Top of the big era

Chapter 1612 Another financial crisis

At the level of Zhou Buqi, there is no difference between working time and living time. Work is life and life is work. Even if you are on your honeymoon, you cannot do without work.

On the first day of our honeymoon, we went to Mallorca, Spain; on the second day of our honeymoon, we went to Catalonia.

Just like Shi Jinglin said, she had made all the arrangements and really allowed Zhou Buqi to live the ridiculous life of a groom every night. The stunning maids at home who spoke Spanish finally became men. The host's meal. Well, that includes the hostess too.

So contented that she always hugged him and acted coquettishly: "Husband, I am so happy to be married to you! It's so enjoyable!"

Zhou Buqi had a black line on his forehead, "Yes, you are happy. I am the one who works hard, and you are the one who reaps the fruits of success. How can you pick peaches like this?"

Shi Jinglin snorted softly, "Young master, it seems you are not happy."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I examine myself three times every day, and work hard to make progress and grow. You are not good at all, you lead me in the direction of degeneration every day. Alas, after marrying you, I have been down for eight lifetimes..."


Shi Jinglin stared at her almond-shaped eyes.

Zhou Buqi quickly changed his words, "I mean being able to marry you home is like smoke from the ancestral graves of my Zhou family."

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes at him and hummed: "Sister dotes on you so much, but you still blame me and have no sense of gratitude at all. Isn't it just for this reason that you hired so many stunning beauties at home? It seems like no one knows Similar."

"Pull it down, I never thought about it, I just saw you having random thoughts."

"You're still a man. Is it okay if you dare to do what you want?"

"Forget it, the newlyweds have their honeymoon, it's up to you."

After Zhou Buqi completed today's groom's duty, he got up to take a shower, put on his clothes and went to find Ning Lu. After arriving in Barcelona, ​​he encountered some new business.

By the way, Ning Lu is really a little genius.

She is considered to have the best language skills in the family, surpassing Ning Yaxian. Previously, Ning Yaxian was proficient in Chinese, English and Japanese and was highly admired.

However, things are different now. Here comes someone with better language talent.

When Ning Lu was in school, she focused on English and Japanese. During the internship, I followed Boss Zhou to plan the Korean market and started to learn Korean by myself. After graduation, I used my spare time to learn Spanish from teachers online. Recently I heard that Boss Zhou intends to rely on Germany to develop the European market and is learning German.

This time in Barcelona, ​​a local financier contacted Zhou Buqi through the recommendation of Laporta, the chairman of the Barcelona club.

This is a very important thing.

If you do it well, you might be able to make a lot of money!

Recently, something big has happened in Europe.

The European debt crisis has broken out!

For Europe, this is a financial crisis more serious than the subprime mortgage crisis. Zhou Buqi didn't really pay much attention to it at first, but many local financiers in Europe discovered the opportunity and wanted to get in and make a big fortune.

However, they have no money and lack enough funds to operate.

He could only look for connections everywhere, hoping to find one or two investors to fund his capital business. Zhou Buqi was targeted by a senior trader at the vice president level of a local bank in Barcelona.

This is a penthouse duplex in a luxury apartment in a wealthy area in the north of Barcelona. Sister Zhen Yu purchased it at the end of last year for more than 4.8 million euros.

Zhou Buqi went downstairs to the study and saw Ning Lu writing and drawing, preparing something seriously.

"What are you doing?"

"This is the material sent by Mr. Javier. It is in Spanish. Let me translate it. There are a few words that I don't quite understand."

"No need to be so serious," Zhou Buqi walked over and sat on the sofa, rubbed his waist, and noticed that Ning Lu was looking at her strangely, so he quickly sat upright and said, "Bring me a cup of coffee."

"Oh!" Ning Lu acted quickly, took two steps, thought of something again, and said cautiously: "Boss, I made chicken soup, do you want to drink some? Foreign women are difficult to deal with, why don't you give it a try?"

Zhou Buqi's old face turned red and he said calmly: "What's hard to deal with, it's just a matter of putting in more effort. Forget it, since you've endured it all, let's drink some."

Ning Lu went to the kitchen and brought the rice cooker over. Then she slowly told him some analysis of the banker Mr. Havel on the European debt crisis...

After Zhou Buqi took two sips of chicken soup, he couldn't stand it anymore. He waved his hand and said, "Don't listen to other people's blind analysis. Financial matters are so complex that it is wrong to describe them in any language. It's better to see the general trend clearly and think for yourself."

Ning Lu said in a low voice: "I think what he said makes sense. He is Spanish. He said that Spain is about to be unable to handle it. It seems that he has internal data."



"The European debt crisis broke out in Greece in December last year. The Greek government publicly stated that the deficit was too serious and it could not afford to repay the maturing national debt."

Almost equivalent to bankruptcy.

This caused an uproar.

By March of this year, another major European country could no longer bear it, and Portugal's sovereign debt rating was significantly downgraded by major European banks.

However, Portugal and Spain are right next to each other, and their economic situations and policies are similar.

Portugal can't stand it anymore, how long can Spain struggle?

Therefore, in the past month, financial assets throughout the EU have depreciated significantly, and various short-selling forces have continued to pour into Europe.

This is indeed a good opportunity to make money.

Zhou Buqi made an understatement and asked while drinking moist chicken soup: "What exactly is the European debt crisis? Why did it break out? If you want to invest, you must at least understand what is going on."

Ning Lu collapsed a little.

The big boss doesn't even have such basic information, so he's still eager to take action on this financial incident? This is too confident.

However, she was somewhat of a blind worshiper and gave a simple explanation based on her own understanding: “When borrowing, the greater the risk, the less you borrow, the higher the interest rate; the smaller the risk, the more you borrow, the lower the interest rate. . When the euro was not promoted, Greece’s economy was not doing well and debt interest rates were very high. Later, when it joined the euro zone, the capital market made a wrong assessment.”

"In which way?"

"Capital believes that the EU is one, especially the Eurozone countries. This means that Greece is tied to economically powerful countries such as Germany and France. When issuing bonds to Greece, it can refer to the standards of Germany and France. For For Greece, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It issued debt on a large scale, and after the subprime mortgage crisis broke out, it could not repay it. Because Greece is a member of the Eurozone, the debt crisis turned into a European debt crisis."

"That's right!" Zhou Buqi nodded, "So, when analyzing the financial industry, you can't listen to what financiers say, you have to make your own judgment. The key to this matter is the European Union...especially the Eurozone countries. The bond with Greece. With Germany’s economic strength, ten Greeces, not to mention one, can be saved.”

Ning Lu was stunned, "No way?"

"Just a little more!"

It is inconvenient for Zhou Buqi to reveal more.

He didn't know the specific situation, but he knew the general direction. The European debt crisis broke out very seriously and soon spread from Greece to countries such as Portugal, Ireland, Cyprus, Spain and Italy.

Especially Italy, which is the largest country in the Eurozone after Germany and France!

If Italy is done with it, the EU can be dissolved and there is really no need to exist.

The final result is that Germany and France continue to lend emergency relief funds to rescue these countries that are in economic difficulties. By 2018, the last bailout was repaid, and the European debt crisis was completely resolved.

Ning Lu said tentatively: "Mr. Havel... in this report... I mean, I think there is a short-selling opportunity now."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "That's right, you can say whatever you think. Don't listen to other people's lies. It's better to make a mistake in your own analysis than to be deceived."

Ning Lu said: "Greece's sovereign bonds have now fallen to 1 euro to 8 euro cents. Now the capital market is panic-selling Portugal's sovereign bonds. There is still very little movement in Spain. If you short Spain at this time Sovereign bonds can make money."

"Eight euro cents for one euro?"

Zhou Buqi was very surprised. This was really too much. These hungry wolves in the capital market were so cruel.

1 euro is equal to 100 euro cents.

In other words, if you spend $100 to buy Greek government bonds in the past, if you sell them now, you will only get back $8, a loss of 92%. This drop is really tragic.

No wonder financial investors here in Europe are looking for money to enter the market like crazy. For some financial speculators who have no money but are very smart, this is really a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to redistribute wealth.

Ning Lu said softly: "Yes, the Greek government is now bankrupt and there is no debt default. If Germany and France decide to give up on Greece, they may go bankrupt and the sovereign bonds may become useless paper."

“Abandon Greece?”

Zhou Buqi shook his head.

Ning Lu said: "It's very possible. Now that the materials have been made public, it is said that when Greece applied to join the Eurozone, many economic data were forged. Let alone kicking Greece out of the Eurozone, even if Greece is kicked out The European Union is also very likely to pass parliament."

Zhou Buqi knows the general trend. The Greek government is bankrupt, but the country is still developing smoothly and comfortably, and has always used the euro.

This is equivalent to a game of rock-paper-scissors.

The premise is that Zhou Buqi already knows what the opponent will do, how could he lose?

"No, even Portugal's sovereign credit has been downgraded. Can't they also kick Portugal out? In order to stabilize the price of the euro and the unity of the EU, they also want to save Greece."

Zhou Buqi said firmly.

Ning Lu reacted immediately, "So, can we go long on Greek national debt?"

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