Top of the big era

Chapter 1511 It’s easy to quit but hard to come in

If the Chaowan Commune industry wants to expand, financing is necessary.

Regardless of the past year, Chaowan Commune's results have been excellent, but this is cheating and taking shortcuts. This is not a data that can truly be used as a comprehensive reference.

Chaowan Company currently has a gross profit of US$10 million in its account, mainly from the Three Kingdoms character blind box and the Manchester United player blind box.

The former achieved success by relying on the popularity of the two movies "Red Cliff" in Japan, and then the Three Kingdoms Blind Box took advantage of the popularity to sell together;

Not to mention the latter, Old Trafford has a natural geographical advantage.

In the Greater Manchester area, the largest cultural center and entertainment center is the Old Trafford Stadium. Whether you are a fan or a tourist, as long as you come to Manchester, you must go to Old Trafford to buy a ticket.

Annual tourist ticket fees alone generate more than 11 million pounds.

With such advantages, Manchester United Blind Box does not need to advertise. It can directly install self-service vending machines in some important locations of the Old Trafford Stadium, and set up special blind box booths in the official Manchester United store.

Fans will spend money for the players, tourists will spend money for souvenirs, that's it.

But that's not the case in other cities.

Such as London.

This is a world-class metropolis, a world of flowers, with a variety of entertainment methods. Football is just one choice in London's rich and colorful cultural life.

If you want to call on everyone to buy blind boxes, you need some advertisements to guide consumers, preferably TV advertisements and Internet advertisements, otherwise they may not even know what blind boxes are.

If you want to advertise, it will cost a lot!

The small amount of money in Chaowan Commune’s account is not enough.

Internet advertising is okay, Ziweixing Digital Media is building the largest football community.

The trouble is with traditional TV advertising.

There is a famous saying in advertising: "I know that 50% of my advertising dollars are wasted, but I don't know which half." Later, another survey said that the 50% data was inaccurate and should be 90%.

To sum up, the traditional TV advertising model has a wide coverage and high advertising fees. A large part of it is wasted and targets ineffective groups.

Fortunately, Ziweixing's biggest way of making money is advertising, and it plays precision marketing, and Zhou Buqi is very experienced in this.

Even if it’s a TV commercial, it’s actually possible to make accurate recommendations!

If advertisements for player blind boxes are placed in the middle of some TV programs and news, this will definitely cause a lot of waste. However, the player blind box is mainly aimed at fans and loyal fans.

And loyal fans want to watch the game.

This leaves room for maneuver.

For example, Chelsea fans, some die-hard fans with spending power, will go to Stamford Bridge to watch the game. In the process, they can see the various blind box sales points arranged in the stadium, and they can purchase them by themselves.

Most fans watch football games through TV stations.

At this time, the Chaowan Commune only needs to cooperate with the broadcast station. For example, a large number of Chelsea fans will watch the match between Chelsea and Manchester United. In this process, blind box advertising for Chelsea players achieved the effect of precise placement.

In addition, there are regional distinctions.

If you sell blind boxes in the UK, you need to advertise in the UK; if you sell blind boxes in Spain, you need to advertise in Spain; if you sell blind boxes in Thailand, you need to advertise in Thailand.

The investment is huge, and the risks involved are also high.

Businessmen with traditional thinking are generally conservative.

How good would it be to work steadily and make a net profit of more than 10 million US dollars a year? What if you blindly expand the market impulsively and fail to save even a profit of US$10 million?

However, Zhou Buqi's business philosophy is of the same origin, which is Internet thinking. What he advocates is to advance high and advance quickly. This concept is very risky, and it might just fail like Fanke.

But if it succeeds, it will be a giant.

Giant companies under the traditional model only became world-class giants after decades of continuous development. Internet thinking can turn into a large and admirable company in a few years.

After talking to Shi Jingmei for two hours, Zhou Buqi left.

The words haven't been said yet.

Give her some time to react.

Zhou Buqi continues to solicit customers for the cloud computing business. Sina, Dangdang,, and Ctrip are all close friends, and each has promised to devote part of its business to the cloud.

Ziweiyun is not in a hurry to make a profit now, and it is impossible to make a profit.

The participation of these well-known companies is mainly to express their support for Ziweiyun. Ziweiyun is not a rigid need for them, but is actually more urgent for start-up companies.

As the tide of mobile Internet is about to arrive in China, a new wave of Internet entrepreneurship will come with great force.

These well-known companies are Zi Weiyun's business cards.

But Baidu is unwilling to join.

Baidu has been in bad luck recently. Both its social networking and e-commerce layouts have failed successively. Especially in the e-commerce field, it was humiliatingly defeated by Taobao.

Fortunately, there is good news in the search field, which is the main business.

Li Yanhong invited Zhou Buqi to talk to him in his office, and said with a smile: "Google is about to withdraw. The news is accurate."

Zhou Buqi said: "No, Schmidt and Page said they haven't thought about it yet."

Li Yanhong snorted: "It seems like it's not something they can decide."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Oh, I really don't want to see Google withdraw. We have gone too far here. It would be great if we left Google a way out in the search market."

Google withdrew from the country, saying it could not accept scrutiny. Of course this is their one-sided statement, just pick the nice one. In fact, the most important point is that Google has never really made any money in all its years in China.

Severe losses every year.

In the past life, Google was badly beaten by Baidu.

This time Ziweixing joined in again and was squeezed even more miserably. Together, Weidian and Baidu account for 90% of the search market. How can there be room for Google to survive?

There is nothing sentimental about the capital market.

If Google could make as much money as Microsoft, Apple, and Oracle in China, it would most likely kneel down and give in. When choosing between interests and dignity, it is best to have both. If you really can’t do it, just choose one. The most unacceptable thing is to be left empty-handed.

"A way out?" Li Yanhong curled her lips and looked at Boss Zhou, "I remember that this series of measures against Google were all planned by you, right?"

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Forget it, historical methods have no practical significance."

"You are really good at telling nonsense!"

“Google is quitting, do you have any ideas?”

Li Yanhong raised her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Take over Google's assets! It's like Alibaba took over Yahoo's assets when Yahoo couldn't survive in China and exited the domestic market."

Li Yanhong said angrily: "You just set a trap for me, you are full of bad intentions! Ali took over Yahoo's assets, and now he is still indigestion. One is a local company, the other is an international company, the two have different values. How can it be so easy to integrate companies with great ideas?”

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Different people have different values. But people with different values ​​can drive the same car and use the same brand of computer."

"What's the meaning?"

"As a tool, I recommend you to use Weishu."

"You are really..." Li Yanhong couldn't laugh or cry, "You are really a sales champion, and you never miss an opportunity."

Zhou Buqi said sternly: "Seriously, what kind of product you have made is far different from our Weishu. You will know after you use it. I can guarantee that as long as Baidu employees use Weishu, I can no longer use other office products. Weishu documents can be uploaded to the cloud and can be logged in from multiple terminals across platforms. How practical is that?"

Li Yanhong is a science student and doesn't mince words, "Forget it, Baidu's documents are stored on Ziweiyun. I'm afraid you might peek."

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi really couldn't give a reason for his objection.

In a previous life, this kind of thing did happen on a domestic cloud platform. A startup company's investor plan worth tens of millions of dollars was peeked at by the middle-level managers of the cloud platform by taking advantage of their authority.

As an enterprise, you can abide by business ethics, but there are always bad people.

Just like a mailbox.

In the early days of starting a business, Ziweixing had limited capabilities and used other people's mailboxes. In less than a year, Ziweixing launched its own mailbox, and all mailbox files are stored on its own server.

Li Yanhong said: "Baidu will choose the opportunity to launch its own cloud platform."


"Look for an opportunity to drive Google out."

"Why do you have such a feud with Google?"

Li Yanhong glanced at him and said in surprise: "You don't know? Didn't you participate? Baidu's earliest strategic investor was Google. They got Baidu's internal data and thought it was profitable, and then entered the domestic market. Just like a thief."

Zhou Buqi knew about this. It was he who helped take over the Baidu stocks held by Googlers and helped him make a lot of money. "What do you think of Google's assets?"

"It's not interesting!" Li Yanhong waved her hand and was not optimistic. "Google's research institute is only engaged in application development and has little technical content. The key is that the values ​​​​and concepts are different, and it is too laborious to integrate. If you really think that talents are rare, let's join forces. , drive Google out quickly. When their employees lose their jobs, we can just grab more people."

Zhou Buqi was angry and funny, "What are you driving us away from? Ziweixing's business has already gone to the United States, how do you want me to rush it away? Let me tell you, we have already reached this point, so we can just wait quietly. It's urgent They even jumped over the wall, what if they get bitten twice? It’s better to let them withdraw safely and voluntarily.”

Never be too aggressive.

In the previous life, when Google was about to withdraw from the mainland market in disgrace, the happiest person was of course Baidu. Then I was extremely happy and sad. Baidu, which is known as the number one in domestic technology, had its website hacked and made a big embarrassment.

As for Google…

Exiting the domestic market is definitely a huge strategic mistake made by Google. It’s hard to make money in the past few years, but as long as you endure the humiliation and make more compromises and persist in the mobile Internet era, you can make money every day.

It is easy to exit but difficult to enter.

Once they withdraw, it will be impossible to apply again and again. As a result, only the castrated version of Android can be used in China, which has had a huge impact on the domestic mobile Internet industry and even the entire smartphone industry.

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