Top of the big era

Chapter 1532 The lonely pioneer

The successful cooperation between Ziweiyun and Taobao has caused quite a stir in the industry. It can even withstand the traffic impact of the "Double Eleven" shopping festival, which shows that Ziweiyun's technology is very powerful and trustworthy.

In just one week, Ziweiyun’s new users reached 30,000, of which 26,000 are individual users. This group of users is of little significance at present. Even if they pay, the cost is very low. They are mainly curious college students. try out. The 4,000 enterprise-level users are the key group to cultivate.

Although most of them are small, medium and micro Internet companies, this is a good start. Through the leadership of Sohu,, Sina, Youku, Taobao, and many websites owned by Ziweixing, more small and medium-sized Internet companies can follow suit, and the situation can be opened up quickly.

Judging from the current situation, Ziwei Cloud's development is not only better than Alibaba Cloud in its previous life, but even better than Amazon Cloud!

In overseas markets, the direction of cloud computing in the Internet industry is still being discussed, researched, experimented, and confirmed, and many companies are watching from a distance. So even though Amazon Cloud has already grown to a large scale, there are only a few hundred customers that have actually settled in.

It's different in China.

Led by a number of Internet giants such as Ziweixing, Alibaba, Sohu, and Sina, the entire industry has developed into a turbulent situation. Although foreign countries are still in the process of careful verification, domestic consensus has basically formed that the direction of cloud computing should be like Ziweiyun!

Boss Zhou has made some small mistakes in the years since he started his business, but he has never made any big mistakes!

For this kind of super-large project with an investment of tens of billions, he had no reason to make mistakes, and there was no sign of any mistakes.

Ziweiyun's own data disclosed, as well as the data provided by Sohu, Youku,, YY and other companies on the Ziweiyun platform, as well as the data released by Taobao's "Singles' Day", all signs indicate that Ziweiyun is reliable. Trustworthy, it really may be the Internet infrastructure of the next era!

It is more convenient and easier to start an Internet company on this new infrastructure, with more technical support and less cost!

Under this general situation, Zhou Buqi suddenly had a feeling that the cloud computing business in China had gradually taken shape. While foreign countries are still arguing endlessly about the direction of cloud computing, China can already unify its thinking and stride forward.

If you want to be rich, build roads first.

Ziweiyun is the “road” of the Internet industry.

The train of the mobile Internet era has slowly arrived, but China has lagged behind Europe, the United States, South Korea and Japan for several years due to various restrictions by operators.

If we want to catch up, we have to build roads and have better infrastructure than overseas. In other words, even if the infrastructure at home and abroad is the same, foreign industry consensus has been unable to be reached, and the cloud computing business is struggling. But the domestic industry consensus has been reached. Ziweiyun is the right direction and can develop earlier.

In the past, very few domestic Internet companies were able to explore overseas markets. In this life, Ziweixing has developed in overseas markets early and has accumulated sufficient overseas operation experience. This experience can be modularized and tooled on the Ziwei Cloud platform for use by other companies.

A little progress of Ziweixing is a progress of the entire industry.

Maybe under the wave of mobile Internet, more excellent domestic Internet companies will be able to explore overseas markets. Defeating Silicon Valley companies on their own turf is nothing. The country will try to suppress Silicon Valley companies. If the suppressed party can still compete with Silicon Valley giants when overseas markets become biased, then it will be a true hero.

Zhou Buqi spent three days visiting 14 relatively well-known Internet companies in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, and presented the industry significance of Ziwei Cloud in person.

He has great reputation, and many companies that are not interested in Ziweiyun have expressed their opinions that they will put part of their business on the cloud and give it a try.

Even before he took the initiative to visit, his competitor Penguin contacted him and said that they were willing to support the construction of new era Internet infrastructure and would list their financial network business on Ziwei Cloud.

This immediately aroused the vigilance of Boss Zhou.

Sure enough, on the plane to the United States, Zhou Buqi received a call from Meng Houkun with inside information.

Meng Houkun said concisely and to the point, "They are going to follow suit again."


Zhou Buqi didn't react for a while.

Meng Houkun said: "The latest news is that Penguin has launched a research and development project called cloud service internally, with an initial R\u0026D investment of 200 million yuan. If nothing else happens, this cloud service project is likely to be cloud computing."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "You can find out about such company secrets?"

"Who am I?" Meng Houkun snorted, "I am the commander of the Jinyi Guards of Ziweixing, and I am the judge in black. I reward good and punish evil internally, and report events externally."

Zhou Buqi laughed and scolded: "You're getting better and better!"

"Don't you think it's very majestic?" Meng Houkun laughed and said solemnly, "To be honest, this is probably true. The person who sent me the message has been assigned to this new project. It’s formed. It won’t be long before the exact information is made public.”

Zhou Buqi said: "I think it should be true. This is in line with their style."

Meng Houkun said thiefly: "Do you want to find a way to do it?"

Zhou Buqi was angry and funny, "What do you want to do?"

Meng Houkun hummed: "In terms of impact on other businesses, Helo's current user scale is similar to QQ! People under 18 years old generally use QQ, and people over 18 years old generally use Helo. From the age structure, we have occupied a lot of A huge advantage. If that doesn’t work, Toutiao will pick up all the news from Penguin every day and let them..."

"Forget it, don't make trouble." Zhou Buqi interrupted him.

Meng Houkun said very strangely: "Old Zhou, why do I feel that you are not as motivated as before? We have finally created a good environment for the cloud computing industry, and they are happy to follow up, so you can No idea?"

Zhou Buqi said: "They do theirs and we do ours. There is justice in the industry."

"How can there be justice?" Meng Houkun disagreed, "The winner is the prince, the result is more important than anything else."

Zhou Buqi said in a relaxed tone: "It's been a while. Do you think Ziweixing and Penguin are companies of the same level? They do cloud computing, and they can do it if they like it. With only 200 million R\u0026D funds, they can make What results will come? If it is done, it will be better, and the domestic network infrastructure will become better. In the domestic market of Ziweixing, we must try our best to do things that are beneficial to the industry."

"Then let's forget it?"

"Forget it, just pretend you don't know, cloud computing engineering is not that simple. We don't fight, and we are not afraid of fighting."


"Well..." Zhou Buqi suddenly remembered something, "If you want to pay attention to the cloud computing industry outside, I suggest you keep your eyes on Alibaba."

"Ali?" Meng Houkun was a little surprised, "Didn't we just cooperate very successfully!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Because the cooperation has been so successful, Alibaba has really felt the benefits and benefits of cloud computing. Maybe they have also held internal meetings and want to enter the market like Penguin."

Meng Houkun was very unhappy, "Let's plant trees to give them shade."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Someone has to plant trees. If we don't plant trees, who will wait for us? In this world, there must be lonely pioneers."

The cloud computing industry tree has been planted and the general environment has been created. Other powerful manufacturers will definitely enter the market one after another to share this cake.

This is also normal.

At least it's more comfortable than Lao Ma now.

Boss Ma is now focusing most of his energy on Alipay. He wants to use this Internet product to truly complete point-to-point transactions in local life.

For example, a bank charges 50 yuan for an inter-bank transfer of 5,000 yuan, which makes no sense; for example, to pay water and electricity bills, you have to go to the business hall, which is too troublesome; and for example, phone bill recharge, bus card recharge, provident fund inquiry, overseas visa, social security payment, etc. Paying driving tickets, applying for a loan, etc., all must be handled by the relevant departments.

Fortunately, it was processed very quickly. Bad luck, just wait.

To get these things done, Alipay had to go from department to department, cover each chapter, put in all the smiles, say all the good words, and use a lot of manpower and material resources to get so many things done. It has provided great convenience to people's daily lives.

Once Alipay has cleared up all the relationships and these departments have opened their APIs online, other payment products can quickly follow up and directly connect with these APIs.

What Alipay has worked hard for several years to do, other products can do in seconds.

This level of people planting trees for future generations to enjoy the shade is much greater than Ziweixing's cloud computing business.

Lao Ma can do it, and Zhou Buqi feels that he can't be too bad.

After calling here, Zhou Buqi found Aunt Xue, Ning Lu, and Sun Wanran gathered together, seeming to be discussing something, so he walked over and asked, "Why are you so serious?"

Aunt Xue raised her head and glanced at him, "A piece of news."

"What news?"

"A murder case."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Domestic news? That shouldn't be serious. Serious ones can't be reported."

Aunt Xue said: "It's very serious, it will blow people's brains open!"


Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously and sat next to Sun Wanran.

Aunt Xue said seriously: "Well, there was a mother and daughter. The daughter was 13 years old. The mother took her to remarry her stepfather. But the stepfather was a bastard. One night, he wanted to take that girl... and wanted to bully her. Fortunately, my mother resisted desperately and her stepfather did not succeed. He was very angry and beat her up. He also said that he would wait until dawn tomorrow to succeed. That night, after his stepfather fell asleep, the mother took a hammer. , smashed his head."

"I go!"

Zhou Buqi's neck shrank slightly and he subconsciously covered his head with his hands.


"Boss, what are you afraid of?"

"Ha ha!"

This scene was collectively laughed at by the secretaries. Aunt Xue's face turned red and she glared at him fiercely. Unable to bear the awkward atmosphere, she got up and went back to the bedroom.

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