Xu Jianing took a deep breath and asked in a low voice: "What should I do?"

Zhou Buqi said: "Li Hongrui is the instigator of this matter, and his relationship with Lu Hua may not be very big. But based on my understanding of Li Hongrui, this guy is fierce and has a soft heart. Once something happens, he will definitely bite Lu Hua and involve the school student union." At that time, for the sake of the school’s image and the stability of the student union, you, the vice chairman, will be needed to take charge.”

Xu Jianing felt his heart beating wildly and said excitedly: "Yes, I understand! Zhou Buqi, I promise you, if I really... really go up, the student union of the school will definitely cooperate with you fully from now on, whether it is the school network or the milk tea shop Okay, if you need help, just..."

"Okay, let's talk about these things later. Regarding Lu Hua and Li Hongrui, it is estimated that the school or the police will talk to you by then, so be prepared. Just tell the truth and tell them all the scandalous things about them."

"Yeah! OK!"

"Also, I will call the police tomorrow, and the police will probably go to the school to take samples. You have to block the good news over there and don't let Lu Hua and Li Hongrui know about it, so as not to alert the enemy."

"Okay, is there any more?"

"No... Oh, by the way, I remember you once told me that there are four major beauties in our school, and Shi Jinglin is one of them, right?"

Xu Jianing was a little confused: "Right? What's wrong? Don't you have a girlfriend? Wu Yu is not bad either. Do you want to be in two different places?"

"No, I just want to ask, how is Shi Jinglin? Do you understand her?"

"Uh... I don't know much about her, but she is very beautiful. I have heard some rumors about her."


"It seems that her family background is quite rich. When she was a freshman, a boy chased her, sent flowers every day, and pestered her every day. Later, the boy was seriously injured and vomited blood, and he went to the hospital for more than a month."


Zhou Buqi was shocked, "Real or false?"

Xu Jianing said: "I haven't seen her, but...these rumors are not necessarily false. She is very beautiful, super beautiful, how should I say, kind of cross-gender beautiful, have you seen her?" "


"Oh, you'll know when you see her. Anyway, she's stunning. Logically speaking, she is so beautiful, so there should be a lot of boys chasing her, but since that incident, no boy dared to pester her anymore."

Zhou Buqi couldn't believe it: "She was really beaten and hospitalized? Didn't the school punish her?"

"No." Xu Jianing paused and lowered his voice, "I heard that her family is rich and ranked among the best in the country. I don't know if it's true or not."

Zhou Buqi said "Oh", "Okay, I understand, that's it. You have to prepare for Lu Hua and Li Hongrui's affairs these days. Keep a low profile and don't get discovered."

The Zhou family has very strong connections in Spring City.

With the IP address and the cooperation of the police, it is easy to find this person.

The next day, Zhou Buqi received news from home.

That man's name is Tang Guoliang, and he is one of the top hackers in Spring City. Almost all Internet companies and software companies here have been invaded by him and are often blackmailed.

In addition, his hacking skills are very high and there is no definite evidence. As a result, companies have repeatedly reported the case, but it is difficult to find evidence.

Unexpectedly, this time he invaded a capital university website and ran into trouble.

A senior student at Xi'an Jiaotong University found him thousands of miles away.

After calling the police, the Capital Police can communicate with the Spring City Police.

Such vicious criminals will definitely be dealt with severely.

After sending the police away, Zhou Buqi told Guo Pengfei that there was no need to wait. It was Christmas in ten days and the Ping An Guo project could be launched.

Guo Pengfei was a little surprised: "The hacker hasn't been caught yet? He went online in such a hurry, once..."

Zhou Buqi interrupted him and said coldly: "If Lu Hua and Li Hongrui knew that we were going to give away Ping An fruit for free, they would probably go crazy."

"Are you going to force them to jump over the wall?" Guo Pengfei suddenly realized.

Zhou Buqi said calmly: "As long as we take action here, we will definitely increase our efforts over there to make it easier for the police to collect evidence."


Guo Pengfei stopped talking.

Think he is a devil.

This is forcing people to go down the road of death!

Cruel enough!

Hey, Lu Hua and Li Hongrui are also serious. How many times has Boss Zhou let you go? It was a barrage of provocations and even hacking.

Let alone a ruthless person like Boss Zhou, even an honest person has to beat the drum and fight.

This is just great.

The world is going to be quiet.

After returning from Nankai, Wang Dalong regarded Zhou Buqi as his best friend.

If you have anything, please contact us.

In the evening, Wang Dalong asked him to have dinner again, but Zhou Buqi did not refuse.

"Tell me what's going on?"

"I want to make money, please give me an idea."


Zhou Buqi didn't trick him. He ate cross-bridge rice noodles in the evening and looked at him in surprise, "Are you still short of money?"

Wang Dalong said: "I'm not short of money. The key is to do something to shock Qiao Yue."

"Oh, let's do this. We are launching a food delivery project here. You can become a part-time food delivery boy."

"Don't go!"

Wang Dalong flatly refused.

Zhou Buqi frowned: "What? Do you really want to go to the school network to compete?"

Wang Dalong's old face turned red, "I don't know much about computers, so I won't go. Can you help me think about what I can do? There's no point in making small fuss. You have to be dignified and respectable."

Zhou Buqi said angrily: "What can you do? You can't do anything, you dance like a dazzler, and you are as good at deception as anyone else!"

Wang Dalong scratched his head and said, "You can't say that, I still have some advantages."

There are definitely advantages.

Otherwise, he wouldn't be able to get into Beijing University of Science and Technology, and he wouldn't be able to find a girlfriend in Nankai University.

The biggest advantage is that he can speak well.

Don't look at how he and Zhou Buqi fussed when they were together, it was because they were roommates and knew each other well. It's different in front of other people, he's so talkative.

During the military training, Wang Dalong was so bad in the class that he was regarded as a gangster by all the girls in the class. Turns out it’s only been a few months? He almost became the most popular boy in the class.

The main thing is that he is sweet-mouthed and willing to spend money.

And he has a good mentality. He knew Zhou Buqi was cheating on him, but he still pretended not to know, bought him fruits every day, and supported his girlfriend. If it were any other boy, he would have fallen out with her a long time ago.

"Bold, careful, thick-skinned, and eloquent..." Zhou Buqi put down his chopsticks, looked at him intently, and pondered for a moment.

"What happened?"

Wang Dalong was a little confused.

Zhou Buqi said: "I thought of a line that suits you very well."


"Feng Shui Master."


Wang Dalong shouted, his eyes widening.

Zhou Buqi said seriously: "Don't be surprised, I'm telling you something serious. Now people's material standards of living are getting higher and higher, especially those rich people who believe this the most. Go buy a few books of this book Memorize the books on the subject. Then change your look, put on a long gown, and walk around the streets. You are guaranteed to earn 1,800 yuan a day. This is a hugely profitable industry."

Wang Dalong said angrily: "Do you think I am a great dancer?"

Zhou Buqi shook his head and said: "It's not about practicing magic or treating diseases, it's about looking at Feng Shui. For example, how to choose a cemetery for a funeral, how to layout the home decoration, how to decorate the office... There are many doors here. The key is, this thing It can't be falsified, and no one can catch you. It's too low-level to treat a doctor like a master and has no future."

"If I don't do it, who do you think I am? Damn it! Why do you have such a brain? Can you come up with such bad ideas?" Wang Dalong said angrily.

Zhou Buqi snorted, "Anyway, I've pointed out the way for you. It's up to you to do it or not!"

Wang Dalong said with a bitter face: "It depends on your age. How old am I?"

"You can make up your life story. Your family is in the birthplace of the Manchu people. Your ancestors took a look at Nurhaci and said that he had an imperial spirit. That's how the Qing Dynasty came into being... You are the heir of many generations of the family. You can make up your own biography of the tenth generation of your family." Zhou Buqi shook his head and said it lucidly.

Wang Dalong's eyes filled with tears.

I feel like my luck has been taken astray.

Zhou Buqi coughed lightly and said in a low voice: "Housemaster, we are brothers. I will tell you the truth. Your... Let's put it this way, if you want to be rich and powerful in this life, you will definitely not succeed by following the right path. No, you don’t have that face. If you want to change your life against the will of nature, you have to go out of your way. The Feng Shui industry has a wide audience, and it is getting wider and wider. By then, when you have made friends with rich and senior officials, celebrities and politicians, isn’t it the peak of your life? "

Wang Dalong blinked his eyes, looking aggrieved.

What's this? I feel like I'm being looked at.


Absolutely not!

This guy is talking nonsense!

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