Zhou Buqi felt very strange.

Zhou Jianguo bullied his father not just for a day or two, but for ten years.

It stands to reason that you should get used to it, what happened today?

Why are you so angry?

After asking, it turned out that it was Zhou Jianguo who wanted to fire Wu Gaoyi, the deputy manager of the purchasing department.

The reason is that Wu Gaoyi has worked in Wanchao Group for more than ten years and has been in charge of procurement.

Procurement is often the department with the most lucrative resources.

According to Zhou Jianguo, in the past ten years, Wu Gaoyi has at least obtained 500,000 to 600,000 yuan from the group through his authority!

A few years ago, the Zhou family was in full swing and business was booming, so that's all, you can turn a blind eye. But the business has been declining in recent years, and this kind of theft can no longer be tolerated.

This is not made up.

The purchase of mountain goods is often aimed at the most honest old farmers in mountain villages, and there is no written evidence, and they are all priced at a fixed price. The grades of mountain goods should also be severely squeezed, first-class goods will be rated as second-class goods, and second-class goods will be rated as third-class goods. There are even more ways to falsify the weighing method, and one catty of goods can be weighed to eight taels...

There are too many tricks.

"What's wrong? Isn't it right?"

Zhou Buqi was a little puzzled.

Zhou Jianjun said viciously: "Wu Gaoyi is an old employee of the group. He worked hard with your grandfather back then. What is this? Is it killing the donkey?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head, and said disapprovingly: "You can't say that, rules are rules, if his hands are clean, he won't be... huh?"

In the middle of speaking, he suddenly stopped.

Suddenly thought of something.

Wu Yu seems to have said it!

Her father works in Wanchao Group and is the vice president of the purchasing department. At the beginning, she deliberately contacted herself because she wanted to use her relationship to help her father mention the position of manager of the purchasing department.

Wu Gaoyi's surname is also Wu... What a coincidence?

Seeing his reaction, Zhou Jianjun snorted coldly, "You know now? Huh! That's right, Wu Gaoyi is the father of that girl Wu Yu!"

Zhou Buqi couldn't believe it, "Dad, what do you mean? No...you can't target me on purpose, right?"

Zhou Jianjun said with a gloomy face: "Zhou Jianguo said that Wu Gaoyi has embezzled a lot of money from the Zhou family over the years. He should either make up the money and impose a fine of 5 million yuan in total! Or call the police and let him stay for more than ten years."


Zhou Buqi opened his eyes wide, and immediately became angry.


It must be so!

Zhou Jianguo was using Wu Yu's relationship to deliberately target himself.

An old employee of more than ten years, a core backbone of the procurement department, is greedy for 350,000 yuan, is that a lot?

It's about the same as dismissal.

It would be enough to be more cruel and let him spit out the greedy money.

A fine of 5 million?

Call the police and go to jail?

Is this something people do?

If it's the kind of well-behaved foreign companies and joint ventures that act according to the rules and regulations, that's all. The Zhou family's Wanchao Group was not a formal company in the first place. In order to make money, it tried all means.

Ten years ago, a competitor appeared in the Wanchao Group, and its market share was greatly reduced. Zhou Jianguo secretly contacted people on the road and caused a car accident, which almost killed him.

There is no way, they can only switch to other businesses.

This means that the upper beam is not straight and the lower beam is crooked.

You can't just allow state officials to set fires and not allow people to light lamps, right?

It seems that in order to get himself to go to the Li family to apologize, he used all kinds of tricks, and he did everything he could.

Zhou Jianjun clenched his fists and said coldly: "It's okay to bully me, but I can bear to bully my son! It's all gentlemen, it's no big deal. Damn, what's the matter with bullying a woman? It's still my daughter-in-law! Fuck!" I can't bear this matter!"

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, a little excited, "Dad, are you angry? Why don't we split up!"

Zhou Jianjun narrowed his eyes, "Okay, you don't have to worry about this matter, I will deal with it. I don't believe it, the old man can let them do whatever they want!"

"Why doesn't he care?"


"What if he's really stupid?" Zhou Buqi paused, squinting his eyes, "Or is he pretending to be stupid?"

Zhou Jianjun gave him a deep look, a little gloomy, "That's a shame."

The corner of his mouth curled up, revealing a sneer, and said lightly: "Family strife, brothers fighting against each other, this kind of thing has happened in the past. The best result is to separate the family. If there is a big trouble, then let the group get rid of these things All the things they have done in the past year have been counted, and I will not let them get a penny!"

Zhou Buqi's expression shook, and he shivered involuntarily.

Is this the true face of Papa Bear?


In the past few years, he has completely behaved like a swinger brother, proficient in eating, drinking and having fun, but he is not good at company business. As a result, he has never participated in those shady methods in the group.

In other words, he is the cleanest one in the Zhou family's power hierarchy!

Once it gets too big, poke it out...

Zhou Jianguo, Zhou Bubi, including the old man Zhou Guangshan, will all go to jail!

Wanchao Group will belong to Zhou Jianjun!

Is this the benefit of pretending to be crazy and selling silly bear bags?


For so many years, Zhou Buqi felt that he had finally seen the true face of Xiong Bao's father until now.

He is holding the ace killer in his hand!

This is very strange.

Since he was so powerful and conspired so deeply, why did he commit suicide by jumping off a building in his previous life?

Zhou Buqi rejected Wu Yu's date, and locked himself in the study alone in a daze.

He wasn't worried about his father-in-law-to-be.

The so-called 5 million fine, reporting to the police and going to jail... are all nonsense, they are all tricks played by Zhou Jianguo, used by disgusting people.

Grandpa would never allow it.

What he was thinking about was Dad Xiongbao.

Bear bag dad is not bear bag.

But in the previous life, it really happened...

Wanchao Group was transforming into real estate, and the construction site caught fire, and it lost hundreds of millions. Zhou Jianguo and his son played tricks and passed on the debt to Zhou Jianjun.

Unable to bear the pressure of debt, my father committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Aunt Liu took her younger sister back to her natal home.

I and my mother hid debts everywhere, and were displaced...

This scene is clearly printed in my mind.

But why is this so?

Dad should have a lot of important materials in his hands. This is the trump card he has endured for many years to settle down.

Why did he jump off the building?

Zhou Buqi sat in the study, smoking silently.

After smoking more than half a pack, the study room is lingering with a strong smell of smoke.

He vaguely guessed the result.

In the previous life, behind my father's suicide by jumping off a building, there may be another mystery behind it!

He jumped off the building without any reason!

Reminiscent of Zhou Jianguo leading the Wanchao Group for so many years, all kinds of shady or dark means...


Zhou Buqi didn't dare to think about it anymore, and clenched his fists, "Separation! We must separate! Take parents, aunt Liu and sister, and leave Chuncheng! Damn it! Zhou Jianguo is a devil!"

As the evening approached, Wu Yu called again.

As soon as it was connected, she burst into tears.

"What's the matter baby? What happened?"

"Honey, save my dad! Save my dad!"

Wu Yu was crying so hard, the desperation and desolation in her voice made people feel distressed.

Zhou Buqi hurriedly said: "Where are you? I'll be there right away. Don't worry, this matter is not as serious as you think..."

"Serious! It's serious! They want my dad to take out 5 million. If they don't pay, they will send him to jail, woo woo woo... Husband, please help me, I'm the only father..."

"Okay, darling, don't cry, I'll go find you right away, I know all about this, it's not as serious as you think."

Zhou Buqi didn't dare to hesitate, and quickly put on his clothes to find her.

Emotion is a very mysterious thing.

When she cried, it was really heart-wrenching and distressing.

Zhou Buqi drove to Wu Yu's house in a silver-gray Maybach 62.

On the way, he received another call.

The voice is very strange.

"Are you Zhou Buqi?"

"It's me, who are you?"

The other party's voice became sharp all at once, very angry and indifferent: "Zhou Buqi! Let me ask you, are you still a man?"

"Huh? Who are you? Are you sick..."

Zhou Buqi cursed, and suddenly felt that the voice and tone were so familiar, and suddenly the face of a beautiful girl with short hair, enchanting and exquisite appeared in his mind.

"You... are you Shi Jinglin?"

"Hmph! Let me ask you, what's the matter with Xiao Yu? Is that how you become a boyfriend? Her father works in your company, okay, your family is going to send him to jail? Zhou Buqi, you can! Quite capable!"

Zhou Buqi said: "Don't talk nonsense if you don't understand, this matter is not what you think, it's not that serious."

"I'm in jail, isn't it serious? What do you mean? Do you have to be shot?"


"Zhou Buqi, let me tell you, if you can't take care of Xiao Yu well, you should get away from her quickly, you don't deserve it!"

"Youbi, I'm not worthy, you are? Shi Jinglin, aren't you too ridiculous?"

"Your Zhou family is ridiculous! An old employee who has served your family for more than ten years wants to extort 5 million yuan? Are you looking for money? You can't take care of Xiao Yu well, so I will come! Isn't it just 5 million yuan?" I have paid for it!"

Shi Jinglin was very stubborn and made a decisive decision.

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "Are you out? Who are you? Get the hell out of here! I don't know why!"

After scolding, Zhou Buqi hung up the phone directly.

Very angry.

This Shi Jinglin is really like a mad dog.

Amount... 5 million.

Did it come out so lightly?

Her family is really rich.


"Wu Gaoyi? What happened to him?"

Mr. Zhou Guangshan's health is getting worse and worse, and he no longer goes to work in the company. He usually stays at home, or goes to a nursing home to recuperate, or socializes with some official figures to maintain the Zhou family's contacts.

Seeing the anxious appearance of the second son, the old man sat leisurely on the bamboo recliner, closed his eyes and rested his mind.

Zhou Jianjun lost the obedience he used to, and his voice was a little cold: "Zhou Jianguo wants to fire Wu Gaoyi, saying that he has been in charge of the procurement department for these years, and his people are not clean. Either he pays a fine of 5 million yuan, or he goes to jail."

"Huh?" Zhou Guangshan's cloudy eyes opened, and an unbelievable strangeness flashed across his face, "Your elder brother did it?"


Zhou Jianjun's tone was quite sarcasm, "Oh, by the way, there is one more thing to report to your old man. I have met a girl named Wu Yu in college. Coincidentally, that girl is Wu Gaoyi's daughter. "

"This bastard!"

Zhou Guangshan was furious, and with his big withered hand, he slapped it so hard that the bamboo chair almost fell apart.

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