Top of the big era

Chapter 1607 Advertising Platform Launched

The large plane is parked at London Heathrow Airport.

The whole family came over.

Zhou Buqi is about to get married for the second time. During this period, his family may live in the UK, split between London and Manchester.

When you are free, you can also visit other countries in Europe. The weather in the UK is terrible in spring, but many countries in southern Europe are really lush and perfect for travel.

When I arrived in London, I first went to Ziweixing Digital Media to learn about the working conditions here.

The online bidding ranking bidding system for stadium billboards has been implemented.

There is great joy within the company.

It gave Zhou Buqi a headache.

Opening a company here has many advantages compared to China, including low tax rates, stronger waiters in relevant departments, and relatively low infrastructure service costs such as water, electricity, broadband, transportation and communications. The only disadvantage is that work efficiency is too low!

High labor costs and low work efficiency are the fundamental reasons for the sluggish economic development of developed countries in Europe and the United States.

It took more than half a year to complete an online bidding system. If this were done in China, Zhou Buqi would have fired all the relevant team members.

But fortunately, it was finally done.

With the development of technology, European football is also about to undergo changes. In terms of infrastructure construction, the five major European leagues may not even be as good as the Chinese Super League.

Last summer, Old Trafford, the home ground of Manchester United, made investments at the request of Zhou Buqi and completed the update of digital equipment. All the billboards in the stadium became LED billboards.

This is Manchester United, one of the top clubs in Europe.

Many teams in the Chinese Super League have updated their stadium billboards to LED billboards. During the Spring Festival, Zhou Buqi got together with several business friends in Shanghai, including Mr. Jiang from Focus Media and Zhu Jun from Ninetowns.

Mr. Jiang complained that the business of making stadium billboards in China had no future.


It's not his turn at all!

Of course, Zhu Jun has the most say on this topic. He is the boss of the Shenhua team, so he provided some insider information. It is said that it is a Chinese Super League club, which business makes the most money? Selling tickets for home games? Share of TV broadcast fees?


The biggest revenue comes from stadium billboards.

Last season, Shenhua's investment was 530 million yuan and its revenue was 480 million yuan. The loss was not too big. Of the 480 million yuan in revenue, 230 million came from stadium advertising.

This is a very exaggerated number.

Zhu Jun is a minority shareholder of Manchester United, but he has nothing to do with Ziweixing Digital Media. Zhou Buqi did not consult him when he was building a project to build a stadium billboard bidding system for European football.

Unexpectedly, the Chinese Super League is already at the forefront of the world in this field, even better than the Premier League, so I quickly asked for advice.

Zhu Jun told him that in a 90-minute football match, 60 minutes of billboard revenue will be distributed to the Football Association, and 30 minutes will belong to Shenhua Club.

But even if it only lasts for 30 minutes, it can generate 650,000 yuan in advertising fees per minute, which is 20 million yuan for one game.

There are about 20 home games in a season, which is about 400 million yuan in advertising fees. However, this is nominal advertising revenue. In fact, for various reasons, the team actually received about 230 million yuan.

This is a cake-level big business, all distributed uniformly by the Football Association. Shenhua itself cannot decide what advertisements can be displayed on its own club's billboards. Small private companies like Focus Media have no qualifications to participate.

Zhou Buqi has also learned that on the road to innovating business models to make money, it is not just the advantages of domestic Internet companies, but also the leadership of the entire industry.

In comparison, the Premier League is much simpler. Manchester United's home billboards are decided by Manchester United itself. How much money they make is a matter of the team's own brand building.

Therefore, this "online bidding ranking bidding system for stadium billboards" is obviously more suitable for European football and cannot be used in China. This kind of big cake is in the hands of the Football Association in China, and it is called fairness and justice. Established teams like Shenhua and Guoan are backed by big cities, the football market is booming, and they spend a lot of advertising money. However, many small teams receive very little attention and have little income. The Football Association collected the money uniformly and then distributed it to everyone based on the concept of selfless fairness.

In short, the project was implemented, and Zhou Buqi found David Dunn to talk about future prospects, "Based on your experience, can this project be promoted?"

"Why not?" David Dunn works in an Internet company and interacts with energetic young people every day, which makes him feel ten years younger. "With the help of wealthy clubs such as Chelsea, Real Madrid, Manchester United, Barcelona, ​​and Inter Milan, Nowadays, there is an increasingly strong connection between the development of European football and revenue. The stronger the ability to make money, the stronger the team. As long as more money can be made, no one will object."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Well, Jinyuan Football, the current transfer market inflation is quite serious."

"Yes, only stronger teams can have more income, and more income can build stronger teams. This is already a new football cycle model." David Dunn thinks this idea is right. , to help European football make more money. This is in line with the general trend of the times. No one will have trouble with money. "However, this concept is still a bit new and needs to be promoted slowly. Manchester United should be the leader."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Where's Arsenal?"

David Dunn said: "I have already told Wenger, and I believe Arsenal will follow suit soon. However, many of the sponsors of this kind of stadium advertising sign long-term contracts of three or even five years. , can’t be in a hurry.”

Zhou Buqi couldn't rush even if he wanted to. Europeans' work style is slower than that of Americans, and it was impossible to move forward quickly. "Yes, then take your time!"

The concept of this online bidding ranking bidding system for stadium billboards is to build an online sponsorship platform.

Today's stadium advertising requires teams to connect with sponsors, which requires manpower to run, and the cost is too high. Direct digital advertising can reduce labor costs.

At the same time, because stadium billboards are a scarce product, and the Premier League is becoming more global and more influential, demand will inevitably exceed supply.

At that point, there will be no need to negotiate, just bid.

Just like Baidu's bidding ranking system.

This can greatly increase the stadium's billboard revenue and create maximum revenue for the team. Many relatively weak small teams have poor sales teams and cannot advertise offline. Online platforms are the best solution.

As a platform, Ziweixing Digital Media can get 10%-15% of the completed advertising bidding.

Although the project has just been launched and the plan has just started, Zhou Buqi has already felt it. The "Internet + Football" industry led by him will most likely be successful!

As David Dunn said, European football has changed now and is becoming more and more financial. This means that all teams must work hard to improve their revenue and profitability.

This is the general trend of the times and the outlet of the typhoon.

The player blind box business of Chaowan Commune and the online bidding ranking bidding system of this stadium billboard of Ziweixing Digital Media are essentially the same.

As long as it can help major clubs make money, there is no reason why it can't be done!

When he got home, Zhou Buqi didn't even have time to take off his coat, so he ran quickly behind his eldest daughter Niannian who was playing in the living room and hugged her in his arms.

"Put me down, put me down!"

"What are you playing for?"

"I'm painting!"


Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, then looked down and found that she was holding a colored pen, writing and drawing on the floor, graffiti everywhere. I guess after painting on the floor, I’ll start painting on the wall again.

Looking at the two adults next to them, Wen Zhixia and Shi Jinglin were sitting on the sofa talking as if nothing was wrong.

"Don't affect my daughter's artistic talent. Let her paint." Wen Zhixia gave him a blank look.

Zhou Buqi couldn't say anything. The child's interest was the most important thing, so he simply took off his coat, sat on the floor and drew with Niannian. While drawing, he turned around and asked, "What are you two talking about?"

"About the marriage."


Zhou Buqi looked back and found that Wen Zhixia's expression was as usual, and he was a little relieved.

Wen Zhixia said helplessly: "Linlin said she would go to get the certificate on the 1st."

"April 1st?" Zhou Bu said casually without raising his head, "Anything is fine, no matter what, there won't be a wedding."

"April 1st!"


"April Fool's Day!"

"Oh yes!"

Only then did Zhou Buqi react and turned to look at Shi Jinglin in surprise.

Shi Jinglin curled her lips and said, "You are a fool to begin with."

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly and quickly explained, "Well...Linlin, in my heart, you and Teacher Wen are the same. There is no April Fool's Day in our family."

Shi Jinglin rolled her eyes, "I didn't mention you!"

Zhou Buqi knew it in his mind.

Shi Jinglin is very different, so different that she likes girls. She grew up in that kind of family... She is not a girl with conventional thinking. Marriage is more of a coping process for her.

To her, it doesn't matter whether they get married or not, but her family doesn't think so. The name of this kind of couple is very important. As the direct daughter of the Shi family, she couldn't just follow Zhou Buqi without knowing it, right? Not an illegitimate daughter.

For the sake of my parents' face, I had to get married in a formal name.

Anyway, no matter what the reason is, Zhou Buqi has thought about it. He must get married a few more times and take care of everyone, being impartial and fair.

Shi Jinglin said: "Anyway, I think April 1st is a good day, quite special, and quite interesting."

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment and said, "I'm fine with it, you decide. As for whether it's April Fool's Day or not, I think April 1st is good."

Shi Jinglin asked Yanran: "When the time comes, shall we go on our honeymoon?"


"Can you please help me?"

"I can do it, no delay."

"Then it's settled, I'm going to make arrangements for the honeymoon." Shi Jinglin glanced at him meaningfully, "During the honeymoon, my sister will pamper you."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Shall I pamper you?"

"I love you!" Shi Jinglin snorted, "You will know when the time comes."

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