Top of the big era

Chapter 1457 New Membership System

"Entertainment studio?"

Gilbert Lawrence was slightly taken aback by such a suggestion.

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, we just need to create more content around Manchester United and future Internet streaming media. Documentaries are not enough."

Gilbert couldn't keep up, "What else?"



"For example, in a focused game like Manchester United vs. Chelsea, in addition to the normal game highlights, you can also create some funny animations. For example, stickman animations are used to create players such as Rooney and Robben and put their Great action on display.”

“Want to make a fun little animated video for an important game?”

Gilbert suddenly understood.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Yes, it doesn't have to be too long, 2-3 minutes, or even a few actions will do. It's Tu Yile. Before the game, it can be played on the big screen at Old Trafford. Enhance the atmosphere of the scene. Putting it on the Internet can also attract more people's attention. The most important thing is to form an accumulation."

Gilbert nodded, "Just like music copyrights, the greater the number of streaming rights for film and television content, and the longer they accumulate, the greater the income will be."

Zhou Buqi said: "Actually, I just want to find a way to start the membership business of Manchester United's official website. I suggest you learn from Amazon. Amazon is an e-commerce platform. In order to strengthen their member attraction, it provides members with more attractive Excellent service attracts users to become members.”

"Member business..."

Gilbert frowned slightly, a little confused.

This is a very inconspicuous small business. Is it really worth paying attention to?

Manchester United has the largest number of fans in the world, with more than 12 million unique users visiting the official website every year. However, the membership of Manchester United's official website is only 60,000, and the annual fee is 29.9 pounds.

In other words, Manchester United's membership business can only generate an income of 1.8 million pounds per year, which is really not worth mentioning.

Gilbert said: "Manchester United is not a membership-based club, unlike Real Madrid and Barcelona. In a membership-based club, members are eligible to vote in the club presidential election."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said with a smile: "Times have changed! There are not many membership clubs left in Spain. Real Madrid and Barcelona's membership model wants to further expand, and it will definitely develop towards an online membership model in the future. Offline system The membership model has high fees, small scale, few services, and poor appeal. Just watch, they will all change in the future."

The membership club model has long been outdated. Even Barcelona has only 100,000 members after decades of operation. However, Barcelona’s membership fee is very expensive, as high as 120 euros.

The membership model of Spanish clubs is more geared towards local fans. Members who purchase memberships can get discounts on jerseys, season tickets, etc.

Very poor appeal.

Except for a few super giants such as Real Madrid and Barcelona, ​​the vast majority of member-based teams can no longer play and have become joint-stock systems.

Gilbert looked suspicious, "Manchester United wants to make a fuss about its membership system?"

Zhou Buqi said: "A real membership system must borrow from the Internet and be open to the whole world. I said, just like Amazon's membership, we must allow official website members to have more practical functions, not just purchase A membership. Documentaries, exciting game animations, including a variety of Manchester United-themed songs. In short, we must focus on creating digital content and use the Internet platform and rich digital content to attract fans to become members."

Times are progressing.

Although the backward European football is far from as high-tech as American sports, it is also developing towards technology step by step. The most representative ones are Barcelona, ​​Real Madrid and Liverpool.

Barcelona benefited from the sinner "Big Bear". This guy caused Barcelona misery. He spent 450 million euros to buy three useless people and almost bankrupted Barcelona.

However, this man is a good master of economics. He built Barcelona into the first club in history with an annual revenue of 1 billion euros. It even pushed Barcelona to establish an entertainment studio. Fans can see a lot of content produced by Barcelona studio by purchasing membership on the official website or YouTube.

However, Real Madrid and Barcelona are not the leaders in European football when it comes to digital transformation.

The leader is Liverpool.

In 2010, the American sports company Fenway Group acquired Liverpool, which was in bankruptcy crisis, and then embarked on a series of reforms, including digital operations.

With a professional American sports group for promotion, Liverpool's business quickly got on the right track. After three years of doing this, I have recovered hundreds of thousands of paid members on YouTube.

This is very ironic.

Real Madrid and Barcelona are two of the most powerful membership-based clubs in the world. The annual membership fees they receive are not as much as the membership fees received by a joint-stock club like Liverpool.

The fundamental reason is that with the help of American capital dad, Liverpool embraced the Internet and embarked on the road to digitalization ahead of European football.

Zhou Buqi took the lead in founding Ziweixing Digital Media, hoping to build a platform and plan the industry direction of "Internet + Football" to help all European teams achieve digital business transformation like Liverpool.

There is no need to post the video content on YouTube.

Ziweixing Digital Media wants to create a powerful football community and deeply integrate it with the club’s official website business to create an integrated membership system!

Then just take a commission from it.

Wealthy clubs like Real Madrid and Manchester United can easily obtain more than 1 million online members as long as their membership content is rich. Even if the annual fee for each member is 20 euros, the membership fee for a team is 20 million euros.

10 wealthy families of this size, with 10 million paid members, would be a membership fee of 200 million per year!

As the platform side, Ziweixing Digital Media takes a commission of 25% and can earn 50 million platform commissions in a year.

This is called a long-term, tax-collecting business.

Zhou Buqi briefly explained this membership concept.

Gilbert was stunned, "One million members? Is this possible?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It seems that your understanding of the Internet is not deep enough. Later, you can communicate more with Ziweixing Digital Media and talk to Douglas more. Let me tell you this, fans in the past all learned through watching Watching TV, reading newspapers, and reading football magazines to understand football information will never be the same in the future.”

"Watch it on the computer."

"No, it's a cell phone! A smartphone!"

"Oh, my daughter gave me an iPhone. I tried it for 10 minutes and then locked it in my desk."

Gilbert was a little embarrassed.

Zhou Buqi said: "Brother, you have to keep up with the trend! Design an App and put it on the iPhone. This App has all kinds of football news. You can discuss and communicate with other fans, and you can also subscribe to the high-quality content of the official website members. Services...the membership system of Real Madrid and Barcelona will definitely be replaced by the Internet. Well, let’s look back at the membership services of Amazon and Netflix. The future is the era of the Internet. We must do a good job in Manchester United Studio and produce rich and exciting films and TV shows. Audio and digital content. Oh, and eSports!”

Zhou Buqi and his party went to Munich, Germany.

Instead of going to Bayern, he went to Allianz Group.

If Ziweixing Digital Media wants to develop the "Internet + Football" business, in addition to its own high enough Internet level, it is best to also gain support from the football circle.

Now, British football has basically got it figured out.

The next step is to engage in the European Union.

The main way to win over the EU is to win over Germany.

The target has been chosen, and it is the German financial capital giant Allianz Insurance Group.

This company has deep connections with football. It is one of the largest capital tycoons in European football and the capital force behind the German football giants.

The big bosses in German football are the most powerful. Beckerbauer, Hoeness, Zwanziger, and Rummenigge are all powerful. It can be seen from the 2002 Korea-Japan World Cup that in order to take care of the host South Korean team, the referees successively hacked Portugal, Spain, and Italy, but could not hack Germany.

In European football, "Allianz" is also famous.

Bayern Munich's home stadium is called the Allianz Arena. Juventus' home stadium was later renamed the Allianz Arena.

Zhou Buqi came here mainly to meet with people from Allianz Venture Capital Fund, a subsidiary of Allianz Insurance, to discuss the financing of Ziweixing Digital Media.

However, his status is too high.

Half of the entire Allianz Group's board of directors was dispatched, and once they communicated, they realized that there were political factors behind it. The city of Munich hopes that Ziweixing can invest there.

Ziweixing invested in a cloud data center in Germany, located in Hamburg.

As an Internet technology desert, Germany very much hopes to have a non-American Internet company to come and develop in depth to balance the relationship. Otherwise, in the future, Silicon Valley giants will be disobedient and always want to play monopoly, and it will be difficult to impose sanctions even if they want. After the sanctions, there is no substitute, and it is the people who suffer.

With Ziweixing, the left and right can check and balance each other.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said that Ziweixing International is making an investment plan for cloud computing business in Europa Continent, and the expected investment will not be less than US$1 billion.

It's a promise.

In fact, Zhou Buqi had to do it without their invitation.

In terms of competition in the cloud computing business, Ziweixing in North America is probably no match for Amazon. But the European region is different. The European continent has been suppressing e-commerce and is not interested in Amazon.

This gives Ziweixing an opportunity to develop!

As long as Ziweixing can securely capture the Asian and European markets, and then find opportunities to develop into South America, the market share of the cloud computing business will most likely surpass Amazon!

Become number one in the world!

In the future, Ziweiyun will be able to compete with Amazon Cloud, Google Cloud and Microsoft Cloud by leveraging Hollywood-backed streaming media and some unconventional special methods.

The people from Allianz Insurance were very happy to get the promise from Boss Zhou, but they were very curious when they found out that David Gill, the executive vice chairman of Manchester United, was among the people traveling with him.

David Gill said with a smile: "We intend to buy Lahm from Bayern, but they seem unwilling to sell."

The other party immediately expressed his stance and was willing to send a message to Bayern!

Allianz is Bayern's biggest financial backer.

Football is just a game played by big guys.

It's a chess piece.

It is also a tool for interest exchange.

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