Top of the big era

Chapter 1175 Old Revolutionary Film and Television Base

Judging from the current situation, the title of "richest man" will really fall on Zhou Buqi.

This halo is incredible.

It is completely different from the previous interviews with several financial media.

The "richest man" has great appeal to people across the country, and major media are vying to report on it, and will write various eye-catching headlines. He is going to become more famous personally.

As the richest man from the Northeast, if he doesn't want to serve his hometown, it's even more impossible for others.

This is what Zhou Buqi must do.

Wanda’s Changbai Mountain Resort is no good. Changbai Mountain is not that famous and cannot support such a big project; he originally wanted to do a big job in the agricultural field, but after some research, he found that this industry is even more difficult to do, so he can only do small work. Troubled self-supply.

Agriculture is the lifeblood of the country.

And this line is too complicated.

Domestic food prices are extremely low, largely due to the fact that the state spends a large amount of financial subsidies every year to stabilize food prices. But tens of billions have been subsidized, only 10% can really benefit the farmers who are farming, and most of them are consumed in the channels of the process.

If Zhou Buqi came to do it, he was confident that he could do it well.

The meaning of the Internet is peer-to-peer, without intermediaries.

If the food can be directly connected from the farmer's end to the consumer's end, and those middlemen who are attached to agriculture to make profits can be removed, then farmers can benefit greatly.

At least it is possible to collect grain from farmers at a high price and sell it to consumers at a low price. By making up the price difference through state subsidies and maintaining social stability, the three rural issues may be resolved.

With Zhou Buqi's current strength, he can't mess around.

All the large grain groups are state-owned enterprises, and a bastard like him cannot be allowed to interfere indiscriminately. This is more serious than changing the bank.

In order to boost the economy of his hometown, Zhou Buqi racked his brains a lot during this period.

But there is no good idea.

If you can't invest in Shanhaiguan, you feel that you can't do anything.

This time, he heard about the movie directed by Lu Chuan and built a city, which reminded him. It's just a movie, and it doesn't deserve too much attention from Boss Zhou.

He is concerned about an industry!

Film base!

Spring City has such a tradition!

It seems impossible to build Qinhuang Palace and Qing Palace like Hengdian, but it is still feasible to build an old revolutionary film and television base. In the future, there will be more and more film and television works with the main theme, especially many winter scenes. The cost of filming in the south is too high, and an artificial snow will cost more than 100,000 yuan.

Right now is the economic crisis, and it is necessary to carry out infrastructure construction to stimulate economic growth.

The state distributes water and releases money, and local governments theoretically have no shortage of money. However, they also have to have good projects to invest in. How can there be any good projects in the Northeast? If we can't find a good project and want to do infrastructure construction, we can only demolish and repair the built roads, and repeatedly toss and toss, resulting in huge waste.

The film and television base project, to say the least, requires an investment of tens of billions!

If it is done, it will be a great gift from Zhou Buqi to his hometown.

However, this kind of big project cannot be started with a slap on the head and a stamp of the foot, it needs to be investigated and demonstrated slowly. Go to Teacher Han and Teacher Chen first to comfort them.

Han Yan is really divorced.

This time, he was able to let go, without the constraints of the past, and showed incredible enthusiasm. With Chen Yan's cooperation, Zhou Buqi was a little overwhelmed for a while.

Wenxiang nephrite, shameless and shameless all afternoon before going out for dinner together.

"Where is Guan Ran?"

"She's back home, and today we live in a three-person world."

When Zhou Buqi hugged her left side, Teacher Chen Yan fell into his arms, and when he hugged her right side, Han Yan also came close.

"Sir, it's on the street!"

Chen Yan groaned, and quickly jumped away. You can do whatever you want at home, but when you go out, you don't know how to think wildly if you are seen by others.

Zhou Buqi asked, "By the way, how is your house?"

Chen Yan said: "I have chosen."

"You two live in the same house, right?"


"It's just..." Han Yan took his arm lightly, looked up at him, a little guilty, "It's just a bit expensive, more than 8,000 per square meter. Two houses cost 3 million."

Zhou Buqi frowned, "It's only 3 million? Isn't it a little small?"

Chen Yan said softly: "This is already the top mansion, or it is a villa."

Zhou Buqi said: "I don't want a villa, it's troublesome if it's not safe. It's better to use this kind of high-rise community, where there are properties and security, and there are not so many troubles in dealing with each other. Have you bought it?"

"Well, the money Wanran gave."

Han Yan was dizzy, a little embarrassed.

Chen Yan is similar.

Forget about Zhou Buqi, although he is a student, he is a stalwart man after all, so outstanding, it is not too shameful for a female to lie under him.

But Sun Guanran was different, she was just a young girl and a student back then. Now, it is not so easy to accept to communicate with her and listen to her arrangements.

However, both of them are mature women, not unruly little girls. I know that Boss Zhou is usually very busy, and... Judging by his style, there must be women around him.

If everyone wants him to take care of them personally, there is no need to do business. Many things can only be escrowed by cronies around me.

It is inconvenient for Zhou Buqi to go to an ordinary restaurant now, and someone took a picture of him, and another accident is about to happen.

They went directly to Nanhu Hotel for dinner.

This is the State Guesthouse, and there are armed police officers, so no one dares to take random photos. After going there, I directly asked for a top-level box.

After Han Yan sat down, she hesitated for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Master, are there... a lot around you?"

"Ah?" Zhou Buqi sat in the middle without hesitation, slightly taken aback, "What?"

Han Yan bit her lip and gave him a white look, "Woman."

Chen Yan raised her head to look at him, apparently also very interested.

Zhou Buqi shook his head, "Not much, this woman is like wealth, as long as you have enough, why do you need so much? Too much is a burden, and you can't keep busy."

"Isn't the more money the better?"

"of course not."

"Then why do you still fly around every day?"

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "This is my responsibility. I can't spend the money I have in a few lifetimes. I am busy every day, not to make money, but to really do something."

Chen Yan said: "If you do something, you will make money, and your wealth will increase."

Zhou Buqi nodded slightly, "This is what it should be. If you don't make money by doing something, then who will do it? This major premise cannot be broken just because of a few people."

Chen Yan leaned over and whispered, "Women too?"

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "What?"

Chen Yan pursed her lips and said with a clever smile: "Sister Han Yan, we both heard what he said just now, women are like wealth. He doesn't want to make money, but wealth is accumulating more and more day by day. Women What? Are there more and more?"

"How is it possible? Don't think about it."

Zhou Buqi felt that his personality had been insulted.

At this time, the phone rang.

It's an unknown number.

This is his personal mobile phone. Recently, there have been a lot of strange calls. Zhou Buqi felt that he should communicate with the mobile phone later and set a limit on his mobile phone number.

Only people in his address book can call in, and no strange numbers are allowed.

Otherwise, I will receive harassing calls every day.

But at the moment, Teacher Han Yan and Teacher Chen Yan's questions are a bit sharp, Zhou Buqi just answered the phone, and took a moment to say, "Hello, hello."

"Hello, is... is it Mr. Zhou? I'm Qin Lan."

"Huh? Who are you?"

"I'm Qin Lan, we just met in the crew this morning."

"Oh." Zhou Buqi suddenly realized, and suddenly thought of the graceful baby-faced actress in the cheongsam of the Republic of China, "It's Miss Qin, what's the matter?"

Qin Lan said in a low voice: "President Zhou, I'm sorry, I asked for your contact information only after asking Director Lu Chuan. I... my role is finished."

"Oh, congratulations."

Zhou Buqi is lukewarm, a bit baffling, he has nothing to do with her, right?

Qin Lan gritted her teeth and said, "Mr. Zhou, can I visit you?"

Zhou Buqi frowned slightly, "Is there something wrong?"

"I..." Qin Lan doesn't even know anyone about Mr. Zhou. He only knows that he is a handsome young guy with a lot of background. He is probably a son who loves the entertainment industry. He took a deep breath, "Mr. Zhou , I have some doubts about the performance, can I ask you for advice?"

Zhou Buqi was stunned, "Acting? Miss Qin, have you misunderstood? I don't understand acting at all."

Qin Lan was a little anxious, "Mr. Zhou, you are well-informed, and you can definitely give me advice."

Zhou Buqi said: "Miss Qin, I'm in business. I don't know anything about acting, so I can't really give you any advice. Well, if you need it, I can introduce you to some acting teachers when you return to Beijing. "

Qin Lan said pleasantly: "Mr. Zhou, you haven't returned to Beijing? Are you still in Spring City?"

"Well, my hometown is here."

"What a coincidence! Mr. Zhou, I'm also in Spring City, and I'm also from the Northeast! I'm from Liao Province!"

"That's half a fellow villager."

If it wasn't for the sake of saving face, Zhou Buqi would have hung up the phone, feeling that this woman was chattering, and her brain circuit was very clear. Looking for your own acting skills? What do you think?

Qin Lan cheered and said, "Mr. Zhou, are you free? Can I go find you?"

Zhou Buqi declined politely, "Miss Qin, I really don't know how to act."

Qin Lan said pitifully: "Mr. Zhou, it's really hard for actors who go out of small places to survive. Just help me."

Zhou Buqi was a little angry, and his tone became heavier, "Miss Qin, let me say it for the last time! I don't know how to act! I can't help you!"

On the other end of the phone, Qin Lan was silent for two or three seconds, and then said quietly: "Mr. Zhou, I've never been good at acting in bed scenes. Can you give me some advice?"


Zhou Buqi was stunned, and his anger subsided.

"President Zhou..."

There seemed to be some crying in Qin Lan's tone. It's just pretending, the key is that it's really pretending, which made Zhou Buqi feel compassionate.

Zhou Buqi said with a sigh: "Miss Qin, I really don't understand acting, and I don't understand sex scenes. However, I plan to talk to the province about a big project about the film and television base. If you are free, you can participate as a guest .”

"Ah?" Qin Lan was slightly taken aback, where did the stick go? Film and television base project? That's a big project! It is impossible for her to refuse right now, so she immediately smiled knowingly, "Okay, I can do whatever I want, thank you Mr. Zhou."

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