Top of the big era

Chapter 1265 Digital Rights Business

Zhou Buqi has to admit that Sister Bao's thinking is very reasonable.

Copyright is the most competitive key in the streaming media industry. In the highly competitive field of video streaming, Hulu can get out because it is backed by Hollywood, and Netflix can get out because it is a self-produced drama.

Whoever owns the copyright is powerful.

The same is true for music streaming media. Spotify can quickly stand out because it has a relationship with the four major music giants and has the world's largest music copyright library.

Right now is the economic crisis, and it is the right time to do some work on video copyright operations.

However, Zhou Buqi does not think that Jieyu Media has the strength to do this business, especially Baoshan cannot be allowed to do it, it is too hard.

Copyright operation belongs to the most traditional business, which is to constantly meet, communicate, and participate in various social activities to build relationships, so as to complete the cooperation of all parties and conclude deals. This is a completely different model from Internet business.

For example, Ziweixing’s financing for Spotify was basically completed in one morning without a visit every week, which was very easy. But if we are talking about copyright acquisition business, without ten days and a half months of meeting and understanding, and in-depth investigations by both parties, this business cannot be completed.

Moreover, the business of copyright operation is very deep, and copyright ownership is also extremely complicated. Foreign countries attach great importance to copyright. When purchasing, high prices, many terms, and different copyright laws and regulations in different countries are troublesome.

Zhou Buqi thought for a while, then shook his head, "I still don't want it."

Xue Baoshan blinked, "Why?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Foreign countries pay too much attention to copyright, especially now that the streaming media industry has risen, it is almost impossible to buy out the copyright all at once. They are all leased, or have additional sharing clauses. Jieyu Media is not Hollywood giants have little influence. Without a brand, it is not easy to build a relationship of trust.”

Xue Baoshan was silent for a while, and said in a low voice: "The Voice is operating international copyright, I thought I could use this opportunity to target more markets."

Zhou Buqi said: "The Voice is not operated by a foreign copyright company. Besides, what the Voice does is authorize, which is simpler."


Xue Baoshan was a little disappointed.

What disappointed her was not that international copyright business could not be done, but that she lost the opportunity to make progress together with Zhou. Classmate Zhou's achievements are getting bigger and bigger, and the gap between the two is getting bigger and bigger.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "Let's do it in China. The domestic copyright awareness is poor, so it's easy to do. Jieyu Media is well-known and influential in China, so it can expand its business and purchase copyrights from different producers. Including movies, TV dramas, animation, and special programs, and then authorizing them to downstream broadcasting platforms, operators, portals, video sharing websites, video client websites, local portals and other broadcasting platforms, this business is very simple and has great prospects.”

Xue Baoshan nodded lightly, "Yes, it's still easy in China."

In the past two years, Jieyu Media mainly focused on the operation of movies and TV series. It spent a total of 160 million yuan and won all the copyrights of CCTV's animation library. 1,000 movies and more than 10,000 episodes of TV series copyright. It is not the TV broadcasting right, DVD sales right or online broadcasting right, but the full copyright, including the right to adapt and remake.

In addition, it has obtained more than 85% of the network streaming copyrights of various film and television dramas in the country, as well as various copyrights of some high-quality film and television dramas in Southeast Asia.

This business is very easy to do. Basically, it is a negotiation, the price is in place, and the film library is packaged collectively at one time. Buying out the full copyright will be a little more troublesome, but just buying out the digital copyright is really easy.

Piracy of domestic film and television dramas is rampant on the Internet these days, and no one is willing to pay for the genuine version. Someone waving banknotes to deliver money to your door is of course not to be missed.

For example, there is a domestic media copyright operation company called Huashi Wangju, which started in 2010. Because the high-quality copyrights were taken down by LeTV in advance, they can only win some marginal copyrights. It took only 5 years to be acquired by a large company at a sky-high price of 4 billion.

As the country pays more and more attention to copyright, whoever owns the copyright has the right to speak.

Jieyu Media is a big company among big companies. It is very easy to start this business. It doesn't need Xue Baoshan to come forward, just send a vice president to take charge of the business.

People's hearts are sinister, so sister Bao should be protected.

Zhou Buqi comforted her with a smile, "I heard from Xu Baihui that Jieyu Media has recruited four new vice presidents. That's how it should be. The boss should focus on strategy and hand over the specific work to his subordinates. 0 to 1 is the most difficult, and whoever can do it is the boss. Let professional managers do the work from 1 to 100, and grab a lot.”

"how about you?"

"Me too, don't you think I'm getting more and more leisurely?"

Xue Baoshan pursed her lips, "I don't think so."

Zhou Buqi said: "Anyway, I am no longer in the front line, and we will have a lot of time together in the future. Well, you also have to sort out the work and assign it all."


This time, Xue Baoshan became happy.


It's pretty much the same thing in Sweden.

The financing of Bajixing and Hasselblad only lies in the differences in details, and there is no problem in the general direction. If Hasselblad retains the controlling stake, Bajixing can get at least 2-3 board seats.

Zhou Buqi went to Hamburg, Germany with Baoshan, and saw Aunt Xue and Wu Yu by the Alster Lake.

"Huh? Where's my dad?"

After Zhou Buqi passed by, he hugged Wu Yu lovingly in his arms, but he didn't see his parents on the left and right.

"Uncle has gone to Manchester, he just left this morning."


"Isn't the team making new progress?"

"Really?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "No one informed me."

Wu Yu said softly: "It seems that the members of the Glazer family have passed by, and a new round of negotiations is about to start."

Zhou Buqi has a plan in mind, that's for sure.

He sent San Dezi to Florida and talked to the old man of the Glazer family. The Manchester United matter should be over soon.

Sure enough, when it was lunch time, Zhou Buqi received a call from San Dezi. The other party's tone was very cheerful, and it seemed that the task was going well.

"This Saturday, the third round of negotiations will start."

"What about the price?"

"I talked to the old Glazer. My offer was 1.25 billion pounds. He didn't say anything. Later, he gave me news that the third round of negotiations was about to start, and then sent all three of his sons over."

Zhou Buqi met old Glazer, "The old man feels okay, his sons are a bit fucked up."

San Dezi said with a smile: "Basically, this is the price, and there is not much difference if there are differences. Now the public opinion, the Manchester United board of directors and the fans are all on your side, and they have to let go."

"There are still three days left. I will arrive in Manchester tomorrow night. Let's meet and talk."

"no problem!"

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