Top of the big era

Chapter 1468 EA Mode

Generally speaking, work arrangements at this level require mutual testing at least seven or eight times, and a final decision can only be made after a comprehensive understanding.

But Zhou Buqi has no time.

Purple Star Global is his most important job in the near future, and he wants to solve the matter here quickly.

It was precisely this kind of "love at first sight" invitation that moved Don Mattrick so much that he felt that the other party was sincere, so he immediately agreed.

We met and talked for half an hour, and both parties hit it off!

This is also related to Ziweixing’s development experience in the past year.

Because Ziweixing's business in the United States is developing very urgently, it cannot slowly train its direct line executives. Except for a few who were brought over from Yahoo by Lu Qi, and a few who were transferred from China, most of the directors The above-mentioned middle-level and senior managers were poached from other technology companies.

The two companies that have been poached the most are Microsoft and Google.

Two vice presidents from Microsoft came, and five directors came, for a total of seven people! Counting some grassroots managers, Ziweixing International has hired 23 managers from Microsoft in the past year!

Microsoft's brain drain is serious. In addition to the fact that Microsoft itself is in danger of being eliminated by the times, it is also related to its geographical location.

For elite technology talents, Silicon Valley is a mecca.

But Microsoft is headquartered in Seattle.

The largest number of applications within Microsoft every year is that too many managers and technical experts want to transfer to Microsoft branches in Silicon Valley to work instead of staying in Seattle.

In order to solve this problem, Microsoft has made a lot of efforts to turn the Microsoft headquarters in Seattle into a paradise. It has also introduced third-party leisure and entertainment venues such as Macy's, Starbucks, and AMC Cinemas to meet the needs of employees. need.

But there is no way, this is determined by the general environment.

Bringing a group of outstanding people together is the easiest way to spark inspiration. The best people in the technology industry are all in Silicon Valley, and people with lofty ideals at Microsoft want to work there.

If the internal job transfer application fails, then you will have no choice but to change jobs.

Zhou Buqi and Don Mattrick reached a consensus at a meeting. He will resign from Microsoft and join Ziweixing International as vice president and president of the game business group!

However, he couldn't join right away.

There are no technical secrets or business secrets in the gaming industry, and non-competition agreements are not popular. However, this is related to professional ethics, which is especially important for executives.

You can't just rush to a new company and ignore your old employer's life, right? Unless there is a complete fallout, there is usually a buffer period of 3-6 months.

This is all customary.

For example, Don Mattrick is now the president of Microsoft's interactive entertainment department. He has submitted his resignation application. After approval, Microsoft will appoint a new president of the interactive entertainment department.

At this time, the interactive entertainment department became a dual-president system.

Don Mattrick will spend several months working with the new president to help him adapt to the new job environment. When he can take on the job alone, he will hold a farewell party before leaving.

But this is enough for Zhou Buqi!

Zhou Buqi asked knowingly, "With the joint president system, your workload won't be too heavy, right?"

"Yes, it's relatively easy." Don Mattrick smiled, "It's mainly about cooperation in work and guidance based on experience. The candidate...maybe Mr. Ballmer has already thought about it. There has always been a relationship between us. Big disagreement.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Then take the time to do something new."


We had just talked about Ziweixing’s game business strategic plan, and Don Mattrick immediately understood what he meant.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, it's Baokai. In the past, Baokai was mainly committed to the development and distribution of casual games, targeting the computer side. In the future, it should focus on the development of mobile phones. There is a difference between casual games and social games. The distinguishing feature is that it is simple and convenient, and can make use of fragmented time. This is the biggest advantage compared to the computer version. When making products in the mobile Internet era, there is a common logic, which is to seize time. Users must use more of their free time stand up."

The so-called fragmented time may be the time for eating, waiting in line, or going to the toilet, which may only be a few minutes. You can't play too complex a game in such a short time.

It can only be Xiaoxiaole, Pai Gow, or light games of social interaction.

And such product positioning also determines the business logic of the game. For such an "unimportant" game, users cannot be allowed to pay to download it.

Among the countless free game apps, users often only pay to download some particularly exquisite games.

If casual games want to make money, they can only rely on advertising and built-in props.

Don Mattrick pondered for a moment and asked: "I'm very familiar with the people at Pokai, but recently I heard that EA is interested in developing social games."


"EA may choose between Pokai and Zynga to enter the social gaming market."

"Let's choose the treasure!"

Zhou Buqi gave his choice decisively.


"Web-based social games are too simple. Just like the "Parking Space" I designed, it's mainly about creativity. When the novelty wears off..."

""Grab a Parking Space"?" Don Mattrick was quite surprised. "Did you design the game "Grab a Parking Space"?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Yes."

Don Mattrick took a deep breath, "This is the most profitable social game, right?"


Zhou Buqi looked calm and calm.

By putting "Grab a Parking Space" on Facebook's open platform, in addition to using traffic to earn Facebook advertising fees, the game itself also serves as an advertisement for cars.

In particular, the user groups of social games are mainly targeted at white-collar workers with spending power. They are a key customer group in the automotive industry and can often get large advertising orders from car manufacturers.

It's a pity that the trend passes too quickly.

Over time, the novelty is gone and users are lost, so web-based social games have no future. In contrast, mobile phone-based casual games and social games can have richer gameplay and designs because of cloud support.

"Then let me make an appointment now?" Don Mattrick made a suggestion, his tone was very relaxed, and he said with a smile, "Let's meet with the three founders of Baokai tonight. I am still very interested in competing with EA. Confidence."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, over the past few years, EA has acquired dozens of game studios and destroyed most of them."


Don Mattrick is a little embarrassed. He used to be an EA executive.

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "Okay, that's it! Ziweixing is not EA. Ziweixing does not have its own core games, and does not need to eliminate competitors through acquisitions. Ziweixing's core business is social, and it is based on social Platform to promote the strategic combination of casual games and social games, the distribution cost is very low, the more the merrier.”


Don Mattrick feels more at ease, thinking that this young boss still understands the game industry quite well, unlike many laymen who criticize EA when they see it ruining many games.

The main reason why EA has become a world gaming giant that has stood firm for decades is to destroy potential competitors and eradicate game studios that may become competitors in advance.

This is very unfriendly to gamers, but it is the most consistent with business logic.

Ziweixing has just started the gaming business, so it is relatively easy to get started.

When the game business group develops in the future... hum! If Ziweixing wants to dominate the world in the fields of casual games and social games, it must embark on the development path of the EA model.

Regardless of whether it fits or not, just buy it first!

If it's appropriate, develop it.

If it's not suitable, destroy it.

In short, small companies should not be allowed the opportunity to challenge the dominance.

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