Top of the big era

Chapter 1459 Creator

Clemens was curious, "Case? What case?"

Zhou Buqi said: "You should know that from about 2005 to 2007, TJ Mall and Marshall Mall in the United States were attacked by hacker groups, resulting in the theft of 45 million credit cards. The leader of this group was named Albert. Gonzalez, was caught last year. He was sentenced last month to 20 years in prison."

"Oh!" Clemens knew about this and looked serious. "It seems that a total of 170 million credit card and debit card account numbers were stolen in three years. We were also very nervous at the time."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, this man is a hacker leader with a lot of disciples and disciples. He was sentenced to 20 years, and his disciples and disciples want to make a fuss. Once the police catch a few people and deter the momentum, that will be enough. "

Clemens sighed, "Allianz spends more than 100 million euros in cybersecurity every year."

"There is nothing we can do about it. Passive defense is very embarrassing."

Zhou Buqi's tone was very relaxed.

Clemens was helpless, "Is there no way to solve it?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "We still have to place our hope in cloud computing."

According to statistics, 90% of companies around the world are unable to resist hacker attacks. Not the world's top hacker, just an ordinary hacker.

There is a huge imbalance between offense and defense.

The probability of a company being attacked is actually not high. You can't spend a lot of money to train a group of security experts just for a small probability event, right? It's okay if you are attacked. If you are not attacked, wouldn't it be wasted money?

Therefore, the practices of many small Internet companies are very irresponsible and they practice backup copying.

That is, back up all company data.

If a hacker breaks in and the data is wiped or stolen, just restore it from the backup and run as usual, pretending that nothing happened.

It doesn’t matter whether the stolen user data will be auctioned on the dark web, causing user interests to be infringed.

There is nothing we can do about it.

Because even if a small company spends money to hire a few security experts to protect the security of the system and data, the level may not be sufficient, and it will be difficult to block all kinds of hacker methods.

The reasonable means is cloud computing.

Small companies no longer need to build their own servers and store data. They can directly use cloud computing services, purchase server space on the cloud computing platform, and store all data and information in the cloud.

Cloud computing companies are usually large companies and can hire a security team of hundreds of people to provide protection.

Especially these big companies are super rich, and all they do is recruit people if they can't beat you. In the next few years, a group of the best hackers in the world will basically be cleansed and work in cloud computing companies.

The hackers scattered outside are all their disciples. How can they break in?

The most typical example is that in 2014, Sony Pictures filmed a political comedy "The Assassination of Kim", which aroused the anger of North Korea. They hired a well-known hacker group "Peacekeepers" to destroy Sony Pictures. The company's website was hacked.

All employee information is leaked;

All email contents are leaked;

All internal movie scripts and digital version resources of Sony Pictures film and television content have been leaked, with a total size of more than 100TB.

The financial losses were just that. The content of the email contained a lot of satire and racial remarks about the president. It also exposed many scandals in Hollywood and made people panic.

Then, there was a problem with the release of the movie "The Assassination of Kim". No theater chain in the world dared to release it for fear of being retaliated by hackers after its release.

Then it won't be shown, it will be broadcast directly on the TV station, and no TV station will dare to accept it.

Put it on a streaming platform?

Hulu doesn’t dare to accept it, and even Netflix doesn’t dare to accept it!

Even their technical level cannot stop the attacks of the "Peace Guards".

Later, Microsoft and Google took action.

Sony's website can be resumed after being uploaded to the Microsoft cloud, and everything is fine. The movie "The Assassination of Kim" is available for paid on-demand viewing on YouTube and is protected by Google Cloud's security team.

Then, the world became quiet.

"The Assassination of Kim" has officially completed its release, and Sony Pictures has returned to normal.

Not only Microsoft Cloud and Google Cloud, but also the world's four major cloud computing platforms - Amazon Cloud, Microsoft Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and Google Cloud - all have the world's dominant strength in security protection.

Even established giants such as Kaspersky, Norton, and Symantec, which have been engaged in computer security for decades, have all been successfully invaded by hackers without exception and have suffered huge losses.

But there are almost no cloud computing vendors.

In this regard, cloud computing has natural advantages. If you want to build a powerful firewall, you must have powerful computing power. It just so happens that the computing power of cloud computing is extremely powerful.

The more powerful the computing power, the denser the defense network, the fewer loopholes, and the safer it is.

Computers are a process of "calculation". Whoever has strong computing power will be powerful. Even if the algorithm logic is a bit poor, "diligence can make up for weakness", and crazy calculations can make up for the gap and fend off hackers.

Zhou Buqi suddenly felt that this was a good entry point for marketing the cloud computing business.

Taking advantage of everyone's fear of hacker attacks and the losses caused by many companies being hacked, it creates panic in public opinion and creates anxiety.

This drives companies large and small to purchase cloud computing services.

Now, Microsoft and Google have not really entered the cloud computing industry, and Ziweiyun's main opponent is Amazon Cloud. We must seize this opportunity.

Just like big customers like Allianz.

If Allianz and Ziweiyun cooperate, it will be equivalent to a binding. In the future, if they want to switch to other platforms, the cost of data migration will be too high, and engineers will object to the changes in the working environment.

The larger the customer, the more difficult it is to change the partner.

Therefore, in the early days, Ziweiyun must seize opportunities through "selling anxiety" and cooperate with as many large companies as possible, especially large companies in Europe. Europe itself doesn’t like Amazon very much.

It looks like we need to hurry up!

Early next year, cloud data centers in London and Hamburg will be launched. We strive to have 20 small Ziwei Cloud data centers with 20,000 servers in Europe come online by the end of next year or the beginning of the next year!

Zhou Buqi's wishful thinking was ringing.

Allianz is not a good company either.

Clemens laughed and said, "Mr. Zhou, can cloud computing projects be 100% resistant to attacks?"

Zhou Buqi said: "100% is not necessarily 99.99%."

"In other words, maybe there will be an accident?"

"There will be."

"Once an accident occurs, it may cause huge economic losses, right?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "So we must work hard to organize the world's largest network security team to protect the firewall of cloud computing projects."

Clemens smiled and said, "If there is an accident, you need insurance."


Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment.

Depend on!

So I was waiting here!

Clemens said: "Allianz can provide insurance services for Ziweiyun."

Of course Zhou Buqi didn't suffer any loss, and looked very happy, "It's not just the insurance business, but also the intermediary business!"

"Intermediary business?"

Clemens was confused. Although Allianz was a diversified group, it didn't seem to do the business of second-tier dealers.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Allianz has so many customers. If Allianz can recommend your customers to Ziweiyun, Ziweiyun can pay a 20% commission."


Clemens was speechless.

It’s no wonder that this boss Zhou has achieved such great achievements at such a young age. His brain reflexes are so quick and shrewd!

Evening at the Kempinski Hotel Munich.

Good news just came, David Gill’s side has concluded the negotiation.

Bayern Munich agree to sell Lahm for 40 million euros. The price is on the high side, but in their opinion, Lahm is as good as Alves and is worth the price.

It is said that the decision to make this deal was due to the decision of Hoeness, the soul of Bayern. Hoeness received a call from the chairman of Allianz Group.

While Zhou Buqi was combing Sister Bao's hair, he said happily: "People like Anlian are quite good at doing things."

Zhen Yu is preparing pajamas in the bedroom.

Xue Baoshan sat in front of the dressing table and took off her makeup. She looked in the mirror and whispered to Classmate Zhou who was combing her hair: "Classmate Zhou, you are not steady again today."

"Where is it?"



"When we were at the Allianz headquarters, it was the chairman's office, and you were bragging to them."

Zhou Buqi was unconvinced, "Bragging? Why am I bragging?"

Xue Baoshan said angrily: "You said that the protection effectiveness of cloud computing may reach 99.99%. Isn't that bragging?"

Zhou Buqi said with a proud look on his face: "I am being humble! Let alone one in ten thousand, there is not even one in a million possibilities."


Xue Baoshan wiped makeup remover on her white face, her soft little hands paused for a moment.

Zhou Buqi said carelessly: "Really, if you compare the Internet to a virtual world, cloud computing is a built-up apartment area, and the customers are the tenants in the apartment area. The firewall is the wall outside the apartment area. Hackers It’s just bad guys who want to break in. Hire more security experts and they won’t be able to break in! Whether it’s catapults, artillery, digging tunnels, or building ladders over walls.”

Xue Baoshan blinked a few times, "Is there a possibility... airborne?"

"Airborne?" Zhou Buqi shook his head, "That's another dimension, so it's not an attack by bad guys, it's the scrutiny of the Creator, and no one can stop it."

Xue Baoshan was very surprised, "What kind of creator is this?"

Zhou Buqi said: "The creator is the creator of the Internet world. For example, Microsoft system, Microsoft is the creator; for example, in the Helo application, Ziweixing is the creator. As long as I want, I can see all the information and information of any Helo user. Chat records... this is not hacking, this is cross-dimensional, invisible, and is the privilege of the Creator. It’s just that I won’t check the Helo user’s information.”

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