, but has repeatedly encountered opposition. Because the people don’t agree, this will destroy California’s green waters and green mountains. They would rather drive on the old broken roads than cause trouble for future generations.

This kind of trouble is really difficult to solve using traditional methods.

But drones can!

This thing will not damage the environment of any area.

Moreover, drones are small and flexible. In some places where high walls isolate the signal and the signal is poor, just fly one over and build a broadband signal network.

No wiring or roads are laid. Drones fly around in the sky and act as routers, allowing users in the area to receive signals through wireless devices and access the Internet.

This is a very good idea.

Ma Pingshan is very optimistic that not only can it attract new business to Bajixing, but it is also very valuable. Not only abroad, but also in China, there are many areas without network signals. There are even hundreds of kilometers of no-man's land in the northwest, where the ground and the ground are unresponsive and very dangerous.

Jieyu Media made a movie "No Man's Land" to reflect this situation. Unfortunately, the film is temporarily blocked and cannot be released.

Drones can solve these problems.

Zhou Buqi categorically rejected such a business idea, "No! Don't listen to Kurian's lies, this matter is not that simple!"


Ma Pingshan was somewhat surprised.

In his mind, Boss Zhou has always been synonymous with innovation and has breakthrough business models in many industries. Unexpectedly, he would oppose such a great idea.

This is a flying router!

How wonderful?

If this thing is done, it will probably change the pattern of operators around the world!

why not?

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