Top of the big era

Chapter 1602 Followers

In Zhou Buqi’s plan, he wants to go to Manchester United’s home games as much as possible. This will not only satisfy his personal hobbies, but also boost the morale of fans and players. It will also indirectly contribute to some of Ziweixing International’s businesses. publicity.

However, he didn't have much time.

After dealing with some matters in Silicon Valley, he went to Los Angeles.

With the advancement and reorganization in the past six months, Ziweixing Global's organizational structure has been optimized to a large extent, and one of the most important directions is the adjustment of China-Taiwanization.

The finance, personnel, administration, television production, copyright library and other departments have a unified organization, and more importantly, the three major businesses of digital, home entertainment and distribution.

Digital business, which mainly involves the digitization of film and television content, also includes the procurement and management of streaming media copyrights, is currently in charge of Jason Kilar;

The home entertainment business is mainly responsible for the television broadcast, DVD sales and DVD rental market. Under the impact of streaming media, this is a sunset industry, but it is still the most important link in Hollywood copyright operations. The revenue generated by a movie in the field of home entertainment can basically reach 1.5-2 times that of the box office market.

This is the most profitable business of Ziweixing Global at the moment, and it is headed by senior executive Kevin Tsujihara.

Distribution business and whether there is a global distribution system are the core factors that determine whether a film company is a small company or a giant company.

MGM, DreamWorks Animation, Summit Entertainment, and Marvel actually have certain distribution systems, but their coverage is too small and they cannot even cover the North American market.

Universal Pictures is very powerful, with a global distribution system.

Centralized management means splitting out the distribution system of Universal Pictures and integrating it with the distribution resources of MGM, DreamWorks Animation, and Marvel to form a Universal Distribution Division.

From now on, all Ziweixing Universal's movies will be handled by this distribution division, thereby greatly reducing the high operating costs of many small departments working independently. The head of the division is Joshua Carey.

However, this middle-level organizational structure also has shortcomings. In addition to the difficulty in calculating performance indicators, it may also cause uneven distribution of resources.

For example, Universal Pictures and MGM both want to distribute a movie, but distribution resources are limited. Who should allocate more resources to?

Normally speaking, of course, the bigger the investment, the more issuance resources you get; the better the market feedback, the more issuance resources you get. But people are not machines. There are very complex interpersonal relationships in such large companies. It is often the question of who has the best interpersonal relationships and who can get more resources.

This kind of thing is not to mention a relatively traditional industry like Ziweixing Global. Ziweixing has been operating in China for two years, and similar things have happened a lot.

Whoever has high qualifications, high level, and good connections will be able to get more middle-office resources. However, for some small projects with no access to the project, they have to file reports continuously and painstakingly before they can apply for relevant resources.

This kind of thing cannot be avoided, and absolute fairness cannot exist.

However, it should still be avoided as much as possible.

At least we should limit this tendency of bureaucracy and urge senior executives to use the power given by the company to the company's business development instead of forming cliques and competing for power and profit.

Therefore, Zhou Buqi came to Hollywood this time and made a relatively important appointment at the executive meeting of Ziweixing Global.

Ann Sarnoff, assistant to the chairman and vice president, was appointed as the chief operating officer, mainly to run these large business units that are China-based, coordinate relationships, and handle conflicts.

In the past few months, she has been single-handedly leading the centralization adjustment of Ziweixing Global's many businesses in accordance with the requirements of Boss Zhou, and she is well-deserved for her position.

At this point, Ziweixing Global’s management structure has been further improved——

Chairman and CEO, Zhou Buqi.

Chief Operating Officer, Ann Sarnoff, reports to Zhou Buqi;

Senior Vice President and President of Digital Business Group, Jason Kilar, reports to Zhou Buqi;

Chief Creative Officer and President of DreamWorks Animation, Jeffrey Katzenberg, reporting to Zhou Buqi;

Chief Financial Officer, Miles Lee, reports to Zhou Buqi;

Chief Technology Officer, Eric Fung, reporting to Jason Kilar;

Senior Vice President and President, Motion Picture Production Group, Michael Moore, reporting to Ann Sarnoff;

Senior Vice President and President, Home Entertainment Division, Kevin Tsujihara, reporting to Ann Sarnoff;

Brett Herrington, vice president and president of Television Production, reporting to Ann Sarnoff;

Joshua Carey, vice president and president of Global Distribution, reporting to Ann Sarnoff;

Bob Friedman, vice president and president of MGM, reporting to Michael Moore;

Vice President and President of Human Resources, Rhett King, reporting to Ann Sarnoff…

At the same time, a technical committee led by Shen Xiangyang was also established.

After some operations, the new organizational structure of Ziweixing Global is basically completed.

Basically it is divided into two parts, the film and television part and the technical part.

The film and television part is the main body, and it has carried out a series of structural optimization of China-Taiwan reform; the technology part is the future, and it must lead the future development trend of the film and television industry, from 3D imaging to streaming media, from augmented reality to virtual reality.

Zhou Buqi is not very good at designing organizational frameworks. Fortunately, he has Ziweixing as a foundation and has rich experience. Ziweixing Global looks large in scale, but in fact it just "makes and sells movies", and its business is not very complicated.

As soon as I got home in the evening and sat down on the sofa in the living room, Xue Baoshan came over with a bag of things.

"Didn't you say you were going shopping?" Zhou Buqi smiled and opened his arms to hug her, "That's all you bought?"


Xue Baoshan handed over a doll figure, which was very beautifully made. It was a very beautiful girl wearing a fine dress.

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, "Barbie doll?"

Xue Baoshan shook her head slightly, "It's not Barbie, this is Cinderella, the Cinderella from the fairy tale."

"Oh, glass slipper!"

Zhou Buqi saw the shoes of the doll and was sure it was Cinderella.

Then, Xue Baoshan took out two unopened boxes from her pocket.

Zhou Buqi took it over with a smile, "You bought so many dolls for Xinxin and Niannian?"

"No, look carefully."


When Zhou Buqi saw her serious expression, he became serious. As he looked at her, he stopped smiling.

After careful inspection, I found that in addition to the "Disney Princess" mark, the trademark on the box also has the brand "Recio", which should be the toy company that cooperates with Disney to produce these authorized derivatives.

If it were just a toy production, it would be nothing.

The sales of Hollywood derivatives are inherently a large-scale consumer market.

But the problem is, this toy is...different!

This is not ordinary toy packaging, this is blind box packaging! In other words, this Disney figure is a blind box figure!

Depend on!

Chaowan Commune was plagiarized!

Disney has become a follower. They licensed the image of their own trump card IP "Disney Princess" and launched a series of "Disney Princess" blind boxes.

I can't bear it!

You know, the big IP of "Disney Princess" is no worse than "Star Wars" in attracting money. All girls in European and American countries basically grew up with Disney princesses.

This new model of blind boxes can help Disney make more money!

Zhou Buqi was very angry.

He had planned it for a long time. The Fashion Commune and Hollywood had innate reasons for cooperation. Not only "Disney princesses" but also superheroes from Marvel and DC also had strong blind box potential.

It's just because the Chaowan Commune is currently busy with European football business and hasn't had time to pay attention to Hollywood. Unexpectedly, Disney took the initiative.

This is not possible!

Disney is a world-class media giant, and its influence far exceeds that of the Fashion Commune. Once Disney gets involved in making blind boxes, it is conceivable that many blind box toy companies will appear in the market in the next few years.

Xue Baoshan said: "This batch of blind boxes was launched in January, or my second sister told me. She is now very worried that if Disney's blind boxes are successful, many blind box companies may emerge in the North American market in a short period of time. "

"How is she doing there?"

"Don't think about it, she is too busy. It will be good if she can stabilize the football business in two or three years. Unless the blind box of football is not developed, she can dedicate a team to develop the Hollywood market."

"It's hard for her."

Zhou Buqi had nothing to do about it.

The development time of Chaowan Commune is too short. This is a traditional industry. It is difficult to achieve explosive business expansion like the Internet. It has to accumulate bit by bit and grow step by step. What is needed is to make progress while maintaining stability. Once one business is stable, we can then look for new growth points to develop new businesses.

Starting from next season, Chaowan Commune will sell player blind boxes for more European giants. This is a top priority, and it may even affect the life and death of Chaowan Commune.

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips, "The second sister is actually quite confident. She is not afraid of competition. She heard that you snatched Marvel and Lucasfilm from Disney, and Disney started selling blind boxes when they turned around. , it feels like it’s deliberately targeting you.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's possible!"

Xue Baoshan looked very concerned, "What should we do?"


"The second sister asked you to avenge her."

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't laugh or cry.

Xue Baoshan said: "I just want to give her a message. She is very angry at Disney's imitation and wants you to teach Disney a lesson."

"Disney..." Zhou Buqi frowned, very embarrassed, "This is not a small company, I can make them kneel down with just one word. Disney is a giant, go teach them a lesson... Well, I Gotta think about it.”

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