Top of the big era

Chapter 1292 Don't Leap Down

The strategic design of technology companies is often closely related to technological development. This is why Zhou Buqi is obviously a layman, and he has often tried to understand the technical direction of the industry in recent years.

You don't need to understand too many details, but you need to know the big framework.

Like streaming.

This streaming media technology is simple to say, but the future development space is huge, sound streaming, video streaming, text streaming, image streaming, animation streaming, etc... Future information transmission, whether it is live broadcast or AR, whether it is smart home or yuan In the universe, the dissemination of live information depends on streaming media technology.

It's like seeing a beautiful classmate in the school cafeteria, and I'm too embarrassed to strike up a conversation, what should I do? Technology can try to solve it. Scan her with smart glasses, and then use AR augmented reality technology to display social information such as his Helo account, friend network, and Xiaonei account on the glasses. If she discloses enough information, even her mobile phone number can be found.

After that, you can send a voice message, "Student, I think you are so beautiful, can I get to know you? I'm at the table next to you."

Behind this, 5g, cloud computing, edge computing, artificial intelligence, big data, loT, AR augmented reality and other technologies must be applied, and of course streaming media technology for information transmission is also included.

Streaming media technology is the fastest way to transmit information.

Open source streaming solutions are too crude.

Too high-end technology, if you can't research it yourself, you can only use open source solutions. Streaming media technology is not too high-end, and it can be done by itself. In contrast, self-developed solutions are more compatible with their own products.

Together with Cheng Binghao, Zhou Buqi went to Hulu's R\u0026D center in China for a tour. Although the cooperation between Ziweixing Engineering Institute and the other party is only a small order of 2 million, the two parties will help Hulu create their own streaming media solution, but this direction is right. Since Ziweixing is in the leading position, don't stop.

Zhou Buqi told Cheng Binghao that Ziwei Star will continue to develop in the direction of streaming media technology innovation and upgrading. If there is no order from the engineering institute in the future, the project will be transferred to the research institute, and it will continue even if it does not make money. This direction is promising in the future.

Among other things, at least Netflix and Spotify will definitely be able to use it.

Especially Spotify, which is a Swedish company, what technological outlets can there be? The future technological outlet is either going to Silicon Valley or going to China.

The best, of course, is to come to China.

From Spotify's point of view, it has low labor costs, low operating costs, high work efficiency, and no messy social events. It is stable and prosperous.

From Ziweixing's point of view, the domestic Internet market is the base camp of Ziweixing. If Spotify comes to China, it will step by step deepen the cooperation with Ziweixing. It's been a long time, and I can't separate them even if I want to.

From the perspective of the country, it can attract foreign capital, create jobs, and keep research results in the country.

In the afternoon, Zhou Buqi talked to some people.

The most important one is Wang Xing. The Weibo business he is in charge of is steadily improving. Now there are more than 40 million registered users and more than 10 million daily active users.

Wang Xingdao: "With Ziweixing's resources and no competitors in the market, such a business is not difficult to do."

"Is there no competitor yet?"

"Not yet."

"Where are the penguins? Sohu? Sina? Neither?"

Zhou Buqi was a little surprised. How good is the development of Twitter in the United States? In addition, domestic microblogs have also started, and domestic Internet companies have not followed up?

Wang Xing said cautiously: "The policy is not stable, and we are still watching the direction of the wind."


"Recently, many blogs, forums, and Weibo websites have been shut down. There are a lot of out-of-bounds content published on them, and there are also many indecent content that attract attention."

"Well, the content must be well controlled." Zhou Buqi thought for a while, "I guess it will be better next year. Personal public opinion platform, this is the general trend of Internet development, and it can't be stopped."

Wang Xing said: "Well, the expansion of Weibo is relatively cautious. If it weren't for this reason, with Ziweixing's traffic resources, Weibo might have 30 million daily active users now."

Zhou Buqi said: "Then polish the product well and stabilize some well-known big Vs... By the way, will you give money to those big Vs?"

"Money?" Wang Xing was slightly taken aback, "What money?"

"Because there are no competitors in the country, sign the contract. For Weibo celebrities like Han Han and Yao Chen, it is best to have a contract. They are the producers of the content."

"You mean to use the contract to retain some core big Vs, lest competitors appear in the future and come to us at high prices to poach people?"


This is certain, Zhou Buqi is sure of this, most people will follow the interests.

Wang Xing twitched the corner of his mouth, "Weibo has not been commercialized yet, and it lost 4 million last month."

Zhou Buqi said firmly: "This matter must be done, and it must be done immediately. The big V is tied up with a contract, and it needs to be signed for at least five or six years. It doesn't need to be too much every month, tens of thousands of yuan is enough. Yes. Well... first pick 100 big Vs and sign Weibo exclusive licensing contracts with them. For Weibo, the most attractive thing must be the content, which is the content of some social celebrities. They are the core content Creator. Later, you can discuss with Chen Tong and come up with a plan."

Wang Xing took a deep breath, "Okay."

Feeling very helpless, after the launch of such a support plan, Weibo will lose at least 10 million per month.

Zhou Buqi went on to say: "Unless it is an expression of some important events, you can post Weibo continuously. Under normal circumstances, one or two Weibo posts per day are enough, not too many, so as not to swipe the screen of the users you follow, of course you can't too little..."

Wang Xing was a little funny, thinking that he was really free today, and he was paying attention to the details of the product.

Zhou Buqi also felt that he had talked too much, so he ended the conversation.

Weibo takes advantage of the right time, place and people. If this cannot be done, then there is no reason for it. Sina Weibo in the previous life was able to defeat a series of similar products such as Sohu Weibo, Netease Weibo, Penguin Weibo, Fanfou, Kingdee Weibo, etc., mainly thanks to Chen Tong, the editor-in-chief of Sina Weibo at that time.

He single-handedly planned several online public opinion incidents based on Sina Weibo.

Why was Tianya so popular in the early years?

It is because this is the position of public opinion, and all Internet incidents are fermented here.

The rise of Sina Weibo is based on replacing Tianya as the new frontier. Among them, the most famous and the one that allowed Sina Weibo to establish its industry leader status in one fell swoop is the "ghostwriting incident" between Fang Yaozi and Han Dashao promoted by Chen Tong behind the scenes.

Zhou Buqi has to restrain himself, not to overstep his power and pay too much attention to too trivial matters.

In order not to be like Chang Kaishen back then, sitting on an absolute advantage, but because of too much leapfrogging downwards, too much intervention in the frontline battlefield led to the collapse of the battle situation.

The next step is to talk to Zhao Ying.

She flew here from Pengcheng specifically for this conversation.

Her heart is surging!

She is Shi Jinglin's good sister, a neighbor who grew up together when she was young. Before that, he also worked as a reporter, planner and editor for fashion magazines.

After joining Ziweixing, she has worked in and out of the school, and, and her current position is the deputy director of group buying on campus, mainly responsible for marketing and procurement.

Things have changed now.

She has been selected to participate in a new entrepreneurial project!

When she heard the news last month, the company headquarters said she was given half a month to think about it. Do you want to continue to be the deputy director of group buying, or do you want to change to a new job and start a new project?

It took her almost a minute to make a decision.

When the opportunity comes, you must seize it!

To accept the challenge!

"Boss, I'm here."

"Don't be restrained, Linlin said let me call you Sister Zhao. But the company doesn't advocate this brother, that sister, this one, that one, so I'll just call you by your first name."

Zhao Ying was still a little restrained, she pursed her lips tightly, "Well, it should be."

Zhou Buqi looked up and down, feeling more at ease.

She looks average.

From this, it can be concluded that she is really Shi Jinglin's sister, not some other unclear relationship. And she's getting older, in her thirties, Linlin doesn't like older people.

Then, I talked about Farfetch.

In this project cooperation of Farfetch, Ziweixing is mainly divided into two parts. The first part is that Ziweixing invested 6 million pounds to hold a 20% stake in Farfetch headquarters. The second part is a joint venture between Ziweixing and Farfetch headquarters to establish a Farfetch China company, which is only for the domestic market and will have an independent board of directors and management.

The share structure of Farfetch Mainland China is that Farfetch headquarters holds 35% of the shares, Ziweixing invests 4.5 million US dollars to hold 35% of the shares, invests 500,000 US dollars to hold 5% of the shares, and the remaining 25% of the shares are completely handed over to the entrepreneurial team. .

And the core candidate of this entrepreneurial team, the CEO of Farfetch China, chose Ms. Zhao Ying in front of her and promised her 5% of the shares.

"This is not a 5% fixed share, it depends on your future performance. 5-year period, 1% reward every year. It will really belong to you after 5 years. If the team is not brought up and you are fired, then It will definitely be taken back."

Zhou Buqi said ugly things first.

Zhao Ying expressed her understanding, "Of course, it should."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "But you don't have to worry, I have someone check it out, you hold 110,000 shares in Ziwei Star?"

Zhao Ying's face was slightly smoky, with a feeling of drunkenness, and she said lightly, "Well, 113,000 shares."

"How much did you pay for the subscription?"


Zhou Buqi shook his head, "The cost is quite high, isn't it too late to subscribe?"

Zhao Ying was a little embarrassed, "Yes, I didn't know much about the Internet at the beginning, so I missed a good time. But this time, I will definitely not miss it."

Zhou Buqi smiled and waved his hand, "It doesn't matter, I made a lot of money anyway. Farfetch is a company controlled by Ziweixing. This job transfer is not considered job hopping. The company can allow you to keep these stocks and just wait for the company to go public in the future." gone."

Zhao Ying pursed her lips, "Well, thank you boss."

"If you don't go to Farfetch, Ziweixing's contract will be terminated, and the remaining options will not be honored." After all, he is Shi Jinglin's good friend, and Zhou Buqi's tone is more gentle.

Zhao Ying smiled, "Of course, it should."

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