Top of the big era

Chapter 1194 Ziwei Star Wants to Spin Off

Coupa Cafe.

Yang Zhiyuan was explaining his philosophy, "Although I seldom go to mainland China, I know a little bit about the situation there. I am a director of Ali. Yahoo has already withdrawn. Will Google be next?"

"Is this your greatest feeling?"

Zhou Buqi was a little funny, thinking that this buddy could really put money on his face, comparing Yahoo with Google.

Yang Zhiyuan coughed lightly, "The general direction is the same. This is not a problem in the mainland. It is the same in the whole world. The difference is that the United States is leading the world after World War II. They have greater influence and more followers."

Zhou Buqi agrees with this sentence.

The most typical is Facebook.

In the previous life, Zuckerberg was on the wrong side for a while, and went to the White House every day to flatter his feet, and then there was a thunderstorm, and various things happened, "Leaking and illegal use of user privacy", "Social networks deal with hatred "speech and false information" and so on, encountered a joint boycott of more than 1,000 large companies, including Pfizer, Bayer, Microsoft, Honda, Ford, Unilever and other world-class giants.

Facebook is still a real American company, and it still suffers like this.

Not to mention a company from China with huge influence in the public opinion field.

In China, some content must be deleted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and rumors cannot be spread, and those who do not delete will be punished; in foreign countries, some content must not be deleted in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and users’ freedom of speech must be protected, and those who do not delete will be punished .

These are two value systems.

TikTok deleted some short videos abroad in accordance with domestic requirements, and something went wrong.

There is no media organization in the world that can eat both sides. Who doesn’t want the mainland market like Google, Facebook, Netflix, and Hulu?

But there is no way around it.

Yang Zhiyuan stopped short, then opened the next topic, and said with a smile: "Moreover, there are two salary systems at home and abroad, which are difficult to integrate. The salary levels in Europe, America, Canada, South Korea, Japan, and Australia are similar. It’s another system. I don’t know much about it, probably the state subsidizes some basic guarantee materials such as energy, food, and transportation, and the price is relatively low, so you can live comfortably with low wages.”

"Don't talk nonsense if you don't know." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, "However, the two salary systems are indeed troublesome. Forcibly integrating them is a bit ridiculous."

The salary of foreign executives is several million dollars, tens of millions of dollars. The salary of domestic executives is several million yuan, tens of millions of yuan. What about the exchange rate.

If it is forced to unify, the management system will be very embarrassing.

Either foreign wages will be cut, which will lead to a brain drain and a decline in competitiveness; or domestic wages will be raised, and such high salaries will far exceed social perception standards.

This is only the most superficial phenomenon.

Because the number of senior executives is small, we can be ruthless and try to find a way to force unification. Regardless of whether they are yellow or white, everyone does the same work and gets the same wages.

Even if there are problems, at least equality is achieved.

Focusing on ordinary people is the cruelest thing.

Ordinary employees abroad earn 20,000 US dollars a month; ordinary employees in China earn 20,000 Huaxia coins a month.

For a domestic company, domestic employees work more overtime and have a greater workload, but their wages are a fraction of that of foreign employees.

All companies that have business overseas are like this, and the spread is too wide.

Compared with the regulatory issues of anti-globalization that may exist in the future, which is a headache for Zhou Buqi, the fairness of the salary system is what he cares most about.

A major philosophy of Ziweixing is justice and equality.

If the salaries of employees cannot be equal, how can we talk about equality?

In this era, equality of wealth is the greatest equality. This is also the biggest motivation for Ziwei Star to split into Ziwei Star Group and Ziwei Star Overseas Group.

Into two companies, doing their own thing.

There is no question of comparison.

Each fights, each has its own fairness, each has its own freedom, and each has its own laws. If the two systems are forcibly put in one basket, it will be easy for some messy things to happen.

Yang Zhiyuan said: "Except for Japan's doing well, Ziweixing's overseas business has just started and is still in the start-up stage. For example, the business in the United States, I know Lu Qi, and the ability must be good. But he only has 10 million stock options. The total ratio is not even 1%, right?"


"That's wrong. How difficult is it to open up the American market? And your request is to let him open up the European and American markets. If you don't make enough promises in advance, how can you fight the country? This is not the same as defending the country."

"I realized it too."

Zhou Buqi nodded.

If Ziweixing's US business has already started, it is absolutely no problem to let Lu Qi guard the country and give him 10 million stock options. But only so much is given to Dajiangshan, which is a little bit less.

With such a small amount of options, people can find a few venture capital investors to raise some money, so how about starting a business by yourself? Why do you want to work for Ziweixing? Especially now that Ziweixing's business in the United States has not yet started. When it is done and great value is created, the inner sense of imbalance will be highlighted.

Yang Zhiyuan said: "So, it's better to split it up. Separate the overseas business separately. If Google withdraws from the mainland, if the White House comes with a reciprocal treatment, Ziweixing America will also be cleared. , what should I do? Take it apart to avoid future troubles. It’s also good for you personally.”

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What's wrong with me personally?"

Yang Zhiyuan said indifferently: "I heard that several richest men in mainland China have been arrested recently, are you not afraid?"

Zhou Buqi said: "I am an honest person."

Yang Zhiyuan said: "Eggs cannot be put in one basket after all. Ziweixing Group is listed in Hong Kong, and Ziweixing Overseas Group is listed in the United States. You will be more at ease here."

Zhou Buqi gave him a deep look, "Lao Yang, I feel that you are not satisfied with the position of an independent director."

Yang Zhiyuan said with a smile: "If it is really split, I can help you get an investment to help expand overseas business. I can also join the board of directors of Ziwei Star Overseas Group and serve as a non-executive director."

"It's a big deal, I'll think about it."

"As soon as possible! I met Lu Qi yesterday. His current work intensity is two or three times stronger than when he was at Yahoo. He is Chinese, so it is easier to handle. What about other executives? Just take some stock options, It’s hard to recruit top talent. If it’s entrepreneurial, it’s different.”

Yang Zhiyuan was trying to persuade him.

Zhou Buqi was a little strange, "Old Yang, why are you so enthusiastic? What do you like about Ziweixing?"

Yang Zhiyuan said, "iPhone."


"I went to investigate yesterday and saw that Luji is leading a team to develop applications for the iPhone. This is an early entry into the mobile Internet track, and I think it's pretty good."

Zhou Buqi was skeptical, and said frankly: "You want to rely on the success of Ziweixing's overseas business to help you regain control of Yahoo?"

Yang Zhiyuan laughed out loud.

Zhou Buqi curled his lips, "Your vision is not very good."

"Then do you want to split it?" Yang Zhiyuan asked.

Zhou Buqi was silent for half a minute, "I personally want to split. As you said, after the split, many differences between the two worlds will be resolved. Microsoft has no substitute, Microsoft is very strong. Google No, neither can Ziwei Xing."

Yang Zhiyuan smiled and said: "As long as you agree, I will go to Softbank and tell you that Sun Zhengyi is a smart person, and he will definitely understand. Ziweixing's domestic business and overseas business are the effect of 1+1\u003c2. Separation is the most important thing. best option, and in your own best interest. As long as you can get official approval."

Ziweixing split, the official may not be able to agree.

China is still looking forward to opening Confucius Institutes all over the world. Obviously, it wants to take advantage of the China fever driven by the Olympic Games to change its previous mental outlook.

Maybe they also want to use Ziweixing's media resources to promote the main theme of China overseas.

This is obviously unrealistic.

The financial tsunami has changed the world pattern and development situation.

Zhou Buqi had thought about it a long time ago, "It will definitely be approved if approved, I plan to donate everything."

"All donated?"

Yang Zhiyuan was slightly taken aback, not quite understanding.

The mainland is not the same as the United States.

Donation cultures and donation policies vary as well.

Zhou Buqi said: "If it is really split into Ziweixing Group and Ziweixing Overseas Group, then all my shares in Ziweixing Group will be donated to the society. I don't want any of the money Ziweixing earns in China. .This is not only my feeling, but also a bargaining chip in the negotiation. Even if it kills two birds with one stone."

"how much is it?"

"The current valuation is about 20 billion US dollars."


Yang Zhiyuan nodded, calmer. He is also a figure at this level, and has donated more than 2 billion US dollars in the past ten years or so. Business at the regional level can be done by making connections. A world-class business requires a bit of idealism. It is not surprising that Xiao Zhou has such great achievements at such a young age, with such pursuit and awareness.


At this time, Yang Zhiyuan's eyes lit up, and he saw an acquaintance coming to the coffee shop.

Yang Zhiyuan smiled and said, "Let's go, let me introduce you to a friend."

"Who is it?"

"David Sachs, founder of the social networking site Geni, um, the genealogy site."

"never heard of that."

Zhou Buqi shook his head.

Yang Zhiyuan said another layer of identity, "Does the PayPal gang know?"

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "I know, you are famous!"

Yang Zhiyuan said: "He is one of them, the early founder of PayPal, and also served as CEO. His website seems to be unable to continue and is about to go bankrupt. It seems that this time he is here to discuss financing."

"Okay, let's get to know each other then."

Zhou Buqi was very happy.

Not that he's interested in this genealogy site, but in the PayPal gang. In this gang, the second-ranked person is his main target in this trip to the United States-Elon Musk.

Ziwei Star's domestic stocks have been donated, which does not mean that Zhou Buqi has lost interest in money. On the contrary, he has to make up for the losses at home from abroad.

The money earned in the country feeds back the common people in the country, which is very fulfilling.

If you want to live a life of luxury and pleasure, you still have to make money from abroad, so you can feel at ease.

Tesla is not to be missed!

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