Top of the big era

Chapter 1403 No more guessing

Everything that should be said and shouldn't be said has been said.

In order to deal with Sun Zhengyi, Zhou Buqi showed his greatest sincerity, which was considered a big favor to him.

In the PC Internet era, Masayoshi Son made the world crazy, and his "time travel" investment philosophy achieved great success. However, something went wrong when we entered the mobile Internet era.

As Zhou Buqi said, times have changed.

Playing one model in two different eras simply doesn't work.

Among them, the investment in Sprint caused huge losses to SoftBank. Before investing in the shared office company WeWork, it was SoftBank's biggest burden.

Based on his business philosophy and understanding of the mobile Internet, Zhou Buqi has thoroughly analyzed the Sprint case. If all this fails to convince him, then there is nothing you can do but blame it on bad luck.

With any luck, Son accepts...

That would be awesome!

The current Internet market is in a transition stage from different eras.

The PC Internet market has almost been finalized. The giants have completely carved up the market, making it difficult to find new entrepreneurial opportunities. But the mobile Internet market is an uncultivated wasteland full of uncertainties. As an investor, there is no need to rush into the market, just wait and see.

Therefore, as long as Masayoshi Son does not invest in Sprint, then in the current environment, he has no investment direction worth paying attention to.

You can focus all your attention on the entertainment industry.

If the times really changed under Zhou Buqi's operation, that would be amazing!

If Son Zhengyi wants to enter the scene, it will definitely not be a small show. A mere EMI record is not enough. By then, Xu Baihui's entertainment empire will be just around the corner.

What kind of domestic entertainment queen?

This layout is too small.

She should be a world-class queen of the entertainment industry!

However, Xu Baihui's English is not very good, so she will still have to let Senior Sister Zhen Yu and Sister Baoshan play the main role.

In the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance back then, there were three female generals, Zhen Yu, Xu Baihui and Xue Baoshan, who made great contributions in the early days of entrepreneurship and founded Jieyu Media.

Times have changed, and Zhou Buqi's industry has expanded to the international market.

Jieyu Media also wants to look to the world.

The next day, Zhou Buqi, Sun Zhengyi, Lu Qi, Zhen Yu, and Ning Lu went to Apple together and met Jobs. As soon as we met, my heart skipped a beat.

Jobs was in very bad condition and his face turned pale.

I could only sit on the sofa and it was difficult to get up.

Zhou Buqi's complaining mood disappeared immediately.

There were two medical staff, a man and a woman, accompanying him. The man was a doctor and the woman was a nurse.

Jobs waved his hand and let them go out.

The female nurse was very young, only in her twenties, with a concerned look on her face. Before she left, she told him: "Mr. Jobs has just been discharged from the hospital and his body has not recovered yet. Don't disturb him too much."

Jobs apologized again, saying that after the Disney board meeting, he felt not well and went to the hospital for a week. He should have accepted Zhou Buqi's invitation as soon as possible...

The haggard look on his face is quite reminiscent of the vicissitudes of a hero's twilight years.

Zhou Buqi expressed some concern and expressed condolences, asking him to pay attention to his health and protect his body. Work is secondary, body is important.

"It is true that work is not as important as the body, but it is not work." Jobs' tone was a little weak, but his tone was deep and powerful. "Apple is my life, and my mission has not been completed yet."

It’s really embarrassing and admirable at the same time.

Since the other party is in poor health, everyone has no time to talk nonsense and get down to business quickly.

Lu Qi simply described the requirements, and Jobs had almost no extra thought, "Well, a very good idea, this is what the Internet should do."

Then, he explained emphatically.

It's actually not bad here in the United States, and text message charges are not too expensive. Americans especially like to send text messages. Thousands of messages are sent every month. The overall cost is low, and there are even many large packages where text messages are free.

But this is not possible in some other countries, and the SMS charges are too high.

For example, in China, a text message costs 10 cents, and a multimedia message costs even as much as 1 yuan.

It’s a sky-high price.

Apple's vision is the whole world, and it wants to promote changes in the current business structure and create greater value for users. MacBook led the world's notebook computer trend; iPod changed the world's walkman habits.

Next up are the iPhone and iPad.

Almost every product is leading the times and changing the world.

Jobs was certainly interested in this new model of using smartphones and mobile Internet to change the past, in which operators sat on gold mines and enjoyed the benefits.

I agreed without thinking.

In fact, he has always had this idea.

The legacy he left to Apple after his death was a new form of text messaging based on the Internet, namely iMessage. This product goes one step further than all mainstream chat communication products on the market and is more extreme.

Because iMessage is deeply bundled with the operator's text messages.

Two applications integrated into one product.

That is, open the "Text Message" application on your iPhone and send text messages to your friends...the messages sent are not necessarily short messages. If the other party is also an iPhone, then the message sent is an iMessage message, not a text message.

The iMessage service used to send messages between iPhones shows blue bubbles; the messages sent between iPhones and other mobile phones use the operator’s SMS service and shows green bubbles (because the U.S. dollar is green).

Different colors are used to distinguish whether the message sent is free or paid.

Then a very interesting social phenomenon occurred in the United States.

It is said that Apple mobile phones are more closed, which means that the users' personalities are more conservative; Android phones are more open, which means that mobile phone users are more open-minded. Statistics show that people who use Android phones have a higher rate of cheating.

Then, people pay extra attention when striking up a conversation via text message on their iPhone. If the bubble is blue, you can continue the relationship; if the bubble is green, sorry, exit early to prevent being green.

I don’t know if this is a social culture deliberately marketed by Apple in order to sell iPhones.

When operating the sales of the first-generation iPhone, because it was Apple's first time making a mobile phone, the operators had absolute say, and Jobs was severely cheated.

Of course he wants revenge.

It is not only about opening Apple experience stores around the world, but also selling iPhones directly to consumers across operators through direct-operated stores.

We also want to crack down on operators on software products.

For example, iMessage is for text messaging services, and FaceTime is for phone calls.

It's still early.

It was the early days of mobile Internet.

Jobs is also willing to cultivate the development of OTT chat applications that can cross operators, and the negotiations are certainly going smoothly.

In fact, in the previous life, WhatsApp was able to quickly become popular because of Steve Jobs's efforts behind the scenes. He upgraded the iOS system and launched the "message notification push function", directly putting WhatsApp and SMS business in the ring.

In this life, Zhou Buqi took the initiative to push them, and they hit it off immediately.

"Are you still causing trouble?"

During dinner, Zhen Yu asked inexplicably.

Zhou Buqi was stunned for a moment, "What?"

"Disney acquired Marvel." Zhen Yu sighed softly, "Jobs' body... Well, if he is gone, it will be a loss for all mankind."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What does this have to do with Marvel?"

Zhen Yu said with admiration: "Jobs believed that the combination of Disney and Marvel could shine. I believe they must have some special business arrangements. If this deal is blocked, Marvel's effect may be greatly reduced."

"Damn!" Zhou Buqi looked at her angrily, "Senior Sister Zhen Yu, you're almost done! Am I not as good as Steve Jobs? He is a genius, but I am not? Humph! I have Marvel in my hands, can I Play a bigger role!”

Zhen Yu pursed her lips and smiled, "Yeah, you are also very good."

Zhou Buqi snorted, "It's good to know."

Zhen Yu suggested: "I'll go to Los Angeles tomorrow."

"What are you going to do?" Zhou Buqi was wary and tested her calmly, "Going to Los Angeles to meet your fiancé who is a doctor?"

Zhen Yu's expression was calm, "No, I want to go to Marvel to inquire about the situation."

When the topic reached this point, Zhou Buqi became rude. He put down his knife and fork, leaned on the dining table, and asked curiously: "Senior Sister Zhen Yu, what's going on with you and your fiancé?"

"What's wrong?"

"You live with me every day, and he doesn't have any objection?"

"I didn't tell him."

"Depend on!"

Zhou Buqi was speechless.

Zhen Yu rolled her eyes at him and lectured him, "Don't always say bad words."

"Well..." Zhou Buqi coughed and asked tentatively, "Sister Zhen, what do you think of the phenomenon of living together before marriage?"

Zhen Yu said angrily: "I'm not living with you."

Zhou Buqi said: "I know, we just live together. What I am discussing with you is a serious sociological issue."

"I don't support it." Zhen Yu frowned slightly, "Didn't I tell you? Forgot?"


Zhou Buqi vaguely remembered that it had been several years.

It is said that Zhen Yu got engaged when she was a graduate student, and they were childhood sweethearts in her hometown county. However, they are just in love, not really together. This makes the man very dissatisfied. In addition, she graduated from a prestigious school and went to graduate school, while the man did not finish high school and worked in the family factory, so the status gap was too big.

The man became humbled in his heart and felt that she didn't want to live with him because she didn't like him, so they broke up with her.

Because of this emotional injury, Zhen Yu joined the Ten School Entrepreneurship Alliance, and later went abroad to study for an MBA.

However, that was in China, and it was five years ago.

Senior Sister Zhen Yu has been living abroad in the past few years. Who knows if she has been contaminated by the bad atmosphere of capital society?

"Then...then..." Zhou Buqi wanted to ask something more, but was embarrassed to say it.

Zhen Yu glanced at him, "What do you want to ask?"


Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed to say this and couldn't bring himself to disrespect Senior Sister Zhen Yu.

Zhen Yu's face turned serious, and her snow-white cheeks showed a bit of blush. She pretended to be calm and said: "You don't have to guess, I am a virgin."


Suddenly, Zhou Buqi felt that the earth under his feet had magical powers transmitted along his legs and wrists, making him seem to have the power to accommodate the world.

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