Top of the big era

Chapter 1618 New System

Zhou Buqi is on his honeymoon. It would be good to finalize the football ecology at this stage, but he doesn't want to make bigger and more complicated decisions.

But Kurian is different.

It would be fine if he is just a mediocre person who only obeys orders. The key is that this person has great ambitions and strong opinions. Who cares whether the big boss is busy or not?

He pestered Boss Zhou to promote his new "operator" business.

Cloud computing businesses often require large amounts of data transmission, and transmission speed is an important factor in product experience. This is the same as streaming media platforms such as Netflix. The transmission of video signals in Blu-ray high-definition format will occupy a large amount of optical fiber tracks.

It is both inconvenient and affects the operator's profits.

Even though Europe and the United States are becoming more and more left-wing, they are more oriented towards voting and spending money on high welfare. Although domestic operators have many criticisms, they have one very strong advantage, which is that they do not take care of the poor for the purpose of profit.

Operators in Europe and the United States are all private enterprises, and they are all market economies with the purpose of profit. For example, in a remote town, if you want to build optical fiber network infrastructure for this place, the investment will be huge, and you will not be able to recoup the cost in a matter of years. Many operators don't know how to do it, and the lives of residents here are very inconvenient. Even if it is done, it will only provide low-cost and relatively narrow channel transmission equipment, which will impose great restrictions on big data transmission such as cloud computing and streaming media.

The United States is better off. Welfare is not that high, and there is no free medical treatment for all. Therefore, the federal government has money to develop many plans, and the state funds related infrastructure construction. Continental Europe is much worse. Welfare is too high and infrastructure construction is difficult to keep up.

In fact, Zhou Buqi had heard someone say before that Amazon needed to cooperate with broadband operators in order to promote its cloud computing business in Europe.

It means that Amazon and operators jointly contribute money to build optical fiber to open up the market. It is really like being both father and mother.

Internet companies are generally ISPs, which are providers of Internet services. Without operators, no matter how many and good services the providers provide, there is no application environment.

This is a hard condition.

If Ziweiyun can open up this lowest-level relationship, it will have the core competitiveness when competing with other cloud computing companies in the future.

Seeing that he was not easy to dismiss, Zhou Buqi asked with a frown: "Suppliers and operators are industries that restrict each other. If they are unified, doesn't it involve monopoly? This kind of legal risk is not worth it."

Kurian said: "The traditional operator market is already very mature. We don't need to compete with them for the market, and we can't compete with them. We only need to make certain supplements to their business based on our own business needs."

"How to add it?"

"We can launch a proprietary big data transmission optical fiber, add dense light wave multiplexing equipment at both ends of the optical fiber, and use optical amplifiers for amplification, which can be suitable for the transmission and connection of large-capacity data. Ziweiyun can provide Provide users with more stable and faster services.”


Zhou Buqi had a black line on his forehead.

This Kurian, he is going to cause trouble!

Kurian thought the big boss didn't understand, so he continued: "With the development of the Internet industry, the volume of data will become larger and larger. For personal devices, it will not only be difficult to store, but will also face difficulties in transmission. Enterprises The same is true for development. The cloud computing platform should be able to solve all these problems. The current strategic design of Ziwei Cloud only addresses the needs of storage and services, but does not lay out the needs for transmission."

Zhou Buqi objected, "The industry span is too big, so please slow down first."


Kurian was not very happy and felt that the big boss was a bit small in terms of strategic layout.

If we can solve the problem of big data transmission, we can firmly occupy a leading position in the cloud computing industry. Recently, some members of the U.S. federal government have proposed a new bill on cloud computing, which is to allow the federal government to provide money to promote the cloud computing of governments and enterprises.

Putting all website operations in the cloud is centralized management, which can greatly reduce data security risks. Even if a data leak occurs, it can be easily traced back to the source and the problem environment can be found to be modified, compensated or even investigated.

As long as the bill is passed, it will cost at least tens of billions of dollars. By then, governments and enterprises across the United States will rush to the cloud, and the cloud computing industry will truly find a definite direction in Europe and the United States, which is the direction of infrastructure services led by Amazon Cloud and Ziwei Cloud. Microsoft Cloud will officially transform , enter the field.

By then, competition in this industry will be fierce.

If Ziweiyun deploys the field of big data transmission early, it will have a great advantage.

Zhou Buqi was unmoved, "The investment cost of this kind of infrastructure is too great. Just for cloud data centers all over the world, that is tens of billions of dollars in investment funds, which we can't bear. I'll put this matter aside for now. Think about it later.”

Kurian said: "This is an opportunity."

"That's it, I have to catch a flight, so I'll leave first."

Zhou Buqi didn't give him a chance to speak. He left the hotel directly and went to the airport, planning to fly back to Manchester.

Of course he knew this was an opportunity, but it was too difficult to do and the investment was too high.

Whether Ziweixing International's overseas business can develop as expected is still unknown. Cloud computing is a bottomless pit and the financial pressure is too great. At this time, if we lay some supporting big data transmission optical fibers, the cost will be even more endless.

In theory, Kurian's statement is certainly correct.

The cloud computing industry started relatively slowly, and it took a long time for market education. But streaming media took off very quickly, within a few years.

Streaming media is also the transmission of big data.

In fact, by 2015, the operators couldn't stand it anymore and rebelled collectively.

The United States has the principle of "net neutrality", which means that operators cannot be treated differently. For example, Netflix bought 2M optical fiber, and a small start-up company also bought 2M bandwidth. The price for both parties should be the same.

But in actual applications, Netflix is ​​operating at full capacity almost every day, while startups may only use 2K bandwidth for 10 hours a day.

So in terms of consumption, Netflix is ​​tens of thousands of times that of a small startup company!

But because of the "net neutrality" principle, both parties pay the same Internet fee.

The six major streaming media-related giants in Silicon Valley, including Apple, Amazon, Facebook, Netflix, Microsoft, and Google, account for 56% of the market’s broadband costs.

But the money operators make from them is less than 10%.

This is so unfair.

The network infrastructure that operators invested heavily in built ended up being cheaper than the Internet giants. They were very dissatisfied and began to fight back and went to Congress.

After two years of trouble, they succeeded. The US Communications Commission really canceled the principle of net neutrality, and they can charge high fees to the giants on a differentiated basis.

If Ziweiyun builds its own broadband operation system at this time, big data transmission will use its own system, which will demonstrate Ziweiyun's core competitiveness; small data transmission will use the operator's system, and you can also enjoy " Broadband fees for small companies reduce operating costs.

However, this matter needs to cross industries, and Zhou Buqi is not very interested.

Many of the business layouts he made are to produce linkage effects between domestic and foreign countries. Products that are well made domestically are promoted abroad; products that are well made abroad are promoted domestically. Learn from each other and minimize the cost of trial and error.

But operators are not very good at this business.

It can be done abroad, but even if it is done, it cannot be promoted domestically. This is contrary to Zhou Buqi's business philosophy within the overall framework.

Let’s talk about this later!

Watch the ball first!

The second leg of this season's Champions League quarter-finals between Manchester United and Bayern started at Old Trafford.

This is the second match day of this round. In yesterday's match, Inter Milan defeated CSKA Moscow and Barcelona defeated Arsenal. The first matchup of the semi-finals has already appeared, Inter Milan VS Barcelona.

The second set of matchups was a bit one-sided.

In addition to Manchester United VS Bayern, the other one is Lyon VS Porto, two weak teams.

In other words, whether Manchester United or Bayern win the game, they will hardly encounter too much pressure in the subsequent semi-finals and can advance to the Champions League final relatively smoothly.

For this game, Zhou Buqi invited Mr. Hope, the founder of the SAP Group and the owner of the Hoffenheim club.

When the game started, the two discussed business cooperation.

Hope asked: "How do you build the ecology of your football club?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Integrated strategy from top to bottom."


Hope didn't understand it very well. They Germans were not used to such nonsensical big words.

Zhou Buqi explained: "I think we can lay out the world and establish a football ecosystem composed of 6-8 football clubs. The top one is of course Manchester United. This is S-level, world-class, and the top of the food chain. Huo Huo Although Fenheim has only entered the Bundesliga for a short time, it can set a long-term goal and position itself as A-level and intercontinental level. Next, I plan to buy a top team in Greece, which is B-level. The recent economic crisis in Greece has affected the football industry. If you encounter a blow, you can easily buy it.”

Hope was stunned. She didn't expect this plan to be so big. "There are also C-level, D-level and E-level?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Theoretically, this is the case, but this requires leaving the European arena. You can go to the United States to buy a football team, specifically for retirement, to prevent high-paid players from having bad contracts that are difficult to deal with at the end of their careers."

For example, when Rooney gets older, his salary is very high. What if he is unwilling to reduce his salary and the club does not want to waste too much?

America is a great place to go.

The commercial atmosphere in the American football market is very, very serious. European football will strongly oppose players distracting their energy by participating in business entertainment during the season, which is different in the United States. Except for game time, there are basically various non-stop commercial activities at other times, which means that commercial income is extremely high.

The club often owns 50% of the player's image rights.

In other words, if Rooney really has a bad contract many years later, and Manchester United no longer wants to bear the burden, they can "sell" him to a Major League team in the ecosystem and let him retire and continue to participate. Business activities make money. If you make money and give half of it to the club, it's not a bad contract.

Hope nodded, "It's a good commercial design."

Zhou Buqi said: "The most important thing about this ecosystem is not the business design, but the overall planning of the technical tactics and talent selection system, so I need Rangnick."

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