Top of the big era

Chapter 1189 The Silicon Valley Shooting Incident

Shooting incidents in the United States are frequent, but they tend to happen in poor places, mainly against black people. Silicon Valley is a typical rich area, and there are almost no such things, and it is even rarer that the perpetrator is a Chinese.

Zhou Buqi believes that we should focus on it.

In the evening, everyone had dinner in a five-star hotel. With the current situation, one dare not go out and wander around. It is too serious, and there may be disasters.

Zhen Yu said the rumors she heard, "It's a small company in Clara called SiPort, which mainly provides technical services in the field of data transmission. It has been verified that the suspect is a Chinese named Wu Jinghua. Twenty years ago After finishing university in the capital, I came to the United States to study for a master's degree."

Zhou Buqi asked, "What's the specifics?"

Zhen Yu shook her head lightly, "I don't know, no one has caught what just happened today. It's all gossip. Probably... It seems that he was laid off, and then he felt resentful, and put the CEO, COO and CHO Got shot."


Zhou Buqi was slightly taken aback.

Just because they were laid off, how many leaders were shot and killed? This is too exaggerated.

Zhen Yu said: "We don't know much about the specific situation here, so we can go to the investigation company for help."

"Well, look for it!" Zhou Buqi felt that this matter was very important, and said sadly, "As a compatriot, if there is a need, you should help appropriately. Ziweixing has just arrived, and its reputation is not obvious. It is difficult to compete with Microsoft, Google, etc. Giants compete. Even for Chinese engineers, the first choice is to go to those big companies.”

Zhen Yu immediately understood what Boss Zhou was thinking.


I thought Boss Zhou was really kind-hearted, and he wanted to help the Chinese compatriots in solidarity and pursue a fairness and justice. It seems that this is to play an event marketing.

Ziweixing has just come to Silicon Valley and is not well-known. It is not comparable to companies such as Google, Amazon, Yahoo, and Oracle. For talented people, the first choice is to go to those big companies.

Just like when Baidu came to Silicon Valley to establish a Silicon Valley laboratory later, it could only recruit some second- and third-tier technicians, and the top-notch ones didn't even bother to come here.

Ziweixing's current reputation is not necessarily better than that of Baidu many years later. Luji can only recruit some employees who have been laid off by other companies, and choose the best.

To change this situation, some special measures must be taken.

Zhen Yu secretly sighed, this Boss Zhou is really a born big businessman. Thinking is not the same as normal people. When hearing such a vicious shooting incident, the first feelings of others are sigh, shock and fear. Boss Zhou was different, he was immediately linked to his career.

Look at the two little secretaries beside him, even playing with women is related to work. With such concentration, it is difficult to succeed.

Because someone shot, no one dared to go out.

Honestly go back to the room to live.

"It's scary."

"Special events in special times."

Zhou Buqi comforted him.

Sun Guanran sighed, "I'm going to turn on the water, let's take a bath later and relax. I thought I came out to relax, but I didn't expect to be frightened."

"Well, let's go." Zhou Buqi waved his hand, then patted his thigh, and Feng Muer sat sideways in his arms, snuggled up to him gently, and said in a low voice, "If you are fired, you will shoot. This person must have had a nervous breakdown. It must have been too much stress and had a survival problem."

"Almost, if it wasn't for the fact that I couldn't survive, I wouldn't have taken such a dead end." Zhou Buqi agreed with this judgment, "Forget it, let's not talk about it, it will affect the mood. Mu'er, let me ask you something."


"What do you think about our matter?"

Feng Muer blushed slightly, "What... what's the matter?"

Zhou Buqi put one arm around her waist, and rubbed the other hand on her thigh through the stockings, and said, "Do you want to follow me with peace of mind, or do you want to stay with me for a few years and save more money?" , to pursue a better life in the future.”

"Boss, I..." Feng Muer blushed like blood, biting her red lips tightly.

"What's so hard to say?" Zhou Buqi was a little amused, leaned over and whispered in her ear: "I broke your place, so you don't want to be my concubine?"

Feng Muer had a tender face, not as heroic as Sun Wanran, and said angrily, "Boss, you are bad."

Zhou Buqi smiled, "What do you think?"

Feng Muer turned sideways, buried her head in his arms, and asked softly, "Where's Wanwan?"

Zhou Buqi said confidently: "She is my concubine. Now I'm asking you, I like you too, if you want, you can also be a concubine."

After what happened to Wang Yaojin, he had a deeper understanding of the secretary position around him.

Maybe Wang Yaojin didn't do it on purpose, but as a secretary, she usually knows too many important secrets. If you don't restrain yourself, many things may be said casually.

To prevent problems before they happen, there must be a deep bond of interests.

Interest bundling can be divided into two categories.

The first category is to give the secretary a large amount of stock, and then promise them future career advancement space, and gradually become an executive. For Ziweixing, this is not very good. Giving a large amount of stock is not in line with the system; promising room for advancement... This is even worse. With Feng Muer's qualifications and abilities, even the middle management can't do it.

Then we can only go the second way. Boss Zhou worked harder, paid more, and sacrificed himself for the company. Dedicate yourself to serve everyone.

Give yourself away!

Deep binding through the relationship between men and women.

In this regard, Zhou Buqi thinks that he has enough charm and wealth, so he is still qualified. It's better than those old men in their sixties and seventies.

With a high personal status, he also knows a lot of information that is not known to the outside world. For example, the richest man in a certain province is in his sixties, and he has built a few villas on a piece of land, which looks like a manor. There are more than a dozen wives and concubines living there, and he chooses a different villa to live in every night like an emperor. The youngest girl was 50 years younger than him, and she gave birth to a child at the age of 19. Her mother is not yet 40 years old and lives with her to help take care of the elderly and children. This kind of thing, as long as this person is not found out and nothing happens, will never be known to the outside world.

Feng Mu'er whispered: "Boss, I know you love me and treat everyone well, I know that."

"Then what do you think?"

"I... I'll think about it."


At this time, Sun Guanran had already put the water in the bathtub, and came over to tell them both to take a bath, Zhou Buqi gave Feng Muer a princess hug, and went to take a bath to relax.


In the afternoon of the next day, the investigation company reported the results.

This kind of thing is not complicated to investigate.

It's really a Chinese named Wu Jinghua who works for SiPort. The three victims were Sid Agarwal, the company’s Indian CEO, Brian Pugh, the 47-year-old vice president of operations, and Marilyn Lewis, the 67-year-old human resources director.

At that time, the three of them went to see Wu Jinghua together to appease the layoffs.

As a result, Wu Jinghua suddenly pulled out his pistol and killed all three of them.

Afterwards, Wu Jinghua ran away.

This is a wealthy area, with a lot of police force, and the sky is full of police helicopters, conducting large-scale raids by combining air and land. This morning, Wu Jinghua had already called the police at a small store and surrendered himself.

Two investigators, one is a fat man with a beard in his 50s, who is in charge of criminal investigations; the other is a blonde girl in her 20s, who is in charge of civil investigations.

"Why did he kill?"

This is what Zhou Buqi cares most about.

The blonde girl's name is Vivienne, and she speaks very quickly——

"He came to the United States for 90 years and changed many jobs. He got married in 1995. In 1997, he spent 400,000 dollars to buy his first house. In 2002, his wife gave birth to a pair of twin boys. Because Wu Jinghua is special I like girls, so I wanted to have another girl, but in 2005, I gave birth to a boy."

"His home is a two-story detached house in Mountain View, and he has a very harmonious relationship with his neighbors. In everyone's eyes, he is a very caring person. He often walks on the road with his three sons Play basketball, football, and sometimes swim in the swimming pool in the center of the community. Every weekend, the whole family takes the light rail to the nearby farms to buy food."

"Neighbors all said that Wu Jinghua is a shy and homely person. He is not good at socializing, and he does not seem to be a violent murderer. They think he is very loving and kind. It is shocking that this kind of thing happened. There are one after another today. Many friends and reporters went to his house, and his wife said it was 'not very good'.

"I think there are economic reasons for this to happen."

After talking all kinds of things, I finally got to the point.

Vivienne said helplessly: "The first house was 400,000 US dollars, which gave them a taste of the sweetness of the real estate business. Since 2004, he has started flipping houses. At that time, his wife had resigned from Sun Company. Became a full-time wife. They began to focus on real estate speculation. At most, they owned up to 19 properties under their names. They kept borrowing from banks. Such real estate investment exceeded their financial resources. In addition to monthly loan repayments, they had to pay a lot Filipino real estate taxes."

Zhou Buqi sighed, "Then the subprime mortgage crisis happened."

Vivienne said: "That's right, the emergence of the subprime mortgage crisis made everything worse. He cleared all the properties and owed a lot of money. After this murder, his family didn't even hire a lawyer. He has no money. His wife has no job, three children are still young, and he has a huge mortgage. According to his wife, Wu Jinghua thought that he could cash out his stocks and get out of the predicament by waiting for SiPort to go public. However, he Laid off. Lost last chance to get out of the woods."

Zhou Buqi pondered for a while, and raised his brows slightly, "Is there any conflict between races behind this? I heard that there are relatively deep conflicts between Indians and Chinese in Silicon Valley."

"Ah?" Vivienne froze for a moment and shook her head, "Probably not. Even if there is a disagreement, it's about work. I have investigated all three victims, and they are all good people. Especially CEO Sid Age Mr. Val is very kind. His caste is very low, and he suffered a lot before the age of 30. Now he often sends money to India to help children with good grades in the village complete their studies. The other two victims are white and both They are very kind people. They are just doing their jobs, and the company’s performance is losing money, so they can only lay off employees.”

That's right, in a place like Silicon Valley, villains simply can't rise to the top.

If you want to blame, you can only blame this era, and blame the devilish side of the capitalist society. Blame the financial tsunami created by capital investment banks such as Goldman Sachs and Lehman Brothers, which looted the wealth of the middle class.

"Well, I see."

Zhou Buqi sighed slightly.

It looks like you can help out.

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