Top of the big era

Chapter 1413 Who can manipulate whom?

The next day, go meet Jeffrey Katzenberg.

Son Zhengyi has arranged everything.

Zhou Buqi felt like he was being manipulated.

In fact, it is understandable that in this investment case, SoftBank is the largest investor. How could Son Zhengyi give up all the leadership rights?

But Zhou Buqi just didn't feel good about it. He thought he had caught him, but he didn't expect that he was a loach and couldn't be caught at all. I was a little upset and wanted to be late on purpose the next day.

Unknown to Zhen Yu, she got dressed, packed up, and was about to leave. However, she found that Zhou Buqi still didn't come out of the bedroom, so she asked Ning Yaxian, who was pregnant with her belly, "What is he doing? He will be late in a while."

Ning Yaxian sat comfortably on the sofa and said softly: "Wait for a while."

"Ah?" Zhen Yu was stunned, "Secretary Ning, you will be late in a minute! We have made an appointment to meet important people!"

"I know, it's Mr. Katzenberg from DreamWorks Animation."


"It doesn't matter."

"What is he doing?"

"With Wanwan and Lulu."

Ning Yaxian paused for a moment and gave her a look without saying anything clearly.

Zhen Yu understood immediately and smiled angrily, "This early in the morning, if you have nothing to do, you are in the bedroom with your little secretary...why don't you care?"

Ning Yaxian's tone was relaxed and natural, "Men, when the mood comes, it's normal to have fun."

Zhen Yu gritted her teeth and said: "Secretary Ning, this is not a matter of pleasure or displeasure. It is now his greed for women who has delayed the business! No, I will call him!"

"Wait a minute." Ning Yaxian called her calmly and calmly, "Miss Zhen, don't be too confident. You should always trust him. This is my advice to you from someone who has experienced this."

Zhen Yu's face turned red. She was a little embarrassed that her matter hadn't been made public yet, "Secretary Ning, what do you mean?"

Ning Yaxian chuckled and said, "He is deliberately showing off his face."

"To show off your face? To whom?"

"Who else could it be? It can't be our women's family, right?"

"Uh..." Zhen Yu suddenly realized, "Are they Masayoshi Son and Katzenberg?"

The information they both have is the same, even Ning Yaxian has slightly less.

However, Ning Yaxian has been with Zhou Buqi all year round and is the number one secret. Now she is pregnant with his child, and she is the person who knows him best. Although Senior Sister Zhen Yu is a veteran of the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance, she has been working and living in the United States all year round. The distance is a bit far and her depth of knowledge is lacking.

Zhou Buqi didn't say a lot of things that others didn't understand, but Ning Yaxian could understand what he meant.

When Zhen Yu sat down, Ning Yaxian put her hands on her belly, her figure had gained weight, and said calmly: "Cooperating with SoftBank to invest in the entertainment industry is a very important strategic plan. Some time ago, his main focus was EMI Records, at that time, the name Son often mentioned was David Geffen. Now, the main focus is on the film and television industry, and Son has brought out Jeffrey Katzenberg."

"It's control!"

As soon as she mentioned something, Zhen Yu's thoughts immediately started to change.

I see!

David Geffen is a big shot in the music industry, and Jeffrey Katzenberg is a big shot in the movie industry.

Masayoshi Son is an outsider... In fact, it has little to do with whether he is an outsider or not. SoftBank has invested for more than 20 years and is very popular around the world. One of the important reasons is that they are not very involved in specific operations.

The same goes for the entertainment industry. SoftBank will not personally take over management.

This is why Zhou Buqi firmly chose to cooperate with SoftBank instead of other big funds. SoftBank doesn’t want control, so of course control belongs to him.

However, it is SoftBank who spends the real money. If it invests US$20 billion, SoftBank will get at least US$15 billion. SoftBank has spent so much money, so it needs some insurance, right? You can't give all the control to Zhou Buqi, right? In that case, SoftBank will no longer be at the mercy of others?

So there is this series of things.

When looking at the music industry, Son brought out David Geffen; when looking at the film and television industry, he brought out Jeffrey Katzenberg.

In fact, I just want to have a voice in the management of "Purple Star Global" and install a nail so that Zhou Buqi will not control the overall situation and unscrupulously harm SoftBank's interests.

After figuring this out, Zhen Yu was not angry, but relaxed.

Some time ago, Boss Zhou always showed off to her and boasted to her, saying that he had deceived Sun Zhengyi and controlled it with extraordinary methods!

This is hard to believe.

How can it be?

You, Boss Zhou, are very good, great, and outstanding, but you are not bad either. Why can you be influenced by me?

Now that I have figured out Son Zhengyi’s arrangement, I feel at ease.

This is the normal level.

Otherwise, Boss Zhou, with his red lips and white teeth, would be able to control a boss of Son Zhengyi's level. This would be too mysterious and unrealistic. Obviously, people are really optimistic about this industry, so they entered the game. It has nothing to do with you or not. Not only does it not matter, they have also invited reinforcements to watch out for you!

At this time, the bedroom door suddenly opened.

Amidst the strange mixed voices of men and women, Sun Wanran poked her head out with a red face and said quickly: "Yaxian, you and Zhen Yu... Huh? You are here, um... Tell Sun Zhengyi over there , The boss has something to deal with, so he may be late."

Zhen Yu asked: "How long will it take?"

Sun Wanran said: "It's almost time. We should be able to set off in half an hour."

After saying that, he closed the door with a bang.

No sound could be heard.

The sound insulation effect is quite good.

Ning Yaxian didn't care very much and continued the topic just now. She chuckled and said: "Katzenberg has a very bad temper. He is about to have a life-or-death feud with Disney. The boss must give him a blow first, otherwise he will not do it again in the future." Easy to manage.”

Zhen Yu nodded lightly, "Yes, I understand. I'll make a call."

Strange to say.

Originally, Zhen Yu was a little angry when she heard that Boss Zhou was being ridiculous early in the morning. After knowing his long-term considerations, I actually admired him.

Sure enough, the vision is different.

That’s right, in the case of “Purple MSI Global”, SoftBank was the major investor and the largest financier. But don’t forget, this case was planned from beginning to end by Mr. Zhou, and it was his proposal to develop the basic industry of “content is king” based on future streaming media.

Without Mr. Zhou, it would have been impossible for Sun Zhengyi to enter the entertainment industry under the current market situation that is very unfavorable to the entertainment industry.

Therefore, the control of "Purple Star Global" must be in the hands of Boss Zhou. He is the planner, and SoftBank is at most the sponsor.

Now that Masayoshi Son has thrown out the big Buddha of Jeffrey Katzenberg, Boss Zhou should figure out his identity and show some face to the opponent.

If I can’t suppress it now, I won’t be able to suppress it even more in the future.

Although she was already more than half an hour late, Zhen Yu was not anxious at all and was in a good mood. She said with a smile: "The biggest advantage of inviting Katzenberg to come out is that his relationship with Disney is like fire and water."


"Not only are DreamWorks Animation and Disney's Pixar competitors now, but it's also a historical reason. Jeffrey Katzenberg was Disney's second-in-command back then, but he was fired. It was supposed to be a $100 million departure. Disney later refused to compensate him. Katzenberg originally wanted to use the $100 million to start DreamWorks, but he ran out of money and had no choice but to take out a loan and put all his wealth into it."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What happened next? Didn't the compensation of 100 million US dollars end?"

Zhen Yu said: "Then we went to court. After a lot of fighting and private litigation, Disney paid nearly 200 million U.S. dollars to settle the matter."

Zhou Buqi said: "So, Michael Eisner should have stepped down long ago."

This is a big joke in Hollywood.

Disney's previous chairman and CEO, Michael Eisner, came to power in the 1970s and 1980s, and single-handedly built Disney from a marginal animation studio into an entertainment empire, which is legendary. However, in the 1990s, he also made a series of mistakes. He fired a large number of outstanding talents who could threaten his position.

After leaving Disney, each of these people became a giant.

For example, Jeffrey Katzenberg who founded DreamWorks, Michael Ovitz, the number one agent in Hollywood, Steve Bolenback, CEO of Hilton Hotels... The most famous one is the current Internet giant Yi Bay's female boss Meg Whitman.

So much so that after Michael Eisner retired, he didn't have many friends in Hollywood, and all that was circulated were jokes mocking him.

Zhen Yu pursed her lips and said: "Now, Disney intends to acquire Marvel. If Katzenberg is willing to join Ziwei Star Universal, then he will definitely do his best to attack Disney and win Marvel no matter what."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "Yes, Sun Zhengyi also wants to use this as the main argument to convince me."

Zhen Yu said: "I'm afraid that Disney's attitude will be firm."

If Disney is determined to acquire Marvel, Ziweixing Universal is no match for it.

Zhou Buqi was very relaxed, "Don't worry, Disney won't be cruel!"

"how do you know?"

"The investment content is actually laying out the future Internet wave."

Zhen Yu said: "Robert Iger knows a lot about the Internet."

Zhou Buqi was very confident, "That's not possible, he doesn't dare."

Zhen Yu turned to look at her, "How did you judge?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Michael Eisner is the outstanding founder of Disney. There are many reasons why he was ousted. For example, Disney animation has been unable to transform from 2D hand-drawn animation to 3D computer animation. For example, it encountered 911 The tourism business has declined. But the most important thing is the Internet bubble crisis."

"Well," Zhen Yu nodded lightly, "well, Disney made a lot of investments in the Internet field back then."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Yes, this is what Li Yanhong told me. At that time, Li Yanhong worked at Infoseek, a search engine company in the United States. Later, the company was acquired by Disney, and he sold his shares and returned to China to start a business and founded Baidu.”

"That's right!"

Zhen Yu didn't expect that there was such a connection.

Zhou Buqi continued: "But after the bubble crisis broke out, Disney suffered huge losses, and hundreds of millions of dollars invested in the Internet industry were wasted, which led to the resignation of Michael Eisner and the rise of Robert Iger. . Now there is also an economic crisis, and the Internet industry is also in decline. Do you think Robert Iger has the courage to say in the board of directors that he wants to deploy the Internet?"

Zhen Yu said with emotion: "Yes, he is just a professional manager, not a real boss, and has no absolute control over the board of directors."

"Even if Steve Jobs gave him a platform, he wouldn't dare to insist too much." Zhou Buqi was very relaxed. "The Internet is a nightmare for Disney. Look, even if the streaming media business develops vigorously, Disney will have to fight back. Forte dares to enter the market only after careful verification."

This is the biggest advantage of Ziweixing Global.

Both Zhou Buqi and Son Zhengyi are passionate types.

All research reports, industry data, expert analysis and industry policies are all nonsense.

It depends purely on vision, ideas and cognition.

Come in if you like it!

Throwing money all the way!

No hesitation, no sloppiness!

Unlike Robert Iger, who would hesitate and be constrained by the board of directors even if he knew the path was right. You know, Apple's streaming media business was what he suggested to Jobs.

If he had enough voice in Disney and launched Disney's own streaming media platform early, Netflix in his previous life would have had a hard time getting ahead.

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