Top of the big era

Chapter 1378 Hidden Mission

I thought the Chinese New Year was a break.

Unexpectedly, this year has been more tiring than work. When I usually work, I work during the day and work hard at night, which can maintain a better balance.

During the Spring Festival, Zhou Buqi will not be working.

Grandpa and dad will coordinate the old relationship households.

It's not that Zhou Buqi is unfilial and wants to trouble the elderly, it's because his rank is too high. You can't just show up with a smile when some department director, section chief, or a small boss worth tens of millions comes, right?

It’s nothing to be accompanied by a smile.

But those people either call themselves brothers and sisters with their grandfather, or they call themselves brothers and sisters with their father... Well, after Zhou Buqi has passed away, he will be a junior, with no status at all, and it is too incompatible with his status.

They simply come and go and don't show up.

Stay at home with your wife and kids.

Staying at home, not having much work, and having eaten and drank enough, we would cuddle up together, chat, watch movies, drink, and sing KTV. We were full of energy and enthusiasm, but while playing, the gun went off.

As a result, there is no distinction between day and night, and the balance is broken.

Even though Zhou Buqi was young and healthy, he still couldn't bear it. Han Yan and Chen Yan were in the same group, Feng Muer and Sun Wanran were in the same group, and Shi Jinglin had her new love Ning Lu. There are also Wen Zhixia and Wu Yu to take care of, as well as sister Bao and Aunt Xue.

Fortunately, Ning Yaxian and Ning Yameng are both pregnant, otherwise the pressure would be even greater.

Zhou Buqi gritted his teeth and persisted for six or seven days, finally clearing the clouds and seeing the sun. The Spring Festival holiday is over and it’s time to get back to work.


It feels so good to work!

The first thing is to go to the Spring City branch to distribute Spring Festival red envelopes to employees, each worth 1,000 yuan. This is the custom of Ziweixing. Every year after the Spring Festival holiday, red envelopes are given out.

It is also a management mechanism.

On the first day of work after the holiday, you can personally receive red envelopes from your boss and core executives. If you are late or too late, the red envelope will be gone.

In fact, it is to encourage everyone to return to work.

But even with the 1,000 yuan red envelope, according to statistics, 22 people at the Spring City Branch chose to ask for leave, postpone or be late, with the proportion as high as 13%.

The Spring Festival is so special.

This is the most representative traditional culture and has a very special significance. The holidays are very long, the least is seven or eight days, and the longest can be more than half a month.

From a market economy perspective, this is unprecedented in the world.

Such a long economic shutdown will create strong social pressure. It is also the Spring Festival. The Spring Festival in South Korea, which is deeply influenced by Chinese culture, is more market-oriented. There are only three days of holidays, the first, second and third day of the lunar month.

A short break will not cause "interruption" damage to work. It will be very easy for employees to adjust between breaks and work, and they can return to work more quickly.

On February 2nd, the eighth day of the lunar month, Zhou Buqi took a flight to South Korea.

By this time, South Korea had long since returned to normal, and the social machine was already operating normally.

On the plane, Zhou Buqi put down his seat and slept.

On the other side, Sun Wanran and Ning Lu, who had accompanied him to South Korea, were chatting, and for some reason they began to sing: "Blue and white porcelain is waiting for misty rain, and I am waiting for you..."

Zhou Buqi was helpless, "You two, please stop singing and let me sleep for a while, okay?"

Sun Wanran chuckled and said, "Okay, are you here? Are we together? Ning Lu just told me that she has recovered and is ready."

"Fuck!" Zhou Buqi's expression changed slightly, he turned around and covered his ears, "Forget it, just pretend I didn't say anything!"

Sun Wanran laughed heartlessly.

Ning Lu had just had her first pregnancy a few days ago, and was not as unrestrained as she was. Her face was slightly red, "Let's keep our voices down."

Sun Wanran lowered her voice and asked in a low voice: "Do you have any reward?"

"What reward?"

"Didn't you see red?"

"Who are you looking down on?" Ning Lu rolled her eyes at her, very curious, "Is there... a reward for this kind of thing?"

Sun Wanran said: "I don't know either, just ask."

She was also curious.

Because Zhou Buqi is too busy, the little stars Yang Mi and Jiang Bingjie always contact her when they have something to do. If money is needed or other minor troubles are needed, they have to be handled by her.

So she knows something.

When those little stars see fame for the first time, they will be rewarded. They will buy cars, houses, movie roles, and have the opportunity to work with great directors like Lao Mouzi and Xiao Gang.

"I haven't heard of it, have you? The apartment we live in now is a reward for you?"

Ning Lu shook her head slightly, feeling surprised.

It would be unfair if she was rewarded but she wasn't.

Sun Wanran whispered: "No, it hasn't been transferred."

Ning Lu asked: "Are you insecure?"

"No, just ask."

"I don't care whether we are rewarded or not. Who is the boss? Are you afraid that he will bully us? We will get what we deserve sooner or later. The key is to strive for your own success. Just like Ning Yaxian, you have to have that strength, that capital."

Sun Wanran said amusedly: "I can't tell, you are thinking quite far-term."

Ning Lu's face turned red and she said bravely: "The boss is always like this, I think you are absent-minded and disobedient."

"What did he say?"

"I've said it many times, what kind of wealth and social status comes with what level. I don't think about social status anymore. If you want to have enough wealth that you can control independently, you still have to improve your abilities, cognition and Experience. Only when your level is up to your level can you control so much wealth. If you are not up to your level and your boss gives you a large sum of money, then you will be knocked unconscious, then you are not enjoying life, but feeling the pain of life."

Sun Wanran slapped his forehead and said, "You are really good at it."

Ning Lu looked suspicious and strange, "Isn't it right? Isn't it that Mr. Zhang is a little depressed now? He has too much money, lacks goals in life, and his mental state is not good."

"Then what are your goals in life?"



"I don't know." Ning Lu felt a little melancholy. "Maybe I just want to let my dad live a good life, and then...then live a life of a master. At the end of December, I attended the university's class reunion. I drove The new BMW A8 and the Hermès bag you gave me... everyone envies you, pleases you, and compliments you."

"That's the Audi A8."


Sun Wanran sighed, "Yes, Master, who doesn't like that feeling?"

I felt relieved.

That's it. Mission accomplished.

As a junior high school classmate, she is also the confidant of Boss Zhou, and has a hidden mission to help him with some "personnel management" work. In addition to the little celebrities outside, she also includes the little secretaries in the secretary's office.

One of the key items is the analysis of mentality.

Ning Lu's mentality can make people feel at ease.

Now we are in a state that everyone envies and pleases, and we can’t go back even if we want to.

Ning Lu suddenly asked: "By the way, um... do you have a handkerchief?"

"What handkerchief?"

"that is……"

"Oh!" Sun Wanran saw that she was a little embarrassed and immediately figured it out, "Yes, they are all there. Didn't you see that he always has a stack of spare ones in his bag?"

Ning Lu's beautiful eyes widened, "There are so many. I thought they were stuffed in the pockets of jackets when attending important occasions. It turns out..."

Sun Wanran rolled her eyes and said, "Why are you so stupid?"

Ning Lu turned her head and glanced at Zhou Buqi, then lay down on the small table and said in a very low voice: "My handkerchief was taken away by the boss, where is yours?"


"Where did it go?"

"Didn't you sign the handkerchief?"

"Signed, time, place, name."

"Isn't that enough?" Sun Wanran looked at her strangely, "He put it away, didn't you know? When he put it away, you didn't ask?"

"Oh, it turned out to be a collection..." Ning Lu breathed a sigh of relief, "How dare I ask? At that time, half of my body was numb, my head was empty, and I didn't know anything anymore."

Sun Wanran didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "I'm impressed with you. I've never seen you so stupid."

Ning Lu asked: "Then where is the boss's collection?"

Sun Wanran thought for a while and shook his head slightly, "Then I don't know. It might be stored at Wen Zhixia's, or it might be at Shi Jinglin's. Why do you ask this?"

Ning Lu said easily: "I still want to keep it for myself. After all, it is the most precious thing. But since the boss has collected it, that's good. It can't be thrown away in vain. It's a pity."

Sun Wanran was speechless.

I can't understand it.

A torn handkerchief with blood on it, what's there to treasure? Everyone is an old feudalist, and so is Ning Lu. Hmm... It seems that the feudal point is also good, but the effect of female Durban will be better, and it will be easier to manage.

Thinking of this, Sun Wanran was very happy.

I feel that my level is a little higher.

Ning Yaxian is pregnant and may not be able to work within a year. It seems that he is now the personal secretary and can take on more and more important tasks.

One-third of Japan's total population is gathered in Tokyo's business district. In South Korea, it's even more exaggerated. More than half of the people are gathered in Seoul's business circle.

This will greatly facilitate national governance and social management.

It also provides more favorable conditions for business development.

The more dense the population, the higher the social efficiency and the smaller the additional expenses; the more loose the population, the lower the social efficiency and the greater the additional expenses. Developing the market in South Korea is, in theory, very simple.

Just take the city of Seoul.

If you capture Seoul, you will inevitably capture the entire South Korea.

Zhou Buqi went to South Korea. Xu Liangjie and Shen Xiangyang, who were in charge of mainland China's domestic business, Tang Binchen of the Japanese branch, Chen Dong, the person in charge of Jingtao, and Lu Qi, the president of Ziweixing's overseas business, had all arrived.

There is only one main goal, to identify the agent for Korean business--Jin Fanxiu.

Previously, both Chen Dong and Tang Binchen went to South Korea to meet him. They had a pleasant conversation and their intention to cooperate was clear.

Kim Beom-soo is one of the founders of NHN, the largest Internet group in South Korea. Now that he has resigned, of course he will feel unhappy and unhappy, looking forward to a comeback.

Cooperating with Ziweixing is the best opportunity.

What’s particularly important is that even land vessels are here!

Jin Beomxiu is a top student studying in the United States.

Yahoo can be called one of the origin websites of the Silicon Valley Internet and was the world's number one Internet giant ten years ago. Jin Fanxiu had interned at Yahoo, and the person who interviewed him was Lu Qi.

Lu Qi no longer remembers him, but he remembers him particularly fondly.

With this relationship, the trend of cooperation becomes clearer.

At the same time, Lu Qi also brought his mobile phone, an American version of iPhone, on which Helo, the latest English version of the social product developed by Ziweixing, had been downloaded and installed.

Tang Binchen had only communicated verbally with him before, but now he was even more encouraged when he saw the product.

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