Top of the big era

Chapter 1586 Community of Interests

Things went smoothly for Lucasfilm than expected, and the price was even reduced a lot. In the previous life, Disney spent US$4.05 billion to complete the acquisition. Ziweixing Universal made the move two years in advance and only spent US$3.55 billion.

There is something even more dumbfounding.

Because George Lucas was not confident about the future development of Ziweixing Universal, he was unwilling to complete the transaction in the form of mergers and acquisitions. He wanted all cash.

He would then take $2 billion of that cash and put it into Pluto Capital.

This is really...

When your business goes well, people will rush to give you money.

What is the concept of 2 billion US dollars?

In the past year, Pluto Capital has increased by 30%. If it can maintain a 30% increase this year...that is to say, US$2 billion will generate US$600 million in asset appreciation, and Zhou Buqi can take a 25% commission from it. As much as $150 million!

In other words, there is a linkage effect behind the acquisition of Lucasfilm by MSI, allowing Zhou Buqi to earn an additional US$150 million per year.

The speed of making money is much faster than the speed of spending money. Zhou Buqi felt that he was still too simple, "Senior sister, how much money do we still have on our account?"

"After deducting the debt and interest to be repaid this year, there is still US$870 million. I just bought US$20 million worth of Microsoft stock."

"When did you buy it?"




"Hmm..." Zhou Buqi thought for a moment, "We can set aside US$100 million to help fuel Tesla's success when it goes public."

"Okay, I get it."

Zhen Yu had just taken a shower and was touching up her makeup.

This is Los Angeles, and I’m going to attend Jason Kilar’s ​​house party tonight. He has resigned from Hulu, and the next step is to join Ziweixing Global.

Zhou Buqi said: "We can strengthen our security force."

Zhen Yu made a movement and turned to look at him, "She is already very strong now."

"How much does security cost each year?"

"Last year it reached 5 million U.S. dollars. There were a total of 10 bodyguards, 6 vehicles, and security equipment... The ammunition alone cost 200,000 U.S. dollars."

"What?" Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "Ammunition fee?"

Zhen Yu spread her hands and said, "Security personnel also need to train and conduct exercises. Sometimes they have to buy bombs. During the exercise last year, two vehicles were damaged."

"I'll go!" Zhou Buqi was very cautious, "Then you have to pay attention and buy insurance for everyone. Don't worry, if nothing happens during normal work, you will die during exercises."

"Well, the annual premium for a single person is US$45,000."

"Let's increase the expenditure. Every year...the annual budget is 30 million US dollars, or 50 million US dollars. It's up to you. Don't just protect me, our family must be protected. There must be someone following at all times."

"No need, right?"

Zhen Yu frowned slightly, feeling that it was a bit of a fuss.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "It must be done. Didn't you watch the news? The economy in the United States is in decline, the unemployment rate is rising, and the crime rate is also rising. Even in a safe place like Silicon Valley, there have been shooting incidents. Our family Everyone must be protected, and everyone must be equipped with two personal bodyguards.”

Zhen Yu glanced at him, "Male or female?"


"The price of female bodyguards is high, double the cost of male bodyguards, and the effect may not be half as good as that of male bodyguards."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Then you can't find a man!"

Zhen Yu actually understood what he was thinking.

This bodyguard is a security guard on the one hand, and surveillance on the other. If the woman in the family goes out to travel, go shopping, have a party, dine, etc., she must follow her at all times.

To prevent them from taking advantage of the opportunity.

This is just like the management of a company. You cannot rely on the morality and conduct of your employees to regulate yourself. No one is perfect and everyone makes mistakes. The best way is to close the loopholes from the institutional level.

Under a perfect system, bad people have no chance to do bad things; if the system is imperfect, good people will also have the curiosity to do bad things.

Now that the family has such sufficient funds, we can invest more in this area and take care of everyone.

"Actually, the current situation is enough. No one goes out alone, including the few starlets we support. They are usually followed by dedicated assistants who pick them up in the morning and drop off at night."

Zhen Yu still felt that there was no need to be so wasteful.

Zhou Buqi said boldly: "As for security, of course the tighter the better, that's it. Now that the family is not short of money, we must establish this system completely. You can also act as an assistant when traveling, carrying a Deliver water, drive a car, etc."

Zhen Yu was still touching up her makeup, "Then we'll hire 50 female bodyguards later."

"50?" Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, "You can't use that many, right?"

Zhen Yu rolled her eyes at him, "Aren't you a personal bodyguard? Even if you don't live together, you have to live in a nearby hotel and be on call at any time, right? This is a 24-hour duty, and you have to change shifts frequently. Didn't you notice those people around you? Do the bodyguards change frequently?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, it's really not easy to manage such a large security team."

"As long as you have money." Zhen Yu acted very casually. She had lived in the United States for many years and had a luxurious life. She was very familiar with the capital service system of the upper class. "There are companies that specialize in providing security services to the rich. Find them." Just cooperate. We can do it on our own domestically, but it is best to cooperate with them overseas, as it is more worry-free and more convenient."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you anyway." Zhou Buqi hesitated for a moment and said carefully, "Senior sister, the security around you must also be done well."

Zhen Yu rolled her eyes, "I have lived alone in the United States for so many years, and I can still leave my body intact to you. You still don't believe me?"

Zhou Buqi said: "This is not a question of trust or distrust. Just like a company must have risk control management, the security system is our family's risk control system. I have a theoretical basis for this."

Zhen Yu couldn't help laughing and said jokingly: "Great Boss Zhou, what great new theory has he come up with?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It's not a new theory, you should understand it. Men and women are different. Men can easily separate spirit from flesh, but women are different. Women are emotional, and spirit and flesh are often separated. Unified. Once a mistake is made physically, there will be psychological changes, which will affect the atmosphere in our home."

Zhen Yu nodded gently, "I am a woman, that's how I am."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, our family's situation is very special. It is very dangerous for so many women to live together. However, this danger does not come from the inside, but from the outside. How many women I bring into the family are all internal matters. , this is not important, what is important is that no other outside men can take advantage of the opportunity to destroy our solid family structure."

"Well, you can live and work in peace and contentment with information blockade."


"It's okay, don't worry. Our family is very smart. When the time comes, we will hold several family meetings to explain the stakes clearly so that everyone can understand. If one person does something wrong, it may affect the stability of the entire family. It is important to establish a sense of responsibility. Just get up. Collectivism is the biggest reason to limit individualism.”

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi didn't expect that the stability of the back house would allow Senior Sister Zhen Yu to say such a great truth. Asking her to manage the back house felt like overkill.

Zhen Yu said calmly: "Some people know that group thinking limits personal freedom, but they will still insist on collectivism. Brainwashing, deception, and bewitching are just low-level practices for the bottom. The most important thing is the sharing of benefits. Just like Just like the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance, this is a collective. We all risked skipping classes and being expelled to start a business with you. It’s not because we have such lofty belief in this collective, but because you gave us the shares. These people, we are allies of interest. But the other college students who do part-time activities with us, they will not be so eager. They should go to class and sleep, and they will work with us when they are free. career. Because they are at the bottom and were deceived, they cannot share the collective interests, and their subjective initiative will not be so strong."

Zhou Buqi was somewhat surprised. This was the first time that Senior Sister Zhen Yu discussed such a profound topic with him, so he walked over and gently hugged her from behind, "Senior Sister, you said it so well."

Zhen Yu looked at the large dressing mirror and glanced at him, "Boss Zhou, our risk control system is not a security system. You are treating the symptoms rather than the root cause."

"what is that?"

"Interest alliance, what you need is a community of interests. Just like you did with the Ten Schools Alliance, share the interests, and everyone will actively work together to safeguard this interest group, without you having to worry about who will do it every day. Betray you."

“Building a family with the same mindset as a business?”

Zhou Buqi was dumbfounded.

"Of course ordinary families don't use it, but can our family be the same?" Zhen Yu rolled her eyes at him and said slowly, thinking, "Our family is just like a company. You are the president, I am the chief financial officer, and Ning Yaxian is the office director." Xue Auntie will host the family meeting, and Wen Zhixia can be responsible for family training and teach everyone some lessons on women's ethics. Shi Jinglin is very strict and can manage personnel, rewards and punishments. You need to give up the equity, and then decentralize power and make it a benefit Community, work together to safeguard the collective rights and interests of this big family."

“What is equity?”

"The inheritance share of the family trust must be planned early and the rules clearly explained. Good performance will be rewarded, and poor performance will be punished. If anyone betrays you, he and her children will be deprived of all inheritance shares. Betrayal. The price is too high, so we will not betray. This is the greatest community of interests."

Senior Sister Zhen Yu's words completely tore apart the hypocritical mask of love between men and women.

It's so rational that it's sad.

But this is reality.

For example, Teacher Chen Yan, even if she tried every possible means to become a full-time member of the Zhou family, she is already thirty-one years old. How many more years of grace and charm can she have?

Even if she successfully enters the Zhou family, will she still be favored by Zhou Buqi ten or twenty years later? The best result is to treat each other with respect.

Only this relationship of a community of interests makes her unable to bear to give up her share of the interests. Even if she loses her favor and the opportunity to sleep with her in the future, she can sincerely avoid various risks to protect this community of interests.

Just like Ziweixing.

There are many early entrepreneurial veterans who have stepped down from their senior positions because the company has grown bigger and their learning ability cannot keep up, but they are still guarding Ziweixing.

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