Top of the big era

Chapter 1474: Huainan is orange, Huaibei is orange

When Boss Ma comes to the United States, he always goes to Silicon Valley to experience the latest technological trends.

Zhou Buqi accompanied him to Silicon Valley and told him on the plane, "There is nothing to feel!"

"How can I?"

Boss Ma doesn't have a private jet yet. Looking at Comrade Xiao Zhou's luxurious Airbus, I feel really mixed emotions, feeling that the distance is getting wider and wider.

Zhou Buqi said: "It's okay for you to go to Silicon Valley to experience the latest technological trends, but do you understand technology? As for innovation in other fields, Silicon Valley is not necessarily better than China."

"That's ahead too."

"It's just in the past few years, it's related to infrastructure."

"How to say?"

Boss Ma thinks this guy is a little too confident.

Zhou Buqi said: "The network infrastructure here in the United States is good, so they may do some cutting-edge exploration. Once this wave of major domestic infrastructure is completed and the network infrastructure is ready, the domestic business model will explode. Show huge innovation capabilities. If nothing else, just innovate the models of and Taobao, won’t you crush all the Silicon Valley giants?”

Boss Ma asked: "Are you talking about a 3G Internet cafe?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Absolutely. In the development of the domestic Internet, the United States is not a chokehold for us. It is really choked by its own operators. The 4G network has begun trial operation here, and 3G has just been launched in China. net."

Boss Ma said amusedly: "Why are you complaining? Doesn't it look like your character?"

Zhou Buqi hummed: "This is not complaining, this is teaching you how to do business in the international market. Domestic and foreign countries are different. Domestic only has 3G network, while foreign countries will soon have 4G network. You have to keep up with the times in terms of business model. So I I suggest you wait a few years until the 4G network is launched in China and the network infrastructure at home and abroad is connected, and then you can take Alibaba overseas."

As the saying goes: If oranges grow in Huainan, they become oranges; if they grow in northern Huaibei, they become oranges.

Nowadays, there are more and more open source projects, and it is getting easier to build a website.

The hard part is the operation.

For example, a website with the same code will take on completely different forms when operated in China and in the United States.

Subject to external factors such as infrastructure conditions, broadband capacity, user habits, etc., the server pressure encountered when operating websites in China may not be encountered in the United States. If you encounter a code bug in the United States, it may not be discovered in China.

This is one of the reasons why it is easier for Silicon Valley giants to develop globally, but it is not easy for domestic Internet companies.

The infrastructure and general environment in the United States and Europe are similar. American websites can be easily transferred to the European market and can be started and operated by changing the language.

But the same cannot be said for domestic companies.

The Internet environment at home and abroad is completely different from the infrastructure level alone, not counting the regulatory level.

Not only in China, but also in Korea and Japan.

The network infrastructure in the United States and Europe is similar, and is basically provided by major companies such as Nokia, Ericsson, and Verizon.

China, Japan and South Korea are self-sufficient in their own way.

For example, YikYak is doing very well in Japan. Is it okay to take the original code and the operational experience accumulated in Japan and go directly to the United States to create an English version, a German version in Germany, and a French version in France?

The answer is no.

Amazon can take the code of the American site to Germany intact and then change it into German. Based on their operating experience in the United States and the various solutions they have accumulated, it can be easily done.

YikYak doesn't work. Operating in Japan is not the same thing as operating in Europe and the United States.

It is easy to develop a website, but very complicated to operate it. That is to say, during the operation of the website, various problems may be encountered, which requires a highly technical team to keep an eye on it and provide various solutions.

Silicon Valley giants...for example, when Amazon opens a branch in Germany, Amazon does not need to recruit some highly skilled teams in Germany. They do not need to solve problems in an original way. They only need to follow the solutions given by the US headquarters. Draw scoop execution.

YikYak doesn't work.

YikYak’s accumulation in Japan is of little use in the European and American markets. If YikYak opens a branch in Germany, it will have to form a highly technical team in Germany that can solve original problems. When encountering a problem, the team should solve the problem by itself instead of seeking help from the headquarters. Because the headquarters has no experience, we have to start from scratch to study countermeasures.

This is also the reason why YikYak’s development in the European and American markets has been hindered and cannot compare with Twitter.

Twitter has been doing well in the United States for several years, and then going to Europe to develop is like developing business in the 60th or 70th state of the United States, without any resistance. YikYak started in Europe and the United States at the same time, and it would be difficult without accumulation. It is also impossible for Twitter to copy what it does in the United States to the Japanese market to compete with YikYak.

The source code of a website is like a seed.

The same seed, planted in Tokyo and planted in Munich, may produce completely different fruits.

This is also Zhou Buqi’s experience gained from working in overseas markets in the past year.

Lao Ma definitely doesn't know.

Not to mention that Lao Ma is technically blind, even Mr. Li from Baidu doesn’t know about it. Baidu Japan initially copied the domestic model, but as a result, various technical problems that had never been encountered in China appeared.

Baidu's Japanese business has also begun to change recently, and it is starting to become self-reliant. Only "seeds" are taken from Baidu headquarters, and subsequent watering, fertilizing, weeding, and pest control are all left to the local technical team.

It's obviously too late.

Japan has made great strides into the mobile Internet era. Mobile Internet and PC Internet are another new challenge with the same seeds but different growth environments, rather than simply converting the PC side to the mobile phone side.

Boss Ma didn't quite understand, "What do you mean? What does this have to do with the 4G network?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It has nothing to do with the 4G network, but with the infrastructure environment. Now the basic Internet environments around the world are very different. China, Japan, South Korea, Russia, Europe and the United States are all developing their own System. Under different systems, there must be a different set of gameplay."

"Can the 4G network be solved in the future?"

"The regulating effect of the market, no matter what industry competitors are in, as long as they want to make money, they will develop in the direction of lowest cost and highest benefit."

Boss Ma understood what he meant, "So the basic network environment in the future will become more and more similar. Different systems in different countries will be better and better integrated."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, that's about it. Except for some differences in some areas involving national defense and security, the general direction and trend must be the same. When cultivating seedlings, you can water them in a more standardized way. Water fertilizes, which will greatly reduce the operational difficulty of multinational enterprises under the market economy."

Boss Ma accepted this point of view, "Even if it will be easier to expand overseas market operations in a few years, the tracks have been robbed, and it will be more difficult to compete."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "A B-side track that serves small and medium-sized enterprises? Who will do it? Small companies want to do it but have no strength, and Silicon Valley giants are too lazy to do such a thankless job!"

The reason why Boss Ma is supported by three points more than Bill Gates around the world is that whether it is the President of the United States or the President of France, whether it is the United Nations or the European Union, they are all actively building good relations with him. It is because of him. I am doing some difficult work that even Silicon Valley giants are unwilling to do, and I am focused on building a support platform for small and medium-sized enterprises.

There is no need to worry at all in this area.

No one in the world could compete with him.

Just like Taobao defeated eBay, what Taobao does is a thankless model, and Silicon Valley giants are too lazy to do that. Small and medium-sized sellers make a good living relying on Taobao, but the platform cannot make much money. eBay would rather give up the mainland market than learn from Taobao and work hard for small and medium-sized sellers.

Fortunately, after Alibaba seized the territory, it made new model innovations and established an advertising platform and a Tmall platform, which opened up the development path of making huge profits and developed into an Internet giant even more powerful than eBay.

But Taobao is a C-side business.

The C-side business is for ordinary consumers, and it is easy to make money by cheating. B-side business is aimed at enterprises, and they are all smart people. It is really difficult to make money by cheating.

Boss Ma said with a smile: "Ebay is also launching B-side services for small and medium-sized enterprises."

"Ebay?" Zhou Buqi disagreed, "Ebay is a listed company in the United States and is managed by professional managers. They just want to make a fuss about the stock price. In terms of structure, they are not on the same level as you."

Boss Ma was a little strange and looked at him carefully, "When I saw you this time, I felt something was wrong with you! I finally found out!"

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "What?"

Boss Ma said: "Why do you always praise me?"

Zhou Buqi didn't think so, "Is there any?"

Boss Ma curled his lips, "When you were in China, you were always sarcastic."

"No..." Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed, "This is not a foreign country. When a fellow countryman sees a fellow countryman, his eyes well up with tears."

Boss Ma didn't believe it. He waved his hand and said, "Stop talking nonsense! Tell me, do you want my help with something?"


"anything else?"

"Ha ha!"

Zhou Buqi laughed.

Boss Ma snorted, "Let me guess right? What exactly is it?"

Zhou Buqi said in a relaxed tone: "It's not about helping, it's just... we both have the same philosophy and want to help the digital development of small and medium-sized enterprises around the world. This commonality can lead to cooperation."


"Your AliExpress platform helps small and medium-sized enterprises around the world sell goods, and my cloud computing platform helps small and medium-sized enterprises around the world build websites. Otherwise, small and medium-sized enterprises make a lot of money on AliExpress, but are attacked by hackers. Then How big is the loss?”

"Well," Boss Ma agreed, "Alibaba has also discussed internally whether to engage in cloud computing."

Zhou Buqi was shocked, "Don't!"


Boss Ma raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said sternly: "The risk of cloud computing is too great! Who can guarantee whether it will succeed? Ziweixing has already joined in, so Alibaba should not get involved. In our country, only Ziweixing and Alibaba are internationalized companies." Internet companies with a clear vision should not put their eggs in one basket and leave some incense to our country."

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