Top of the big era

Chapter 1397 The function of push notification

"Where are you going?"


"Hotel?" Zhou Buqi felt that he had been greatly humiliated. "Didn't you buy a house in the United States?"

Zhen Yu said: "That was in Los Angeles."

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly and said, "I have a house in San Francisco. It's a large manor in Asherton. Why don't we let it go to waste?"

Zhen Yu glanced at him with her beautiful eyes, "You invited me to your home?"

"How new!" Zhou Buqi snorted, "Didn't you stay at my house when you were in London?"

Zhen Yu shook her head slightly, "That's different."

"Why is it different?"

"At home in London, there are many people and many eyes, all staring at you."

"Uh..." Zhou Buqi looked at her deeply and said meaningfully, "Senior Sister Zhen, why do I feel that there is something in your words? I am stupid and have no ability to recognize women by smell. Understand, if you have any misunderstanding, just tell me."

Zhen Yu's simple and elegant face showed no emotion or anger, she smiled calmly and said, "Okay, get in the car."

Ziweixing has already sent a car to pick her up.

Get in the car, go home, and catch up on some sleep.

Zhen Yu knew that Boss Zhou had purchased many super mansions in the United States, costing tens of millions of dollars. But now that I arrived at this large European-style manor in Atherton, with the three characters "Gentleman's Garden" written in seal script on the door, I was still shocked.

too exaggerated!

This is far beyond the meaning of a mansion.

"How's it going?" Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Let's get off the car here and walk all the way to take a look. To be honest, I haven't walked through such a big garden."

Zhen Yu and Ning Lu got out of the car with him.

Ning Lu came to the United States for the first time, and she was shocked by the scene in front of her.

It's still very cold in San Francisco in March. There are only grasses without flowers, and trees have just sprouted. However, the scenery is not important. This configuration is too important. Look at the mansion in the distance, and... is that a fountain pool? The long one is the outdoor swimming pool, right?

Zhen Yu was much calmer and looked around, "This lawn has been mowed."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "It should be, someone will take care of it."


"I hired a Chinese to help me, and I hired a cleaner every week. There was also some hoeing that the master came to clean. But I probably won't need it in the future."


Zhou Buqi said with a serious face: "The United States is a capital society. Money can make all the difference. An intermediary company in human resources has approached me and said that it is for security and confidentiality, or should there be a fixed position?" Don’t always hire a team of maids from outside at short notice.”

Zhen Yu nodded lightly, "Well, there should be a full-time housekeeper."

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, we have found all the people and are undergoing simple training. They will be on duty soon."

Zhen Yu's beautiful eyes widened in disbelief, "You still need temporary training? Didn't you say you were looking for a professional team?"

Zhou Buqi coughed and said, "The leading housekeeper is very experienced, but the maids under his command may all be newcomers. Well... the newcomers have a new atmosphere."

Zhen Yu's eyes were complicated and she looked at him intently for a while without saying anything.

Zhou Buqi felt a little guilty.

In my heart, I scolded the US imperialist capital society so viciously. What kind of bad habit is this? Isn’t it just that you have money? If you have money, you can do whatever you want? Going to beauty pageants all over the world to find a bunch of beautiful girls to be maids, what a bad habit!

I don’t know who started it, but public information is available. Every Miss America and Miss Universe beauty pageant winner will be arranged to live for free in a luxury apartment in New York for one or two years, euphemistically known as enjoying the benefits of life.

The male owner of the apartment was also very powerful and later became the president.

Zhou Buqi has no choice but to do as the Romans do.

After walking quietly for a while, Zhen Yu said with a smile: "This environment is very good. In a few months, the leaves, flowers and plants will all grow, and with the fountain here, it will be very charming. Let Yaxian and It's good for Yameng to come here to raise a baby. London is too noisy, and the house you bought is for work, not for living."

Zhou Buqi breathed a sigh of relief, "Well, that's what I thought too. Let's wait until the housekeeping team comes over to make arrangements."

Because of such an episode, Zhou Buqi's aggressiveness dropped a bit.

I'm embarrassed to force myself on Senior Sister Zhen Yu.

Slow down first!

Slow down!

Wait for skill cooldown.

Netflix's board of directors, Zhou Buqi, did not attend and sent Zhen Yu directly. This kind of board of directors just goes through the motions and gets the right to know. He has promised long ago that he will support the decisions of the current management.

Zhou Buqi took his little secretary to Ziweixing America.

The U.S. headquarters campus of Ziweixing has also begun construction.

It is the same all over the world. Infrastructure projects can best boost GDP.

The difference is that infrastructure construction is not popular in Europe and the United States, and the routine of demolishing and building, building and demolishing is not popular in Europe and the United States. Once a building is built, it cannot be demolished as long as there is no risk of dilapidated buildings.

So you can often see old buildings that are more than a hundred years old here.

Zhou Buqi first went to see the construction situation.

A little angry.

It just feels like the workers are slow and lazy.

"Isn't the efficiency too bad?" Zhou Buqi was very annoyed with the construction efficiency. He was used to the hustle and bustle of construction sites in China, but when he looked at Lao America, he was really blatantly lazy.

No wonder there is a word called "moyangong", which indeed describes foreigners.

Lu Qi was helpless, "There's no way, Americans are all like this."

Zhou Buqi asked: "How many years will it take to do this?"

"About three years."

"If this kind of small project is done in China, it will be possible to move in and work safely by this time next year!"

"We have requested that construction be accelerated."

Ning Lu whispered from the side: "Can you invite a construction company from China?"

Lu Qi smiled and said, "That will cost a lot of money."

"Ah?" Ning Lu blinked, very confused, "Why? Isn't the labor cost in China very low? The work efficiency is also high."

Zhou Buqi knew this and waved his hand, "It's not that simple. We are in an economic crisis now. This kind of large infrastructure project can get a large amount of subsidies from the San Francisco government, the California government and the federal government."

Ning Lu suddenly realized, "No wonder, you have to pay me."

This is the headquarters of Ziweixing America. It is not too big in scale, with only one main building and five small ancillary buildings. It is enough to plan roads, ponds, woods, and gardens.

The amount of work is less than one-tenth of that of the domestic capital headquarters.

This is also early days.

If Ziweixing's overseas business develops prosperously and becomes an independent Internet giant with a market value of hundreds of billions of dollars, it will definitely continue to build a large-scale construction project to find land to build the larger Ziweixing International Group headquarters. Park.

The advantage is that when developing large-scale infrastructure projects in developed countries in Europe and the United States, they receive more subsidies than in China.

Zhou Buqi asked: "Are you sure? How much subsidy can you get?"

Lu Qi smiled and said: "It's not completely determined yet. The United States is a small government, and the governments at all levels are not subordinate to each other. It can be called a mess. The good thing is that the governments at all levels also have many people's livelihood departments and people's livelihood funds. , social charity funds, etc., all have a series of measures to protect employment and stabilize the economy. The current data I have here, based on the three-year construction period, can get about 300 million US dollars in subsidies."

Ning Lu took a deep breath, "So many!"

Lu Qi said: "The main thing is the wages for workers. Workers are expensive here. The annual subsidy is 100 million US dollars, and each worker has an annual salary of 100,000 US dollars, which can support 1,000 workers. Our engineering team has more than 1,500 workers. ."

Ning Lu seemed to have tasted something, and said in surprise: "Does that mean that if the construction lasts for five years, we can get a subsidy of US$500 million?"

Lu Qi smiled and said, "That's the theory."

Ning Lu wanted to say something else, but Zhou Buqi glared at her and she suppressed it.

Policy matters may not change at any time.

Moreover, various organizations in American society are willing to provide subsidies. This money is not for capitalists. They want to use capitalists to take the lead in launching investment projects, stimulate employment, and then distribute this money to the people at the bottom in the form of wages.

Finally, ordinary people have jobs and earn wages, and the social economy has the foundation of consumption; capitalists spend very little money to own a piece of valuable real estate.

There are benefits for everyone.

In fact, it is another form of Keynesianism.

From here we can see why the rich are getting richer and the poor are getting poorer.

Subsidy money benefits both capitalists and ordinary people. In proportion to the wealth harvested, ordinary people benefit even more.

However, ordinary people took the money and spent it on eating and drinking in order to support their families and could not save it. When capitalists get real estate, they will not rush to sell it. The real estate will slowly increase in value over time, and their wealth will increase.

Zhou Buqi is a real rich man, and of course he has no objection to this.

If Ziweixing invites construction teams from China to build a building and does not provide jobs for American workers, then there will be no subsidies at all. The initial plan for the Purple Star USA project was to invest US$200 million, which later became US$300 million, and is now determined to be US$500 million.

If you spend more than 100 million US dollars out of your own pocket and get subsidies to build real estate, just go slower. If you get subsidies, you won't get them for nothing.

Zhou Buqi walked around the construction site, holding back his temper and not yelling at the American workers, and the group withdrew.

After getting in the car, Lu Qi got down to business and arranged a job for Boss Zhou, saying, "You need to go to Apple to help me reach an agreement."

Zhou Buqi asked: "What agreement?"

Lu Qidao: "Helo's market feedback is very good, especially the function of sending pictures to friends, which is deeply loved by users. Many people have said that it can replace text messages. However, compared to text messages, we still have a disadvantage. Need Apple solves it at the system level."


“When a text message is received on the iPhone, there will be a text message sound reminder or a vibration reminder. However, after receiving the Helo friend message, there is no feedback. It is impossible for the user to know at the first time and give feedback quickly. Without this function will greatly reduce the effectiveness of our products."

"Well," Zhou Buqi immediately understood, "it means to upgrade the iOS system and add a push notification function to the mobile application."

Lu Qi thought he summed it up very well, "Yes! That's what it means! If this function is realized, Helo can gradually replace the current status of text messages!"

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