Top of the big era

Chapter 1297 Xiaoliang

Liang Rubo spoke his truth eloquently, and every sentence was on point.

Regardless of whether this suggestion will be adopted by higher-ups, the friend network he leads must take action anyway. On January 1 next year, many page advertising contracts will expire. At that time, I will stop renewing the contract and completely give up all page advertisements on my friend's website within half a year.

Professor Han Lexui coughed slightly, "May I say a few words?"

Zhou Buqi stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "Welcome!"

This is a management expert who can analyze problems from a more macro perspective.

Han Leshui's voice was low and he spoke very slowly——

"Every time there is an industrial change, a group of companies will inevitably die and a group of companies will usher in new life. The difference between the dead and the new is who can seize the opportunity and revolutionize themselves. As long as it is a revolution, it will inevitably bring short-term consequences. Labor pains.”

"There are many such cases in China, such as Haier, TCL, Huawei, SAIC, Wanda and other companies, which have all experienced the painful period of reform. And those companies that are less courageous and cannot bear to give up their existing interests are declining into mediocrity. ization. The same is true for the Internet industry.”

"In the past few years, the Internet industry was in a state of disorder. The competition was cruel and unscrupulous. There were no rules and no respect for users. There was only the law of the jungle that was life-or-death. Kidnapping, plagiarism, vulgarity, and piracy. Almost every company has original sins. . Plug-ins and software that cannot be removed are worse than viruses. Looking back now? Under the country’s requirements for rectification of industry order and under the security guard of Micropoint Security Guards, the industry has ushered in great changes . Companies that did not change in a timely manner fell down."

"The same goes for the SP business, which used to be the most profitable industry and produced a large number of companies that made a lot of money. There was even a listed giant TOM. As a result, we have also seen that they are unwilling to give up their main position. , lacks the courage to transform and self-revolution, and has fallen out of mainstream vision.”

"Now is a new era of industrial change. If you want to transform from the PC Internet to the mobile Internet, the first thing to do is to cut off some extensive and disordered sources of profit. I agree with Xiaoliang's point of view. Page advertising is the last era. Not to mention banning them all, but also canceling as many as possible. When the website was opened, a huge page advertisement popped up first, which was a terrible experience."

"The Internet was still in its early days a few years ago, so it didn't matter if we did this. Because the entire industry was in chaos, in a state of disorder, and not competitive enough. It won't be possible in the future. Competition in the new era must be based on user experience. as a basis…”

Professor Han Lexui spoke for ten minutes.

He clearly supported Liang Rubo’s views.

These words also strengthened Zhou Buqi's understanding of the industry. Indeed, the industry must change, and the future is the era of user experience. The Internet is a brand new industry, and it is bound to undergo rounds of industrial changes. One company after another has fallen, and one company after another has been born.

Page advertising is a form of earning money.

As long as there is traffic and you put up ads, you don't have to do anything and you can easily collect advertising fees. If this business is not cut off, the major business divisions will inevitably continue to squeeze out wool in this field in order to produce beautiful performance reports when conducting business management.

Until the user's patience is wiped out.

What if this business that seriously harms user experience and can easily make money is banned? In order to perform well, each major business unit must find new growth points to promote innovation and gradually develop from the PC Internet to the mobile Internet.

Otherwise, if everyone makes so much money just sitting on their laurels, who would be willing to risk reform? Who is willing to take the risk of transitioning into a new industry? What if it fails?

Banning on-page advertisements forces everyone to reform and transform into new fields.

This is the difference between passive reform and active reform.

It’s definitely the latter!

The context of the decision-making committee of Ziweixing Group requires each business department to transform to the mobile Internet. This is a passive reform. If the enthusiasm is not high, the efficiency will not be too high.

If the reform cannot be pushed forward, we can only fire all the meritorious veterans and replace them with a group of young people. These newly arrived young people do not have medals or credits. In order to create achievements, they must focus on the headquarters' orders and resolutely complete the reforms.

The vast majority of IT companies do this when they reform themselves. In the 35-year-old layoff line, many people were not laid off because of poor abilities. On the contrary, many of the laid off people were very capable.

This management method is not clever at all and can easily hurt people's hearts.

Just like what you do at Manchester United.

Zhou Buqi knew that firing David Gill and Sir Alex Ferguson would allow him to easily complete the reform of Manchester United, but he would not do so. This would harm Manchester United's value principles too much. Not only cannot they be fired, but they must also be entrusted with the important task of continuing the spirit of Manchester United. Promote reform through smarter means.

Turn passivity into initiative!

Don’t fire them, but find ways to stimulate the subjective initiative of these meritorious veterans and push them to take the initiative to reform!

Ban the page ads and give yourself a hard blow first!

But here's the problem... Liang Rubo is only the vice president of M6. Above him there are a group of senior vice presidents of M7, many senior vice presidents of M8, and Zhou Buqi of M10.

Would an M6 pay attention to such a big thing?

It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

Whether it's jumping up or down, it's not something a smart workplace person should do.

Could it be that Zhang Yiming wanted to promote reform and then said it through the mouth of his college classmate?

It's totally unnecessary. Zhang Yiming has a very high authority now and everyone respects him.

Moreover, this is not a decision-making committee, but a business meeting held by the president. This means that Zhang Yiming did not consider this issue from a strategic level, but more from a business level.

It was Professor Han Leshui who forcibly raised the level from the business level to the strategic level.

Zhou Buqi remained calm and smiled, "What do you think?"

He Yang said: "We have been discussing it for almost an hour, it's up to you."

Zhou Buqi said: "Then let's take a vote. Those who support it will raise their hands."

There were 11 people present, including Zhou Buqi, Zhang Yiming, Liang Rubo, Guo Pengfei, Ji Zian, Wang Xiaochuan, Chen Tong, Nie Caijun, Meng Houkun, Yu Yongfu and Han Leshui.

Except for Zhou Buqi, Guo Pengfei, Ji Zian and Meng Houkun who did not raise their hands, the other seven people all expressed their support for this idea.

Zhou Buqi saw it in his eyes, with a relaxed expression, and said with a smile: "The minority obeys the majority, let's do it this way. Don't be one-size-fits-all, like today's Toutiao news page, there must be on-page advertisements. Don't be too hasty, go step by step, use Within half a year to a year, we will gradually cancel all page advertisements.”

Zhou Buqi wants to find Lu Qi.

The office is not in the Sohu Building, but in the two-story office in Block B of the Tus-Park next to it. There is the Ziweixing Research Institute, and the dean is Shen Xiangyang, who also serves as the CTO.

Meng Houkun followed.

Zhou Buqi was not surprised and said without looking back, "Don't think too much, this is a good thing for the company."

Meng Houkun chuckled, "It's just a conspiracy."

"Get out of here!"

Zhou Buqi laughed and scolded him.

Meng Houkun glanced at him with disdain and said: "You have delegated power, you have relaxed. We brothers have had a hard time. I have nothing to do, I am just a royal guard. What should I do with Pengfei and Zian? Ban the page advertising, what will happen to him?" The business damage to the two is the most serious."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Call them out tonight and see who is in the capital. Call them out too and let's have a dinner together."

Went to Qidi Building and took the stairs directly.

When we got to the second floor, we caught up with the person in front of us.

"Huh? Xiao Liang? Liang Jing?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised. He didn't expect to meet Director Liang Jing who was in charge of cooperation with Tsinghua University.

"Boss... you didn't take the elevator either."

"It's only a few floors away, so it's convenient to take the stairs."

The secretary next to Zhou Buqi is Sun Wanran, who can walk up the stairs. Ning Yaxian is pregnant and doesn't go out with him much anymore.

Liang Jing explained that Shen Xiangyang and Lu Qi asked her to come over and introduce the cooperation model and direction of Ziweixing and Tsinghua University. Based on this experience, we will cooperate with three universities in London in the field of artificial intelligence. It is best not to have duplication of business but to complement each other.

Zhou Buqi nodded, "How is your job at Tsinghua University? No one is making things difficult for you, right?"

"It's... not bad."

Liang Jing was a little embarrassed.

"What's wrong? There's something wrong with the project approval?"

Although Zhou Buqi doesn't pay much attention to it anymore, he has a good memory. Ziweixing donated a large sum of money to Tsinghua University. Liang Jing is responsible for the approval of this scientific research fund, and it is only provided to some middle-aged and young scholars and professors. We should avoid the academic atmosphere of ranking based on seniority.

Liang Jing sighed, "My teacher wrote an open letter."

"Academician Ni?"


"What letter did he write?"

Liang Jing said helplessly: "What else is there? Domestic offices. Recently, domestic universities are purchasing genuine Windows systems and Microsoft offices. Domestic offices cannot get orders. Last month, Tsinghua University even issued a license to Microsoft." received a large order of nearly 200 million."

"So much?" Zhou Buqi immediately reacted, "Oh, these 200 million orders should also include school enterprises from Tsinghua University. Don't get involved in this matter. I went to Microsoft several times to finally achieve it. A peaceful solution is a national policy. Behind this there must be a few brainless bastards who are causing trouble and cannot see the situation clearly."

Liang Jing said helplessly: "I know, I just feel that my teacher is not worthy, and he was used as a gun again."

"You didn't persuade him?"

"I tried to persuade him, but he didn't listen. He said that promoting domestic software is necessary and obligatory. It doesn't matter even if he is used as a gun. He is used to it."

"How can a few scientists promote the development of the domestic software industry?" Zhou Buqi has realized this recently. Whether it is Manchester United or Ziwei, "Reform cannot be changed without suffering. The advice of professionals is meaningless, including our group, they are all stinking old people. Only when the interests of the vested interests are damaged or the authority is shaken can we wake up."

Liang Jing sighed, "Fortunately, I told him that I was cooperating with Tsinghua University. He didn't want to embarrass me, so he backed down. He didn't mention any names. He just said that a large number of universities are purchasing foreign software and do not support domestic software. development. Some people are still not satisfied and want him to stand up and continue to speak out publicly."

Zhou Buqi said easily: "Don't worry, it won't affect the overall situation."

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