Top of the big era

Chapter 1241 Internet Movie

Chapter 1241 Internet + Movie

"Internet + movie" is a relatively new concept in China. The main reason is that the current domestic movie market is too weak, and cross-industry integration of the film and television industry is thankless.

But in the United States, this trend has already begun.

For example, Amazon's IMDB, Google's YouTube, Yahoo's movie channel, established websites AOL, MySpace, etc. all have such a layout, and emerging ones include Netflix and Hulu.

Also includes Comcast.

When Pluto Capital was raising funds, Zhou Buqi went to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and watched the Philadelphia 76ers game with several Comcast executives.

Well, the Philadelphia 76ers are a team owned by Comcast.

Then, the two parties discussed the big case of Comcast's acquisition of NBC Universal. They communicated for more than 2 hours. The other party also invited Zhou Buqi to join their merger advisory group.

Comcast’s acquisition of NBC Universal Group has the logic of “Internet + Movies” behind it.

While News Corporation cooperated with NBC Universal and teamed up with a number of Hollywood studios to launch the online film and television platform Hulu, Comcast also launched its own video website Fancast.

Hulu has a strong background. It has the strong support of Hollywood and hired Bezos' right-hand man from Amazon to become CEO. It is very aggressive.

Soon, Hulu reached distribution agreements with Yahoo, MSN, MySpace and other websites. In fact, you spend money to buy traffic from these websites.

Once the traffic is there, the click-through rate will be there.

Hulu's monthly video playback volume quickly reached over 100 million, while Fancast's monthly video playback volume during the same period was only 2 million.

This clearly falls short of Comcast's ambitions.

This is the only media giant from a traditional industry that can be compared with Disney in the future, both with a market value of US$200 billion. Comcast's current market capitalization is only over US$40 billion, and the company's development potential can be seen from its strategic plan.

When Hollywood makes video websites, it only makes one Hulu.

What is Internet thinking?

It is cross-complementary and creates an ecosystem!

For example, Amazon, its IMDB membership service, has a series of movie-related websites, and can even be linked to Amazon e-commerce services.

In fact, it is to use movies to attract traffic to Amazon’s e-commerce services.

Hollywood doesn't have this mindset, but Comcast does.

Last year, Comcast acquired online ticketing sites Fandango and, and in just one year, it has invested more than $600 million in the Internet field.

Obviously, it also has the ambition to create an "Internet + movie" ecosystem.

The current problem is that Fancast, Comcast’s core website, is doing too poorly and is far inferior to Hulu. If the core website cannot be built, no matter how many supporting facilities there are, it will be useless.

This is also a very important reason why Comcast wants to take action against NBCUniversal.

Not only is Comcast interested in the film and television content of NBC Television Network and Universal Pictures, combining each other's content with its own channels, but it is also because NBCUniversal Group is the main founder of Hulu and holds more than 35% of Hulu's shares. Equity.

By taking over NBCUniversal, Comcast is equivalent to indirectly controlling Hulu, and can integrate it with its own movie Internet ecosystem.

When they were in Philadelphia, Comcast executives didn't say it clearly and were somewhat vague.

Such a strategic design is inconvenient to be disclosed to outsiders.

But Zhou Buqi is an expert, and he can guess the other person's ambition by just saying a few words. The other party didn't want to say more, but he was very happy.

If he is really asked to make suggestions and it fails in the future, he will have to bear part of the responsibility.

Hulu’s genes determine that Comcast’s strategic design cannot be realized.

Zhou Buqi is now at the top of the world's Internet industry, and even has a certain say in Hollywood. In many cases, even if he does not know about his past life and does not have the effect of foresight, analysis based on his experience and vision in this life is enough to make a relatively accurate judgment about the future.

This is indeed the case.

In the previous life, Comcast, after some operations, ate up NBC Universal with a big appetite, and then took over a part of Hulu's equity from small shareholders, becoming Hulu's largest shareholder.

Later, it acquired Flixster, the largest movie social networking site, and Rotten Tomatoes. So far, Comcast has successfully built an ecosystem around "Internet + Movies", including video websites Hulu and Fancast, online ticket purchasing website Fandango, movie social networking website Flixster, and movie review website Rotten Tomatoes...

It looked fierce, but it was quickly defeated.

The core website Hulu has a big problem.

The ecosystem is dysfunctional.

Later, there was no choice but to sell Hulu to Disney. In the "Internet + Movies" landscape, it has become a four-power competition between Apple, Amazon, Disney and Netflix, and Comcast was eliminated.

Apple plays with product ecology, Amazon plays with traffic portals, Netflix plays with exclusive homemade movies and TV series, and Disney relies on the powerful Marvel and Disney Animation.

These four aspects are actually the four major layouts Zhou Buqi has made for the "Internet + Movie" model in the past few months.

First, product ecology.

We must rely on our own social products such as Helo and YikYak to form cross-complementary products.

Second, traffic entrance.

This was learned from China. It is much more advanced than the traditional Silicon Valley model and is very close to Amazon’s gameplay. Just spend money! Amazon has always lost money in the film ecosystem business. It doesn't matter if this business loses money, it brings in traffic and can make money through e-commerce.

In the next ten years, the mobile Internet will compete for traffic, and film and television entertainment will be a very important traffic entrance.

Third, Netflix.

This has been done.

After some operations, Zhou Buqi has become Netflix's largest shareholder, and he and Lu Qi have also entered Netflix's board of directors. The core products of "Internet + Movies" are already available. Moreover, this is not a genetically deranged Hollywood hybrid like Hulu, but a pure Silicon Valley technology company that can seamlessly connect with film ecological websites such as Rotten Tomatoes and Flixster.

Fourth, Disney.

Disney has a lot of high-quality content, especially Disney cartoons, which dominate the world. However, with the development of technology, there are more and more excellent animation studios, and exquisite 3D animation is no longer the patent of big manufacturers. Disney Animation's competitiveness is gradually declining. The products that truly allow Disney to occupy a place in the streaming media field are irreplaceable Marvel and Star Wars.

In its previous life, Netflix’s market value once steadily surpassed Disney’s. Later, Disney established its own streaming media platform and acquired Hulu. It no longer leased the film and television rights of Marvel and Star Wars to external parties, and fans could only watch them on Disney's platform. Netflix lost Marvel's flagship film and television series, its stock price plummeted, and its market value was overtaken by Disney.

It won’t be necessary in this life.

Zhou Buqi has already made arrangements.

He has taken 20% of Marvel's shares. It will be impossible for Marvel's film and television works to exclude Netflix, unless Disney dares to break up with him and completely ignore the rights of small shareholders.

Relying partly on the foresight of his previous life and partly on the experience of this life, Zhou Buqi has made perfect preparations to win the "Internet + movie" industry.

Expanding overseas markets is difficult.

"Internet + movies" is one of Zhou Buqi's guaranteed industries. In the upcoming mobile Internet era, it can develop rapidly.

Life is so wonderful.

Zhou Buqi is from the Internet industry and wants to cross-industry into the entertainment industry. Miss Yang Mi is an actress in the entertainment industry, but she wants to cross industries and become the Internet.

"Doing the Internet? Real or fake?"

"Yes, there is a website called Farfetch, which is quite good. We went to check it out."

It was Shi Jinglin who spoke, and Yang Mi was beside her like a little follower.

Zhou Buqi looked at them deeply.

Why is this Shi Jinglin so interested?

He has no confidence in Yang Mi, but he has great confidence in Shi Jinglin. She thinks this website is good, so it should be very good.

"what for?"



Zhou Buqi suddenly got a big head. It is very difficult for him to do e-commerce in person, and he may not be able to do it well. Isn’t it nonsense to let Yang Mi enter the market to engage in e-commerce?

Shi Jinglin quickly explained, "Don't go into the alley of thinking. I think you are different. This is a niche website, an e-commerce company that sells luxury goods."


Zhou Buqi nodded, his face looking much better.

Luxury e-commerce is much easier in terms of its operating model.

First of all, if luxury goods are too expensive, the audience will be very small, and the website traffic will be very low. There is no network technology threshold for operation, so it is very easy. Secondly, luxury goods users are high-income groups with relatively high average quality. The best service can be provided with a small number of customers.

The smaller the business scale, the easier it will be to operate.

Shi Jinglin asked: "There is a business model in Europe called a boutique, do you know?"

Zhou Buqi thought for a moment, "I've heard of it, but I don't know much about it."

Shi Jinglin said: "In the Internet thinking, it is probably one-stop shopping. There are too many luxury brands in the world, and there are many novel styles. Many consumers don't know what to choose. Da Da who is well versed in fashion trends People can choose clothing, accessories, jewelry, leather bags, shoes, cosmetics and other products from many luxury brands based on the most popular trends in the world, and integrate them into one store to provide consumers with the greatest convenience. This model port It’s available in Taiwan, but not in China yet.”

Zhou Buqi understood what she meant, "Want to promote it into the domestic market?"

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "And it's an online buyer's store! The cost of offline operations is too high. If you place an order online, purchase it all over the world and then ship it and mail it."

Zhou Buqi asked: "This Farfetch is an online shopping store?"

Shi Jinglin nodded lightly, "Yes, this website was established in London last year. Several of the founders used to run boutiques in Porto and are well versed in the fashion industry. As far as I know, they have not received financing yet. .”

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