Top of the big era

Chapter 1206 Enterprise Service Division

Zhou Buqi may not return to China in the short term.

There are some things that cannot be dealt with after returning to China. Zhou Buqi made a phone call with Zhang Yiming and exchanged ideas on Yammer, that is, the public version of the corporate intranet.

Any enterprise or organization needs an intranet-type communication platform to bring everyone together and discuss things that cannot be known to outsiders.

But it is not easy to build such an internal platform.

Most institutions and enterprises use QQ groups and Helo groups, which have many disadvantages. When sending messages in the group, you send everyone one by one, and important messages are quickly covered up by follow-up messages. It is easy to happen that the information transmission is not in place.

Even the forum mode that Ziweixing is using now is not the optimal solution.

To post content in the forum, it will be very troublesome to click and open each post before you can see the content inside. If you click in often, you will find that the content inside is not that important.

The best model is Weibo or circle of friends.

The published information is clear at a glance.

Ziweixing now has both Weibo and Moments, but these are all for the public. What I am doing now is a product for enterprises and institutions in the privacy field, with no technical difficulty.

After hearing what Zhou Buqi said, Zhang Yiming immediately realized the difficulty, "From a technical point of view, this project is very simple. The difficulty lies in the operation of the product after it is manufactured. How can this product be used in enterprises, institutions and businesses?" Promotion in the unit."

Zhou Buqi said: "Free + paid."

"What is the logic of payment?"

"Provide more management authority to enterprises."

"Tell me specifically?"

"The advantages of this product are mainly in three aspects. First, the orderliness of information, which is a weakness of Helo and QQ groups, which cannot be organized according to different topics in the group; second, the confidentiality of information. There may be spies in the group; third, the integration of different terminal information. Intranet and Dida can cooperate to send emails, instant messaging, mobile phone text messages, etc..."

"By the way, I have something to tell you."

Zhang Yiming interrupted him suddenly.

Zhou Buqi asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhang Yiming said: "I have already approved the name change of Dida."


"At first it was called 'Dida', and it was also an internal trial version. Feedback has been received during this period, and people don't like the name. The onomatopoeia lacks symbolic meaning and is not intuitive enough. Especially when speaking to relatives and friends outside, When I heard about the product 'Tick', I thought it was some kind of music software."

Zhang Yiming is now the president of Ziwei Star and an executive of M9. In terms of business execution, he can completely bypass Boss Zhou and make some decisions on his own.

This decision is quite powerful.

Because the name "Tick" was decided by Zhou Buqi at the beginning.

Zhou Buqi didn't feel that the power was taken away by others, which is as it should be. He has been away for a long time, and he still does not delegate power to the company's affairs, which will inevitably stifle innovation.

Sohu is a negative teaching material.

Lao Zhang has a strong desire to control, and he needs to approve and pass everything on Sohu. But this buddy is not very conspicuous, and travels around the mountains and rivers. It is often that something happens in the company, but no one makes a decision in the end, and misses the opportunity again and again.

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Okay, what did you change it to?"



"Isn't the name of WeChat pre-determined? This one is called Weishu, which just matches. Moreover, there are so many products for corporate collaborative office, and the focus is different. Our product focuses on document office. Through document delivery, collaboration , Meetings to maximize efficiency. Documents are miniature books, in line with the symbolic meaning of 'micro-books'. Well, the English name can continue to be called 'Tita'."

"Has it been implemented?"

"M3 and above are seeking opinions, and the name will be changed after approval."

"Okay, do as you want."

Of course Zhou Buqi accepted.

Whether it is Tick or Weishu, this is an important office software product of Ziweixing in the future. Especially after Google withdrew from the mainland market, Google Docs could no longer be used. This is a more powerful substitute.

Because the functions are too powerful, it needs to be matched with the cloud computing platform to provide SaaS services.

That is, all documents are stored on the cloud.

Users can view documents at any time period on any terminal, PC, mobile phone, tablet computer and other smart devices. Instead of the documents traditionally stored in the computer hard disk, you can only open the computer when you want to view them. If the computer breaks down, important documents will be lost.

Zhou Buqi felt that the support for Zhang Yiming should be strengthened, and said, "By the way, you are the acting president now, right?"

"Yes, according to the requirements, I can officially become the president next month." Zhang Yiming smiled, and didn't think there was any difference between the acting president and the official president.

Zhou Buqi said: "After you become the official president, I will nominate you as vice chairman on the board of directors. I intend to split Ziweixing, and my energy may focus on the development of overseas business in the future."


Zhang Yiming was stunned for a moment, this is fine, why do you want to split it up?

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, to separate the domestic business from the overseas business, one is Ziweixing Group, and the other is Ziweixing Overseas Group. The two systems are forced to be placed in one basket. It's too awkward. Why don't we split them up?" Don’t worry about this, we’ll talk about it when I go back. You should organize a team first to get things done on the corporate intranet.”

Zhang Yiming said easily: "I understand what you mean, the 'free + paid' model. The logic of payment is to give management authority. For the orderliness of information, it can be organized according to topics and threads, and can be directly replied Topics; you can delete spam messages; there are also functions of Feed, Received, Sent, and All, and you can also use Feed to track topics of interest...We have Weibo and Moments, which is very easy.”

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "It's really professional, I didn't expect it."

Zhang Yiming said: "I still say the same thing. The development stage of this project is easy, but the subsequent operation is the difficulty. How can enterprises and institutions use our products?"

"Do you have an idea?"

"The business level needs to be restructured."


Zhou Buqi was a little funny.

Sure enough, a new official takes office three fires, this is the human nature that conforms to the consensus, and everyone is the same. Are you thinking about changing the management structure?

Zhang Yiming said solemnly: "I propose to set up a new business department, the enterprise service department, which is responsible for operating some enterprise-level products. For example, Weishu, such as Weidian Antivirus. After the cloud computing platform is launched in the future, it is mainly for enterprises. Customers. There needs to be a single unified team responsible for operations."

Zhou Buqi was silent for a while.

I think this idea is correct.

Cloud computing business is mainly for enterprises, institutions and public institutions, all of which require a sales team and technical support team dedicated to enterprise customers.

This team happens to be able to continue to recommend projects for enterprise services such as micro-books and intranets. There may even be an enterprise version of anti-virus software that has been shelved internally for many years.

"Who will be the president of the division?"

"Let Ji Zian take over."


Zhou Buqi was a little surprised.

Zhang Yiming said: "The campus market is too small, and the development bottleneck of the intranet is almost the same. He can devote more energy to start this business. When the cloud computing platform is developed in the future, cloud computing will be the main direction, it can be reorganized into the Ziwei Cloud Division.”

Zhou Buqi pondered for a moment, "You can organize a decision-making committee to discuss it. As long as the general direction is right, I will support it."

Cloud computing business is still too important.

With this business as the foundation, more enterprise services can be developed. As long as corporate customers use Ziwei Cloud, they will also use more corporate services under Ziweixing, such as Weibo, corporate intranet, Wanwang that may be acquired in the future, and enterprise anti-virus software that may be launched in the future, deep learning Frameworks, open source middleware, managed code, and more.

This general direction is correct.

In the future, there will be many domestic cloud computing platforms.

How does Ziweiyun form its competitiveness?

If it is a large amount of data processing business, the technical level is very important. For example, if tens of millions of people scan health codes, if the big data technology is not up to standard, the system will be paralyzed. This is because the cloud computing platform used behind it is not good, and a cloud platform with better technology is needed. When there is nothing wrong, all kinds of platforms complain about it, and if something happens, you have to go to Alibaba Cloud to put out the fire.

In terms of technology, Ziweixing is at least invincible in China.

If it is a small and medium-sized enterprise customer, the amount of data is not large, and the technical level is not so important. A one-stop enterprise-oriented ecosystem is very important.

Using Ziwei Cloud, you can solve database, intranet, office software, anti-virus software, domain name registration system, SMS service system, etc. at one time, and this ecosystem is built.

Simple and convenient, hassle-free and efficient.

Every night, Zhou Buqi handles some domestic affairs by phone or video. After speaking with Zhang Yiming, Zhou Buqi walked out of the study, ready to rest.

Feng Mu'er was the only one in the bedroom.

Sun Guanran was inconvenient.

Zhou Buqi sighed, and felt that it was hard work for the two of them to accompany them in bed every day, and it had been more than half a month. Especially with the recent encounters with Hollywood female stars, those vixens have no good intentions.


Plan ahead!

Domestic ones are much better than Hollywood ones!

She is well-behaved and obedient, and she is safe and reliable.

Zhou Buqi called Yang Mi.

"Father Zhou!"

"Are you busy lately?"

"Not busy, Maodong."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "I'm in America, do you want to come over? Take Jiang Mengjie and Li Xinwan with you."

Yang Mi was a little surprised, "Really?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, come here now, just fly to Los Angeles. I have to use the plane a lot recently, so I can't pick you up. You guys should take civil aviation."

"What about the visa?"

This is the most important thing. Mainland citizens cannot get a visa on arrival.

Yang Mi is just a small star, she can't get a green pass, and it takes many days to get a tourist visa.

It's not a problem for Zhou Buqi, "It's okay, I will contact you later, let Universal Pictures send a job invitation, go through the fast track through Jieyu Media, and you can buy tickets the day after tomorrow at the latest. You don't need to bring anything , what’s missing, come and buy.”

"Universal Pictures?" Yang Mi cheered and jumped up, "Father Zhou, am I going to Hollywood to make a movie?"

"To make a movie, you have to experience life." Zhou Buqi smiled, "I bought a few new houses, which are pretty good. I'll take you guys to live there for a while to experience the decadent life of capitalism."

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