Top of the big era

Chapter 1196 The origin is very deep

Unaware of Zhou Buqi's careful thinking, David Sachs is still enthusiastically introducing his new entrepreneurial project like offering a treasure.

it's actually very good.

This website won the top 50 creative project awards in the United States when it was first born. If it weren't for the special period, it would be easy to get financing. And as soon as the website was launched, more than 200 companies or organizations registered.

However, gradually Zhou Buqi also heard some problems.

David Sachs: "In order to ensure the properties of the internal network, external personnel are not allowed to enter the internal network of the enterprise. Therefore, the registration mechanism of Yammer is the enterprise mailbox. Only the mailbox of the relevant enterprise can be used to register on the internal network of the relevant enterprise. "

"Enterprise mailbox?" Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback, "What if there is no enterprise mailbox?"

David Sachs was also taken aback, "Why not? This is very simple, buy a server, and then buy a set of mail service software, can't it be set up?"

Zhou Buqi was amused.

If you can even set up your own corporate mailbox, how difficult is it to build an intranet? The intranet is nothing more than an internal forum where you can discuss. There are various software templates everywhere. You can buy one, install it, and simply debug it.

David Sachs said: "Twitter is positioned as a public group. There is no threshold, and anyone can register. Yammer is aimed at corporate users, and identity verification can only be completed through corporate email registration. The security of the intranet must be ensured. "

"I don't think all businesses have business email."

"That's something to consider next."


Zhou Buqi nodded.

The technological environment of the two countries should be different. The mailbox culture is very popular here in the United States, and most companies have their own mailboxes. Mail usage is extremely high.

In the era of the e-mail explosion, the country has not developed yet, and this is not popular.

It seems that if we want to do it in China, we still have to make some changes to suit the national conditions.

David Sachs went on to say: "People pay attention to circles. In fact, the company itself is a circle. It has a natural SNS foundation, but it lacks such a platform. Especially in large organizations and companies, many colleagues are not familiar with each other, but they need a social circle. A platform that can communicate internally and use internal intellectual resources to better complete work. Such a platform has advantages far beyond MSN."

"That's right."

Zhou Buqi seconded, this is a major role of the intranet.

When encountering difficulties and problems that cannot be solved, post a post on the intranet, and other employees and leaders in the company, whoever has a solution, can reply to the message and provide suggestions.

But what David Sachs thought next made Zhou Buqi disagree.

He actually thought of using Yammer to complete the collaborative office within the enterprise, which can easily manage the information exchange and resource document sharing among employees and project teams within the enterprise...

This is not just a function of the intranet.

As far as Ziweixing is concerned, it is just "intranet + tick".

This ambition is too great!

If you want to build Yammer into a collaborative office platform for enterprises, and even communicate and deliver documents in a timely manner, it can't just be a website.

It is really inconvenient for users to send messages, chat, and transfer documents on the web page, and the pressure on the browser is also high, and it is easy to crash.

To be a client software.

However, if you want to make software, these functions are too few. Dida integrates instant messaging, video conferencing, document office, third-party ERP software and other functions.

Zhou Buqi didn't say much.

The environment of the two countries is different. There are too many office software in the United States, and the pressure of competition is too great, especially for document collaboration. Google Docs is already in front of it.

It is inconvenient to use Google in China, so Dida has a great opportunity. The United States obviously can't do it. David Sachs may not want to participate in challenging Google.

What to do with Yammer, David Sachs has a very positive idea, and it must have been considered after a long time. This cannot be done domestically.

The intranet is the intranet, which is a forum in the form of microblogging on the local area network of an enterprise.

It is mainly for online sharing of information, not for office collaboration.

It is enough to only undertake the role of the intranet.

"Dick + intranet", this function is far more powerful than Yammer, and the coverage is also wider. For those who are more professional, you can use "Dick+Intranet"; for those who are not close, just use "QQ+Intranet" or "Helo+Intranet" is enough.

For example, if a company with 100 employees wants to build its own intranet, not counting the money to buy servers and intranet software, it will cost 5,000 yuan a month to hire a technician to maintain the intranet. All kinds of expenses are counted, and the company spends 100,000 yuan a year for this person.

If you directly purchase Ziweixing's intranet service... Even if the annual membership fee for each employee is 100 yuan, the annual expenditure is only 10,000 yuan.

Moreover, the intranet built by myself has a single version, which can only be the Windows version under the PC, and it will not work if you change the platform. Ziweixing's public intranet can solve this problem, and can develop multiple versions, and even make a mobile app. It is much more convenient to use the mobile phone to access the company's intranet after returning home.

Even Ziweixing's intranet can't be logged in through mobile phones now.

This project has a lot going for it!

Next, David Sachs talked about the profit model, using the "free + paid" strategy. Free to expand customer base, paid to provide value-added services.

David Sachs said: "The payment mainly sells the management rights of the enterprise on the intranet. For example, deleting some posts, banning some employees, or an employee resigned, but he is still on the intranet, he must pass the authority Come and forcefully cancel this account. This fee is paid by the company and paid according to the number of employees."

Zhou Buqi smiled and said, "Good idea, what about the payment standard?"

David Sachs said: "At present, a fee service of US$1 per person per month has been launched. More website functions will be developed in the future. For example, videos can be uploaded... The CEO can record a 60-second speech every day to Express the development direction of the enterprise, value discovery, difficulties and obstacles encountered, etc. The video service is a premium version, which is currently under development. The initial pricing is $5 per person per month."


Zhou Buqi had a deeper understanding of this project, and quietly stole the lesson.

"Then do you want to vote?"

David Sachs is bright-eyed, smiling, and confident.

Zhou Buqi smiled, "Of course."


Seeing Yang Zhiyuan this time, I gained a lot.

Not only conceived the next big plan for Ziweixing's split, but also won a small project by the way. At a price of 3 million US dollars, he won a 20% stake in Yammer, the enterprise version of Twitter.

More importantly, David Sachs has been in touch with Elon Musk and expressed his willingness to match. He also said that Musk seemed to be a different person during this time, and he was crazy.

In the past, this kid's heart was higher than the sky, and he felt that the earth couldn't hold him, and he thought about going to Mars every day like a paranoia. He didn't pay attention to a mere electric vehicle company, and he felt like it was at his fingertips.

A wave of financial tsunami directly knocked him back to his original form.

No money!

Electric vehicles are not yet mass-produced, and are even in the stage of hand-made. There is no way, this buddy has too much to do, it is a new industry.

It is not difficult to develop electric vehicles. Especially for a technology madman like Musk, assembling a car is not called technology, it is similar to assembling a mobile phone or a computer.

The real challenge is intelligent robots capable of mass-producing electric vehicles. Robots that are compatible with Tesla must be built first, and then robots can be used to replace labor and build cars automatically. Then we can continue to build factories and expand production capacity.

The current Tesla on the market is selling one and paying for one.

Only the top cars in the world are handmade, such as Rolls-Royce and Aston Martin, which cost millions of dollars.

Tesla is also handmade, so the cost is skyrocketing.

It can only be maintained by burning money.

The economic crisis came and there was no money.

The company is going bankrupt!

Another point is that the rockets launched by Musk’s other company, SpaceX, keep failing and failing. is a madman.

The company has no money either.

Musk has already bet all his assets on the last chance. Once it fails, not only will the company go bankrupt, but he will also bear huge debts personally.

More importantly, his family also had problems, and the marriage that lasted for 8 years also ended some time ago. The reason is that this buddy was dishonest during his marriage and had long-term unclear relationships with many Hollywood female stars.

Right now is definitely the darkest time in his life.

He broke down and cried several times during interviews.

If it were an ordinary person, they might not be able to bear the pressure and commit suicide.

If someone is willing to give money at this time, let him kneel down and call him grandpa.

Hearing that Musk is in such a miserable situation now, Zhou Buqi is relieved.

Don't worry.

Do other things first, go to Zuckerberg first!

The contract is over.

We can officially sign the contract.

Zhou Buqi personally invested 230 million US dollars and got 2.27% of the shares.

After settling the Facebook case, Zhou Buqi went to Hulu's R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley and met Hulu's chief technology officer Eric Feng whom he had met at the Asian Charity Fund's gathering.

He is 29 years old this year, a second-generation Chinese, and he can't speak Chinese very well.

However, he has worked in China for a long time, and has a lot of connections with Ziweixing.

In his early years he worked at Microsoft. It happened that Microsoft was going to be a research center in China, so he was sent here. When he was in China, he was an engineer and technical director of Microsoft China, and a subordinate of Shen Xiangyang and Wang Jian.

In 2007, Hollywood giants jointly founded Hulu.

This is a Los Angeles-based video site, not a Silicon Valley company.

For a while, it was difficult to recruit suitable R\u0026D personnel in Los Angeles, and it was necessary to go to Silicon Valley to build a branch...but the cost of going to Silicon Valley was too much.

Simply come to China!

In 2007, Hulu established a branch in China, and invited Eric Feng, product manager of Microsoft China, as the co-founder and chief technology officer of Hulu.

The Hulu website was born in Hulu China's R\u0026D center led by Eric Feng.

After his birth, Eric Feng returned to the United States and actively organized a second R\u0026D center in Silicon Valley. But this R\u0026D center is halfway done, and it cannot continue due to the constraints of the economy.

At present, there are only 17 technical teams.

In other words, Hulu's current technical support relies entirely on the technical team of the domestic R\u0026D center.

The origin is very deep!

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