Top of the big era

Chapter 1091 Unprepared

Zhou Buqi arranged for Wei Dajun's son's affairs with the secretary at will, and it would be fine to connect directly with Moments. As for how to deal with it and how to arrange it in the future, he will not participate.

Zhou Buqi is now concerned about major international events, and some trends in Silicon Valley.

For example, Google launched a new business, Google Engine. Through the service of Google Engine, users are allowed to use Google's infrastructure to build Web applications locally, and then deploy them to Google's infrastructure after they are completed.

To put it bluntly, this is the prototype of the Google Cloud Computing Platform.

As the two most powerful technology giants in the world today, Microsoft and Google have competed fiercely against each other in recent years. Google has made moves, and Microsoft also announced a big plan earlier this month-Windows Azure, which is expected to invest 8 billion US dollars.

That is Microsoft's cloud computing platform.

Just want to compete with Google Engine and Amazon's E2C.

The tide of cloud computing has finally surged in Silicon Valley.

After Zhou Buqi returned to Beijing, he saw such news materials immediately, and couldn't calm down for a long time. He feels that he has worked hard enough, has done everything that should be done, and has paid enough attention to technical talents and technological development, and has been planning ahead. But compared with the Silicon Valley giants, there is still a huge gap.

Others' cloud computing platform went online easily.

However, their own platform is still in the stage of quarreling and messing up.

There is a long way to go!

But Zhou Buqi was not discouraged.

Cloud computing platforms also have different research directions. If the direction is wrong, no matter how many talents and technology are good, it is useless. In Silicon Valley, Amazon is far from being able to compare with Microsoft and Google, but Amazon is going in the right direction, and it will dominate the cloud computing industry in the next few decades.

In this regard, Zhou Buqi has an advantage.

He took the printed press materials and went to the cloud computing business to meet with Wang Jian, Zhou Feng and several other responsible persons, and further clarified the route of Amazon's E2C. Don't just watch Google and Microsoft enter the market, just start Jealousy doubts himself, thinking about going the route of Google or Microsoft.

We must go on with firm conviction. Our resources are limited and time is precious, and we cannot stand the toss. We must take the shortest path to catch up with Google and Microsoft.

If you don’t want to surpass Amazon, at least you can compete with Microsoft Cloud in the world, right?

However, the recent wind direction is getting more and more wrong, it seems that Microsoft is going to go bankrupt.

Many software companies are proud of suppressing Microsoft. They develop a piece of software casually, claiming that its performance crushes similar products from Microsoft, destroying Microsoft together, and defeating Microsoft's conspiracy...

What's more, a group of people made a PPT, and then invited a bunch of experts and scholars to hold a forum and talk about what kind of software they want to develop, smashing Microsoft's domestic hegemony in one fell swoop.

It is unrealistic for this model to obtain funds from venture capital institutions, but it can apply for a lot of scientific research funds from the state.

In the past, it was still the concept of speculating on the operating system, and it was necessary to break the pattern of the Windows system. Now Microsoft seems to be riddled with holes, and even the software business will be surpassed by us...

This gave Zhou Buqi a headache.

Very helpless.

People who really do things think that Microsoft is the Mount Everest in the industry. However, Microsoft in the media and public opinion has become a weak hillock.

A series of slanderous articles against Microsoft appeared on the Internet.

Zhou Buqi can understand this phenomenon.

Now the technology giant with the highest market value in the world is no longer Microsoft. The market value of China Mobile exceeds 260 billion U.S. dollars, which is 20 billion U.S. dollars higher than Microsoft. Putting Microsoft under its feet can enhance national pride and self-confidence. In particular, this is the Olympic year, which can demonstrate the rise of our great power and prosperity.

A mere Microsoft is nothing to worry about.

But this phenomenon will undoubtedly make the domestic scientific research atmosphere more impetuous.

Microsoft's software business stepped on the corpses of thousands of software companies in Silicon Valley, and came out of the mountains of corpses to dominate the world. It is not something that can be surpassed by shouting slogans.

In fact, this impetuous public opinion atmosphere can also be overcome by Ziweixing.

But the key is that Microsoft's emails have all been sent to Zhou Buqi's mailbox.

It is Microsoft's head chairman and CEO Ballmer.

The content of the email is very simple, expressing that he is very confused about the development of Microsoft's business in China in the past half a year. He thinks that Microsoft has been treated unfairly, and he wants to ask Boss Zhou to clarify his doubts.

Last year, Microsoft China changed the president, and then the situation took a turn for the worse.

Zhou Buqi replied to the email, saying that there was nothing he could do.

It should be midnight in the United States, but Ballmer quickly replied, expressing the hope that Zhou Buqi can work hard and take the lead to help. He does not want to make the relationship deadlocked, and Microsoft does not want to take some countermeasures...

Zhou Buqi laughed angrily.

I think this Ballmer is really a bit stunned, and Bill Gates will definitely not be so ostentatious.

However, such people are often stubborn.

Google can withdraw from the domestic market in a fit of anger, Facebook can make a high-profile announcement that it will not enter the domestic market, and Microsoft is obviously not a soft persimmon. Without Google and Facebook, there are many alternatives, not Microsoft.

Zhou Buqi must not be able to handle this kind of thing, so he can only tell Ballmer in the email, hoping that he will calm down. When the authorities find out that those who shout slogans are cheating funds, the gust of domestic software crushing Microsoft will pass.

However, Ballmer's words were tougher.

Zhou Buqi thought for a long time in the office, and felt that even if this matter had nothing to do with Ziweixing, he might not be able to escape. If you hit the bird with the gun, you are guaranteed to be implicated in yourself, so you find He Yang.

Domestically, Microsoft has been screwed, and Ziweixing will go to the United States to develop, and it will definitely be treated the same.

The sky fell and the tall one suffered.

Ziweixing is the tall one now.

Together, the two felt that this matter could not be shirked, and they had to focus on it, to convey Ballmer's meaning, and to have a good chat with some leaders.

Go for it.

Ballmer probably noticed it too. Hearing that Ziwei Star is going to open a branch in the United States and develop Internet business in the United States, he reminded Zhou Buqi.

Microsoft's treatment in China, no matter whether it has anything to do with Ziwei Star or not, it can only be related.

This level of business competition caught Zhou Buqi off guard.


Senior Sister Zhen Yu has returned to China.

Zhou Buqi personally went to the airport to pick her up, and then called Xu Baihui, Xue Baoshan, Guo Pengfei, Zhang Yinlei, Ji Zi'an, Meng Houkun, the old partners of the Ten Schools Entrepreneurship Alliance in Beijing, to help her clean up the dust.

It's fun and lively.

Speaking of which, Senior Sister Zhenyu is the number two person in the Entrepreneurship Alliance after Zhou Buqi.

Guo Pengfei asked: "Senior Sister Zhen, will you work at Ziwei Star after you come back?"

Zhen Yu pursed her lips, "Well, do the Internet."

She can do whatever she wants, even go back to Jieyu Media.

But Zhou Buqi asked her to come to Ziweixing.

There are too few women in the decision-making ranks of Ziwei Star. After Shi Jinglin left, there was no longer a senior and prestigious female executive.

This is not a good thing.

Women can look at problems from different perspectives and can put forward some different ideas. If the decision-making committee is composed of a group of old men and the perspective is too single, problems will easily arise.

Guo Pengfei was a little afraid that the world would not be chaotic, "Senior Sister Zhen, what level will you be when you come back? I'm M7 now!"

Zhou Buqi almost died of anger and wanted to beat him up!

Zhen Yu was in good condition, and said with a light smile, "Same as you, M7. Boss Zhou told me to go to the south to manage the business of the Pengcheng branch and make efforts on the mobile Internet."

Guo Pengfei frowned, not quite understanding, "I already have M7, why do you also have M7?"

Zhen Yu pulled her hair around her ears, "I was airborne, it's too tall for me."

"How much is your salary?"

"have no idea."

"Have you been allocated a house and a car?"


Zhen Yu thought this Guo Pengfei was so cute.

"Enough!" Zhou Buqi glared at him fiercely, "Shut up!"

Everyone laughed.

Guo Pengfei ignored him, and asked curiously, "Senior Sister Zhen, do you have a date?"

Zhen Yu couldn't help but joked, "What's the matter? Do you want to fall in love with me?"


Everyone booed.

Sure enough, he came back from the United States, his tone is really different, really wild.

Guo Pengfei blushed and said embarrassingly: "It's not me, I have a girlfriend, next year or the year after, I'm going to marry Guan Ting. I just want to remind you, if you don't have a partner, look for it quickly, so as not to be caught by someone Sneak in."


Zhou Buqi raised his eyebrows, feeling that there was something in this kid's words.

Look at the others... ho!

Why are all the eyes so weird?

Zhou Buqi was a little caught off guard.

Fortunately, Xu Baihui helped him clarify in time, and said softly: "Boss Zhou is very dedicated, I will testify to him! There are so many female celebrities under my command, he will not touch any of them!"

"real or fake?"

Guo Pengfei had a look of disbelief.

Xu Baihui said seriously: "It's true, if you don't believe me, ask Baoshan?"

Xue Baoshan's face was flushed, and she gave a soft "um", feeling so ashamed.

The next day, Zhou Buqi, He Yang, Wang Haiyang, and Meng Houkun sent Zhen Yu south to work in the branch office.

The result was a little surprise.

The branch president, Pei Yao, does not delegate power!

She was pregnant, and she was about to give birth in seven or eight months, and she still refused to leave. Her reason is also very good. Next month, the branch will be moving, and it will be moving to the new headquarters.

This period of time is very important, and she has to stand on the last shift.

After the move, she will take maternity leave.

Zhou Buqi and He Yang looked at each other, a little confused.

Is this Pei Yao public or selfish?

Publicity is of course very good.


Back then, Zhen Yu was her leader's leader's leader. Now, Zhen Yu has returned to China to take over her class, is she playing tricks on purpose?

Fortunately, Senior Sister Zhenyu performed very well, and said with a smile: "It happens that I am not very familiar with the business, so I will participate as an ordinary employee and learn about the work from the grassroots level."

Obviously, Zhen Yu is not a good stubble either.

The other party wants to make a difference?

Whether it is true or not, she is not given a chance to show off her power. Instead of going to the president's office, I went directly to the grassroots microservices for a month of private visits, and there was no intersection. When she is on vacation, she will transform into a domineering female president.

Zhou Buqi felt quite emotional, the mind of a strong woman is really complicated.

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