Top of the big era

Chapter 1576 I’m doing this for your own good

Zhen Yu has been in Silicon Valley these days and doesn't know much about the situation, so she asked: "What happened to Lucasfilm?"

Zhou Buqi said helplessly: "The preliminary plan has basically been negotiated. George Lucas's request is very weird, and he insists on giving me money."

"Give you money?" Zhen Yu raised her eyebrows slightly. Thinking of Pluto Capital, she quickly guessed the possible plan and exclaimed: "You mean Mr. Lucas wants to sell Lucas?" The revenue from the film industry is invested in Pluto Capital?”

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, it doesn't matter if you disagree."

Zhen Yu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said angrily: "You've got an advantage and you still act like a good boy!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "I thought I was going to bleed a lot, but now it's good, it's my left hand and my right hand again. Billions of dollars have gone around in George Lucas's hands and returned to my hands." ”

There is no way, Pluto Capital is too well-known in the upper class, especially in Jewish circles, and it can be called the most attractive private equity fund.

Last year's increase exceeded 30%.

Even after deducting custody fees, management fees, and commission dividends, last year's net income reached 20%.

If such a rate of return were to be ranked among all private equity investments on Wall Street, it would not be ranked at all. According to public reports, more than 20 private equity firms on Wall Street achieved annualized returns of more than 100% last year.

However, those funds were relatively small and lacked safeguards.

You may have made 100% last year, but you may have lost 50% this year. The fluctuation is too big. Of course I'm happy if I make money, but if I lose money I have to bear it. The risk is too great.

This kind of volatile fund is suitable for middle- and high-level people. These people have some money in their hands, but not enough money, so they want to invest in some private equity funds that rise and fall sharply. If they are lucky, they can make a lot of money and completely change their own society. class.

But it's different for super rich people like George Lucas, who has a net worth of several billion dollars. No matter how much money he has, it is meaningless and cannot be spent at all.

There is only one way to waste all this money, and that is investment failure.

Therefore, wealthy people at this level will pay special attention to investment risks. As long as they can beat inflation every year, they would rather have a lower rate of return and require stability.

This has led to the vast majority of the super-rich preferring bond assets when making personal investments, such as buying U.S. bonds and corporate bonds of giant companies such as Wal-Mart, Microsoft, and Boeing.

Pluto Capital is different. It has a series of guaranteed policies that greatly reduce investment risks, and the yield is much higher than bonds.

This immediately attracted the attention of George Lucas.

Sell ​​Lucasfilm and earn billions of dollars. It is impossible to keep such a large amount of money in a bank account. The only option is to invest it, but what investment?

George Lucas is not an investor. He can only hand over the money to professional institutions to handle it.

The best choice is of course Pluto Capital, which can protect capital and earn high returns.

It makes sense logically, but Zhen Yu doesn't understand it, "Why is this? What's the turnover of Lucasfilm?"

Zhou Buqi said: "US$3.55 billion, of which US$2.95 billion is cash, and the other US$600 million is debt assumed."

"Why not use stocks for mergers and acquisitions? He is not in a hurry to get cash to solve his personal financial problems, so what does he need so much cash for? Wouldn't it be better to just exchange it for shares of Ziweixing Global?"

Zhen Yu was very confused.

Zhou Buqi said speechlessly: "What else could be the reason? You don't believe me, you are worried that I will destroy Ziweixing Universal. Isn't this what Hollywood says. In the "Game of Thrones" project, I was hired by HBO I was deceived. I have the rights to "The Hobbit" but I don't want to make a movie to make a lot of money, but I inexplicably go to make a TV series. How many people are waiting to see my joke."

Zhen Yu was dumbfounded, "No way? George Lucas also believes it?"

"Why don't you believe it?" Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "I want to make a movie about the biography of Mr. Ho Fengshan. His suggestion is a budget of 25 million US dollars, and my request is no less than 60 million US dollars. Then he I collapsed and felt that I didn’t understand movies at all. I just pursued my emotions without considering the market at all. When Spielberg made "Schindler's List", he only had a budget of 20 million US dollars."

Zhen Yu frowned slightly, "The budget of 60 million US dollars is a bit too much. Can we really make it back?"

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "Sister, this is not about making money, it is about winning people's hearts. Once this movie is made, as long as it is done well, it can cause a sensation in the Jewish and Chinese circles around the world. This will be beneficial to Improving relations between the two major ethnic groups, especially in the United States, can improve the social image of the Chinese."

Zhen Yu glanced at him, feeling a little taken for granted.

Zhou Buqi said: "Even if it doesn't play such a big role, it can at least make the Chinese people around the world see clearly that Ziweixing Global and them are part of the same family. Ziweixing International, Ziweixing Digital Media and Ziweixing Global's overseas business Development is inseparable from the help of the Chinese, and movies can create cohesion."

Zhen Yu pondered for a moment and said slowly: "If it is to gain social influence and international public opinion, I think... the cast of the movie must be big, and the more famous the better."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be able to give such a high budget."

“Director Ang Lee’s reputation is a bit small, right?”


"Of course he is a great director, but compared to Spielberg's level, he is still a little behind."

Zhou Buqi's eyes were blazing, "What do you have in mind?"

Zhen Yu raised her head and looked at him, "Mr. Lucas's directorial ability has been criticized a lot, and I believe he must be unwilling to do so. And his popularity and international influence are far greater than those of Director Ang Lee. Just like Spielberg represented the Jews back then. Just like thanking Schindler, this time letting George Lucas thank Ho Fung Shan on behalf of the Jews will have more social significance."

"Well, you can try it!"

Zhou Buqi thought it made sense.

Let Ang Lee make this movie, which is equivalent to the self-pleasure of the Chinese circle. The theme of the performance is one Chinese's commemoration of another Chinese, and it is too difficult to get out of the circle.

It would be different if George Lucas were to film it. It would be more internationalism and show the respect, gratitude and admiration of the Jews for a Chinese diplomat.

George Lucas is bound to "Star Wars". He has a world-shaking influence, and the movies he has made in the past few years are all commercial films. If he makes an artistic film or a feature film, he will be more popular. What to watch.

As for his coaching level...

This is indeed a problem. He is not good at deeply exploring the themes that can be expressed in films. This is the biggest difference between him and the masters of feature films.

In his early years, he made the literary film "American Graffiti" and received the only Oscar nomination for Best Director in his career. Behind this is the fact that two film masters, Coppola and Spielberg, were helping him design the plot, edit the film, and control the rhythm.

Including the several "Star Wars" films he made later, he was not able to handle them alone, and he invited Spielberg to be an assistant director several times.

If this is the case, you might as well invite Spielberg and Ang Lee to help behind the scenes and help George Lucas finish filming this movie!

The Spring Festival is coming soon, and Aunt Xue and everyone started to pack their things and prepare to return to China.

The Spring Festival is a big event, and it’s impossible to go back so close to the New Year.

Always go back in advance to prepare some New Year goods.

As in previous years, this year’s Spring Festival will be spent in my hometown in Northeast China. The time has been agreed upon. I will take a flight back to China on February 5th. I will go to the capital first and then go to Northeast China on the 8th.

Zhou Buqi is too busy recently and can't accompany them. He has to wait until the 10th to return to China.

"Aunt Xue...uh, what are you doing?"

"Do yoga."

"Your body is too soft. You can do the splits so neatly, don't you pull your crotch?" Zhou Buqi was somewhat surprised.

Aunt Xue was a little proud. She sat on the yoga mat with her legs spread apart and her hands in a strange shape. "It will be good if you practice more. Talk to them more. While you are young, stretch your body more." You can always maintain flexibility. If you don't stretch it for a long time, it will be easily strained if it suddenly occurs. Especially Sun Wanran, she is a bit lazy, please supervise her more."

Zhou Buqi deeply agreed, "Aunt Xue, you are so right. That time I and her... I didn't play too fancy. I just curled her knees next to her ears, and then I My waist is strained. If it were you, I promise it'll be fine!"

Aunt Xue's almond-shaped eyes widened, "It's going to be uncomfortable if you don't tease me for a day, right?"

"Why should I feel uncomfortable? There are all my women in the house, so you can choose whatever you want. I'm afraid that you will feel uncomfortable. I'll use the air conditioner to play with you for a few words. It won't satisfy you physically, but at least it will satisfy you psychologically."

"No need."

Aunt Xue snorted softly, closed her eyes, and remained still in a yoga pose, just like practicing internal strength.

Zhou Buqi said like a thief: "Aunt Xue, tell me the truth. Do you find it exciting for us to have a secret love affair like this?"

Aunt Xue's face turned red and her eyes widened, "Who started a romance with you? Why are you so thick-skinned? When did you tease me? Did I interact with you?"

"Do you want to interact?"

"Not interested in."

“Physical interaction is okay too.”

"Okay, you're such a big man, and the more you talk, the more you talk." Aunt Xue couldn't do anything about him, so she gave him an angry look, "Tell me, what do you want to see me for?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Do me a favor and buy more things, such as bags, watches, belts, necklaces, etc. Our family will take care of them. It's the Chinese New Year, and we should also give some gifts to their parents. I might I can’t go back until Niangen. I don’t have time. You can help me allocate it after you go back.”

"Well, I understand."

"By the way, aunt, what gift do you want? Just tell me, even if you want Sun Wukong's golden cudgel, I can find it for you in different ways!"

"Just stop teasing me a few times."

"Duplicity." Zhou Buqi curled his lips, "Aunt Xue, you are so boring like this. There are no outsiders in this room and the door is closed. What's wrong with telling the truth?"

Aunt Xue was very stubborn, "I told the truth."

Zhou Buqi hummed: "Aunt, after this Spring Festival, I have to take good care of you. I can't just pamper you just because you are an elder, and you will be spoiled. As the head of the family, you must be appropriate. Please discipline you, I am doing it for your own good."

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