Top of the big era

Chapter 1557 Disadvantages of Airborne

Shen Xiangyang must be one of his own. He has been with Ziweixing for many years. He has watched Ziweixing grow from a second-rate domestic Internet company to the best Internet company in the country. Then go out boldly and want to be among the best in the world.

It’s a growing experience together.

It will create a strong sense of belonging.

Because of this background, Shen Xiangyang is very popular and prestigious within Ziweixing.

Kurian and Wang Jianhui have differences. The fundamental reason is that Wang Jian is a very meritorious boss within Ziwei Star, but Kurian is an airborne soldier that everyone doesn't know much about.

The negative impact of airborne executives on any company is similar. It shows the company's distrust of its own people, which will lower morale and make it feel at a loss.

Therefore, try not to airborne if possible.

Even if you have to airborne, the lower the level, the better.

Kurian's airborne landing was something that couldn't be helped. Wang Jian and Zhou Feng, who dominate Ziweiyun's domestic business, currently do not have the ability to lead Ziweiyun into overseas markets.

Dr. Wang Jian is old, and his scientist attributes are too strong, so he will definitely not be able to do it. Zhou Feng actually has a chance, he is very young and he is still growing.

But for Zi Weiyun, time is very tight, and there is no time for Zhou Feng to try and make mistakes to let him grow slowly. Kurian was parachuted in and asked him to lead Ziweiyun to make greater breakthroughs in underlying technology. He used his experience and business judgment in enterprise services at Oracle to lead Ziweiyun to compete with Amazon Cloud and Microsoft Cloud. is the best choice.

However, artificial intelligence is different.

The market for cloud computing is already gaining momentum, but the market for artificial intelligence is still far away and is still early. Moreover, Shen Xiangyang is different from Wang Jian. He is both a top scientist and an outstanding manager.

When Zhou Buqi was in Silicon Valley, many people jokingly told him that Shen Xiangyang was the first person in the field of artificial intelligence in Silicon Valley, and Lu Qi was the second person.

This may sound like a compliment, but it's not a lie either.

Shen Xiangyang and Lu Qi have such prestige and ability, which refers to comprehensive ability. In terms of contribution to technological development in the field of artificial intelligence, as Shen Xiangyang said, there are at least dozens of scientists in Silicon Valley who are better than him. However, those people are all scientists, and they are just scientists.

Shen Xiangyang and Lu Qi are different. They are both scientists and well-known executives in Silicon Valley. As a mere scientist, unless you reach the level of Einstein or Hawking, even if you win the Nobel Prize, your social status will not be too high, or even lower than that of entertainment stars. It is the same all over the world.

But the executives of technology giants are different. They represent power. They are the real industry leaders in a market economy environment. For a scientific research project, such executives must first recognize the development direction. After they approve it, scientists can obtain funding and start research.

The artificial intelligence industry has not really exploded yet. Scientists in the field of artificial intelligence in Silicon Valley have generally not yet been promoted. Currently, the highest positions are Shen Xiangyang and Lu Qi. This is because they have a huge reputation in Silicon Valley. s reason.

Therefore, Shen Xiangyang is different from Wang Jian and Zhou Feng who are in charge of Ziwei Cloud. He can completely lead Ziwei Star's global business in the field of artificial intelligence!

Artificial intelligence technology is roughly divided into three levels: grassroots technology, application layer technology and product layer technology. What China is best at is product layer technology, followed by application layer technology.

There is little that grassroots technology can do.

In later generations, China was known as the "number one country" in artificial intelligence, and the number of patents it applied for was extremely exaggerated, more than three times the number of patents from other countries in the world combined. But there is a lack of achievements in the basic technical field of artificial intelligence, which is what Baidu can do. This is not because of Baidu’s domestic team, but the technical results from Baidu’s Silicon Valley Artificial Intelligence Laboratory. As for a bunch of things made by other technology companies, they are basically unfinished.

Just like the cloud computing industry, China is good at "upgrading" based on underlying technology, and has difficulty in "inventing" underlying technology. The lower the people in the technology industry tend to be, the more they have a voice and the more competitive they are.

If you want to make a breakthrough in underlying technology, you must rely heavily on Silicon Valley laboratories. It doesn’t necessarily have to rely on foreigners, but also many scientific and technological talents who graduated from Qingbei and went abroad.

They dare to start a new life in a strange world after graduating from college. This in itself has a personality of being brave, rebellious, uncompromising, different, and not caring about worldly perspectives. This constitutes the basic elements of invention and creation.

In this regard, Ziweixing has its own advantages and can be close to the water.

In this context, if Ziweixing wants to lead the world in the field of artificial intelligence, Shen Xiangyang's focus must be on Silicon Valley. Just like Ziweiyun’s technology research and development focus will be in Silicon Valley, and it will be led by Kurian.

Zhou Buqi stood at the door of the elevator and told Shen Xiangyang his thoughts.

The direction of cloud computing has been "occupied by the foreigner Kurian". Even if individuals obey the collective and parts obey the overall situation, whoever is the individual or part who is sacrificed will be dissatisfied.

In the direction of artificial intelligence, Shen Xiangyang wants to start.

He needs to focus more.

Now, he is the dean of Ziweixing Research Institute and concurrently serves as the CTO of Ziweixing. From now on, don’t hold the concurrent position of CTO. Just let Wang Jian do the CTO job. He wants to sit in Silicon Valley and build a global artificial intelligence research center.

Zhou Buqi then said: "By the way, you should join the board of directors of Ziweixing Global and Ziweixing Digital Media."


Shen Xiangyang was slightly startled.

Zhou Buqi said: "Ziweixing Digital Media is headquartered in London. It mainly develops the digital sports industry based on the Internet. The relevant technical level in Europe is not enough. The last virtual advertisement was also provided by you. Technical direction.”

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "I'll give them technical guidance?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, you are responsible for global business, building a global artificial intelligence research institute, and applying relevant technologies to Internet products. Not only Ziweixing and Ziweixing International, but also Ziweixing Digital Media and Ziweixing Universal. Well, there are also some technology companies that invest.”

Shen Xiangyang hesitated, "The development of artificial intelligence is still very long, I'm afraid..."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Old Shen, I have confidence in you! Don't forget, there is also a robot business!"


"Today's robots are mostly industrial robots that do simple repetitive tasks. We want to develop a robot with entertainment attributes, and Ziweixing wants to create a popular product based on artificial intelligence."

"Yes, someone told me about it the other day." Shen Xiangyang smiled, "It seems that after the robot is built, in addition to intelligent chatting, intelligent phone calls, intelligent answering questions, it can also intelligently play videos on demand. Yeah. It can just be combined with Ziweixing Global."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, intelligently play streaming movies on the small screen of the robot."

Shen Xiangyang shook his head, "The small screen is not good, and the viewing experience is too poor. What he said is that the robot should have a projection function and project it directly on the wall. I think this idea is very good. When video chatting with others through the robot, you can also directly Once the projection is completed, the effect will be even better during video communication.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Yes, projection. Ziweixing Global is going to acquire Lucasfilm. Once the deal is completed, Ziweixing can go a step further in terms of visual effects presentation technology. Wait for our When the robot is released, it might be 3D projection!”

"Then you need to wear 3D glasses."

Shen Xiangyang didn't think this idea was very good.

"3D glasses?" Zhou Buqi disagreed, "Wearing 3D glasses to watch 3D movies is a very mature technology. "Avatar" will be released soon. It may be ten years before our entertainment robot is ready. Technology has been further upgraded a long time ago. Don’t underestimate Lucasfilm.”

Shen Xiangyang really didn't understand, "What about?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Naked-eye 3D, holographic projection!"


Shen Xiangyang twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling that this was too far away.

But Zhou Buqi thinks this idea is very good, "The iPhone has changed the mobile phone ecosystem. The robot we launched will change the home entertainment ecosystem, completely replacing the status of home DVD players and home game consoles, as well as family communication, Q\u0026A, weather, etc." Forecasting functions, including listening to songs, listening to news, listening to lectures, shopping, ordering food and other home activities, can also be completed through this robot. As for holographic projection, it is not a technical problem. Once you acquire Lucasfilm, you can knew."

"Avatar" set off the global 3D movie trend, and in "Avatar 2", it was naked-eye 3D holographic projection technology.

Hollywood and Silicon Valley are not that far apart.

They are all creative industries and are leading the trend.

Shen Xiangyang wanted to say, don't think about it. You draw cakes every day. How can the cakes you draw really be eaten? Why don't you start by buying noodles, adding water, and kneading noodles?

However, he couldn't say much, so he could only cough and said, "Why don't you go see Kurian first?"

"Huh? Oh, okay!"

Zhou Buqi stopped showing off and went to meet Kurian together to resolve the cloud computing business dispute.

After meeting the big boss, Kurian really talked a lot about invention patents.

The underlying technology of cloud computing mainly revolves around sensors, machine learning, memory, user interface, data storage, computing system, processor, computing device, application, computer system, selectivity, database, server, client, metadata and other fields.

What Kurian means is to focus on the development of invention patents in the areas of applications, computers, computing equipment, and memory, which can effectively circumvent the technology monopoly of other technology giants and build its own cloud computing patent moat.

This is certainly true.

It is a matter of maximizing strengths and avoiding weaknesses, and is truly considering the interests of Ziweixing.

Several areas such as computer systems, databases and servers that Wang Jian's team focuses on research, in Kurian's view, can all be cut off!


Can you do computer systems better than Microsoft?

Have you ever done database work with Oracle?

Have you ever done better than IBM in making servers?

No matter how much research is done in these fields, Ziweiyun will not be able to gain high recognition in the market. They have already formed a monopoly.

It is better to give up completely, and then work hard in applications, computers, computing equipment, memory, user interfaces, data storage and other areas where other giants have not yet formed absolute dominance, grab some territory from them, and apply for more invention patents .

The underlying technology of cloud computing covers so much that it is impossible for any one company to absorb it all. As long as Ziweiyun steadily seizes some influential territory, it will be enough to gain a foothold in the world.

I'm afraid that the direction of research is wrong and that I'm going to hit an egg with an egg.

Just like studying computer systems, this is Microsoft's home base. If Zi Weiyun focuses on this direction, no matter how well he does, he will never be able to seize this territory.

If too much scientific research power is wasted on these impossible-to-grab sites, other sites that should be seized are not seized, and Ziweiyun fails to establish its own base in the underlying technology, and the potential is too weak.

The best option is that if Microsoft's system plays well, then Ziweiyun will completely abandon the field of computer systems, hand over this territory, and compete for other territories, such as the territory for data storage.

By then, Ziwei Cloud will use Microsoft's system patents, and Microsoft Cloud will use Ziweixing's data storage patents. The two sides are restraining each other, and no one is making things difficult for the other.

This truth is so correct.

However, national conditions are different.

The domestic world is incompatible with the Western world in terms of form. Companies such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM, and Google are all American companies. The domestic thinking has always been to come up with something of our own to prevent it from being completely stuck.

Now that Microsoft has a system, technology companies in the UK, Germany, Japan, and South Korea will definitely not touch the system field. This is asking for trouble.

But it is different in China. We must explore this field and develop independent intellectual property rights.

Just in case.

In case Microsoft doesn't let you use it, there is still a backup in China, so that it won't be taken over by others. A powerful company like Ziweixing must shoulder such social responsibilities. Knowing that this is a direction that is asking for trouble, I can only bite the bullet and go for it.

Kurian weighs the pros and cons entirely from a business perspective, and obviously does not understand the domestic situation well enough. This is the shortcoming of airborne executives. From this point of view, the selection of scientific research projects for Ziweiyun’s domestic team really cannot be entirely left to Kurian’s arrangement.

Zhou Buqi made arrangements according to the established plan.

However, Ziweiyun's domestic business cannot completely obey Kurian, and it also maintains a certain degree of autonomy. Kurian can ask Zi Weiyun led by Zhou Feng to do something, but he cannot ask him not to do anything.

Wang Jian was promoted to CTO of Ziweixing, and he will continue to guide Zhou Feng to develop some scientific research projects based on national conditions that Kurian thinks are pure nonsense and a waste of R\u0026D funds.

Kurian was a little disappointed. He felt that if all scientific research funds were allocated by him, Ziweiyun's technical research could achieve more and more effective results, instead of developing a bunch of computer systems and databases. Technology patent, this thing is useless. With the existence of Microsoft and Oracle, no company will use Ziweiyun's related technologies.

This is obviously wrong.

Foreign companies will not, but domestic companies may.

Let’s stop writing this paragraph. It’s too boring and complicated. I can only write it briefly in a few chapters. I can’t write it any deeper.

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