Top of the big era

Chapter 1380 Like-minded

After finishing the meal, everyone had a good impression of Jin Beomxiu.

After all, he is an entrepreneur with successful experience.

On this basis, you can do some big things.

The cooperation with Jin Beomxiu is not to be the Korean branch of Ziweixing, but to be a relatively independent company. Many products do not use the same name even if their internal structures are exactly the same.

For example, Weidian Music, Weidian Notes, UC Browser, and UC Mobile Assistant all have to change their appearance and become a certain "Korean local" appearance.

In fact, it is to change a shell, pretend to be made in South Korea, deceive the Korean people, cater to their national feelings and patriotism, and then harvest it.

South Korea is a small country with a small population and is under the threat of war. Seoul is even facing the possibility of thousands of artillery and nuclear bomb attacks from the north.

In a way, it's similar to Israel.

All are compulsory military service.

This national background and social culture naturally extends to the business market. This creates an advantage. Some powerful group companies need to emerge here to compete with international business competition and ensure the competitiveness of local businesses.

Therefore, supervision is relatively loose.

Becoming bigger and stronger is the most important thing.

Everyone else steps back.

After lunch, everyone went to the hotel to rest and wait for Jin Fanxiu's friends to come over.

Taking this opportunity, Zhou Buqi held a small meeting with everyone and delivered a speech——

"Opening up the Korean market is both the hardest and the easiest. It's difficult because it's so exclusive that outsiders like us can't penetrate it. It's easy because as long as you find the right agent and let the agent do business, the market will open up. It’s much easier than Japan, Europe and the United States.”

"It is not easy for our country to develop a multinational giant. In addition to the interference of internal and external non-commercial factors, commercial factors are also very restrictive. Domestic business models and successful experiences are really difficult to copy abroad. Even if they are copied, It can only be backward compatible, not upward compatible."

"But South Korea can."

"Some business models that seem excessive and strict in European and American countries, and even business models that seem excessive in China, can be handled with ease in South Korea. From companies to groups, and from groups to chaebols."

"The Internet is an emerging industry, especially the mobile Internet. It is conceivable that in the future, there will be a large chaebol based on the Internet industry in South Korea. We must seize this opportunity! Penetrate in! Just like Samsung, Hyundai, SK and other large chaebols behind It’s the same as American capital, so we don’t have to be modest in the Internet field, we have to take it down!”

Zhou Buqi said it more generally, just to set a tone for everyone.

There should be a greater and more ambitious belief in the Korean Internet industry than other countries!

Not to mention developed countries in Europe and the United States, monopoly regulations are very strict.

There are also many domestic restrictions.

Such as WeChat.

In addition to instant messaging functions, WeChat also integrates many functions such as e-commerce, news information, food ordering, games, taxi hailing, music, and movie ticket purchasing.

However, WeChat provides an open platform or a semi-open platform, and those derivative services are provided by third-party companies.

If WeChat does these things by itself, and then uses its own traffic to impact, suppress, and sanction competitors, it will inevitably be subject to strict supervision and investigation.

South Korea is different.

No such worries at all.

The "Korean version of WeChat" Kakaotalk also has functions such as browsing news, ordering food, games, hailing taxis, music, etc. The difference is... these functions are all produced by the company.

Take advantage of the traffic of social platforms to suppress competitors in a ruthless and brutal manner without any bottom line.

The Korean market is inherently small and the population is small. For example, taxi-hailing software is a small market. As a result, once Kakaotalk hit it, the startup company couldn't survive at all.

A certain domestic Internet company can get 5% of the market share and still survive. South Korea is not good, with only 5% market share, it is basically waiting to die.

In such a general environment, successful companies are doing what they are doing, and the industry is highly unified.

In other words, South Korea’s Internet market is more in line with the theory of “traffic is king”!

In the United States or Europe, we must adhere to the principle of "Internet fairness" and cannot use the strong position of platform traffic to bully small companies or maliciously suppress them.

South Korea has no such worries and can go forward boldly with confidence. In other words, whoever can seize the social software track in South Korea in the era of mobile Internet will be invincible.

Therefore, "Korean version of Helo" is the most important product.

Only success is allowed, no failure is allowed!

Without this product, it would be difficult to do anything. With this product, it will be much easier. There are ready-made experiences in China to learn from, and the company's development will be smooth.

In the afternoon, Jin Fanxiu called a few of his friends to chat with everyone.

Talk about the past, the Internet, the future, smartphones, mobile Internet, and various Internet-based ideas that may exist in the future.

This kind of communication between entrepreneurs can often last for three days and three nights without sleeping.

This kind of excitement stimulates the spirit much more strongly than casinos and women. The state of excitement often makes people unable to stop. Especially the collision of many innovative ideas and the friction of consistent business concepts, the excitement can make every cell in the body jump.

In contrast, the people on Ziweixing's side are relatively calm.

At least Zhou Buqi's excitement was fake.

Pretend to be like-minded to impress and infect the other person. There is no need to "visit the thatched cottage three times". Try to capture the loyalty of the other party and make the other party loyal by striving for "visiting the thatched cottage once".

Time flies.

Everyone was immersed in it, and it felt like the living room of the hotel had become the most exciting place in the world. The most troubled ones are Chen Dong and Sun Wanran.

Their English level is not very high.

When speaking fast, it is difficult to hear accurately.

There was no other way, so the two acted as waiters, pouring coffee and making tea. Later, they even found a bunch of drinks and mixed them with whiskey to drink.

Even dinner was delivered to the room by the hotel waiter.

Don't go to the suite restaurant either.

Just in the living room, either squatting at the table, sitting on the floor, or leaning on the sofa, eating and chatting happily.

There is a feeling of never giving up.

The overall atmosphere is very good.

Everyone is in good spirits.

Lu Qidu's face was all red, and they had an in-depth exchange. He also realized that this Korean entrepreneurial team was indeed thoughtful and creative. They came up with many ingenious new ideas around the Helo product, which provided him with suggestions for future product improvements. Some direction.

Zhou Buqi's side was almost done. He had other matters to attend to, so he took Sun Wanran and Ning Lu with him to withdraw.

Went to meet another Korean, Kim Jong Hyuk.

This guy has a plutocratic background and has very strong connections.

After making an appointment on the phone to go downstairs, the other party had already sent two Hyundais over, and I also came.

Zhou Buqi met him in Tokyo, and there was a language communication barrier. Fortunately, Ning Lu was proficient in Japanese. Jin Jonghyuk spoke Japanese, and Ning Lu helped translate in a low voice.

"He said it was his first time in Korea and he wanted to have a good time."


"He said the nightclubs here are very developed."


"He said...he said he had a very special arrangement."


"He said he arranged a lot of girls."

"Really?" Seeing Ning's unhappy expression, Zhou Buqi sighed and said somewhat helplessly, "If you want to do business, especially cross-border business, it's like Monk Tang going to the West to learn Buddhist scriptures. Monk Tang doesn't do the same. You have to survive the Pansi Cave and the White Bone Demon, but you also have to survive the Kingdom of Women? This is all normal. Let's go, don't look good, let people look down on us, as if we have never seen the world."

very close.

It's in the wealthy area right here.

It's not a hi bar disco, but a KTV type nightclub. Judging from the decoration, scale and facilities and environment... this damn, top-notch nightclub, at least three levels behind the top nightclubs in the country.

After arriving, the waiter led Jin Jonghyuk to a large private room in the back room. It was very large and bright, at least one hundred square meters, and had a sixty- or seventy-inch TV.

Kim Jong Hyuk spoke fluent Korean to them, and then introduced with a smile on his face. In addition to the main singing room, there is also a built-in bathroom and a large built-in bedroom.

Well, seeing the bedroom and extra-wide bed that are comparable to a five-star hotel, the level of this nightclub is revealed.

"What's the bedroom for?"

Sun Wanran, like Ning Lu, joined Ziweixing after it developed, so he doesn't know much about it without nightclub experience. In the early days of starting a business, Zhou Buqi often went to nightclubs to socialize at night in order to develop connections.

Zhou Buqi glanced at them and didn't answer.

The next moment, they both understood.

The girls are here!


What a great scene!

According to clothing classification, there are seven or eight waves in total. One wave is a cosplay wearing bunny ears, another wave is a cute little nurse wearing it, another wave is a Japanese maid style, another wave is a sexy and hot swimsuit, and a wave is the school girl style of short-sleeved hot pants...

There are even cutout outfits.

He was only wearing a thin transparent pajamas outside, and there was nothing inside, so everything could be seen at a glance.

Depend on!

Now I finally understood what the bedroom next to it was for.

How ridiculous!

Sun Wanran was shocked and hurriedly approached Zhou Buqi, "What...what are you doing?"

Although Zhou Buqi came to Korea for the first time, he has rich experience in the country. He explained: "Look how big this box is. There are only five or six of us. How monotonous is it? Invite some princesses to come over, mainly to request songs and sing. . Let’s drink and chat, and let them sing to us. With more people, it’s lively and the atmosphere is great.”

Seeing thirty or forty girls pouring in, Sun Wanran said hurriedly: "Go and tell me, don't come so many, and... and don't want those without clothes. This kind of nightclub princess has What’s good, just leave a few to sing and adjust the atmosphere.”

Ning Lu could understand a few words in Korean and whispered next to her: "I heard it just now. It seems that not all nightclub princesses are. Those wearing hollow clothes or underwear should be princesses, and those girls who dress more conservatively are here temporarily. Part-time entertainment company trainee.”

Zhou Buqi also felt that it was a bit much, so he told Chen Dong, "It's almost enough. Just keep some professional like-minded trainees who can sing and dance."

Chen Dongshen agreed, "Well, we are both good married men and cannot cheat."


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