Top of the big era

Chapter 1494 Diligence can make up for weakness

Zhou Buqi knows that the tourism markets in Europe, America, South Korea and Japan are large, but this is not easy to do. A systematic financial platform must be built.

For Ziweixing International, now is not the time to develop new industries. The key is to establish a firm foothold in the social business internationally.

Li Yanhong also saw that he was not very interested, so she smiled and asked: "By the way, how is the business development of Weibo and Helo in Europe?"

"Oh, don't mention it!"

"What's wrong?"

"It's an Internet desert, and the hardware conditions are far worse than in China!"

"No way?" Li Yanhong was surprised, "Aren't all developed countries piloting 4G? Fiber optic networks have long been..."

Zhou Buqi interrupted him, "I'm not talking about network infrastructure, but supporting network services. If Ziweixing's business wants to be promoted in Europe, it must be promoted country by country."

“CDN service is poor?”

"Yes, it is useless, or there are no large Internet companies in Europe."

Zhou Buqi couldn't help but complain.

Operating a website, game, or mobile app is actually a process of data access, calculation, and transmission. Access relies on the database, calculation relies on the server, and transmission relies on fiber optics.

The transmission speed of optical fiber is very fast, but no matter how fast it is, there is still a delay.

The solution is to deploy a nearby server that can meet the computing power.

Shorten the transmission distance of data signals, and users will have a better experience when using it.

But here comes the problem. Many companies are very weak and cannot deploy servers nearby in every region. What should we do? This requires a CDN service provider.

CDN service providers will specially deploy servers in many key regions and cities to become a node. Internet companies cooperate with CDN service providers, rent their nodes, and use their servers to complete data distribution.

Just like the early school network.

At that time, the school network was very weak and could only deploy servers in the capital. But the country is very big, and universities near the capital can access the campus network very smoothly, but what about the universities in the south? The distance is too far.

The small visits to the campus forum are bearable.

But on-campus group buying is not possible. When goods are scarce, college students in southern universities cannot grab anything due to network delays.

In order to solve this problem, Ziweixing sought help from Wangsu Technology at that time, relying on more than 200 nodes deployed by Wangsu across the country to help the school network solve the problems of heavy traffic and access delays.

To this day, Ziweixing and Wangsu still have business cooperation.

For Internet companies, companies like Wangsu Technology are a necessity, especially in the early stages of development. If you want to have a good product experience, you cannot do without such service providers.

But here’s the problem, Europe can’t!

CDN service is an asset-heavy business, requiring the purchase of a large number of servers to be deployed in different regions, and a large team dispersed throughout the country for operation and management.

Based on the scale of the domestic Internet market, Wangsu, as the largest CDN service provider in China, has a current market value of 3 billion yuan.

This is a high-investment, asset-heavy, low-return business.

Wangsu is able to operate because it only deals with domestic business. Regardless of whether it is the south or the north, whether it is the east or the west, Chinese is used and can be operated by a unified team.

If the south doesn't do well, send a team from the north to take over; if the west doesn't do well, send a team from the east to take over.

This is a unified country with no cultural differences, no language differences, and unified policies and laws.

But not in Europe.

There are a bunch of small countries, and each country has a different language, cultural environment, policies and laws. This is very destructive. The CDN business is inherently a high-investment, heavy-asset business with a slow return on capital. There are so many complex external constraints, and different teams must be formed in different countries... This loses the possibility of profitability.

In the market economy environment, because this business is not profitable, there is no CDN distribution service provider in Europe that can spread all over Europe like domestic Internet sites.

This means that if Internet companies want to do business in Europe, they can no longer rely on the help of third-party companies, but can only do so in person, country by country.

The investment cost is extremely high and management is extremely difficult.

Only giants with strong financial strength can afford it.

A start-up company in a small European country will never be able to get ahead due to such external constraints. Even if the project is really good and has great market prospects, if Silicon Valley giants enter the market belatedly, they can rely on their strong financial strength to develop in dozens of countries at the same time and quickly crush small companies.

There are only two final outcomes for a small company: either sell it or die.

In the final analysis, it is the special environment in Europe that prevents European startups from taking advantage of the first-mover advantage to quickly establish themselves on the track, even if they have found the right track.

This is also the reason why Ziweixing’s cloud computing business has been warmly welcomed by European countries.

Cloud computing services are CDN services of "super version", "enhanced version", "rich version" and "deep version".

If Ziweiyun spreads across Europe, future European startups can use Ziweiyun's platform resources to quickly promote their business to all of Europe!

If you want to expand your business in Spain, go to Ziweiyun to buy cloud servers deployed in Madrid and Barcelona. If you want to expand your business in France, go to Ziweiyun and buy cloud servers deployed in Paris and Marseille.

This will greatly reduce the difficulty for startups to expand business in new markets and countries, allowing them to attack quickly and seize the track before the giants can react.

Hearing Boss Zhou's complaint, Li Yanhong couldn't help but complain, "Not only is the network service not enough, but the people are also not good enough!"

"Human? Engineer?"

"Yeah, too lazy."

Zhou Buqi said amusedly: "Didn't you work in Silicon Valley? You haven't experienced it yet?"

Li Yanhong shook his head, "Silicon Valley is much better than the UK! Overtime in Silicon Valley is not as serious as in China, but the logic of the American dream is to pursue dreams through struggle and hard work. This time I went to Edinburgh to research Skyscanner. It’s really unbearable to watch.”

"Either you say that the UK is the back garden of the United States." Zhou Buqi also felt deeply about this. "The employees in Silicon Valley are lazy enough. As a result, those who couldn't survive in Silicon Valley went back to the UK. Or the skills are too poor. Silicon Valley doesn’t like it, or it’s too lazy and Silicon Valley doesn’t want it.”

Li Yanhong said: "Skyscanner's core business is air ticket search services. It was founded at the same time as Baidu, but it had to seek technical support from Baidu. At first, I thought it was because their technical talents were not good enough. After I went there this time, it was considered a start-up." It’s broadened my horizons.”

"What?" Zhou Buqi heard something and was slightly surprised, "The technical level is very high?"

"High! They all graduated from prestigious schools, and their overall technical level is higher than Baidu." Li Yanhong sighed, "They are just too lazy to work."

"I don't understand technology anymore. You are an expert. That's what you say."

Zhou Buqi looked serious and felt that this was very important to Ziweixing International's business structure. Even the United Kingdom is like this, and the purely white and leftist world in Europe is even more serious.

Li Yanhong said: "At Baidu, each industry line must submit a technical report every week and publish it on the intranet to clearly explain the technical iterations and innovations of the week. Every time there is a good technological breakthrough, there will be several comments. Hundreds of articles, let’s all comment, praise, and encourage them together. This can form a good corporate technical culture and give the technical team the motivation and passion for further technical iterations and technological innovations.”

Zhou Buqi coughed, because Ziweixing also did this internally, stealing from Baidu, and asked calmly: "Where are your inspection results?"

Li Yanhong looked at him deeply, feeling sad and said, "Half a year."


"You heard it right, half a year. Each technical team submits once every six months and twice a year. How can we still work? It takes so long. I go to work at 10 a.m. every day, take a nap at noon, and do another job in the afternoon. Exercise, work for two hours and then get off work. To be honest, in my opinion, those people are wasting their lives. Obviously their technical level is so high, but it is a pity for their talents to just go around like that every day."

"The technology is so good. If you have higher pursuits, you will go to work in Silicon Valley. Staying in the UK is nothing more than relaxing and stress-free, and just want to live a normal life." Zhou Buqi smiled and said, If it weren’t for this cultural difference, how could our country catch up in just a few decades? The domestic technical level is not as good as theirs, but hard work can make up for it. It is the hard-working spirit of struggle that has created an economic miracle that has attracted worldwide attention."

Li Yanhong was amused, "You are giving an impromptu speech!"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Isn't it?"

Li Yanhong sighed, "If all of them were given to me, I guarantee that Baidu's technical level would surpass Google's!"

"Just blow it!"

"Really, the premise is that they have to follow my model, which is the model with the fastest economic development."

Zhou Buqi hummed: "Let's talk less about the collective and more about the individual!"

"Haha!" Li Yanhong couldn't help laughing, and scolded with a smile, "Don't go online!"

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