Top of the big era

Chapter 1172 Experts bully laymen

Zhou Buqi has already seen the clue.

This Ren Yunfeng came from a grassroots background, he didn't have any eye-catching family background, and he got to where he is today entirely by his own ability and talent. Compared with the Shi family, he is a phoenix man.

The second sister obviously liked him very much.

Well, I am in my early thirties this year, tall and handsome, calm and handsome, and I do have a good eye.

Now that it's all over, Zhou Buqi can't stand by and watch.

"When is the bid?"

"Early next month."

"How many companies are involved?"

"Six or seven."

"So many?" Zhou Buqi was a little surprised, "You still want to participate if you lose one order after one order?"

Ren Yunfeng curled his lips, "If there is a relationship, either you can get free gas, or you can use the Green Pass to avoid tolls, or you can use other channels to deduct the deduction. Maybe some people have cleared the new leader's There is a way to get the subsidy through other means.”

Once the emperor and the courtiers, this is the difference between state-owned enterprises and private enterprises. In private enterprises, the interests of the enterprise must be put first, and those partners with the best cost performance must be selected. Spending your own money to do things for yourself must be cheap and efficient. Spending other people's money to do things for others, the most important thing is to ensure their own interests.

Zhou Buqi couldn't help laughing, "Dealing with state-owned enterprises is both difficult and simple. The current economic crisis, no matter what, the logistics company must survive first."


Ren Yunfeng looked humbly asking for advice.

The other party is Zhou Buqi, who is famous! Many business magazines have made evaluations. In terms of worth and wealth, this kid is likely to be the richest man in the country!

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, let me give you a trick. Isn't it just a 30% cut, simple! From the capital to Shanghai, the one-way fare is 18,000 yuan, so you can earn less. At least the company can't die, and the truck driver can't lose his job , and the interest on the loan must be repaid.”

"That's not enough for 30%..."

"Don't worry, we haven't finished talking yet. Isn't logistics all two-way?"

"Yes, from the capital to Shanghai, from Shanghai to the capital, there are two lines."

"From the capital to Shanghai, the fee is 18,000 yuan. From Shanghai to the capital, the fee is 2,000 yuan. Under normal circumstances, the round-trip fee is 40,000 yuan, and your bid is 20,000 yuan! Reduced by 50%!"

"You mean..."

Ren Yunfeng is an expert, once he heard the weird quotation here, he could taste the deep meaning.

My heart was secretly shocked.

Depend on!

Sure enough, he can be the richest man!

It's really slippery!

Sisters Shi Jingmei and Shi Jinglin didn't know about it, and asked strangely: "How do you work with such a low price?"

Zhou Buqi smiled and said nothing.

Ren Yunfeng took a deep breath, "Well, this idea is fine, just make a one-way trip."

"Only one trip?" Shi Jinglin blinked, "Only run the line from the capital to Shanghai, but not the line from Shanghai to the capital?"

Ren Yunfeng said: "With such a low quotation, there is no way to run. The bidding contract is not mandatory, and it is the priority of both parties to get what they need."

Zhou Buqi said with a smile: "If you want to send a car over there, you say there is no car. If you don't have a car today, you won't have a car the day after tomorrow, and you won't have a car the day after tomorrow. You just don't have a car all the time. If you don't run, you won't lose money."

Shi Jinglin frowned slightly, "That doesn't work either, can't we just run the line from the capital to Shanghai? What should we do when we come back? Wouldn't it be more wasteful to run with an empty car?"

"That's the key point."

Ren Yunfeng felt more and more that Mr. Zhou's strategy was so ingenious that he could bully laymen to death.

A layman leads an expert?

This kind of arrangement is really prone to accidents, and experts can easily fool laymen.

Ren Yunfeng explained: "It is precisely because the cost of going back and forth between the two lines is calculated for running logistics, this plan can really be implemented. Land transportation is usually expedited delivery. If we don't drive here in Shanghai, they are very anxious to send it to us. Shipping in the capital, what should I do? Find another logistics company? This kind of temporary partner will cost 30,000 yuan for a trip because of the two-way back and forth.”

Shi Jinglin's beautiful eyes lit up, and she suddenly realized, "Such a high logistics price will definitely not work. They have no choice but to find a way on you."

Ren Yunfeng said: "Yes, if we talk about it at this time, we can jump out of the contract. It is a temporary dispatch, and we can negotiate the price temporarily. I have a contract order from the capital to Shanghai. I can only count the one-way cost and ask for 20,000 yuan." 8, you can beat all your peers.”

Shi Jinglin was stunned, "After some operations, I made more money than the previous contract? Is this possible?"

Zhou Buqi snorted and said, "Don't blame anyone if you can't make a slap! This is just a temporary plan, and it's for lay leaders who are eager to make contributions in the short term. If he didn't want to cut logistics costs by 30% as soon as he came to power , forcing the logistics companies to die, is it still like this?"

Ren Yunfeng was very happy. He didn't care about short-term and long-term. He suddenly felt that it was better to be a layman. You can fool around at will, set traps for the other party at will, and make a lot of money by yourself.

As for whether there is an expert who can see the problems in the contract and remind...

He came out of a state-owned enterprise, so there is no need to worry about that.

Working in the system, it is always better to do less than to do more, and to do more and make more mistakes. Moreover, he, a layman who was punished for the milk powder incident, came to the company as a big leader, who can be convinced?

They all thought that he would be deflated, so hurry up and get out!

If I set a trap in the logistics contract, not only will the other party's plan to cut logistics costs by 30% fail, but it will also increase the other party's logistics expenditure by another 30%.

It is estimated that within half a year, it is time to step down and leave.

Not only will the leaders in the enterprise not be angry, but they will be very happy and thank themselves very much.


This idea can exist!

This Mr. Zhou is young, and his business methods are really wild. He doesn't look like a technology company at all. This method is comparable to those of the local bosses who are in the industry.

Shi Jingmei's heart trembled a little too, she moved closer to her sister, and whispered in her ear: "Your husband is too dark, aren't you afraid to be with him?"

Shi Jinglin is an oddity, she thought her sister was praising her, her face flushed, "I'm not afraid of him, he treats me very well."

Shi Jingmei shook her head, "If it were me, I might have slipped away early, such a man is too dangerous."

Shi Jinglin pursed her lips and said, "It's not that serious. You'll know when you get in touch with him a lot. He's very gentle and considerate. Whether it's for me or for business friends, he's pretty good. I guess he It’s also been a big hit recently, and I’ve been pissed off by lay leaders.”


"There is a group of people who want to make domestic office software, and then crush Microsoft's office, and then the office software will be localized."

"It's not easy to manage, is it?"

Shi Jingmei immediately realized something, stretched out a tender finger, and pointed upwards.

Shi Jinglin sighed, and nodded lightly, "Yes, it's very complicated. He wrote letters to the big leaders, but it didn't seem to have any effect." Then she got a little angry, and said angrily, "I told him several times, more or less Nosy. There are so many domestic counterparts, who said anything? Aren’t they all keeping silent, even Jinshan’s WPS order was taken away by their compulsory distribution, and they didn’t say anything. Seeing him building a tall building, Seeing his building collapse, just wait for these jumping clowns to slap themselves in the face to make a fool of themselves, just watch the fun, don't want to get into trouble."

Shi Jingmei said softly, "Your husband is a good man."

Shi Jinglin smiled, very happy, "Well, he has a good heart. It's just that sometimes he is so weird that people can't understand."

What I can't understand is Ren Yunfeng.

No one in the logistics industry like him can think of such a strategy of pulling wages from the bottom. How did this young Zhou always think of it? With just a few words of my own, without doing market research, can I come up with such a bidding plan?

This is too powerful, right?

No wonder he can become a first-class rich man!


After dinner, Zhou Buqi took Shi Jinglin's hand and walked along the road.

A bodyguard followed in a car, and a bodyguard followed not far away.

"Now the fruit is not easy to sell, and many of them are about to rot."

"Exports are down."

"Yeah." Shi Jinglin sighed softly, looking very regretful, "The economic crisis is here, and the people at the bottom will be affected the most."

Zhou Buqi asked: "Aren't you going to make a juice drink? How is it?"

Shi Jinglin's expression froze, "It depends on the situation, it's a bit complicated. Make the mineral water first."

Zhou Buqi laughed out loud.

Shi Jinglin rolled his eyes at him, "Juice is not easy to make, something happened to Huiyuan Juice!"

The sale of Huiyuan Juice to Coca-Cola has already been negotiated. The other party’s bid was very sincere, with a premium of 2 times, and the merger was completed at a price of 17.9 billion Hong Kong dollars.

Under the economic crisis, from any point of view, this is a very cost-effective deal.

It stands to reason that this kind of commercial news has never been a key topic on the Internet. As a result, I didn't know it. This incident broke out immediately, causing disturbances all over the Internet.

There is a lot of criticism on the Internet, saying that selling a national brand like Huiyuan to foreigners is an act of treason. Don't think about it, there must be someone behind this manipulating public opinion, using the public anger of netizens at the bottom to stop this merger and acquisition transaction.

"What did your colleagues do?"

"It may be that Coca-Cola is already the number one in the industry, and it is superior. If they are allowed to acquire Huiyuan, won't it further strengthen their position?"

Shi Jinglin was very happy and seemed happy to see Huiyuan suffer.

They're all for drinks.

If you don’t buy Huiyuan, your chances of buying Yuanwei will increase.

Zhou Buqi guessed: "Is it Jiaduobao? If it's not Master Kong? Uni-President? These beverage industry colleagues in the mainland are all bumpkins, and they may not be able to play such a ruthless trick."

Shi Jinglin said: "I don't know, anyway, it's either a foreign enemy's invasion or internal strife among our own people. After this crisis, no matter whether the acquisition is successful or not, Huiyuan's brand is over, and its market share will definitely drop in the future. Those suppliers Fruit farmers are the worst."

Zhou Buqi nodded, "Yes, even if it is a fruit, it is also a Matthew effect, and the strong will be stronger."

"What's the meaning?"

"Chucheng, do you know?"

Shi Jinglin said softly: "Well, the oranges grown by Mr. Chu are high-end fruits, and the price is very high."

Zhou Buqi said: "Yes, this year's market, Chu Orange may also face slow sales. Boss Liu called me and said that everyone will share a share, and he will round up Mr. Chu's oranges and distribute them to employees. benefits."

People are not equal, just like investment.

Kind of brutal.

If one hundred ordinary fruit farmers are saved, they will be saved without any added value; with the same money, if one entrepreneur is saved, then he will be able to start the fruit industry and provide thousands of Employment creates more production value, links various upstream and downstream channels, and can support tens of thousands of families.

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