Top of the big era

Chapter 1448 Platform Economy

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Zhou Buqi took a copy of the materials provided by Ono Consulting Firm and set off back to China.

While researching the materials, I contacted Sony to make an appointment to meet.

There are a lot of materials and there are 46 sheets of A4 paper.

On the plane, Wu Yu, who had been busy with blind box market research for several days, went back to the bedroom to take a nap.

Zhou Buqi, Zhen Yu, and Xue Baoshan spread out the materials together and everyone looked at them together. Although Sony's performance is poor, it is huge in scale, has many business lines, and even has an insurance business.

It is also interesting to read some confidential information within Sony and study the struggle for power among Sony's various business lines and subsidiaries.

"Huh?" Zhen Yu gradually understood Sony's thinking from these materials, "Sony is very similar to Apple!"

"how to say?"

"Sony is an enhanced version of Apple!"

"What?" Zhou Buqi was amused, "What's the market value of Sony? What's the market value of Apple? Senior Sister Zhen Yu, don't get confused."

Zhen Yu said seriously: "It's true. Look at Sony's core business, which is the entertainment business derived from consumer electronics products, such as movies, music, games and so on."

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "It's quite similar."

Zhen Yu said: "It's very similar, it's exactly the same. Isn't Steve a believer in Sony? I feel like he learned it from Sony. Sony sells TVs, mobile phones, walkmans, and game consoles, and then promotes its own movies and movies on these devices. Music and game products form a closed business loop.”

"There is still a slight difference. Apple's business model is an upgraded version and an Internet version."

"Why did you upgrade?"

"Sony sells electronic products, and then sells its own entertainment products on the electronic products. Apple sells electronic products, and then builds an Internet platform on the electronic products to sell all the entertainment products in the world."

"It really is!"

Zhen Yu suddenly realized.

After such an analysis, it is inevitable that Sony will be crushed by Apple. From a strategic perspective, the two sides are not on the same level. Apple embraces the whole world, while Sony has the petty nature of a typical Japanese company.

Zhou Buqi said: "Because Sony only sells its own products, this has caused Sony to suffer from obesity. It has to make its own movies, make its own music, and build a huge game department. The game department also needs to be divided into video games. and handheld games. In order to better adapt to our own games, we also need to research imaging technology, audio-visual technology, and specially develop special chips. Mr. Ono said this today, and Apple was similar back then."


"In the 1990s, Apple almost went bankrupt. Sony failed to acquire Apple. Jobs had no money, so he gave up the infringement lawsuit against Microsoft and obtained a sum of money from Microsoft. Then he gave Apple's dozen business lines Closed. Apple has embarked on a streamlined Internet consumer electronics model."

Zhen Yu nodded lightly, "Sell iMac, sell iPod, sell iPhone, and then create a platform economy through the system and software, and take commissions from it. Make some money from the hardware, and another money from the software."

Zhou Buqi said: "Absolutely. In the final analysis, this is the Internet era. Apple has kept up with the Internet, but Sony has not. But I heard Ono Ryo say that Sony, under the leadership of Stringer, also seems to want to build an Internet platform. I guess it’s enough!”

Xue Baoshan was immersed in reading the materials and said thoughtfully: "It also has something to do with piracy."


"What is written here is that Sony was the world's number one in the field of Walkmans back then, and even if Apple launched the iPod, it would be useless. But Sony's strategic decision was wrong. As classmate Zhou said just now, it was too petty."


Zhen Yu is very curious.

Xue Baoshan said softly: "Sony's MP3 is not as good as iPod, and it has to do with pirated music. iPod can listen to genuine music, and you can also download pirated music at will. But Sony's MP3 is not good. It has designed many complicated formats to prohibit pirated music."

Zhen Yu said: "Yes, Sony owns Sony Music, and they definitely don't want pirated music to interfere with the market. But Apple doesn't have a record business. It makes no difference to Apple whether it's genuine or pirated, as long as it can sell electronic products."

Xue Baoshan said softly: "The weak can defeat the strong, largely because the weak have lower moral standards."

Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "It's a different stage. In the weak stage, you have to give up moral restraints and constantly break through the lower limit to cater to the public. As the company gets bigger, it still needs to have a higher strategic vision. Like me, you can realize The new situation in the great era is irresistible, so don’t go against the trend.”


Zhen Yu and Xue Baoshan said in unison, slightly coquettishly.

Zhou Buqi snorted: "What are you doing? Looking down on me? Hum, I won't brag with you. If I were the president, president, and CEO of Sony, I guarantee that I can lead Sony to do better than Apple. Don't believe it? I'll give it to you For example, it’s exactly the same as Sony’s music piracy incident. Ziweixing has a small business called Toutiao Literature, do you know that?”

"Well, online reading, Wu Yu always likes to read those novels."

"Yes, since it is online reading, there must be pirated content. Ziweixing has a very powerful anti-piracy mechanism, such as Micropoint Security Guard and Micropoint Antivirus, which can use a blacklist to prohibit users from logging into pirated websites. But this will affect I have not done anything about the user experience of Weidian products. There is also Weidian search, and Weidian’s current market share is very high!”

Zhen Yu smiled and said: "Baidu is 48%, Weidian is 40%."

"Ah? 40%?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "Weidian is developing very fast!"

Zhen Yu scolded, "Boss Zhou, don't interrupt."

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly and said: "Many people have suggested that when users search for novels, they should not provide pirated websites in micro-search. This can be done easily, but it cannot be stopped. If we really do this How can Weidian still compete with Baidu? There is also Weidian browser, which has the same logic."

Zhen Yu agreed, "That's right, why does Sony's MP3 have to be anti-piracy? Sony Music cannot monopolize the entire music industry. Sony's MP3 anti-piracy has resulted in profits for Warner Music and Universal Music, but its own MP3 business has Dead. They are so stubborn."

Xue Baoshan took out another page, "Not only MP3, but also PS3. Look at this, Sony has also designed many formats for PS3, and discs that do not meet the standards cannot be played."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Why are you two looking so sad? The worse Sony is, the happier we should be, shouldn't we?"

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips and smiled, rolled her eyes at him, and said coquettishly: "Classmate Zhou, Ziweixing is an Internet company! If Ziweixing wants to cooperate with Sony, it must approach it from the perspective of the Internet. Sony doesn't understand the Internet very well, do you think? How can we cooperate with them?"

Zhou Buqi stretched out and said more relaxedly, "We can cooperate in whatever way we want. Howard Stringer, an American, doesn't want to lead Sony to learn from Apple and launch an online content platform. Just cooperate."

Zhen Yu asked: "Do you think Sony's platform can work? Sony seems to have no Internet gene."

"Can't do it!"

Zhou Buqi answered decisively.

If this is done, wouldn’t Sony in future generations be revived and prosperous? The result is destined and can be judged through simple logical analysis.

Sony's online platform was initially built around the PS3, called the PSnet platform. That is, after users connect the PS3 to a computer, they can connect to the Internet through the PS3 and use many Internet services in the PS3.

Depend on!

In a few years, Internet TV will be popular all over the world. Why do we need PS3?

However, the development in the previous life was slightly different from Zhou Buqi's judgment.

Sony did give up this online platform in just three years as he suspected, but it was not for the reasons he mentioned. It came from the power struggle within Sony.

The Sony Group should support the development of various businesses under Sony! Sony's Internet content platform allows you to watch other people's movies, play other people's games, and listen to other people's music...

Isn’t it bad that the products launched by Sony help competitors sell content products?

The PSnet platform can only upload Sonny's own content and block other people's products? This is not okay. It goes against the fairness of the Internet and will lead to monopoly lawsuits.

Howard Stringer had no choice but to take the platform offline because he could not withstand the pressure. Because of such a decision-making error, he retired early like Nobuyuki Dei.

The timing of Zhou Buqi's entry is very good.

First, due to the economic crisis, Sony’s performance was very poor;

Second, PS3 sales fell short of expectations. Sony needs to adjust its business model to revive this product. The answer is to introduce more Internet content;

Third, the Apple model is so overwhelming that Howard Stringer, who is under great performance pressure, wants to follow suit. The more successful Apple became, the bolder Stringer became;

Fourth, under the economic crisis, the manufacturing industry was in depression, but the Internet industry was the first to recover, and Nasdaq was rising straight up;

Fifth, Sony’s veterans have not yet reacted due to their lack of understanding of the Internet;


Sony is a super giant, full of treasures.

Many treasures are more important than the copyright of "Spider-Man".

After returning to China, Zhou Buqi asked the office to translate the relevant materials into Chinese, printed dozens of copies, and sent them to senior executives and high-level technical engineers.

What a rare opportunity!

In order to create the world's most powerful home game console PS3, Sony even specially created a top-level chip Cell specifically for it, which shows the power of its technology.

Let's see if we can take advantage of the giant's injury to cut off some pieces of meat and taste it.

Sure enough, that night, while Zhou Buqi was sleeping on the bed with Shi Jinglin and Wu Yu in his arms, he received a very presumptuous call from Shen Xiangyang, CTO of Ziweixing.

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