Top of the big era

Chapter 1568 Structured Light

Although Zhou Buqi doesn't understand these profound 3D technologies, it doesn't matter. He just needs to stick to one principle.

The technologies he has heard about are all correct technologies that will shine in the future!

Binocular technology?

do not know much!

ToF technology?

never heard of that!

Structured light technology... This is a famous one. It is an industry trend led by the launch of iPhone and will be the most mainstream solution in the field of facial recognition for smartphones in the future.

Zhou Buqi has heard of structured light technology, which means that this is the mainstream in the future.

This is enough!

Shen Xiangyang didn't know why, and then made a simple analysis of these three technologies.

Binocular technology is the simplest and lowest cost. It is a technology that even a director like Cameron can master, but the level is certainly not too high. The problem is, binocular technology imitates the human eye.

How high can the human eye discern?

It's okay to shoot a 3D movie, but there is still a long way to go to truly meet the conditions for identity authentication based on facial information.

After all, from a Silicon Valley perspective, computers should be smarter than humans.

Computer recognition should be more accurate than human eye recognition.

When Huawei's mobile phones switched from 2D to 3D face recognition authentication, they first adopted binocular technology. The main promotional point was "We are different from Apple." But I soon gave up and turned to the technical direction of structured light.

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "Using a binocular stereoscopic imaging solution to authenticate identities does not feel very accurate. However, the advantages of this solution are that it is simple in principle, low in cost, and easy to popularize. According to your plan for entertainment robots, in the future Our robots may be able to use this technology when projecting holograms."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "It makes sense. This further confirms our necessity to acquire Lucasfilm."

Shen Xiangyang said: "So although there are currently three mainstream theoretical solutions, only ToF technology and structured light technology can be truly applied to smartphones. Theoretically, ToF technology has simple structure, low equipment cost, and anti-interference properties. It has the advantages of good long-distance and high accuracy. From this perspective, it is better than the structured light solution. The cost of structured light is too high, the technical principles are complex, and it requires a lot of edge computing."

"So you prefer ToF technology?"

"Yes, this is the majority in the industry."

Zhou Buqi frowned. This was different from his understanding. "Is ToF technology all advantages? No disadvantages?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "Of course there is a shortcoming, that is, the dynamic effect is not ideal. ToF is actually a time difference ranging technology, which refers to emitting a processed light that will be reflected back after hitting an object to capture the time of going back and forth. Because the speed of light is known and modulates the wavelength of the light, so the distance to the object can be calculated quickly and accurately.”

Zhou Buqi quickly understood and said slowly: "But when people perform identity authentication, they are often not static, but dynamic. Once they move, it will affect the position of the light signal, which will cause When processed by the algorithm, a very blurry image is presented. Just like when a person shakes when taking a photo, it is easy to take pictures of flowers."

Shen Xiangyang secretly praised something in his heart. He felt that the big boss was really smart. He could understand and explain everything in one click. Not only could he understand quickly, but he could also draw inferences from one instance to another. He said with a smile, "Yes, that's what it means."

Zhou Buqi said decisively: "Then choose structured light technology! That's it!"


Shen Xiangyang was slightly startled.

"There are three reasons for choosing structured light." Zhou Buqi said thoughtfully, "First, the life choice I firmly believe in is to walk through the narrow door. The wide door is easy to walk, and let others walk. Walking the narrow door is not only courage, but also discovery. A new world of opportunity.”

Shen Xiangyang laughed, "Don't you always read "Zi Zhi Tong Jian"? Are you reading the "Bible"?"

Zhou Buqi was puzzled, "What happened to the Bible?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "There is a passage in the Bible that Jesus taught believers to walk through the narrow door."

"I have never read the Bible. This is one of my principles for running a business. Take the narrow door, travel the long road, and see the glimmer of light." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "There are advantages to taking the narrow door, that is, you can use resources. Maximize. For example, with this 3D technology, the majority is ToF technology, just let them do it. If this path is correct and they succeed, it means that a large number of ToF solutions will appear in the market , fierce competition means low prices. Even if we lag behind in this field, we can still spend very little money to purchase related services. If structured light is proven to be correct, this will be another unpopular narrow door. We can easily become the industry leader.”

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "This is the choice with the highest expectation of return."

Zhou Buqi said: "The second one is the dynamic effect. It is difficult for the ToF technology solution to solve motion recognition, which is obviously not possible. The 3D technology solution must be dynamic. Only dynamic authentication can show subjective Sexually active organism.”

Shen Xiangyang remained silent.

Zhou Buqi continued: "The third point is the combination of multiple fields. For example, virtual reality, augmented reality, 3D games and sensor dynamic capture. From a dynamic perspective, the structured light solution is more in line with market demand. "

Shen Xiangyang took a deep breath, "Okay, then it's settled!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, after taking over Lucasfilm, the binocular technology is ready. Next, you will work harder in the direction of structured light."

Shen Xiangyang pondered for a moment and said slowly: "If you want to be the world's leading cutting-edge technology, it is not enough to start from scratch on your own."


"We have to rely on the power of the world to engage in mergers and acquisitions. Just like acquiring Lucasfilm will enable us to have the best binocular stereo imaging technology in the world. If we don't acquire Lucasfilm, we at Ziweixing will organize our own team Starting from scratch, I am afraid it will be difficult to surpass them within ten or twenty years. The development of technology requires accumulation. The more sophisticated the technology, the more accumulated it is."

Zhou Buqi asked: "To acquire a commercialization company related to structured light technology?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "Yes, I want to acquire it. From the perspective of imaging principles, the effect of structured light is better than that of binoculars. If you want to shoot a 3D movie with better visual effects than "Avatar", if you also use binoculars It is almost impossible to start with three-dimensional imaging technology. If you use structured light technology, you may be able to make a breakthrough. You were right just now. Structured light has great advantages in the direction of blending virtuality and reality. In augmented reality and In the field of 3D modeling, structured light is the best solution.”

Zhou Buqi was very excited, "Yes! We must do it as soon as possible! Universal Pictures has already launched the sequel to "Jurassic Park", which is a big project. The most important one is to conduct 3D modeling of the dinosaurs. Not only must the special effects be realistic, but the 3D effects must also be beautiful. "Avatar" is about a world, and the biggest highlight of "Jurassic Park" is the dinosaurs, and the first thing is to make them good."

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "That's a coincidence. The principle of structured light can produce better and more stunning dinosaur 3D models than binocular technology. As far as I know, there are currently only two companies in the world that are relatively in-depth in this system field. of research, one is in Silicon Valley and the other is in Israel.”

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said, "It's up to you!"

Universal Pictures has launched a sequel plan for "Jurassic Park" and will release three sequels within 10 years. Of course, these sequels will all be made into 3D movies. The main partners for cooperation will be Lucasfilm. of Industrial Light \u0026 Magic.

Cameron has promoted binocular 3D technology. It is conceivable that in the next few years, Hollywood will use this technology trend as the main body to shoot 3D movies.

It is impossible to surpass "Avatar" by blindly imitating it.

With the technology giant Ziweixing behind Ziweixing Global, there is every reason to further upgrade the 3D visual effects!

To further promote the technological revolution in Hollywood!

In the early years, the technological revolution in Hollywood was driven by George Lucas, who launched the computer-generated movie "Star Wars" in 1977. Later he retired and was succeeded by James Cameron, whose "Avatar" series represented a new era of technology.

Letting two directors promote the technological revolution in Hollywood is really a portrayal of Hollywood's helpless reality.

Hollywood and Silicon Valley are incompatible and look down on each other.

Things are different now. Silicon Valley has taken the trend of the times and crushed Hollywood. Behind Ziweixing Global is the Silicon Valley-based Hollywood Entertainment Group, which is an industrial upgrade of "Internet + Entertainment".

Hollywood's technological revolution should be led by Ziweixing Global!

Led by Zhou Buqi!

The first step is to present the dinosaurs in the sequel to "Jurassic Park" with a technology that is more stunning than the 3D effect of "Avatar", and then bring the audience a dreamlike viewing experience!

Zhou Buqi has such ambitions.

George Lucas happened to be a kindred spirit.

Lucasfilm is very similar to MSI Universal in some aspects. Lucasfilm is located between Hollywood and Silicon Valley. It is the Hollywood film company with the strongest sense of technology and the most entertaining Silicon Valley technology company.

At this level, Zhou Buqi and George Lucas hit it off!

Before that, Zhou Buqi had already asked clearly.

George Lucas and Universal Pictures have a long history.

His rise to become a great director relied on the cultivation of Universal Pictures in his early years. The film "American Graffiti" for which he was nominated for an Oscar for Best Director was invested by Universal Pictures. Because of the success of this film, George Lucas had the opportunity to make the next "Star Wars".

However, Lucasfilm was his lifelong endeavor, and it was not an easy decision for him to sell the company completely.

George Lucas has remained tight-lipped about selling the company.

Fortunately, both parties have a passion for technology, and they had a pleasant conversation based on 3D movies, 3D modeling, binocular technology and structured light technology.

Very common language.

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