Top of the big era

Chapter 1453 Sincerity

It is necessary to reach a long-term and stable strategic cooperation agreement with Sony, not just for the two projects of "Robot" and "Spider-Man".

In the field of hardware, Sony's video cameras, cameras and image processing related equipment are among the best in the world.

Just like Samsung's LCD screen.

This is in short supply.

Except for a few close partners, most companies cannot get the best quality equipment when they receive the goods. For example, in the mobile phone industry in later generations, many mobile phone brands are compared with the iPhone. They have the same configuration and the price is much cheaper than the iPhone.

However, the "exactly the same" configuration is really different.

During the manufacturing process of component products, there will be first-class products, second-class products, and third-class products. Different production batches will also show different grade levels.

First-class products are the best and the rarest.

For the same mobile phone spare parts, iPhone can get the best quality from major suppliers. For other mobile phone manufacturers, large companies can buy second-class products, medium-sized companies can buy third-class products, and small companies... have no chance to purchase from them. In other words, small companies have no possibility of manufacturing high-end mobile phones.

Similar violations have occurred at domestic iPhone assembly plants. Because iPhones have too high requirements for equipment, many equipment that does not meet the requirements will be eliminated during the assembly process and thrown into warehouses for scrap. Some people secretly sell this part of the equipment in the market, and a lot of manufacturers are rushing to buy it. The spare parts that Apple has eliminated are also of better quality than the new ones purchased by most manufacturers.

Many people are analyzing and saying that with the same camera and the same screen, why does the iPhone display better than other phones?

Many software reasons for systems and image processing are given, and Balabala analyzes them all.

In fact, the hardware reasons are more important.

The cameras and screens are just the same model and style, but the quality is fundamentally different.

Google's software technology is much more powerful than Apple's. In theory, the Android system is far stronger than the iOS system. But for various reasons, Android is much worse than iOS.

Zhou Buqi should try to solve this problem, at least to allow Asda and Ziweixing Digital Media to obtain the supply of high-quality Sony camera lenses.

Ziweixing Digital Media is particularly important.

Hawkeye Company has reached an agreement with the Football Association. Next season's League Cup final and FA Cup semi-finals and finals will be the first to use the goal-line Hawkeye technology.

The Premier League is also following suit and intends to promote this new technology in important matches in the second half of the league.

This requires Eagle Eye to customize a batch of high-definition cameras.

Can't get around Sony.

There is also Purple Star Global.

Digital cameras are now the mainstream in Hollywood filmmaking. However, many cameras are not designed by manufacturing companies, but are improved by major Hollywood directors according to filmmaking needs, such as James Cameron, Ang Lee, and Roland Amory. Qidu is a camera modification enthusiast.

The modification process requires cooperation with the manufacturing company.

However, Sony also owns Sony Entertainment, and they will promote this business themselves, so they don’t need Zhou Buqi to worry about it.

Howard Stringer is a media person. Zhou Buqi felt that he would not understand when discussing technology with him, so he could only focus on discussing some Hollywood cooperation.

"Ziweixing Global's plan is not easy!" Zhou Buqi said with emotion.

"Isn't the MGM case almost finalized? I met with Son last week."

Howard Stringer is the former president of Sony America and president of Sony Entertainment. The film and television entertainment industry is his base, and these things cannot be avoided by him.

Zhou Buqi said: "The MGM case is very easy, but other cases are troublesome!"

Stringer understood immediately and asked tentatively: "Is it related to Sony?"

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Disney's stock price has been a bit turbulent recently, have you noticed it?"

"Yes, it seems to be because of Marvel... huh?" Stringer was stunned for a moment, then raised his head suddenly, "Marvel?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Let me introduce myself. I am the second largest individual shareholder of Marvel. I hold 20% of Marvel's shares. So compared to Disney, I have a certain degree of priority."

Stringer became wary in his heart, "Mr. Zhou, is Ziweixing Universal going to compete with Disney for Marvel?"

Zhou Buqi sighed, "It's hard to say whether the Purple Star Universal project can succeed! It's too difficult to compete with Disney. Disney wants to acquire Marvel. This case was jointly promoted by Jobs and Robert Iger. The power It’s huge.”

Stringer half-smiled, "It's very powerful to others, but it's nothing to you, right?"

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "I did participate in the Ziweixing Global project, but one code belongs to the other, and the two things cannot be confused. For Marvel, I am a shareholder, and the first thing I have to consider is definitely It’s Marvel’s interests, and then whether Ziweixing Global can successfully acquire Marvel.”


Stringer's expression was dull and he didn't even believe a single punctuation mark.

Zhou Buqi revealed his true colors, "However, Marvel's board of directors made a decision. If Ziweixing Universal can take back the relevant copyrights of the 'Spider-Man' series, it can easily defeat Disney and win Marvel!"

"Spider-Man?" Stringer's expression changed slightly, "This is impossible!"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "In the business world, nothing is impossible. As for strategic cooperation, as I said, I hope that both of us can achieve a multi-level, all-round, systematic strategic cooperation."

Stringer immediately picked out the loopholes in his words and responded very quickly: "Cooperation is possible, I will inform Sony Pictures immediately that in the future development of the 'Spider-Man' series of movies, we will launch an in-depth strategic cooperation with Marvel." ."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "Mr. Stringer, you may have misunderstood me. Spider-Man is the favorite character of Marvel cartoonists, and they all feel sad that such a core superhero is left outside. ."

Stringer looked at him deeply and said, "This is not in Sony Entertainment's plan."

"I think this can be an important part of the strategic cooperation between the two parties."


Stringer understood now that the other party attached great importance to the copyright of "Spider-Man". But this is a cash cow for Sony Pictures. It is the movie brand that the company attaches most importance to and has high hopes for. How can it be let go so easily?

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Let's talk alone?"


Stringer gave him a long look and sent the secretary away.

Zhou Buqi said sternly: "Mr. Stringer, let me put it bluntly, even if you formulate a very correct strategic development plan for Sony, it will probably take many years for Sony to truly recover. Steve Jobs returns to Apple , it took ten years to lead Apple back to the first-tier technology giant industry."

Stringer said perfunctorily, "You have to work hard."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Are you very old?"


In a highly hierarchical company like a Japanese company, unless you are the founder of the business or the heir to the family, it is impossible to become the president at a young age, and you must be a bad old man.


Howard Stringer was slightly dazed, feeling that this kid's words were very presumptuous.

Zhou Buqi said bluntly: "The reputation of the last "Spider-Man 3" was not very good. If we restart "Spider-Man 4" in a short period of time, it is likely to lose both box office and reputation. If this happens If something like this happens, it will be a fatal blow to Sony Pictures."

Stringer admitted, "There are really no plans for that in the short term."

Zhou Buqi stared at him with a burning gaze, "This means that after "Spider-Man 4" is released, even if it does well at the box office, it may not have anything to do with you. You may...have retired."

Stringer's heart skipped a beat and he said calmly, "Mr. Zhou, I don't understand what you mean."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The comprehensive strategic cooperation with Ziweixing, I believe, can greatly improve Sony's performance in a short period of time, gain market confidence, increase Sony's stock price, and make the stock price reach a high level when you retire." High Point."

Howard Stringer's face changed slightly, "Mr. Zhou, you are questioning my professionalism!"

Zhou Buqi sneered in his heart.

You can really pretend!

This is a trick commonly used by American professional managers.

When many group executives retire at an older age, their retirement benefits are based on the stock price at the moment of retirement. After he retires, if the stock price rises, it has nothing to do with him; if the stock price falls, it has nothing to do with him. He only enjoys the stock price treatment at the moment of retirement.

This seems fairer.

But there is room for maneuver here.

Many top professional managers, such as chairman and CEO, will try their best to improve the company's performance when they are about to retire. For example, layoffs and salary expenses, reduction of marketing expenses, reduction of R\u0026D funding, and continuous signing of several junk contracts to increase income...

In short, we are trying to find ways to increase revenue, reduce expenses, create more short-term profits, and provide an unprecedented performance list.

Then, the capital market was in full swing and stock prices continued to rise.

Retire decisively at this time, and you will receive extremely generous benefits after retirement.

However, due to the business strategy of "giving up the future and focusing on the present" during the period before retirement, the company's short-term stock price will skyrocket, long-term interests will be damaged, and the stock will begin to fall.

This is all customary.

Even the godfather of management, Jack Welch, did this when he retired from General Electric. Including the current chairman and CEO of Disney, Robert Iger, will suddenly announce his retirement at a special time in the future.

Howard Stringer is not the boss of Sony, he is a manager hired by Sony's board of directors, and it is impossible for him to bypass human nature.

Zhou Buqi ignored his righteous words and said calmly: "Sony bought the copyright of Spider-Man back then for US$7 million. How about I buy it back at 50 times the price?"

50 times, that’s $350 million!

Stringer took a deep breath and said calmly, "Mr. Zhou, everything else is easy to discuss. I'm afraid this matter will be difficult to discuss."

Zhou Buqi said: "You can pay in installments according to your requirements. During your term, you can get an extra income from the copyright of Spider-Man every year to improve your performance."

Stringer frowned, "I won't do that."

"60 times."


"70 times?"


"80 times!"

"Mr. Zhou..."

"The final offer is 100 times! MSI Global offers US$700 million to buy back the relevant copyrights of the 'Spider-Man' series at 100 times the price. Mr. Stringer, for this reason, I believe you can feel my Sincerity!”

Zhou Buqi went to the trap with cooperate with Sony, but he didn't believe that he wouldn't agree.

Human nature is selfish.

How can the company's interests be as important as personal interests?

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