Top of the big era

Chapter 1497 Backstage activities

On October 20, Ning Ya’s dream was born.

a boy.

The Zhou family was shocked. My parents came over without telling me, and my grandfather was not willing to be alone. He scolded Zhou Buqi on the phone, and then stubbornly said that he was going to the United States to meet his great-grandson.

Depend on!

Preferring boys over girls!

When Ning Yaxian gave birth to a girl, I didn't see you so excited.

There was no other way, so Zhou Buqi arranged an emergency flight, found some connections, got the pass, and brought his grandfather over. In order to show his filial piety, my father had to go back to China and pick him up specially.

With this kind of arrangement, Zhou Buqi feels at ease.

Grandpa vented his anger on Dad on the road. He was beaten and scolded. It was time to calm down when he got to Los Angeles. It’s really not that he wants to give birth to the child in the United States. It’s really that Ning Yameng has no reputation and no status, so it’s not appropriate to give birth to the child in China.

In short, the Zhou family is happy.

Zhou Buqi was also relieved, with a sense of ease in completing the task. He felt that continuing the family line was more difficult than starting a company with a valuation of US$10 billion.

Yes, a venture capital company recently came to our door, saying that it was willing to finance Ziweixing International at a valuation of US$10 billion.

This kind of wishful thinking was firmly rejected by Zhou Buqi!

The data performance of Ziweixing International is indeed not as good as that of China.

But it has great potential!

The Japanese market has been won, and Helo on smartphones has become a flagship product with more than 26 million users. These two amazing business achievements are only worth US$10 billion?

Go play with eggs!

Mainly because the capital market is still taking a wait-and-see attitude towards mobile Internet. Helo has a lot of users, but how can it make money? This is a pure waste of money.

Also, smartphones are prone to malfunctions and problems. Can they really replace feature phones?

Zhou Buqi is not in a hurry. Ziweixing International still has money in its account, but the valuation given by the market is too low, so he can just go ahead and issue bonds. The top priority is to promote Helo as quickly as possible and strive to make it available in every smartphone!

On this day, Zhou Buqi flew to Silicon Valley and participated in a secret meeting of Ziweixing International.

Extremely high specifications!

Ordinary vice presidents are not eligible to participate.

The attendees were either Zhou Buqi's confidants or Lu Qi's confidants... There was no one with fair skin, they were all Chinese.

This meeting was to do something shady.

Helo was launched on Apple phones at the end of January this year and on Android phones in February. It quickly received high praise from the market. Various technology forums, magazines, newspapers and news media all spontaneously promote this social product that is very practical and has a good experience.

Taking advantage of the huge sales of smartphones and the limited number of apps, Helo seized the bonus period and soon became the most popular product.

Then, the imitators appeared.

There are at least 30 similar products on the market, many with very similar designs. Although they haven't achieved much success, several startups have already received financing, and they may be able to make some achievements next.

As the dominant player in the market, Helo must consolidate its position!

The plan was proposed by a fellow from Northeast China named Fang Dongbin, who studied at Tsinghua University for his undergraduate degree. I went abroad to study for a master's degree at Berkeley in 2002, and later joined Yahoo.

Now he is the Vice President of Products at Ziweixing International.

His suggestion is that in order to combat competitors, Helo can use some technical means to do some things in the background of the product.

The general logic is that the configuration of the mobile phone is relatively low, so you can make a fuss about the storage.

Because the memory is small, the phone cannot have multiple apps running in the background at the same time, causing insufficient memory, which can lead to lags, even startup crashes and other failures.

Therefore, current apps are relatively simple, have relatively few functions, and cannot take up too much memory resources.

This can be used as a trick.

For example, there is a social product called Hala on the market, which has strong plagiarism properties and has just received US$1 million in venture financing.

Under normal circumstances, when users use Helo, there should not be too many activities in the background of Helo, so as not to cause the core functions of the product to become unsmooth.

For mobile phone products, we must first adapt to the performance of the mobile phone. This is the first principle of product design.

However, if the mobile phone user downloads and tries Hala at this time, Helo can secretly do things in the background. For example, constantly searching the address book, constantly searching the photo library, occupying as much memory as possible on the phone, and seizing the computing power of the processor.

At that time, when users use Hala, the response will be very slow, it will freeze or even crash.

Once Halo is closed, Helo's background activities will end.

The phone can be used smoothly again.

How do users know the complicated reasons behind this?

I only know that when using Hala, the phone will freeze and the experience is very bad. It must be that Hala is a garbage product, and then I will uninstall it in disappointment.

Helo successfully defeated its competitors.

Zhou Buqi was in a daze when he saw the proposal in this report. Isn't this a very familiar domestic routine? Is this going to be used on the American emperor?

Really good at playing!

After a simple communication with Lu Qi, he said that it was not technically difficult, but it was morally inappropriate.

Zhou Buqi snorted coldly.


Morality is of no use? !

This is the American emperor!

The most important thing now is to make Helo firmly lock in the number one position in the market!

Ziweixing International has such a large business in overseas markets. Without the core product Helo, the risk would be too great.

Now, smartphones have just emerged, and the iOS and Android system teams are focusing on the maintenance, improvement and upgrade of the system.

It’s not our turn to regulate yet.

For example, Google has just put forward a general strategy internally, saying that it will disassemble the Android system, part of which will be open source Android, and part of which will be integrated with Google products and services into Google GMS.

The monitoring and anti-rogue software functions in the Android system mainly come from Google GMS.

currently there is not!

Smartphones are now in a state of streaking, and all apps are in an unfettered state... Small companies may lack energy and lack of technology.

Big companies have room to maneuver, so why not take advantage of it?

Zhou Buqi immediately decided to do this! No matter what, before Helo can firmly seize this track, we must try our best to eliminate all external risks!

However, this is a shady matter after all.

In this secret meeting, all the people present were Chinese, not even second-generation Chinese. They were all people who were born and raised in China and then went abroad to work.

At the beginning of the meeting, Fang Dongbin, the vice president of product who submitted the proposal, said plausibly: "I don't think there is anything wrong. They copied our product design, and they were the ones who were wronged in the first place. We call this self-defense!"

"It is indeed self-defense." Zhou Buqi set the tone, "The question now is if we do this, will Apple and Google find out? If they are discovered, will it cause any unnecessary misunderstandings?"

Lu Qi thought slowly and said: "If we only target a few specific products for technical interference, the probability of being discovered is not high..."

Fang Dongbin had already thought about this plan before and after, and immediately said: "This is not technical interference. Helo does not interfere with the normal operation of any other products. Helo only provides users with a better experience during a specific time period. Just added some background activities.”

Zhou Buqi was very happy and asked with a smile: "How do you say this? Why is it to provide a better experience?"

Fang Dongbin said: "It's like constantly scanning the photo library in the background. This is a process of temporarily increasing the cache. Mobile phones are no better than computers, and their performance is very poor, so we must rely on caching technology. A very important function of Helo is to send pictures to friends . However, if you temporarily look for pictures from the photo library, the process will be very slow and will be stuck. If you scan the photo library many times in advance and cache the photos in advance, you will wait for the user to send the pictures again. , you can access it directly from the cache, which will be faster and smoother.”

Everyone present knew that the big boss did not understand technology, so he had to explain it in detail.

Zhou Buqi really understood.

Caching technology!

It's just like opening a web page on your computer.

When you open a website for the first time, the opening speed will be slower because there is no cache for the website on your computer. If it is opened for the second time, there will be a cache file of the website in the system, so the website can be opened quickly and the experience will be better.

But there is also a disadvantage.

If there are too many caches and the memory is filled up, the computer will run slowly.

One of the most popular functions in Micropoint Security Guard is to clean cache junk. Clear the cache, free up memory space, and your computer will run faster.

From this perspective, what Fang Dongbin said really makes sense!

Helo is not bullying anyone!

Helo is just doing its own thing. In order to provide users with a better user experience, it just caches some content in advance.

As for whether it will affect the use of other apps when the cache is full, this has nothing to do with Helo. This is the reason for the poor performance and small memory of the mobile phone, and the reason why the mobile phone system cannot clear the cache in time.

This logic works.

Zhou Buqi was very happy, "Is there any technical problem? Apple and Google have very strong technical capabilities!"

Lu Qi said confidently: "The problem is not big. They can't take care of this level yet. Whether it is the iOS system or the Android system, there is a lot of room for improvement. They need to deal with more important issues."

Fang Dongbin said: "Yes, so we must seize the time. While their system does not pay too much attention to the areas of App behavior supervision and caching processing, we should seize the opportunity! Wait for them to fill in this gap. , there is no such good opportunity. It won’t take too long. With the current promotion speed of smartphones, in 10-12 months, Helo will be able to firmly seize the social software track for smartphones. We can give up this strategy. By then, even if Google goes out in person, it may not be able to beat us!"

As expected, he is from the Northeast, and his way is really wild!

However, Zhou Buqi liked it very much. He waved his hand and said neatly, "In that case, let's do it! Dong Bin, when you do this, you must keep it confidential! The technical team who handles it must be our own. Don’t let the news out.”

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