Top of the big era

Chapter 1158 Investment Income Statement

This is really a tricky question.

Dean Zhang pondered for a long time before slowly saying: "If you want to solve this problem, you still have to find the reason from your own side. If it's another school, it's easy to handle, just cover it up. Cooperate with companies in Silicon Valley and let them Pay a reasonable salary. But our students can’t cover their eyes and ears. The salary structure of Silicon Valley is there, and they can’t be fooled.”

Zhou Buqi said: "Well, even if you can cover it up, you can't cut your salary. There is no such reason."

Dean Zhang very much agrees with this statement: "Yes, trying to deal with our students with some cover-up means can only be counterproductive. They have countless channels to find out the inside story. It is better to open the skylight and tell the truth, everything is out of the question In the open, hand over the initiative."

Zhou Buqi laughed and said, "Dean Zhang, what do you call that? Who else can I force? Not even students from any school."

Dean Zhang talked about the history again, "In the early days of reform and opening up, domestic talents sent out for technical exchanges, including universities, research centers, laboratories and many enterprises. The effect was very bad. Go abroad to study, and then come back to serve the motherland. There is a high probability of returning to the country because of the emotional bond of family and country and the bond of interest. But later, I found the problem. I went to some research centers and enterprises to do technical exchanges, and they were paid. , and the salary is dozens of times that of the country. This is much more than the little money from the state, and the interests of foreign countries are even more entangled, so I won’t come back.”

Zhou Buqi asked: "So it was gradually canceled later?"

Dean Zhang said: "Well, paid technical exchanges are basically cancelled. Now the main thing is to connect universities with universities. Foreign universities can at most give our students some scholarships, which are within the acceptable range."

"One size fits all?"

"This is also impossible."

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said, "We still have to find a way to solve it. Young people today are different from those back then. Hollywood movies are shown every day, and the Internet is so developed. If you want to check, there is no information you can't find."

Dean Zhang said with a smile: "You can make a sample and see how you can solve it. An hourly salary of $20... Well, the pressure is indeed not small."

Zhou Buqi said: "No matter what, the plan of sending students to large companies in Silicon Valley for internships cannot be changed. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you win every battle. Only by cultivating a group of outstanding talents who have penetrated into the enemy's interior can it be more conducive to improving the strength of my country's computer industry. The overall level."

"I'm afraid that the meat bun will beat the dog, and there will be no return."

"Well, let me think about it."

Zhou Buqi sighed and rubbed his forehead.

This is really a difficult problem to solve.

In contrast, complex financing cases are easy for Zhou Buqi to solve.

The consequences of the financial tsunami were dire. Many companies in Silicon Valley have adjusted their strategies, heightened their vigilance and slowed down their expansion.

But Zuckerberg is different.

He is similar to Zhou Buqi, both are young and wild, and both have plans for aggressive expansion.

Two months ago, Facebook even launched a Chinese version and started operating in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan.

To expand, means to need money.

The plan was quickly finalized.

Ziwei Star already holds 7.5% of the shares, and Zuckerberg does not want more. It doesn't matter to Zhou Buqi, anyway, he has money now, so it's fine if he contributes personally.

Invested 230 million US dollars, holding 2.27% of the shares.

It took only one morning to negotiate.

The cooperation between the two parties is very pleasant.

Not only Zhou Buqi's side, but also Shen Xiangyang's brief technical exchange went smoothly.

"The technical direction of both parties is the same, both are Hadoop."

"Big Data?"

"Yes, big data." Shen Xiangyang nodded, "With the explosion of Internet traffic, almost all technology companies have invested energy in developing software that can analyze and process online data on tens of thousands of servers in the past two years. platform."

Zhou Buqi glanced at him, "Any new discoveries?"

Shen Xiangyang said: "Well, Facebook is quite bold. They are working on two open source projects at the same time. One is a project to solve single-point errors, which allows technicians to run a large number of tasks on multiple Hadoop servers without worrying about The entire cluster was collapsed by a single task. One is a super-large database project that can run a Hadoop cluster that can connect global data centers. We are also working on the first project, and the progress is not slower than them. The second project we are still working on No."

Zhou Buqi's eyes lit up, "Have a chance to participate?"

Shen Xiangyang smiled, "The financing went well?"

"very smooth."

"That's all right."

"There is nothing taboo?"

"No, Facebook's original intention for these two projects is to open source. As long as they are open source, developers all over the world can use these two projects for free. Our cooperation with Facebook is nothing more than joining the group in advance."



This time I came to the United States, there are many things to deal with.

Google wants to acquire Admob, Microsoft wants to acquire Twitter, participate in Facebook's financing, Ziweixing's US branch is in preparation... In addition to Ziweixing's business, it also includes Jieyu Media.

The financial tsunami broke out!

The impact is huge!

Even San Francisco, which is full of gold, is gone, and Silicon Valley is in a depression. Technology companies are doing three things-first, looking around for money; second, laying off employees; third, reducing business to tide over the difficulties.

Compared with Silicon Valley, Hollywood is much worse.

If Silicon Valley randomly picks out a large company, its scale and volume are larger than the entirety of Hollywood combined. The film industry really doesn't make much money, even Hollywood in the United States is just as tight.

The most direct impact is that the popular film platter investment project in cooperation with Wall Street since 2003 has almost completely collapsed.

In the past six months, funds investing in platters have been slowly withdrawing funds.

The effect was not obvious at first.

But now that the financial tsunami broke out, this is too obvious. Right now, no matter what you invest in, you will lose money. The best way is to withdraw all the money, and it is safest to hold the cash honestly.

Rather lose money, but also withdraw in time to stop the loss!

For this matter, Zhou Buqi helped Jieyu Media to plan for half a year.

Now is the time to move on and clean up the mess.

Xu Baihui has already bought a plane ticket and is about to leave for the United States. At this time, Zhou Buqi also got the exact investment income statement from New York.

So exciting!

The various documents are extremely complicated, involving fund management fees, custody fees, redemption fees, as well as fund managers' dividend commissions, and profit tax on income...

All kinds of things.

Zhou Buqi looked directly at the end.

Very impressive scorecard!

Personal funds of $330 million turned into $3.86 billion.

Businesses invested $1.2 billion, which turned into $6.42 billion.

According to the fund manager, the three funds under his management had a total principal of US$4.25 billion and earned a total of US$24.5 billion.

Among them, nearly half were earned by helping Zhou Buqi.

Of course, fund managers earn a lot too!

The dividend ratio of the first fund is 20%, with an account of 860 million US dollars; the dividend ratio of the second and third funds is 10%, with an account of 1.43 billion US dollars...

This time, the big fund manager resigned from a Wall Street investment bank to go it alone and achieved great success, earning $2.3 billion in commissions alone.

The biggest credit for this is of course Zhou Buqi.

In the first period, Zhou Buqi was a major customer. Later, the fund’s income decreased, and many funders withdrew their funds one after another. In the second period, Zhou Buqi also helped at the most critical time, bringing in a total of 2.2 billion US dollars in large funds.

This time, the fund manager can jump into the ranks of the super rich, and the most thankful thing is that he has not used it for a few weeks.

Then, he sent an email.

A big gift was given.

He heard that Zhou Buqi revealed that he wanted to buy a house in Manhattan a few days ago, so he took the initiative to express his position, saying that he had contacted a real estate agency and bought a three-story luxury apartment next to Central Park, which he would give to him.

If you are free, you can go over to handle the handover formalities.

Zhou Buqi didn't pay too much attention to this. In the short term, he didn't plan to go to New York. Wall Street was too dangerous and there were too many ghosts. We have to wait for this trend to pass.

Today's itinerary, go to Microsoft.

Ballmer is an outgoing and flamboyant character, clamoring everywhere every day, with a domineering style. In the past, Zhou Buqi mainly talked about the acquisition of Twitter, so that Ziweixing’s business in the United States can be carried out smoothly.

As soon as they met, Ballmer yelled loudly, asking what was going on in China? Why let Microsoft suffer like this?

Zhou Buqi shrugged his shoulders, expressing his helplessness.

It is entirely a crooked trend created by a small group of people who want to promote domestic software. This is setting up a banner of justice, and it is completely nonsense behind it.

If you want to promote domestic office to compete with Microsoft, yes, domestic WPS is not much worse than Microsoft office. If you want to promote the localization of office software, you should use national resources and social appeal to actively promote WPS.

People from all walks of life have a good impression of this product.

It turned out not, that group of people applied for a large sum of funds from the state, created a bunch of inexplicable office software, and then used administrative resources to force many government agencies and enterprises to Go shopping with colleges and universities...

Just that kind of junk software, not to mention people spending money to buy it, it's free for people to use and no one else needs it.

It is nothing more than that Jinshan is a private enterprise with healthy operations, does not play messy methods, and is a listed company with open and transparent financials. The promotion of WPS has no substantial benefits for many people.

Ballmer said in a deep voice: "This matter must be resolved! If you don't help, then I can only do it!"

Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, "What do you want?"

Ballmer didn't answer directly, and said lightly: "It's serious!"

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