Top of the big era

Chapter 1198 Microsoft really made a move

Dad sent a letter, saying that the Premier League giants are very expensive, and the acquisition procedures are very complicated, and it will take a year and a half from the start to the end.

However, expensive is also limited.

$1 billion is enough.

Zhou Buqi is very happy. There are still 2.2 billion US dollars in overseas accounts, which seems to be enough, and can be used for further asset allocation.

Such a large amount of money is also very complicated to manage.

After Nie Caijun's recommendation, the management of Zhou Buqi's personal account was handed over to Ms. Chen Ran, a partner of PwC in Los Angeles.

She was the former leader of Nie Caijun. She is in her 50s and serves the super rich.

Base management fee of $800,000 per year.

Really low.

Mainly, Ms. Chen is not Zhou Buqi's full-time financial assistant, she serves several wealthy people at the same time. And she just obeyed Zhou Buqi's arrangement to do financial planning, and she couldn't arrange it independently. Consultants like Bill Gates want to help Bill Gates make plans for property planning, asset allocation and adjustment, and the fees will be high, tens of millions of dollars per year.

Zhou Buqi has set up a family fund, named "Fang Fei Trust Fund" after his mother. All stocks, precious metals, real estate, luxury cars and other fixed assets are placed in this fund.

After chatting with Feng Ke, Zhou Buqi basically gave up on Hulu.

Either, Ziweixing will buy it all and do it according to its own ideas; or, it will be good bye. It is impossible to finance Hulu and partner with Hollywood to build a website.

Ditch Hulu, that's easy.

Keep your eyes on Netflix!

Now Netflix, the stock price is only about 11 US dollars, and the market value is less than 800 million US dollars.

When Zhou Buqi took a bath with Sun Guanran and Feng Muer at night to prepare for the next love, he called Chen Ran: "Sister Chen, do me a favor."

"It seems that Marvel is coming to an end." Chen Ran thought he was talking about this matter, "I contacted Goldman Sachs and Marvel today, and it is estimated that this financing case will be signed next Monday or Tuesday."

"Oh?" Zhou Buqi was very happy, "The audit is over?"

"Well, everything is fine."

"Great, but I'm not talking about this. I'm talking about the new job."


"Well... I plan to buy part of Netflix's stock, do you know Netflix?"

Chen Ran smiled and said: "Of course I know, this is one of the stocks I focus on. At the end of last year, Netflix's board of directors thought that the stock price was low, so they made a decision to repurchase the stock. Now that the stock is lower, I I think that at the year-end board meeting, there may be another share repurchase.”

Once the stock is repurchased, it means that Netflix's stock price may increase.

However, with the repurchase of shares, there will be fewer shares in circulation on the market.

Zhou Buqi said in a deep voice, "Sister Chen, I bought Netflix shares not for the sake of increasing the value of the shares."


Chen Ran raised his eyebrows.

Zhou Buqi said: "I checked, Netflix is ​​not an AB stock, I want to have a large degree of right to speak."

"wait a moment!"

Chen Ran went from the living room to the study, feeling that this was a big deal, and said cautiously, "Mr. Zhou, you want to join Netflix's board of directors? Do you want to control Netflix?"

Zhou Buqi said: "There is no need for control. I trust the current management team and I trust their decision-making. But I hope to have enough influence."

Netflix is ​​not an AB share, which means that the same shares have the same rights. Whoever has more shares has more power to speak. If Zhou Buqi becomes the absolute major shareholder, he can even appoint himself as the chairman of the board of directors and dismiss the current management team.

However, Zhou Buqi didn't want to go this far.

Chen Ran was silent for a long time, and said slowly: "Mr. Zhou, for such a big case, you need to find an investment bank like Goldman Sachs or Citigroup to handle it. If you just buy some stocks from the secondary market, it's easy."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said: "I know, take your time. You should first scan the secondary market, the more the better."

Chen Randao: "Netflix has a total share capital of 68 million, and there are less than 30 million shares in circulation in the market. Buying too much in a short period of time can easily cause market turmoil. It is best to go to the primary market to buy."

"It's okay, let's scan the goods first, the quota for sneaky buying is 5%?"


"That's 3.4 million shares. It's not bad. Let's buy it first. On the primary market, I'll ask Goldman Sachs for help."

Zhou Buqi had already planned it.

Investing in Yammer, which is a social field, is related to Ziwei Star, and can carry out strategic cooperation between companies. However, the video website business is not involved in Ziweixing.

Moreover, directly sweeping goods in the name of Ziweixing on a large scale put too much pressure on Netflix's board of directors and management, and the negotiation might collapse.

Zhou Buqi didn't want to offend anyone, and he didn't want to oust Netflix's founder team. It's best for everyone to work together to make money.

First enter the field in the name of an individual.

First enter the field of video websites, see for yourself what this industry is like, whether it can intersect with Ziweixing's business, and carry out some strategic cooperation.

If so, try to push Ziwei Star into the market.

Netflix is ​​a mature and successful listed company with thriving performance and a monopoly in the online DVD rental industry. In this case, there is no possibility of eating Netflix.

Even if the power of capital is used, such as Coca-Cola's acquisition of Huiyuan, the premium of 5 times or 8 times is forcibly acquired, and the management of Netflix will also be disbanded, so the acquisition is meaningless.

The greatest value of Netflix is ​​not the brand or the business, but the excellent and thoughtful management team. If it were someone else, Netflix would probably die in an industry where content is king.

Amazon is a $1 trillion giant, and Apple is a $2 trillion giant. In the field of the video industry, they have to obediently praise Hollywood's stinky feet.

Only Netflix dares to take on Hollywood.

And put Hollywood on the ground.


Zhou Buqi now has to plan more for personal interests.

no way.


As an entrepreneur, he has social responsibilities; as a man, he has family responsibilities.

Ning Yaxian is pregnant.

Always make extra money to support the family.

Not only Ning Yaxian, but also the two goblins beside her, Sun Guanran and Feng Muer.

At this moment, Zhou Buqi had just passed them two, and was resting on the bed, feeling the tenderness and beauty of a sage's time.

The phone rang suddenly.

Feng Muer sat up and took the mobile phone from the bedside, and said in a low voice, "It's the secretary."

It's daytime in China right now, so there should be work to report, Zhou Buqi took the phone and asked seriously: "Yaxian, it's me, how is my stomach?"

"It's fine, everything is normal."

"It's time to rest and take a walk. Nothing is more important than the son in your belly!"

Ning Yaxian laughed and said, "Why is he a son?"

Zhou Buqi said domineeringly: "I said a son is a son! I can feel it!"

"Yeah, your child, you have the right to say." Ning Yaxian was very sweet in her heart, "What are you doing? Are you busy?"

Zhou Buqi said unambiguously: "I'm not busy, I just finished playing with women."

Ning Yaxian asked: "Who is it?"

"Who else could it be? Just the two of them, you don't know who I am? I never mess around outside." Zhou Buqi was serious and showed off, "The two little fairies are too poor. , easily won."

Sun Guanran pushed him away, sat up, gave him a blank look, and pulled Feng Muer up, "Let's go, let's go take a shower!"

Zhou Buqi secretly sighed.

She felt that Sun Guanran was really sensible, and she was trying to avoid suspicion, so as not to overhear Ning Yaxian saying something important. In fact, it's not necessary, as long as Feng Mu'er can put her sense of belonging on herself and be a concubine with peace of mind, there will be nothing to avoid in the future.

"Wanwan, if it doesn't work, just take a pill, don't get pregnant."

"Oh, I told you about my safe period."

Sun Guanran didn't turn her head back, and was very impatient with his nagging, especially for such things.

Zhou Buqi talked to Ning Yaxian about the child in her belly again. Her words were tender, sweet like a girl, talking about small things like first love. She went to the hospital with Aunt Xue Check, plan medical examination arrangements together...

He also talked about his younger sister Ning Yameng.

It seems that the blind box has been finished and will be shipped to Japan.

Zhou Buqi no longer pays attention to this business, and it doesn't matter if it succeeds or fails. The situation in Japan has been opened, and the blind box business is no longer needed to complete the ecological supplement.

"By the way, you bought a house in Silicon Valley?"

"Well, it's $62 million! It's been negotiated, and we can move in after signing in a few days."

"So expensive?"

Ning Yaxian was stunned.

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "A super luxurious manor, the swimming pool is more than 100 meters long, and there is a special police room. A retired Vietnam War veteran is guarding it, he seems to be a major. He carries a rifle every day, I see that there are six or seven types of guns in the police room alone."

Ning Yaxian was a little worried, "Is there any danger?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, you can't bet on one person. I talked to him about forming a police team of 5-7 people. We usually take care of the house together, and we can also play ball together so that we don't have to be alone. Boring. We can also act as temporary bodyguards after we pass by."

Ning Yaxian whispered: "After a few months, I will go to raise the baby."


"Birth in China, the child doesn't even have a proper identity, and the household registration is not easy to handle. Leaking the news will not be good for your reputation. I want to go to the United States to give birth."

"Well, okay."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

Many people in China want to come to the United States to give birth, and different people have different reasons. Some people think that the social welfare here is good, some people think that the educational environment here is relaxed, and some people think that it is very convenient to travel around the world with an American passport...

For characters at Zhou Buqi's level, these are not problems.

The biggest reason is that the child must have an upright legal identity. Domestic family planning, even illegitimate children, cannot exceed the standard.

"Let's not talk about this, I have something to tell you."

"What's up?"

"Microsoft has launched a new policy for the domestic market."

Zhou Buqi's heart skipped a beat, "Sure enough, I knew it! How about it?"

Ning Yaxian said calmly: "There are two genuine value-added plan notifications, one is for the Windows system and the other is for the Office software. If it is a pirated Windows system, the background of the computer desktop will turn black every hour. No matter how you change the wallpaper, it will not change; if it is a pirated version of Office software, it will be permanently watermarked."

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