Top of the big era

Chapter 1217 Marionette

Chen Ran knows that the more successful a person is, the more confident he is. Boss Zhou was hesitant to engage in private equity a few days ago, but once he made the decision, the decision he made was really unimaginable.

Definitely a mentality issue.

Could it be that he recently wandered around Wall Street and met various investors and dignitaries, causing other changes in his psychology?

She can't see through.

Fortunately, after so many years, she has gained experience. None of these rich men are fools. You take him for a fool, and he takes you for a leek.

Thinking about it this way, Chen Ran seemed to be enlightened, and asked thoughtfully, "Is it the same as Starbucks cups, with only medium, large and super large cups?"

"Ah? Uh..." Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, then smiled, "It's almost all human nature. If you want to penetrate human nature, you still have to look at Silicon Valley."

Chen Ran was a little baffled, and didn't know what he was talking about, so he could only bite the bullet and say: "No matter what, it's a marketing strategy based on human nature. Wall Street's investment theory is that stocks are illusions created by the collective, and commissions are the goal to pursue. The main thing is to earn management fees.”

Zhou Buqi didn't take it seriously, "What's the point of earning management fees?"

Chen Ran struggled and said, "Then you have to make money, right?"

Zhou Buqi was a little speechless.

Going around and around, and back again.

If I don't explain it to her a little bit, she might not be able to sleep all night.

"Do you think there is a second private equity firm that can imitate my strategy?"


"That's why."


Chen Ran was slightly taken aback.

Zhou Buqi said: "The bigger the business, the more it needs a moat. How can there be a moat in the investment industry? Cutting your own way is not cutting off your own way, but cutting off the way for others to catch up."

Chen Ran didn't understand, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Buqi felt that Chen Ran's level was really not very high, which was not surprising.

Usually, this kind of service is provided by the financial assistants of the rich, and they change careers after a few years, because in the process of serving the rich, they understand their business experience and naturally discover the way to make money. Chen Ran has been doing this for decades, and he doesn't even have the intention to start his own accounting firm.

For Zhou Buqi, it was a good thing.

This shows that Chen Ran has no ambitions and is relatively stable. You can act like an ordinary person without daring to think wildly, and work for your boss in a well-behaved and down-to-earth manner.

Such an assistant is very suitable.

What he fears most in his investment strategy is his subordinates who are too smart.

"Do you think the power of the president is balanced? But he is elected from hundreds of millions of people, and you have to admit that he is unbalanced; I have to admit it; and last time Musk said that there was an actress named Theron who became a pig in order to win an Oscar. For this sake, send her the actress, other actresses Who dares to be unbalanced? Who can be unbalanced?"


"I set so many rules, you think I set them for myself? I ask for trouble?"

"Mr. Zhou..."

Chen Ran was speechless in a daze.

Zhou Buqi said lightly: "The rules are designed for ordinary people to control their minds. The function of the rules is that I have told you the truth, and you will still be addicted to lies. You can only be a rule Marionettes. And the rule makers always have a way to override the rules. Otherwise, why can I stand on the stage, and they are only worthy of cheering for me in the audience?"

Chen Ran twitched the corner of his mouth.

A little broken.

Boss Zhou is too loud!

Ordinary people... What you have to face is thousands of private equity managers and investment experts on Wall Street, and they are all the smartest people in the world. In your eyes, they have all become ordinary people?

But following his way of thinking, many things can be understood.

20% guaranteed annualized return?

Return management fee?

Loss compensation mechanism?

It is impossible for any private equity firm in the world to offer such terms. But Boss Zhou is willing to give it, which is equivalent to drawing a few red lines.

The greater the risk, the greater the reward.

This is more acceptable in the investment circle.

When a person takes the risk of losing his fortune to invest and then succeeds, what he gains is often not jealousy, but applause and cheers, which he deserves.

If a person spends 2 yuan to win the big lottery, or speculates on the money earned by playing tricks, it is easy to make people jealous.

The set of rules set by Boss Zhou is to delimit himself on the cusp of the greatest risk, and he may capsize and die if he is not careful.

No one else dares to play like this.

If he succeeds, others still dare not play like this, so they can only look up to him.

Just like Buffett.

The whole world understands Buffett's investment logic, but no one wants to learn from him and can only look up to him. Other Wall Street capitalists are called "hungry wolves", "wealthy wolves", and "vampires", but Buffett is respectfully called "stock god".

The very important reason is that Buffett's investment philosophy itself is an insurmountable rule, a red line that trades life for wealth.

Gradually, Chen Ran felt the pulse of Boss Zhou.

He is not after making money.

What he pursues is that while earning a lot of money and collecting a lot of people's admiration, he can also be praised by all people, be highly sought after by everyone, and gain both fame and fortune.

No wonder this kid is so active in core technology research and development in China, and wants to split Ziwei Star Group, and donate all Ziwei Star's domestic stocks in the future...

This is really treating ordinary people as dolls.

Chen Ran sighed, well, he can only admit that although he has a total net worth of more than 20 million US dollars, he can only be an ordinary person in front of him, and he is also that marionette. If Boss Zhou didn't talk about this kind of thing, she would probably never think of it in her entire life. She could only stay in the doll's thinking, and be invisible and manipulated by people like him like a marionette through human nature.

After a long time of contact, she can be regarded as slowly seeing it.

Boss Zhou this time is not at all as harmless and righteous as he has shown. That's right, how can a character of this level be looked at by conventional moral standards? Moral standards are set by them, and they can override them.


"The rules are dead. What if the investment really loses money?"

"Losing money!"

"Losing money to investors?"

Zhou Buqi took it for granted: "Of course, when starting a business in China, many people will have similar terms when accepting financing. Once the investor loses money, the founder has to bear it personally and pay the money back. This is The responsibility of an outstanding entrepreneur.”


If it was in the past, Chen Ran might have believed it. Now I understand, this big boss Zhou is a crazy fool who paints big cakes. It's just that there are still some confusions that can't be explained clearly. It depends on how he will operate next.


After all, Zhou Buqi is not a professional, he just set a framework, and Chen Ran will design the details.

The next morning, when Zhou Buqi was still in Jiang Bingjie and Li Xinwan's warm and fragrant soft jade, Chen Ran came to the door.

no way.

Chen Ran is an aunt in her 50s. She is too old. Out of respect, Zhou Buqi can only get up quickly, take a shower, and work hard. When she was fully dressed, she went to the living room to meet her.

She has already laid out the outline.

There are many detailed clauses, but there are only three core clauses.

First, the principle of ultra-high guaranteed return.

If the annualized rate of return is lower than 20%, the fund will not receive profit dividends.

Second, the principle of returning management fees.

If the annualized rate of return is lower than 10%, the fund will not only not collect profit dividends, but will also refund the fund management fee.

Third, the principle of compensation for losses.

If the annualized rate of return is lower than 0%, the fund will not only not collect profit dividends, return management fees, but also compensate investors for their investment losses in the current year.

"Ah, very good!"

Zhou Buqi is very satisfied with a set of clear fund red lines.

Chen Ran was silent for a long time, but still couldn't help it, and whispered: "Mr. Zhou, I know you are a big shot, and you stand high and see far. But I still don't understand, what should I do if I lose money? I really want to take the money myself Fill it in?"

Zhou Buqi is a little funny, she is really a woman, she can really get to the bottom of it. Anyway, she also resigned, and it’s okay to say more, saying: “I’m doing value investing in the field of science and technology. The annualized return is not 100%, 80% is stable and guaranteed.”

Chen Ran was speechless.

Zhou Buqi said: "If something unexpected happens and the fund loses money for the year, then that's really something to be happy about. Only when we lose money in real money can this red line be truly confirmed."

Chen Ran didn't know what to say.

Zhou Buqi sighed and waved his hand, "It's not necessary in recent years. What about the financial tsunami? All investors want to make money, and we can't let them lose money. I'm also in a hurry to spend money. When the economy recovers in a few years, The financial pressure on my side is not so great, I can find a way to do the accounting, make a loss, and compensate a sum of money.”


Chen Ran was completely stunned.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Have you ever used Helo? A chat software of Ziweixing."


"There is a function here, which is free text messages. Helo relied on this business to spread all over the university campus in the beginning. Not only free text messages, but also tens of billions of subsidies. Users can receive gold coins to make money. You know what the result is ?"

"I guess, it must be very successful."

"Yes, the user is God. After serving God, why not succeed?" Zhou Buqi put the materials in his hand on the table, "The most important thing in doing the Internet is to understand human nature. That's what I do. , all doors are open. The same is true for investing, grasping human nature, and trying everything.”

Chen Ran has seen the evil of this big boss, "Even if you make a loss on the accounts, the income remains the same. The income from the previous year will be added to the next year, and you will earn a penny. Investors But I got the so-called 'compensation', and I feel lucky and happy in my heart. You don't treat users as gods, you treat users as dolls."

"Nothing! I always do things sincerely, don't get me wrong." Zhou Buqi frowned, then sighed, a little helpless, "But my investment strategy is so good, even if you are a senior accountant, It may not be possible to make a huge amount of income negative. It is really difficult to lose some money!"


"Forget it, let's start the fund first. If you can't make a loss, wait a few years to see if you can find other opportunities to take advantage of investors."

Chen Ran was angry and funny, amused by the boy's inexplicable self-confidence, "I have designed the general plan, you can ask the people from Goldman Sachs, they are professional. These three red lines are a bit too much, they may not agree."

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