Top of the big era

Chapter 1501 Human progress comes from tools

In the final analysis, what Zhou Buqi wants to do is to "increase efficiency and reduce costs" and improve the work efficiency of the personnel department!

If the company is compared to a product, then employees are the users of this product, and the HR department is the HR module of this product. The job of the HR department is to run this module efficiently and smoothly to avoid lags, crashes, and crashes. Wait for bugs, provide users with the kind of intimate customer service similar to Taobao, provide timely feedback on user needs, and solve problems as soon as possible.

Traditional human resources work is managed by HR. Usually an excellent HR can manage 10 employees, and a junior HR can manage 4-6 employees.

If this model is used, a company with 10,000 people must have at least 1,000 HR personnel. Unless it is a company with a rigid system and employees can only receive dead wages, there is no need for performance appraisal, and there is no need for so many HRs. However, without performance appraisal, it will be difficult to motivate employees to improve.

Xue Baoshan sat down next to Zhou Buqi and seemed to have figured out something. She said softly: "Just like customer service, the traditional liberal arts model is manual customer service and requires people to connect. But Ziweixing is doing artificial intelligence and has already launched With intelligent customer service, artificial intelligence can be used to replace some of the repetitive and standardized work.”

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes! That's what it means!"

Xue Baoshan raised her silver face and looked at him, "But can artificial intelligence replace the work of HR? Isn't this too advanced?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Of course there is no need for artificial intelligence in the short term, but artificial intelligence is essentially a tool. The progress of mankind is actually the progress of tools, such as airplanes, cars, electric lights, and telephones. In the past, documents and materials needed to be printed out. Sending it to various departments requires a large secretarial team. With office, there is no need to print, just send the document online. This is an improvement in efficiency."

"Yes, tool!"

"Ziweixing is an Internet company, and of course it must firmly grasp the genes of the Internet. In the field of office software, international giants are very powerful. Even in the domestic market, domestic software companies are not very competitive. However, looking at the global Among the world’s software giants, no company has developed personnel office software in the true sense of the Internet.”

There are many personnel software, but the functions are too simple.

That is to say, collect the names of employees, and then do some work such as paying wages, bonuses, and seniority management. Such software is easy to develop, and it is also office software in the conventional sense.

But this lack of help for the two most important tasks of personnel work - recruitment and performance appraisal.

Recruitment business often involves six or seven rounds of interviews.

The process is lengthy.

The arrangement of the process can easily cause dissatisfaction among interviewers or interviewers. From a product perspective, this affects user experience.

Comprehensive performance evaluation is the most complex business. The wider the scope of investigation and the more reference standards, the more accurate the results will be, but the efficiency will be low.

If you want to be more accurate, your efficiency will be low, and you have to talk to so many people, which is equivalent to taking up other people's time, which may cause dissatisfaction; if you want to be more efficient, you have to sacrifice accuracy, which will reduce the fairness of performance appraisals. It will be greatly reduced, which will lead to more serious dissatisfaction.

Therefore, in many companies, including Alibaba and Baidu, if employees dare to openly discuss each other's salaries and performance bonuses in the company, they are stepping on a red line and will be fired.

Because it is difficult for them to ensure fairness in personnel management.

If fairness cannot be guaranteed, it cannot be open and transparent, and it must be encapsulated and kept mysterious. Employees discussed it with each other. Doesn’t this break the mystery? With contrast, it is easy to cause harm.

It is best to provide a mechanism that can solve this problem!

Improve the accuracy of performance evaluations while improving HR efficiency while ensuring fairness among employees. Even when employees discuss their treatment with each other privately, there is a sense of fairness.

This is a very avant-garde concept.

Looking around the world, maybe small companies can do it. A dozen or so people in a small company are all buddies, so it is easy to manage. But it is difficult for large companies. No company can solve this paradox in personnel management.

Technology companies in Silicon Valley are very inefficient.

Don't they want to take care of it?

Even if I want to, I can’t!

If Ziweixing can develop a tool software to effectively solve this problem...that would be great, and Ziweixing would have the opportunity to become a software giant.

This is a problem that world-class software giants such as Microsoft, Oracle, Adobe, SAP, and IBM have not yet solved.

Zhou Buqi put his arms around Sister Bao's slender waist and hummed softly: "In the past few years, the country has been trying to push some domestic software to replace Microsoft Office, but I stopped them. This is a pure waste of national funds. Unless we can Completely block Microsoft, otherwise it will be impossible to be Microsoft's opponent. But many people don't understand, including some people in the industry, and say that I am curbing the development of domestic software."

Xue Baoshan said softly: "If you are too far away from Microsoft, you will not feel how powerful Microsoft is."

Zhou Buqi said: "No matter what, with that group of people, there is no chance for domestic software. The domestic filtering software called "Flower Season Escort" even found some connections to get the policy, and was required by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology to be pre-installed on all computers. It was also criticized by the private sector. Strong resistance. They can do this kind of thing. If you really want to compete with the world-class software giant... hum! This task must still be handed over to Ziweixing!"

Xue Baoshan's beautiful eyes were filled with admiration, "I believe you."

Zhou Buqi laughed and kissed her cute cheek, "Well, Sister Bao is the best."

"However, don't brag in a hurry. Let's wait until the product is produced." Xue Baoshan kindly advised him not to get too excited and to keep a low profile for now.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Seriously, this is really possible! Those software giants can't handle this because they are software companies. Ziweixing is an Internet company, which is a huge advantage."

Xue Baoshan didn't understand, "What advantage is it?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Social! Ziweixing's core positioning is social!"

"Social..." Xue Baoshan's delicate eyebrows raised slightly, and then she saw the software opened on the computer, "Weishu? Enterprise-level social?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, this is the biggest advantage of Ziweixing!"

Xue Baoshan said softly: "Weishu is very good. The employees of Jieyu Media like it very much. Even many directors and screenwriters who work with us also use this software to communicate and communicate together through documents. This model is too alright."

Zhou Buqi is quite proud, "Weishu will definitely become a key product of Ziweixing in the future. It has social attributes and document office mode. This is something that software giants such as Oracle and Adobe do not have, nor do Microsoft and Google." "

Microsoft's office product is office, which is a traditional computer software.

When Google competes with Microsoft Office, it is of course impossible for Google to follow the example of domestic software advocates who want to develop a copycat product similar to Office to replace the original product. What Google makes is the famous Google Docs.

Once Google Docs was launched, it received great popularity because it is an Internet software that is a great improvement over office and can be stored and modified online. In fact, it is the earliest cloud service, which stores documents in the cloud, which is greatly convenient.

Weishu's documents are a step further than Google Docs.

Google lacks social genes, and they have repeatedly failed in Internet social networking. But Ziweixing is different. Social networking is Ziweixing’s core business.

Weishu is the enterprise version of Helo, where you can chat and work.

What's more important is that Weishu documents can have social attributes and can communicate with each other through documents. Cancel the traditional offline meeting, create a document directly, and then the content of the meeting is to speak on the document.

This is much better than offline meetings.

First of all, it leaves a written record, which can not only facilitate future reference, but also allow rewards to be clearly recorded when discussing merits and rewards, so that there will be no false claims.

Whoever comes up with the idea is his or her idea, and whose credit is his credit. Leaders should not be greedy for credit. This is fair to subordinates.

Also, it’s communication.

For example, Japanese English, Indian English, Chinese English and Spanish English... Ziweixing is a multinational enterprise. If it is a traditional offline meeting, a large amount of travel expenses will be incurred, and each other's English may not be understood. .

The text of Weishu documents is different. Everyone uses English, so there is no barrier to text.

The most important thing is performance appraisal.

In a comprehensive assessment, the more information investigated, the more accurate the assessment results will be. Combining WeChat with human resources business can produce unexpected results.

Not only is online communication convenient, all actions are recorded online. For example, a person who always gives perfect marks to others is a good person who lacks a sense of responsibility for the company. It may even be a collusion between a group of people, who give each other perfect marks to mix up performance. If you always give low marks to others, you may have a dark psychology and find it difficult to unite your colleagues.

In addition, the existence of Weishu documents has organized all work records of an employee. His achievements in the past period are clearly listed there. After communicating with his leader, he can conduct an all-round assessment without any blind spots.

With the gathering of witnesses and evidence, fairness is greatly guaranteed.

Even because of the advantages of the online platform, the Spanish branch's employee performance appraisal can be re-examined at the headquarters to see if there is collusion between local HR and local employees.

This can minimize business risks.

There are also rank promotions...

The existence of Weishu documents is equivalent to saving all the behaviors of an employee after joining the company. When you are promoted, you can have more objective references instead of relying solely on the leader's subjective impression.

If someone is promoted despite having poor documentation, this could be a sign of nepotism and should be investigated.

In short, there are many benefits!

As an Internet company, Ziweixing must promote Internet office in all aspects, and the same goes for personnel work!

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