Top of the big era

Chapter 1425 The official website agency business is blocked

First go to London, then transfer to Manchester, and then go to Rome to watch this year’s Champions League final.

It's a pity that Zhou Buqi already knows the result.

If nothing else, Manchester United will lose to Barcelona 0:2. Now the "Dream II" Cosmos team is at its peak and can be called the strongest team in history. It is not surprising to lose. If Manchester United wins, it will be considered an upset.

On the plane, with Aunt Xue and Sister Bao there, Zhou Buqi was too embarrassed to play tricks with Han Yan and Chen Yan.

When we arrived in London, we were divided into two groups.

One group went shopping and the other group rested at home.

This kind of old-fashioned mansion-like mansion really made Teacher Han and Teacher Chen speechless. They really felt the lifestyle of the European upper class.

After swimming around in the indoor bathroom, I went back to my room to rest and wait for the great man to come. I'm quite looking forward to having a big English bed in such an English mansion.

However, Zhou Buqi was delayed.

This is the center of London, and the street next to it is Parliament, Parliament and City Hall. If there is some movement here, the other side will know it immediately. Zhou Buqi had only been home for half an hour and had just arranged things at home when he received calls from two congressmen who wanted to visit him at home.

Meet in the drawing room on the first floor.

The purpose of coming here can be judged from the identities of these two people. One is Congressman Samantha who comes from the technology industry, and the other is Congressman Burke who comes from the sports industry. They are both staff members of No. 10 Downing Street.

If nothing else, it should be related to the company Ziweixing Digital Media.

In the past two months, Ziweixing Digital Media has officially launched. It has made one move after another and successively invested in the acquisition of many British companies such as Whoscored, Goal, OPTA, Eagle Eye, and ProZone.

This is nothing.

They are all small companies, not very eye-catching, with a total cost of only 15 million pounds.

However, one incident caused outrage.

Ziweixing Digital Media has launched a new business - official website agency!

In the past, the official websites of Premier League teams were operated by some local Internet companies. For example, Manchester United's official website is looking for a certain network service provider in Manchester, a small company with less than 20 people.

This is where the problem arises.

Small companies have poor technology, small coverage, and inability to scale up, resulting in high operating costs and thus high charges.

Ziweixing Digital Media is different.

It's a total rip-off, with prices generally reduced by 40% as soon as you enter the store!

People like Manchester United, who might have spent 5 million pounds a year in the past, now only need to spend 3 million pounds to enjoy better, more stable, more powerful, and global coverage official website services provided by Ziweixing Digital Media. .

Professional people do professional things.

In the Internet desert of Europe, Ziweixing's entry into the field to do this is definitely a dimensionality reduction blow.

However, with costs so low, how can those small companies and studios compete?

Aren’t they all dead?

Aren’t they all bankrupt?

It is now 2009, and the economic crisis is very serious. Protecting small and medium-sized enterprises and allowing them to develop and operate normally is the main task of this term of Downing Street!

Then they couldn't take it anymore.

Many small companies are protesting, believing that they are being bullied by giant companies, and asking the authorities to restrict the penetration of Internet giants like Ziweixing into the football industry.

Then, Downing Street sent someone to talk to Zhou Buqi.

Zhou Buqi is relatively calm.

What Ziweixing does is free competition under the market economy. Everything is under the sun and there is no excuse at all. It's just helping the team build its official website, and it's not a sensitive business.

Mr. Burke, a congressman with a background in the horse racing industry, said worriedly: "Zhou, it is difficult for your business method to gain widespread support in the local area. Doing business still has to make money. This is the United Kingdom, and we do not recommend the subsidized business of the United States." model."


Zhou Buqi was amused.

Where does this come from?

Do you think Ziweixing’s official website agency business is operating at ultra-low prices and making no money?

Depend on!

I’m not a charity person. I won’t do anything that doesn’t make money!

On the contrary, this business not only makes money, it makes a lot of money!

At present, this business led by Mr. David Dunn has attracted almost all the mainstream teams from the Premier League and English League One. First of all, David Dunn’s status in British football is too high; secondly, the terms offered by Ziweixing Digital Media are good enough, with low prices and good services. Why not?

At present, the total order size has reached 60 million pounds.

And, this is just England!

The UK is a super football country. In addition to England, there are also leagues at all levels in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. According to preliminary forecasts, if everything goes well, Ziweixing Digital Media will be able to generate revenue from the British Isles every year from this business alone. £100 million.

Profits of at least 80 million pounds!

This stupid congressman actually thinks that Ziweixing is deliberately lowering prices to crack down on small and medium-sized enterprises and not making money?

"Is there any problem?" Senator Burke looked confused.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly and said, "Mr. Congressman, companies still have to make money. Although the price quoted by Ziweixing Digital Media is lower than the price quoted by traditional agencies in the past, there is still a relatively large profit margin."

Burke said solemnly: "Mr. Zhou, Britain is a big sports country, and football is the most important sports industry. Around football, millions of jobs can be created every year, and tens of billions of pounds of economic output value can be created..."

Zhou Buqi frowned and interrupted him rudely, "Mr. Congressman, what exactly are you going to say?"

Another congressman, Samantha, a female congressman, smiled and said: "Zhou, don't worry, we are just a little confused about this matter and want to ask you for advice. What are your thoughts on the future development of Ziweixing Digital Media?" ? My partner has just said that football is a fundamental industry in the UK, and we are all very nervous about what Ziweixing Digital Media is doing."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Didn't you find David Dunn? He seems to be in charge of this matter. He is the chairman of Ziweixing Digital Media's Football Strategy Committee."

Samantha, a very elegant woman in her forties, smiled and said, "We want to talk to you first."

People are not stupid either.

I know that in this matter, Zhou Buqi is responsible for strategic planning, and David Dunn is just the one who executes it. There is no one in the UK who is so proficient in the Internet and dares to use the Internet to attack the football industry.

Zhou Buqi could tell.

Apparently, the routines are the same all over the world!

One is a good person, the other is a bad person.

Zhou Buqi was a little amused and nodded, "I personally have full respect for British football. In my opinion, the integrity of the British football industry is the best in the world."


Councilor Samantha looked very happy.

Zhou Buqi said: "Mr. Congressman, you just said that you have worked for Xerox before, so you can definitely understand that technology is changing the world, and the emerging Internet will affect all aspects of the world, including football, of course. The sports industry in the United States Already embracing technology, many IT elites who graduated from prestigious schools did not go to work in Silicon Valley, but joined some favorite sports clubs. But Europe does not, and European football still maintains the traditional model of the past few decades."

"This is European football."

"No, we must keep pace with the times. Even the sales of Beatles albums are no longer among the top 20 in the world. The entertainment industry is changing with each passing day, and football is also a part of entertainment."

Zhou Buqi didn't know whether he could convince these two conservative congressmen.

If we cannot reach an agreement on concepts, it will eventually turn into a conflict of interests.

Councilor Samantha smiled, took out a small notebook, and seemed to be taking notes carefully, "Mr. Zhou, please continue."

Zhou Buqi said: "I am the boss of Manchester United, and the plan of Ziweixing Digital Media was only initiated after I acquired Manchester United. Manchester United is the top giant in Europe, but after I acquired Manchester United, I discovered that Manchester United's technological attributes are almost Zero, it is far behind the times. Take Manchester United's official website for example. The official website is the face of a club and an important display to fans around the world. However, if fans from Southeast Asia or the Middle East log in to Manchester United's official website, it will be A very bad experience. The technical backwardness of Manchester United's official website will lead to the decline of Manchester United's brand. This is true for Manchester United, the entire Premier League, and even the entire European football world."

This scene is like a leader speaking.

Zhou Buqi said.

The two congressmen took notes and took notes very seriously.

Senator Burke was no longer as aggressive as he was at the beginning. After recording for a while, he raised his head and asked: "Mr. Zhou, are you talking about European football? Ziweixing Digital Media can not only solve the problem of the technical backwardness of the official website, but also proxy the official website." The business has expanded to the whole of European football, right?"

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "The operation of the official website is very easy for an Internet giant like Ziweixing. Especially with the promotion of Ziweixing's cloud computing business, there will be a very important combination. Well, cloud computing is the Internet This time I focused on a technology project that Mr. Prime Minister and I discussed. Not to mention this, the official website agency business just mentioned must of course be promoted to the European continent and help the five major leagues and even the world’s football giants to act as official website agents. This will greatly Providing query convenience for fans around the world is a real service to the fans and a good thing to improve and optimize the football environment."

Councilor Burke asked: "Inquiry facilitation? Mr. Zhou, can you briefly explain it?"

Zhou Buqi was speechless.

Depend on!

He is really a stick!

I really don’t know anything, and I know nothing about the Internet.

"The convenience of inquiry...well, it is actually a demonstration of the unity of football, which is in line with the true meaning of European football."

Zhou Buqi actually hates the "unity" of football.

The so-called unity is actually a politically correct rhetoric used by UEFA and national football leagues to gain benefits from wealthy teams.

Football has the reputation of being the largest sports event, but it is not very profitable. In order to ensure their own interests, various associations have to use clever names to make money.

One of the methods is the "Solidarity Fund", which uses part of the annual event broadcast revenue to euphemistically call it: helping grassroots football.

But what is grassroots football?

It is the "vote" of the heads of various football associations to see who has a good relationship with them, and then give money to whom. Whoever gets the money is the representative of grassroots football.

Europe is a football world with hundreds of thousands of football clubs. If you want to get solidarity bonuses, you must operate behind the scenes. Many social organizations in Europe operate in a transparent manner, and anyone who embezzles 10 euros can be found out and fined heavily. But football is not good, no one knows who their solidarity funds are distributed to.

Zhou Buqi couldn't change even if he wanted to. He could only adapt to the situation and show his recognition of this "unity". He said seriously: "For example, a small team like Blackburn Rovers may have a certain reputation in the UK. It won't work on other continents. If there is a unified official website platform that puts Blackburn with top clubs such as Manchester United, Liverpool, and Arsenal, then Blackburn will have the opportunity to be shown in front of more fans. This is unity , use the attraction of wealthy clubs to drive the development of small clubs, make progress and improve together."

As soon as these words came out, they really won the attention of the two congressmen, and they were in line with their values ​​and beliefs.

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