Top of the big era

Chapter 1499 The Challenge of Product Thinking

Having been in Silicon Valley for so long, Zhou Buqi has also come into contact with many Indians. He feels that in terms of ability, there is no difference between Chinese and Indians. He even thinks that Chinese people have a higher technical level.

But as he got to know Silicon Valley culture, he gradually started to like using the word Asange.

The difficulty of leaving the country ensures that Indians who come to work in Silicon Valley are the best of the best. They have suffered a lifetime of hardship, and the whole family borrowed money for them to study. They are the only hope for the whole family. They have fighting spirit, can fight hard, and have a stronger spirit of enduring hardship and hard work than the Chinese;

The weak mother country means that after they come to the United States, they cannot go back. From the company's point of view, hiring such people as corporate executives will be more stable and reliable, and they will not be like the Chinese who may return to China at any time;

A Western culture, the main language is English, and the way of thinking is more Western. After coming to the United States, I continued to enroll in classes and learn more about the habits and aesthetics of European and American users.

And the most important thing is the advantage of skin color.

Today's European and American countries have become more and more left-wing. Silicon Valley and Hollywood are the gathering areas for white left-wingers. Many people know that this is problematic, but they dare not object.

This is not enough. There are obviously many people of color in Silicon Valley, accounting for half of them. However, in the field of public opinion, it is still considered to be discrimination, because the people of color in Silicon Valley are mainly yellow and various mixed races, and there are not enough black people.

For the sake of political correctness, many large companies can only set indicators during recruitment. It is necessary to recruit a group of black-skinned people with poor abilities and insufficient skills to supplement the quota.

This will seriously affect the company's management and corporate atmosphere.

In order to deal with this problem, more and more dark-skinned executives are being promoted. If there are not enough black people, Indians with skin similar to black are selected to use black to replace black.

Zhou Buqi should plan ahead and do this well. Ziweixing International has many executives of color, but this is not enough. We must vigorously promote black-skinned executives.

The level of black people is generally very poor, so the focus can only be on Indians.

In the afternoon, Lu Qi invited Thomas Kurian out for afternoon tea.

Zhou Buqi met him.


Is this Indian?

This is so dark!

At first glance, who could tell that he was of Indian descent? He clearly looks like a purebred black man.



Zhou Buqi was not biased at all, and expressed a heartfelt welcome, shaking hands with him vigorously, "I have admired him for a long time! I admire him! Asians are all one family!"

That being said, in the English context, Indians are not Asians.

Asians refer specifically to the historical Confucian cultural circle of China, Japan, Korea and Southeast Asia. Indians are of Indian descent, Middle Easterners are called Arabs, and Israelis are called Jews.

Geographically they are both Asia, but culturally they are completely different.

Thomas Kurian acted calm and businesslike. I don’t know if I’m bragging, but Diligulu seems to be very powerful.

He is Oracle's senior vice president and president of the Development Division, managing 35,000 developers around the world and handling an annual R\u0026D budget of up to $4 billion.

What can Ziweixing International offer?

Zhou Buqi was unambiguous and said without blushing or heartbeat: "Dream!"

Thomas Kurian asked: "What dream?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Oracle is a big company and has a complete and powerful software product platform. People will only remember this as Larry Ellison's achievement, and no one will know who you are. But in Ziweixing International Differently, the cloud computing business has just started. By joining Ziweixing, you can create a world of your own!"

Lu Qi said that he had talked to this person more than a dozen times before and had basically settled the matter.

Zhou Buqi doesn’t need to pay too much attention to details, and only expresses some conceptual support.

Ziweiyun’s overseas business invests at least US$1 billion every year; after joining Ziweixing International, he will be the third most powerful figure, second only to Zhou Buqi and Lu Qi; cloud computing is the most important strategic business, with Highest priority...

In his previous life, Thomas Kurian wanted to leave Oracle during this time.

Compared with Internet companies, Oracle's business is too traditional and cannot keep up with the times. Later, Larry Ellison persuaded him hard, offered him an annual salary of US$160 million, and promised him the position of Oracle's "second boss", so he was retained in early 2010.

Now I can’t do it anymore, I’ve been intercepted.

The job at Oracle is too comfortable, but joining Ziweixing International is more challenging and a real dream-making journey.

Zhou Buqi met the other party and he agreed on the spot.

He also said that he would join the company by the end of this month at the latest.

This is very good news.

But Zhou Buqi felt the difficulty of doing overseas business. It was difficult to employ people! When employing people in China, as long as they are in the Internet circle, even executives from other companies, they all know the basics. If you ask around, you will know how this person is doing.

At home, Zhou Buqi felt like a duck in water when it came to employing people, but abroad he felt a little overwhelmed. With his eyes darkened, he could only trust Lu Qi's ability and experience, as well as his connections from working in Silicon Valley for many years.

This is not okay.

Zhou Buqi returned to Los Angeles and called Xu Liangjie on the way and asked him if he wanted to work in Silicon Valley.

"Ah? Going to Silicon Valley?" Xu Liangjie was stunned for a moment, a little dumbfounded, "Three years ago, you brought me back to China from Silicon Valley!"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's precisely because you have experience working in Silicon Valley that you want to hand over the task to you."

"But domestic..."

"Domestic business development has been very stable. This year's business profit exceeded 3 billion, ranking first in the country, right?"

"Roughly the same!"

Zhou Buqi said: "The domestic business is on the right track, but I'm not too worried about Ziweixing International."

Xu Liangjie’s daughter is still studying in the United States, and his lover is there to accompany him, so that he has to go to the United States every half month to be with his wife and children. He has no obstacles to returning to work in Silicon Valley and asked: “After I go there, what will I do? What? Managing Helo? Or managing technology?"

In the past few years, Xu Liangjie has been the vice president of product at Ziweixing, and has been in charge of several business groups. When he was at eBay in Silicon Valley, he was the vice president of technology and managed eBay's global R\u0026D departments.

He can handle both products and technology.

Zhou Buqi proposed a new direction, "The vice president in charge of human resources."

"What? Personnel affairs?" Xu Liangjie was a little incredulous, "Isn't this too bold? Is it okay?"

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "You don't have confidence?"

"It's not that I don't have confidence, I just feel...a little surprised. If you really want me to take care of it, that's no problem. The middle office business I plan at Ziweixing involves a lot of personnel changes, so I have some experience."

"That's just right!"

"It's still a bit risky, isn't it?"

Xu Liangjie had worked with Zhou Buqi for several years and had long been impressed by his personal charm and strategic vision. He did not reject his proposals, but was worried that if he did not do well, it would affect the company's development.

Zhou Buqi said: "It's a bit risky, but I have some new ideas about the company. In the past, our understanding of corporate employment was mainly about ability. Whoever has strong ability and good performance will be able to obtain Promotion. This is better than the traditional promotion model of relying on cliques, but it is not good enough.”

Xu Liangjie seemed busy over there. He spoke a few words to his secretary, and then said seriously: "Okay, tell me, do you have any new ideas?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I remember you said in the internal class that a successful product is not necessarily the best product, nor is it necessarily the product that best meets market demand, but the product that best meets market taste. Do it. Products, in the final analysis, cater to the tastes of consumers. If they meet the taste, even if they have no need, they will consume it for the sake of their 'tongue'."


"The product is like this, and the company should be like this."

"Huh?" Xu Liangjie was slightly startled, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi said: "A successful company is not necessarily the company with the best technology or the company that best meets social needs, but the company that best meets social tastes."

"Social taste?"

"It's the general environment of society."


Xu Liangjie stopped talking and fell into slow thinking.

Zhou Buqi said: "The general environment in the United States is becoming more and more left-wing. The social taste is tilted towards the disadvantaged groups, and the status of black people is gradually and forcibly raised. This is the social taste. Ziweixing International is an outsider, not as good as Microsoft Big companies like Google, Oracle, etc. are deeply rooted. If we want to take root in Silicon Valley and survive, we must firmly grasp the pulse of the times and satisfy social tastes first, and then talk about social needs.”

Xu Liangjie seemed to have a clue, "You went to see Lu Qi? He told me that he would recommend a black executive to you."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, I also thought of it on the spur of the moment."

Xu Liangjie said: "This is really a big proposition!"

Zhou Buqi thought slowly and said: "I'm thinking that a company is actually a product in society. Why can't we manage the company with the same thinking as managing products? If a company is a product, then its inputs are: capital, Opportunities, information, talent; its outputs are: profits, services, products and brand image.”

Xu Liangjie laughed and said, "Aren't you a liberal arts student? This is really pure science and engineering thinking."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, the human resources work in the past was mainly liberal arts in nature, and they all explored the art of improvement from the system and process. If the company is regarded as a product, and recruitment is a module of the product, we must try our best to Optimize this module to provide a better user experience. For example, interviews often have 6-8 rounds. Different interviewers may ask repeated questions, and the interviewer has to answer a question multiple times. This is equivalent to an interview The users encountered a bad user experience when using the company's 'product'."

Xu Liangjie took a deep breath, "I understand! This is really a challenge!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It doesn't matter. You can think about it slowly first. Then we will open a strategy committee to discuss this idea with everyone."

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