Top of the big era

Chapter 1554 The unrealistic voyage

Utility model patents rely on invention patents.

For example, there is invention patent A and utility model patent B.

If a businessman wants to use patent B once, he must pay a patent fee to him. This money cannot all go to Patent B. Patent B exists based on patent A. Every time patent B is used, it is actually the process of B calling A. After B receives the patent fee, he still needs to pay another amount of money to A.

A is from 0 to 1, B is from 1 to 100.

B can be applied on a large scale in the market and make a lot of money, but it is A that really controls the core lifeblood of the bottom layer.

Just like Amazon Cloud, Microsoft Cloud and Google Cloud.

As we all know, Google Cloud has the best technology and the most invention patents. Microsoft is second and Amazon is the worst. But the level of technical level is not directly related to market feedback.

Amazon Cloud has the worst technology, but it has the highest market share and the best commercialization.

Because Amazon Cloud is not as powerful as Microsoft Cloud and Google Cloud, Amazon Cloud "found another approach" and did not focus solely on researching invention patents. Instead, it separated a part of the team to study relatively simple gain-type utility model patents.

Invention patents are too low-level and beyond the reach of ordinary people. What ordinary people can have close contact with are utility model patents. Whoever has a good utility model patent will have its products closer to users and be more recognized.

Just like the development and evolution of wooden bridges, stone arch bridges and iron bridges.

The wooden bridge is the lowest level.

What has more modern application value is the load-bearing bridge constructed of reinforced concrete.

Zhou Buqi actually understands this deeply.

What the domestic technology industry is best at is studying some utility model patents and doing things from 1 to 100, aiming at commercial applications.

For example, in later generations, the best social software in the world is WeChat, and the best financial product in the world is Alipay. They have almost taken commercial applications to the extreme, and each has developed a lot of patents to ensure the technology of their own products. Results.

However, these technological achievements are all utility model patents, which are basically based on improvements from American invention patents. Fortunately, this is a C-side Internet product. A large number of invention patents with little technical content are open source and can be used for free.

But cloud computing is different.

This is a B-side business.

The B-side is aimed at enterprise-level users, and user experience is not as important as user loyalty. How to maintain user loyalty? A very simple method is patent trolling.

For example, Microsoft Cloud obtained an invention patent and developed a new product based on it. Microsoft Cloud can refuse authorization or authorize at exorbitant prices, causing other cloud computing platforms to have no similar products.

In this way, cloud computing users can only choose to stay on the Microsoft cloud platform in order to use this product.

B-side products have different product logic than C-side products. As far as Internet C-end products are concerned, invention patents are not that important. But for B-end products, invention patents are crucial.

This is the underlying technical reason why there are clear differences between the business development of the C-side and B-side in the domestic Internet industry.

Domestic C-end Internet products can create the best products in the world, as long as they develop utility model patents. Whether it is WeChat, Alipay, Douyin, Douyu, or even, the experience is better than Amazon .

However, there is a huge gap in dimension between B-end products and foreign giants. The main reason is the lack of invention patents.

In the previous life, Alibaba Cloud tried to change this situation and became a world-class B-side product that truly went abroad.

Ziweiyun, led by Zhou Buqi in this life, must do better than Alibaba Cloud!

Shen Xiangyang said: "Most of Ziweiyun's patents are utility model patents, and there are too few invention patents. Kurian is very dissatisfied with this. He requires Dr. Wang Jian's team to focus on the development of invention patents starting next year. , lay a solid foundation for Ziweiyun. Instead of starting to build a building in a flashy way if the foundation is not stable. This is the main contradiction between the two sides."

"Wang Jian doesn't agree?" Zhou Buqi thought this was a bit strange, "Is that okay?"

"Well..." Shen Xiangyang paused and sighed, "It's not that he disagrees. He can't agree. He can't agree. The domestic team simply can't do it. Kurian doesn't understand the current situation in the country. He is just blind. command."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "I know that the domestic technology industry is lacking in the ability to go from 0 to 1, but Ziweixing's technical team...especially Ziweiyun's team has brought together a group of the best scientists in the country. Can they not do it? The technical level is not as good as that of an Indian?"

Shen Xiangyang waved his hand, "It's not about technical ability. In my opinion, Wang Jian's understanding and judgment of cloud computing technology is far better than Kurian's. Kurian became a monk in cloud computing halfway, and he is very familiar with this industry." The understanding of the underlying technology is not deep enough.”

"That is how the matter?"

"Yes...well...I don't know if what I said is accurate, but I have worked in the United States for many years and returned to China for many years. I have some insights into the environment of the Chinese and American technology industries. It is not even the technology industry, but It’s the overall environment. There is a lack of those deviant, inexplicable, and incompatible with the world in China, including the absurd cognition like Kurian who says that New Delhi and Yanjing in India are similar big cities.”

"I'll go!" Zhou Buqi was amused, "He said New Delhi and Yanjing are on the same level. Is this an advantage?"

Shen Xiangyang is a top scientist. Many of the underlying invention patents in the field of artificial intelligence were created when he was studying for a Ph.D. in the United States. To this day, they are still the basic algorithm theory in the artificial intelligence industry, so he is very important in this kind of thing. He had the right to speak, and said slowly: "He said that New Delhi and Yanjing are cities of the same level. This is of course wrong. Is it important to be right or wrong? So what if it is wrong? But don't you think he is so absurd? Is his deviant argument very creative? Among the domestic elites, how many people dare to confidently say that cities like Nanchang and Harbin are on the same level as New York and London? This is not a question of right or wrong, but a way of thinking. The problem."


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth, not knowing how to evaluate it.

Shen Xiangyang said with a smile: "I remember there was a scene in "Diamond and Dragons" about cracking the Zhenlong chess game. It was said that all the best Go players in the country had gone there, and experts gathered there, and they could not crack it after decades of research. Xu Zhu doesn't understand Go, so he went over and gave some random tips, and then he broke the game."

This example is too vivid, Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, Xu Zhu made a move that was wrong in the eyes of the experts, and he was scolded and almost beaten. Today, that would It was Internet violence. Fortunately, a person with a lot of say later discovered the clues and became Xu Zhu's Bole. Following Xu Zhu's ideas, the chess game was broken."

Shen Xiangyang nodded, "From a technical point of view, I don't think the domestic cloud computing team is very bad. It may not be as good as Google and Microsoft, but it is not necessarily worse than Amazon. Dr. Wang Jian even knows more technology than Kurian. However, Our expert team's thinking has become fixed and cannot solve the Zhenlong chess game. Xu Zhu's absurd and deviant ideas have no room for survival in China."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Yes, this is not a problem in the technology industry. We have too many standard answers that cannot be discussed."

Shen Xiangyang said: "It's like doing a task. There are three roads, left, middle and right, to the end. If one person succeeds by taking the left road, the domestic social mechanism will guide everyone to take the left road. Some places will even introduce regulations Laws and regulations require that everyone can only take the left path, which is the safest and best protects the practical interests of the people. This is of course a kind of care and love for the people, but it also stifles some adventurous and brave people. People are looking for opportunities to live a different life. But it is different in the United States. No one will guide you on the right path. You can go whatever way you want. If you go wrong, you may be done with it for the rest of your life, or you may give up on yourself. , or angrily retaliate against society. But once you find that the middle or right path is right and a better choice, it will be a world-renowned achievement. It is Einstein, it is Hawking, it is Bill Gates, it is Steve Jobs."

Zhou Buqi said with emotion: "Well, innovation is a game for the brave."

"Yes, just like Kurian. After graduating from college, he left India, where he had lived for decades, and resolutely went to a completely unfamiliar foreign country. This is the brave man. He has the adventurous spirit to go from 0 to 1, which is what makes him brave. It’s not surprising. Why is the United States so far ahead of the world in the 0 to 1 field? Because the founders of the United States were a group of brave men who went to the United States from Europe to find a new world. To this day, the United States is still the largest immigrant country, attracting immigrants from all over the world. The brave men of the world take risks.”

"You were also brave back then."

"I'm still far away," Shen Xiangyang waved his hand. "Bravery is only the most basic condition. It's more about the indulgence of rebellion, absurdity, and deviance. The hippie movement created today's Silicon Valley and Hollywood. Innovation has a price. Yes. Taking the road on the left will not innovate, but it will win in safety and stability. You can choose the middle or right road. The road ahead is unknown. You may encounter an accident and die halfway, or you may discover a new world on a great voyage. "

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, during the Age of Discovery, the Ming and Qing dynasties were closed to the outside world. In today's Internet world, we have built walls to seal ourselves off, and the Great Navigation is still impossible."

Shen Xiangyang said: "Columbus was a gangster, talkative, and ridiculous to the point of being unbelievable. He said that the shape of the earth is like a woman's breasts, and that God lives in...well, that location. If he were in China, he would not be arrested. , will be ostracized by the whole society and reduced to the lowest level. But Columbus received the support of the Spanish royal family back then, and the royal family gave him money to search for God. And then, he actually succeeded."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, just like Jobs, Ellison and Musk."

Shen Xiangyang concluded: "Dr. Wang Jian has differences with Kurian, but he does not oppose for the sake of opposition. No one understands the capabilities of his team better than him. This is just a team with strong technical strength but lack of innovative thinking. . It is unrealistic to rely on his team to go on a big voyage."

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