Top of the big era

Chapter 1592 Partners

On March 1st, Zhou Buqi went to Los Angeles International Airport to pick up his wife and children. The whole family was packed.

This was a private plane with an exclusive passage. There was no one around, so Zhou Buqi was rude and gave everyone a big hug when he got up.

That's okay, this is either his woman or his child.

Except for one person, Aunt Xue.

Everyone else hugged her, so it wouldn’t make sense if she didn’t hug Aunt Xue... Moreover, this was just a very pure hug at a meeting, so a hug was nothing.

Baoshan understands justice well, she shouldn't misunderstand, right?

Well, everyone hugged her except Aunt Xue. This was because she was hiding something in her heart, which made it easier for people to misunderstand. So Zhou Buqi had to bite the bullet.

Hug me full.

It's a pity that it's the beginning of spring, and Aunt Xue is still wearing a lot of clothes. In addition to the windbreaker jacket, there is also a black woolen sweater inside, which does not provide some delicate feeling of skin contact.

But the macro feeling is also very good. Aunt Xue's body is very soft and plump. The moment she is held in her arms, it seems that she has achieved some kind of achievement.

Everyone was staring here, and Zhou Buqi couldn't do anything too much. Unexpectedly, the moment the two hugged each other, Aunt Xue said in a low voice: "You little bastard, so many people are watching." It’s here!”

Zhou Buqi quickly responded in a low voice, "I'll go to your room tonight."

Then, everyone left the airport laughing and joking together.

A total of 12 vehicles were prepared.

There were 30 male and female bodyguards in uniform black suits escorting everyone around, helping to carry things, load luggage, and arrange for everyone to get on the bus.

There are those who open the way in front, and those who follow behind.

For those who didn’t know, they thought it was a domestic wedding convoy, heading all the way to Beverly Hills.

However, Zhou Buqi did not go home with them. He had something to do in the afternoon.

Along with Zhen Yu and Sun Wanran, they called a bodyguard car and went to a leisure club in the western suburbs of Los Angeles.

Partner Joe Lacob was already waiting.

The acquisition of the Golden State Warriors has reached the final stage and is just waiting for the final contract to be signed. When signing a contract, both parties must be present.

This speed is faster than Zhou Buqi imagined.

This is a very high-end leisure club. Lacob suggested that you can find a few masseurs and talk while having a massage. The level of Thai massage here is very high.

Zhou Buqi immediately refused.

My heart says that you are getting older and you really need Thai massage techniques to stimulate your physiological functions and do some stimulation of the adrenal glands and prostate. I am still young!

If this is too exciting, should we find some girls from the club for entertainment?


It’s really the absurdity of capital society!

Zhou Buqi would not be depraved. He rejected the proposal and just sat down to drink a cup of tea and talk about some serious business. "Have we really settled on this?"

Lacob was very proud and happy, "Yes!"

Zhou Buqi was very calm, "Did Ellison really participate in the bidding?"

The media reported that Oracle's boss Larry Ellison was also interested in the Warriors and made an offer. The possibility of this news is extremely high, because the current home stadium of the Warriors is named by Oracle and is called "Oracle Arena".

Laco said: "Yes, he did participate. Other buyers are easy to deal with. The Warriors' current market valuation is US$150 million, but the sales guide price given by the NBA is US$350 million, which is far beyond Market value. Most of the buyers quit, except Ellison who was very enthusiastic."

Zhou Buqi nodded. He had met Larry Ellison several times. This man had a very flamboyant personality. He never tried to hide his wealth, talk dirty, and pick up female stars. "This little money is not worth it to him." What kind of."

Laco said: "Yes, the guide price given by the league is US$350 million, but Ellison didn't follow common sense at all. He directly quoted US$400 million. He is not short of money at all."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "How did you do it?"

Lacob said helplessly: "Allison is a lunatic. If I bid with him, it would be difficult for me to compete with him with my financial resources. So I went directly to see Chris Cohan, the owner of the Warriors."

"Does he agree to meet you at this time?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

At this time, the seller is strong and does not need to be too proactive. Just wait for the two big buyers to bid against each other, keep raising the price and enjoy the success.

Once you meet, you will not be able to avoid the human relationship, and it is easy to become passive in negotiations.

Laco said: "He didn't want to see me and said that he left all the sales matters to the auction house. Of course I didn't agree, so I sent him a text message and clearly told him that if he didn't see me, I would quit and not shoot. By then, the Warriors will have only Ellison as the only buyer left."

Zhou Buqi gave a thumbs up, "Great strategy!"

Lacob was very happy and said with a smile: "Ellison is too strong and has great power in Silicon Valley. If we withdraw, Cohan will definitely be at the mercy of Ellison. By then, he may not even be able to sell for 350 million US dollars." He couldn’t get on. He had no choice but to agree to see me.”

He was obviously very proud of the behind-the-scenes operation of this transaction, and he talked about it with great joy.

Zhou Buqi was also very interested, "We met, what next?"

Raccoon said: "No one likes Ellison, he is too domineering. In the past few years, the Warriors' home court has been named by Oracle, and Cohan has been threatened by Ellison. I believe he is also not in his heart. Wanted to sell the Warriors to Ellison. So after meeting him, I told him clearly that I would not accept bids for games. He needed to tell me a number and I would tell him to buy or not to buy. This is the only way. Otherwise I’ll quit.”

Zhou Buqi laughed loudly, "You are stronger than Ellison."

Lacob sighed, "That's a possible way to beat Ellison, but it's a good idea."

"Well, it's indeed a good idea."

"I gave him two days to think about it, and then he accepted my proposal and told me $440 million. I rejected it."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows.

440 million US dollars, the price is not high!

The NBA is a business league with more money than meat. It has a strong social influence in its cities and has a very high asset value preservation and appreciation rate.

This is different from European football.

Anyone can join a European football club, but the NBA only has 30 spots, and once it’s full, you can’t get in. The money-making ability is also very strong, and almost every team can generate profits.

As long as NBA teams in economically developed areas like the Bay Area operate well, making big money is not a problem at all.

Lacob said with a smile: "After I refused, the scene was very silent. Then I quoted a new price, and I said the number I liked was $450 million, and everyone was happy. Then, I put forward an additional condition, The transaction will be completed within 3 days.”

"very beautiful!"

Zhou Buqi appreciated it very much.

It's still fun to work with smart people, this business is really wonderful.

Increasing the acquisition fee from US$440 million to US$450 million is equivalent to spending an additional US$10 million to buy an insurance policy. Completing the transaction within 3 days means that the matter is urgent, and it is impossible for Larry Ellison to participate in the bidding.

This Joe Lacob is a venture capitalist in Silicon Valley and a partner of the famous KPCB. He really has extraordinary abilities in the fields of investment and mergers and acquisitions.

This is much better than the partners we found when we acquired Manchester United.

Lacob said with a smile: "Such a big deal was completed in three days. The time was tight and they didn't agree. Then I said I would quit if I didn't agree. They had no choice but to accept it."

"Did you finish signing?"

"The initial agreement has been finalized, and the liquidated damages are US$2 billion. It is impossible to go back on it. Even if Ellison heard the news, he would not be able to pay such a high price. Next, let's go over together and sign the formal agreement. The Warriors are It’s ours.”

"USD 450 million, a very successful transaction." Zhou Buqi was very satisfied and then asked, "What about the other expenses?"

Lacob waved his hand and said, "It doesn't matter, we just need to divide the $450 million bill."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "We agreed to half and half, that is half and half. Lawyer fees, accounting fees, audit fees, consultant fees, insurance fees, channel fees, etc., these are all included. You can report them."

"I really haven't done much calculation." Lacob smiled. He really didn't intend to worry about such a small amount of money. "Maybe... maybe 250,000 US dollars? It won't exceed 300,000 US dollars."

"How many?"

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment.

Only $300,000?

so little?

You know, when Manchester United was originally acquired, the expenditure on various intermediate items reached 12 million pounds. When Purple Star Global was formed to acquire companies such as Universal Pictures, Marvel, MGM, and DreamWorks Animation, the various expenses for lawyers, consultants, guarantees, and accounting reached US$270 million.

As the saying goes, when a whale falls, all things arise.

Every time there is a major merger and acquisition in the market, it can drive the entire industry up and down to make a lot of money.

Unexpectedly, Lacob spent so little.

Lacob explained: "The largest intermediate expenses in mergers and acquisitions are consulting fees, guarantee fees and insurance premiums. None of them were included in the deal to acquire the Warriors. I talked directly to Cohan and determined US$450 million. For the price, just ask an accountant and a lawyer to prepare the contract. It doesn’t require so many complicated operations.”

It was only 300,000 US dollars, and there was really no need to help him pay it. Zhou Buqi became more and more satisfied. He shook hands with him and said sincerely: "I like to work with excellent people, Joe, you are what I have been looking for." Partner. I am very confident that you will run the Warriors overall! I also believe that the Warriors can have a bright future!"

Lacob said modestly: "This is also an honor for me."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "As we agreed before, you will have full authority to handle all the affairs of the Warriors. However, my biggest advantage is that I am accurate in judging people. Manchester United bought a group of players at my suggestion last year. , have performed very well this season.”

Lacob immediately understood and said with a smile: "Okay, I will ask you for more ideas when we wait for the draft."

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