Top of the big era

Chapter 129 Too good at bragging

"What? Rejected?"

Zhang Yiming opened his eyes wide, expressing disbelief.

Turned down IDG's investment?

What is Xiaonei trying to do?

Go it alone?

stop talking!

They ate hot pot for dinner. There were Zhou Buqi, Guo Pengfei, Wu Hanqing and Zhang Yiming.

Guo Pengfei waved his hand and said nonchalantly, "Their bid is too low, it's boring!"

"Low? How much?" Zhang Yiming was a little unwilling and distressed.

Guo Pengfei snorted coldly: "The last time we talked, they estimated the price at 1 million US dollars. This time it was a bit higher, only 1.5 million US dollars. Isn't this a big deal? Why don't you stay cool!"

Zhang Yiming rolled his eyes and almost fainted.

What are these?

Are people on Xiaonei this crazy?

Zhou Buqi was like this, and so was Guo Pengfei.

With no other choice, Zhang Yiming asked Wu Hanqing, "What about you?"

"Me? What's wrong with me?" Wu Hanqing looked surprised.

"You don't have any ideas?"


Wu Hanqing shook his head with a calm expression.

He is an obsessed technologist who focuses on the security field and is not interested in financing, finance, marketing and other aspects.

Coupled with the fact that he and Xu Baihui have had a hot fight recently, and Ali rejected all interview invitations, how can he be in the mood to pay attention to IDG? Let's talk about a relationship first and then talk about it.

"All right."

Zhang Yiming twitched the corner of his mouth, feeling that the capital and Jinmen really belonged to two worlds.

But, do you really want to reject IDG?

Even if there is no shortage of money, it is too unreliable.

If financing is obtained, IDG will definitely send someone over to review the finances and make some guiding opinions on strategic decisions. Isn’t that good? After all, this is a team of college students with little experience.

Zhou Buqi attached great importance to Zhang Yiming, so he decided to show some dry goods to convince him.

Otherwise, such a big bull would not be able to subdue at all.

"Regarding IDG's financing, their valuation is too low. This is one aspect, and another very important aspect is that Xiaonei has its own strategic plan and cannot be led by the nose. IDG suddenly appeared and asked Do you think they are simple-minded when it comes to financing Xiaonei?"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Have you all used the 5Q zone network?"


Guo Pengfei, Wu Hanqing, and Zhang Yiming all nodded. is so famous.

This website was founded in 2003 by two senior students of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. The purpose is to serve the majority of college students.

That's right!

The purpose of the website is exactly the same as Xiaonei!

The difference is that the entry point of Xiaonei network is social networking, and the entry point of 5Q network is B (harmonious) T download, that is, peer-to-peer download.

The education network is an intranet, and whether it is teaching videos or various documents, if it is used by users for teaching and learning, it can be copyright-free, which provides the greatest convenience for B (harmonious) T downloads within the education system.

Once launched, it immediately became popular all over the country. found this breakthrough very cleverly and succeeded in one fell swoop!

B (harmonious) T download has become a hot word on the Internet this year.

Many schools are envious, and have imitated 5Q and launched their own B (harmonious) T download website, but there are many shortcomings, and it is difficult to compare with 5Q.

With the official endorsement, has become the only download website in the education system that is connected to the campus networks of many colleges and universities.

It is much faster than downloading from Telecom and Netcom.

Now, has more than 6 million registered users, more than 500,000 daily active IPs, and its volume is almost 20 times that of Xiaonei!

The situation is booming.

Zhang Yiming said: "They are also websites for college students. 5Q is the biggest competitor of Xiaonei."

"Competitors?" Zhou Buqi had a funny look on his face, "Just a few college students who just graduated?"

Zhang Yiming twitched the corner of his mouth.

I just wanted to shout in my heart, what right do you have to laugh at others?

It is true that the three founders of 5Q have just graduated from college, but after all, they have also graduated and are full-time. And you? You are just a freshman in school!

Zhou Buqi waved his hand and said calmly: " is too big, which puts too much operating pressure on them. Although they have signed three advertisers, the advertising fee is not enough for the operation. Great website."

Wu Hanqing said: "Indeed, I heard that there are only five employees in 5Q? Except for the three founders who are full-time, the rest are part-time college students, and the operation is very poor."

"That's right."

Zhou Buqi nodded, affirming his statement, "In order to solve this problem, started to look for a new profit model and is in the process of transformation. With the help of a huge user group of college students, it launched a campus blog and plans to take the social route."

"Really? Well, blogging is hot right now."

Wu Hanqing nodded.

Guo Pengfei curled his lips and said disdainfully: "It's boring! It's all imitating Lao Mei, so can't you have a little creativity of your own? I quite like the B (harmony) T download launched by It's out of date."

Myspace in the United States is in full swing, leading to the emergence of a large number of blogging websites in China.

Among them, the largest one is China Blog Network.

Zhang Yiming shook his head secretly, feeling that Guo Pengfei's words were too harsh.

What happened to the imitation?

Sohu, Netease, Dangdang, Taobao, Penguin, Tianya which one is not an imitation?

To be able to imitate successfully is already very impressive.

Zhou Buqi said indifferently: "5Q is backed by the campus. As long as there are no major strategic mistakes, it will become the biggest competitor of Blog has just received financing from IDG and has high expectations. It wants to build a domestic MySpace. So, do you see why IDG is in such a rush to fund Xiaonei?"


Zhang Yiming reacted.

Guo Pengfei stopped eating, and suddenly raised his head, looking at him in astonishment.

Is there such a story behind it?

Wu Hanqing lost his voice: "No way? Is IDG trying to push Xiaonei and 5Q into a fight? So as to make the blog develop more? This is a means of fighting between the snipe and the clam!"

"This is for sure. Blog forums are the hottest outlets in the world at the moment! Moreover, the operation of the blog network is a mature team, no more than the student army of and 5Q. When IDG chooses, it will definitely use the treasure Bet on projects with a higher chance of success."

Guo Pengfei patted the table and said angrily, "Damn it! So they have no good intentions! I thought they were really interested in our project, and that Xiaonei has great potential!"

Wu Hanqing shuddered, shook his head and said, "This is capital, it's really bloody. Forget it, you should worry about these things. I'll just go and take care of my safety."

Zhang Yiming expressed his confusion, " and must compete, right? has launched a campus blog, which to a certain extent is tantamount to invading the social area of ​​, won't fight back?"

"Competition?" Zhou Buqi curled his lips in disdain, "It's still the same sentence, just relying on a mere 5Q network, it's not worthy!"

Zhang Yiming was speechless.

Just now, I thought Guo Pengfei's tone was loud enough and crazy enough. Only then did I realize that they all learned from Zhou Buqi, and they are so good at bragging.

Can all people from the Northeast play like this?

Don’t forget, the volume of is 20 times that of!

Zhou Buqi took a deep look at him and said, "Yiming, I want to give you a heavy responsibility. Let's look at the problem from a deep perspective and a big pattern. Competition? The Internet doesn't need competition, it just needs to be done. Be good to yourself and wait for others to make mistakes."

"Make a mistake?" Zhang Yiming grasped this point keenly, "Are you not optimistic about the future of Is their strategic decision wrong?"

"Whether there is a mistake or not is not important, and I don't care. All I know is that we can't be a gun in the hands of capital!"

"After all, I got the money..."

"No! Some things are far more important than money. Both 5Q and Xiaonei need the support and permission of the education system. In this regard, 5Q has come to the forefront. Their B (harmonious) T Downloading has become an essential tool for high-speed downloading in the education system, which has provided great convenience to the national education system. If we are against 5Q at this time, what does it mean? We may offend the entire education system!"

"It's not that serious, is it?"

Zhang Yiming's complexion changed slightly, and he finally understood what Zhou Buqi really cared about.

It's strategy!

Deeply cultivating the education system, relying on national educational resources and policy support, is the current strategic trend of!

No external conditions can be changed.

Not even giving money!

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice: "In the capital market, there is no feeling at all. At any time, our destiny must be determined by ourselves, rather than being driven or influenced by capital. 5Q network... is not worth mentioning. , The so-called blogging trend is only a flash in the pan. The development route I customized for Xiaonei is the most perfect growth track in the world!"

"Mmm...well, well said." Guo Pengfei quickly stuffed the mutton on the chopsticks into his mouth, gave a vague praise, and then raised his glass, "Boss Zhou is right, Han Qing, Yiming, we A toast to Boss Zhou."

Wu Hanqing raised his wine glass expressionlessly.

Zhang Yiming broke down a bit.

What is this all about?

Zhou Buqi bragged a lot over there, and you are convinced? Aren't you two brainwashed by him?

Wu Hanqing seemed to see his doubts, and smiled, "You just came here, and there are some things you don't understand, and I did the same when I first came here, haha. After a long time, you will understand, follow Boss Zhou, you must be right. Ping An fruit event or free book giving event, you haven't seen it yet?"

Zhang Yiming didn't know what to say, so he raised his glass and had a drink with the three of them.


I don't know if it was because he drank too much wine and got a little dizzy, or because Zhou Buqi said too much and was fooled by him.

In short, this night, he felt an invisible net wrapped around him.

Can't break free.

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