Top of the big era

Chapter 1290 Merger of Business Groups

At the beginning of December, Zhou Buqi and his family returned to China.

It's fun.

This scene made Zhu Jun very dissatisfied.

Originally, he thought that he could go back to China together on a different plane, but the boy said that there are too many families and the plane is too small to fit in! He has no choice but to go to civil aviation.

Back at the company's office, he first hugged the two little secretaries, Sun Guanran and Feng Mu'er, who would have thought that just as soon as he hugged the beauty in his arms, he would be followed by another beautiful girl who was beautiful.

"I didn't see it! I didn't see it!"

The girl covered her eyes, stepped on her high heels and ran all the way back to the secretary's room next to her.

Zhou Buqi knew her as if she was his reserve secretary, "Is she Ning Lu?"

Sun Guanran was a bit self-assertive, "Yes, let her come over to help during this time."

Zhou Buqi said: "I'm not in the company, and I don't have any business in the office, why did you ask her to come over?"



"I'm so busy, it was Zhang Yiming who said it, um... the decision-making committee decided that the moving date will be postponed until after the Spring Festival. I have to sort out the materials here quickly. It should be bound and shredded, and I need her to help. Don't stare, I've reported it to Ning Yaxian."

"Oh..." Zhou Buqi looked much better, "She agreed?"

Sun Guanran said angrily: "How dare I if she disagrees? I'm just a little secretary!"

"Okay, I will reward you by kissing you for five minutes." Zhou Buqi laughed and hugged her in his arms, "Mu'er, write down the time, don't run out of time."

"Who cares about your kiss... woo..."

Sun Wanran symbolically punched him a few times, and after a while, his body became limp and winking.

After the kiss was over, she still twisted Nini and said with a blushing face, "Where are you going tonight? Mu'er bought several sets of sexy underwear and said she wanted to wear them specially for you to see."

Feng Muer next to her was dumbfounded, and quickly waved her hands: "No, I didn't..."

Zhou Buqi hugged her and kissed her wetly, "Okay, let's go to work, um...bring over some recent important materials."

He went straight to the various offices and walked around, showing his face.

Everyone is very busy.

The work is very orderly, and no one pays much attention to him.

It wasn't until he went to Guo Pengfei's side that he said something serious, "You came back just in time, let me tell you something."

"What's the matter?"

"I discussed with Zhang Yiming, He Yang, and Wang Haiyang, and I plan to disband the SP business group and lay off 50-60 people. There is no need to keep Cheng Zhenping, the president of the business group."

"Cheng Zhenping?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, this is an executive at the M6 ​​level, "Did he make a mistake?"

Guo Pengfei said: "There are too many public relations funds, more than 500,000 per month."

"Is there a problem?"

"Meng Houkun checked it in private, and the main thing is to eat, drink, and spend with public funds."

"The SP business is mainly for Monternet. It is understandable that there are some necessary expenses for the maintenance of this kind of relationship." Faced with this kind of veteran who is fighting the world together, Zhou Buqi can't take it lightly.

Guo Pengfei sneered and said, "If it's just consumption of public funds for eating, drinking and drinking, you can't say anything. For work and maintaining business relationships, you have to spend the money that should be spent. Do you know what he does? He doesn't use the company's money as money, squandering Seriously!"

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "What's the specifics?"

Guo Pengfei said: "You can go to Meng Houkun for the specific list. He has been investigating for two months. I remember that once in a teahouse, the total consumption was only one thousand and two thousand. He threw out a wad of money at random, and it cost two to three thousand .The later reimbursement receipt was 2600."

Zhou Buqi's expression darkened, "Take it seriously!"

He has heard of this kind of thing a lot, even on a street in Amsterdam, the girls on the street even shouted in Chinese to these yellow-skinned them, "There is an invoice, there is an invoice", and the embarrassment was thrown abroad. up. I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to my own private company.

Guo Pengfei said: "He now has 360,000 shares of stock that have been cashed out, and there are 440,000 options in the next two years. According to Meng Houkun's intention, it will be confiscated directly. Otherwise, the police will be called."


Zhou Buqi twitched the corner of his mouth.

These boys are really ruthless!

360,000 shares... Even in the current economic crisis, Ziweixing's stock can be valued at 30 US dollars, which is more than 10 million US dollars!

Guo Pengfei smiled and said, "But I think this is too much. His stocks were also bought at an internal price for real money. I mean redemption at the original price."

"What was the original price?"

"Less than $70,000."

"So few?" Zhou Buqi shook his head again and again, "It seems that this Cheng Zhenping has a good eye, and he got it early. It's a pity that he went the wrong way."

In the past few years, the internal subscription price of Ziweixing's stock has been rising. It was only 10 cents at the beginning, and then it became 50 cents, 1 dollar, 10 dollars, 15 dollars... Now it is 25 dollars.

More stocks, less wages.

Especially in the early days, the salaries of executives were much lower than that under the salary system, and the monthly salary of the president of M6's business group may only be 20,000-30,000. I have worked with such a low salary for two or three years, but I was deprived of my shares because of a mistake. This is a very serious punishment.

Zhou Buqi sighed, "So, wealth and personal level must match. If the growth of personal ability cannot keep up with the growth rate of wealth, problems will easily occur. I saw a news in the UK, which made people very sad. I have feelings. A middle-class family won the lottery with more than 5 million pounds. After winning the lottery, the couple stopped working and kept squandering. In the past two years, a lot of the 5 million pounds won were spent. The two properties in the house were also sold. I lost my decent job before, and now I can only work as a waiter in a restaurant, and I am divorced. When the reporter went to interview, the lady said that if she could do it again, she would rather not win the lottery.”

Guo Pengfei knew that he was alerting himself, and said contemptuously: "You just need to pay attention to yourself! My private life is clean, and my wife will keep all my money!"

Zhou Buqi was surprised, "Aren't you afraid that your wife won't be able to control her?"

"Ah?" Guo Pengfei's complexion changed slightly, and then he said angrily: "Guan Ting is such a good woman, if she can't control it, it must have something to do with you!"

Zhou Buqi turned pale with shock, "Don't slander me! She is my college classmate, and rabbits don't eat grass beside their nests!"

"You even eat the teacher..."

"Okay, this is the office, don't talk nonsense every day, nothing is reliable. Talk about the SP business group, what will happen after it is dismantled?"

"And to my online media business department."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

This line of thinking is correct.

The SP business group does not produce content. Its main business is to edit and organize Ziweixing's own content, and then post it on the mobile dreamnet. For example, the jokes on Embarrassment Encyclopedia and the novels on Toutiao Literature all come from the Internet Media Business Department managed by Guo Pengfei... This can be directly upgraded to a business group.

After the merger, a lot of operating costs can be saved and many jobs can be reduced. For example, the editor of Toutiao Literature can also assume the responsibility of editing novels for Monternet.

In this way, Guo Pengfei's power and status will increase.

Among the young people who are veterans of the business, Zhang Yiming has been promoted to the president of the company, M9; Ji Zian is the senior vice president, M7, in charge of the school business group and the corporate service department.

After such a structural change, Guo Pengfei is also in charge of two business groups, and his business is much more important than that of Ji Zian. There are two core products: Helo and Toutiao.

Zhou Buqi went back to the office to read the financial report without breaking through his little thoughts.

"Boss, the materials you want..."

Ning Lu was wearing a dark office OL uniform, a women's suit, a women's short skirt, black stockings, and black high-heeled shoes. Her beautiful eyes were shining, and she looked into his eyes boldly without any shyness.

Zhou Buqi praised: "The image is very good."

Ning Lu pursed her lips and smiled, "Thank you boss, I represent your image."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Isn't it cold to wear stockings in winter?"

Ning Lu said softly: "It's okay in the office. I will change clothes after get off work. I have cotton pants and a down jacket."

His demeanor, demeanor, speech, and manners are all very good and imposing.

It is no longer as green and immature as a college student who just graduated.

It feels better than Feng Muer.

At least with clothes on.

Zhou Buqi's heart skipped a beat, he quickly shook his head, and said seriously: "Have you got the statistics of last month's financial report? If not, you can go to remind me, it's probably enough, don't need to be too detailed."

"Oh well!"

Ning Lu hurriedly led away, her legs were slender, her waist swayed, and the black stockings added a bit of mystery and temptation. The attraction of this big girl with yellow flowers is really great.


Zhou Buqi sighed, feeling very helpless, feeling that he was still not good enough in cultivation, a little bit unable to resist the inferiority of a man who eats from the bowl and looks at the pot. They are all from the Northeast, so they can't learn from Zhang Shaoshuai who doesn't resist. This Sun Guanran really led the wolf into the house!

After a while, Ning Lu returned, and said with a brisk smile, "Boss, the rough report has already been made."

Zhou Buqi briefly read it, heh!


In November, the rough financial report of Ziwei Star's eight domestic business divisions showed a total profit of 240 million yuan.

The impact of the economic crisis is still reflected.

In the first few months, the monthly profit can reach 300 million to 400 million yuan.

Among the profits of 240 million yuan, the social media business department contributed the most, creating a profit of 130 million yuan; followed by the network media business department, with a profit of 44 million yuan; the search business group, with a profit of 9 million yuan; the school business group, with a profit of 22 million yuan The software business group had a profit of 7.5 million yuan; the middle and Taiwan business department had a loss of 36 million yuan; the enterprise service business department had a loss of 21 million yuan.

The most outstanding performance is the SP business group, with a profit as high as 85 million yuan!

When the rising sun of the mobile Internet emerged and the SP wireless business slowly ended and became a sunset industry, Ziweixing's SP business has already surpassed Penguin and became the number one in China!

The profit of the network media division is 44 million yuan, the profit of the SP business is 85 million yuan, and the total has reached 130 million yuan.

That is to say, after this merger, the network media business group led by Guo Pengfei may surpass the social business group centered on, and become Ziwei Star's most profitable business segment.

No wonder the kid is so eager.

Well, all grown up.


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