Top of the big era

Chapter 1221 Interest Binding

Los Angeles International Airport.

In the distance, two slightly tired figures appeared, Shi Jinglin and Xue Baoshan.

Zhou Buqi beckoned from a distance, not to favor each other, so after meeting, he could only open his arms and embrace them both.

I haven't seen you in three weeks, I miss you so much.

"Stop making trouble! There are so many people!" Shi Jinglin pushed him lightly and gave him a blank look.

Xue Baoshan looked slightly annoyed, and raised her head to look at Zhou Buqi, she was hugged tightly.

Zhou Buqi held Sister Bao tightly in his arms, and looked at Shi Jinglin with a smile, "You're here too, what a surprise."

Shi Jinglin snorted softly, "If I don't accompany you, what will happen if your little sister Bao is kidnapped? Don't you feel sorry for her?"

Zhou Buqi laughed, "I love you too!"

"Speaks better than sings."

"Really, you don't know how much I miss you during this time...I'm a bit insomnia."

"Insomnia?" Shi Jinglin curled her lips, a little contemptuous, "I think those little stars are here, you are too busy tossing around every night, so you don't have time to sleep, right?"

"What's the matter? You're thinking too much." Zhou Buqi laughed, "Go! Go home! Take a look at the big manor I bought for you in Beverly Hills!"

A group of 8 people, including bodyguards, drivers, and secretaries, went to the parking lot.

There was a brand new black Bentley Flying Spur parked.

Shi Jinglin walked over naturally.

"Let's take this!" Zhou Buqi pulled her to the next car, "Didn't you see it? This is a new Rolls-Royce."

Xue Baoshan didn't know how to drive, so she obediently followed Classmate Zhou.

Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes widened as she looked at the silver-gray, very retro and not shiny car in front of her, "Is this a Rolls-Royce? A classic car?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Yes, that Bentley is new, $250,000. This car... well, it's actually a new car, $2.2 million. It was produced 24 years ago. It's a Rolls-Royce. It was discontinued more than a decade ago."

Shi Jinglin is not interested in luxury cars.

But classic cars are different. This has gone beyond the category of luxury cars and has risen to the height of culture, taste and social status. Especially this kind of new car that was produced 24 years ago and has not been driven, it is simply not something that money can buy.

Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes were shining, she walked around the car, full of praise, "It's so beautiful! Where did you buy it?"

"Look for an intermediary company, 10% of the handling fee." Zhou Buqi smiled, quite proudly, "This car is the same age as you, so I gave it to you."

Shi Jinglin was delighted, and then rolled her eyes, "What's the use of giving it to me? This kind of car can't be brought back to China. Isn't it for you to use it in the United States?"

Zhou Buqi leaned over and said in a low voice, "Hurry up and go home, drive your car, and fill up the gas."

Shi Jinglin glared at him, snorted coquettishly, and pulled Baoshan into the car.

After getting in the car, Zhou Buqi hugged each other one by one without any explanation, "I have a cocktail party with people from Los Angeles tonight, let's meet them."

"What are you doing?"

"Collect money!"

Xue Baoshan looked up at him, "How much money have you raised?"

Zhou Buqi said: "It's more than 3 billion dollars."

"so much?"

Xue Baoshan blinked, and Zhou Buqi couldn't help leaning over and kissed her on the lips, and said with a smile: "What is this? I set an investment limit, otherwise a single federal pension fund can give I’m fully bought. This is a zero-risk fund, and national funds such as social security funds, pension funds, and medical insurance funds like this kind of investment project the most.”

"How much is it?"

"Minimum $5 million, maximum $500 million."


Xue Baoshan understood what he was thinking, but she didn't say much.

Shi Jinglin was different. She wanted to avoid the driver's ear, and asked in a low voice, "So your investors are only open to those elites and politicians from all walks of life? Let them be tied to your interests? Become allies?"

Zhou Buqi nodded, "This is a network of people and a partner of interest. If this matter is done, the safety of overseas industries will be ensured."

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips, "It's exactly the same as the domestic routine."

Zhou Buqi said: "There is no difference between ancient and modern China and foreign countries in this kind of thing."

Shi Jinglin asked: "What about the Middle East? Didn't you say that this private placement is mainly for the cash flow of local tyrants in the Middle East?"

Zhou Buqi moved his face closer, Shi Jinglin took the initiative to kiss him, and snorted coquettishly, "Don't be a rascal, I've been on the plane all day, and I'm almost exhausted. Whoever goes there should take a shower and sleep first. "

Zhou Buqi said: "The influence of local tyrants in the Middle East is too bad. The first wave is to build up the interests of the upper class in the United States. The second is the upper class in Europe. If there are remaining quotas, then consider the local tyrants in the Middle East. The economy is The continuation of politics cannot be reversed."

The corner of Shi Jinglin's mouth curled slightly, and then she took the initiative to lean over, kissed his forehead, face and lips several times, and said with satisfaction: "It really is the man I like, um, it's good! Let's have a son, let him go to Europe and marry a royal princess."

Zhou Buqi glanced at her, puzzled, "What do you mean? Look down on me?"


"Why do you want our son to go? The son's father can't do it?"

"You?" Shi Jinglin laughed angrily, "Okay, if you have the ability to find a few royal princesses as concubines, I'll be your bed warmer girl! Do you want the face of the royal family?"

Zhou Buqi hummed: "What royal princesses, they are not as good as KTV princesses, otherwise I will definitely win them all!"

"Be virtuous." Shi Jinglin looked at Xue Baoshan's docile and pleasant appearance on the other side, and couldn't help feeling a little angry, "Didn't you want to buy a football team? Did you buy it?"

"No, it's quite complicated."

"It's written in domestic newspapers."

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi was slightly startled, "Isn't it? My side just started, and it spread?"

Shi Jinglin said: "I didn't mention you, it was someone else. Mr. Xu from Shimao Group said he wanted to offer 3 billion yuan to buy Newcastle. There is also Boss Yang from the Hong Kong government who wants to buy Birmingham, and a few Chinese from Thailand who want to join forces. Get up and buy Manchester United. The Chinese are going to enter the Premier League, and the public opinion is excited."

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "It's a speculative thing. It is true that the Chinese consortium in Thailand wants to buy Manchester United. It is said that the price is 1 billion pounds. Damn, this is a purebred Manchester United."


Shi Jinglin didn't understand.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "When we're done working for a while, let's go to Thailand for a while, and take a look at the local Chinese. It is said that the Chinese in Thailand only account for 10%, but 70% of the country's wealth is in the hands of the Chinese. Go to the meeting Huizhengda, Red Bull and those Chinese businessmen will almost withdraw, so don’t raise the price for us.”

Shi Jinglin had a half-smile, "Thailand, I have been to Thailand several times with my father before, and I was afraid of irritating you."


"Thailand can marry a lot of wives. The Chinese businessmen over there are all in groups of wives and concubines. To take a family portrait, you have to take time-lapse photography. The whole family is happy and happy, and the rain and dew are evenly shared."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "I'm a good man, a few are enough, too many will be troublesome, too busy... Hey, if you pinch someone again, I'll beat you up?"


Hollywood is located in Los Angeles.

Hollywood is a business card, but it is only a small industry in Los Angeles. Movies are famous. Los Angeles is the second largest city in the United States. Its core industries are industries, such as automobiles, steel, food, electrical appliances, chemicals, and papermaking, which account for 60% of the city's GDP.

The second is the intermediary service industry. 30% of the city's GDP is contributed by this industry, such as lawyers and audit firms, management and technical consulting agencies, human resources service agencies and other high-end institutions.

Many institutions that specialize in serving the rich are almost all headquartered in Los Angeles. Providing top-notch services to rich people all over the world can often reap excess returns.

Zhou Buqi contacted the high society in New York, and chose Los Angeles as the second stop.

The first thing to do is to establish a relationship with the big bosses of this rich intermediary agency.

Security guards, housekeepers, maids, nannies, cooks, etc. hired through this kind of organization will enter the house to serve, which will involve a lot of personal privacy. Even if a non-disclosure agreement is signed, don't worry too much, Zhou Buqi is a foreigner after all.

Through this way of private equity funds, a deeply bound interest relationship should be established.

In such a capitalist society, there are all kinds of beliefs, you can believe in Christianity, you can believe in Buddhism, but the only belief that can unify all people is banknotes.

Only money is the ultimate truth.

The big liar Low Tezuo engaged in a private equity fund and was suspected of many crimes. He was wanted by many countries, but nothing happened. The reason is that during the years when he was a fund, he mainly revolved around the top society in the United States and was protected.

The president of the United States visited Malaysia for the first time, and the world was stunned. It turned out that Low Tezuo was behind it. As long as the money is in place, everything is easy to do.

In Zhou Buqi's private placement, investing and making money is one aspect. Establishing a community of interests with enough elites in the world and helping them make money is the guarantee of standing.

It is impossible for him to change his nationality. For the United States, he can only be a foreigner forever, which means that he is different from the super rich such as Bill Gates and Buffett, and it is necessary to prevent problems before they happen.

That night, Zhou Buqi took Baoshan to attend this high-class cocktail party with excellent confidentiality. The big bosses of Goldman Sachs all came forward to drink and exchange wine and expand their relationships.

There are bosses of famous accounting firms, top barristers, trustees of the University of California, bosses of Hollywood giants, major shareholders of Chevrolet, and several well-known congressmen...

Among them, Zhou Buqi met Brian Swinton, an industry leader who specializes in providing high-end housekeeping and human resources services to the rich. When he was in Silicon Valley and Wall Street, he had heard of Mr. Swinton, who was in his 80s, and he was regarded as the patriarch of this industry in the United States.

Because the other party was too old, Zhou Buqi chatted with him a few more times out of respect.

The old man's first sentence was full of aura, and his voice was hoarse like throat cancer: "The richest people you know are all my clients. Boy, you need me."

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly, "Mr. Swinton..."

"Call me Brian, or Bobo."

"Brian...well, that's right. I bought a lot of big houses in the United States. I may not live here for a long time. I really need someone to take care of them."

"Want some kittens?"

It may be that he is getting old, or it may be that his status in the industry is too high. This is very rude and unscrupulous. The word "cat" has another meaning in English, which is a derogatory term for young and beautiful women.


Zhou Buqi was a little embarrassed.

I feel that my skills are still too shallow, and I am a little at a loss in front of this old hooligan.

I didn't expect the other party to go too far, and then even said racially discriminatory words, and said very calmly: "White cats are expensive, white cats in the United States are the most expensive, and black cats are free. Oh, you are yellow. , there are also yellow cats, and recently Miss Universe was held in the Philippines, so there is our business."

Zhou Buqi has been to Bill Gates' home, and even borrowed his private yacht. The maids at home, the beautiful waitresses on the yacht... It seems that they are all white girls from the United States.

Sure enough, he is the richest man in the world, with strong spending power.

Hey, these rich people have also gone to great lengths to create jobs. If I come to the United States to make money through private equity and develop Ziweixing’s business, I must assume social responsibility. It seems that we can only recruit some maids and waitresses to help the United States solve the employment problem under the severe economic situation.

Good people and good deeds do not respect national boundaries.

Zhou Buqi knew that he was a good person, but the current occasion was not right, "Old man, let's talk about the cooperation later. Well... Today is mainly for the promotion of my private equity. Are you always interested in participating?"

"How long is the closure period?"

"Five years."

"I heard that the conditions are very good, is it true?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said: "Of course it is true. PwC is our financial partner, Goldman Sachs is our strategy and supervision platform, and Mr. Noffman of the Federal Reserve is also..."

"Okay." Bryan Swinton waved his hand, feeling like he was selling his old age, "Boy, how much do you think I should pay?"

Zhou Buqi suggested: "Reserve the working capital, and the remaining money can be invested. You can even mortgage some assets to participate in my project. It has high returns and zero risks. This is a rare and good project."

"I'll offer $200 million."

"Oh? Good! Congratulations on making a great choice!"

Zhou Buqi smiled slightly, and couldn't help but want to curse.

Depend on!

He is really a rich man. As expected, providing services to the rich is a very profitable business, and he can easily spend 200 million U.S. dollars in living money.

The previous largest investor contributed US$500 million, but that was an institution, and it was invested by a foundation. Personal investment is generally about 10 million US dollars.

This is a 5-year closed-end fund, and many people can only invest with excess money. Except for some business owners, only the most top-notch people from all walks of life can participate. This person can come up with 200 million U.S. dollars in cash at once, which shows that he has a lot of money.

very good.

The more money you pay, the tighter the relationship.

At this time, Rick Efron from Goldman Sachs came over with a middle-aged man with glasses, and introduced with a smile: "Zhou, this is Jeff, Jeff White, the executive director of the NFL league. You don't want to acquire Manchester United, he might be able to help."

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